Page 6B East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Friday, October 2, 2015 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Caregivers for sick pets also deserve respite from stress FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE Dear Abby: Our family dog would like to get to know. “Karla” and recently passed away after a year-long my son have been married for four decline. I had grown up with him. He years. My dilemma is texting. Karla had reached the point where he needed refuses to carry on conversations on daily care for his body, even though the phone or in person. Everything has his mind was 100 percent there. Near to be texted. When I have explained the end, things got very bad. I got only to her that I wanted to get to know about four hours of broken sleep a her better and felt that texts were night caring for him, and no one in the impersonal, she claimed that they are Jeanne family would help me. During part of Phillips all she has time for between working his daily care routine, he had a second and taking care of the children. Advice accident all over the freshly cleaned I don’t mind watching the children; ÀRRU,ORVWLWDQGKLWKLP I’d just like to know a day in advance He’s gone now, and I can barely live with unless it’s an emergency. Abby, she is rude, myself. When I think about it, I get nauseated disrespectful and treats me like a servant and dry-heave. I literally hate myself. In my rather than a family member. Am I wrong to book, exhaustion doesn’t give anyone the expect non-emergency things to be scheduled right to do what I did. I’m old enough to know in advance, or is it acceptable to text and say, better. This makes me want to change my life “Hey, I need you to watch the kids. Be here at plans and never have another pet or have chil- noon”? — Hurt Feelings dren — just in case. Am I right? — Lowlife Dear Hurt Feelings: No, you’re not In The Usa wrong. The next time you receive a text like Dear “Lowlife”: Please accept my the one you quoted, send one back that says, sympathy for the loss of your beloved furry “Not available then — need more warning. friend. While what happened is regrettable, Ask sooner next time.” you are wrong to beat yourself up the way Dear Abby: I am blessed to be 70 years you are. There is something called “caregiver old and have few problems. Your column burnout,” which I’m advising you to research. today got me wondering about something. When caregivers are stressed and sleep-de- You answered, “For Pete’s sake...” to a prived, mental health advisers urge them question. I just wondered, who is Pete? I have WR¿QGUHVSLWHFDUHIRUWKHLUSDWLHQW/DFNRI heard the expression all my life and am just sleep can cause people to react badly. curious. — Dale In The South If your family had been more supportive Dear Dale: That’s a good question, and you had had proper rest, you probably because I didn’t know where the phrase would not have snapped. What happened came from either. “For Pete’s sake” is a mild does not mean you are doomed to repeat this oath. According to my online research, it’s with another pet or a child. a cleaned-up version of what was originally Dear Abby: I have a daughter-in-law I “For Christ’s sake.” DAYS GONE BY BEETLE BAILEY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY MORT WALKER BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Oct. 2, 1915 6HOHFWLRQRIWKHMXU\WRWU\/HH'DOHIRUWKH murder of Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Ogilvy was commenced this morning, the case having been advanced on the calendar by reason of the settlement or continuance of other cases. By noon today the regular jury panel, drawn for this term of court, had been exhausted and the case was postponed until Monday at which time a special venire of 15 will be at hand. Eleven jurors were passed for cause this morning by both the defense and state and six were excused for cause. When the twelfth juror is passed, there will still be eighteen peremptory challenges which may be exer- cised, the state having six and the defense twelve in a murder trial. Dale is accused of the murder of Charles Ogilvy and his wife at their ranch on California Gulch. The principal evidence of the state is circumstantial, though 0U2JLOY\EHIRUHKLVGHDWKLGHQWL¿HG'DOH as their assailant. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Oct. 2, 1965 Bureau of Reclamation development in North Morrow County is drawing interest in Washington, D.C., Morrow County Judge Paul Jones said Thursday. Both Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall and Rep. Al Ullman have expressed interest in a large irrigation project for the area. Jones said 8GDOO YLVLWHG WKH UHJLRQDO RI¿FH LQ 3RUWODQG Thursday to pick up all information on the proposed developments. A group of Eastern and Western Oregon investors announced plans to invest $5.75 million in developing an irrigation district and said they would need a work force of 200-300 persons for potato and alfalfa processing plants. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Oct. 2, 1990 The Pilot Rock Rockets have canceled a scheduled Columbia Basin Conference high school football game for the second week in a row. Pilot Rock, which forfeited to Wahtonka Friday, will forfeit to Heppner in a game originally scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Friday at Heppner. Pilot Rock is low in numbers, with just 15 players at its last practice, Pilot Rock coach Deacon Perkins said. Pilot Rock started the season with 22 on the roster, but attrition’s been high. Players are missing because of “injuries, disciplinary kinds of things and eligibility problems,” Perkins said. “We’re down to playing inexperienced kids, it’s kind of a sad state of affairs.” THIS DAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Today is the 275th day of 2015. There are 90 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On October 2, 1985, actor Rock Hudson, 59, died at his home in Beverly Hills, California, after battling AIDS. On this date: In 1780, British spy John Andre was hanged in Tappan, New York, during the Revolutionary War. In 1835WKH¿UVWEDWWOHRI the Texas Revolution took place as American settlers fought Mexican soldiers near the Guadalupe River; the Mexicans ended up withdrawing. In 1890, comedian Groucho Marx was born Julius Marx in New York. In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson suffered a serious stroke at the White House that left him para- lyzed on his left side. In 1939, the Benny STONE SOUP BIG NATE Goodman Sextet (which LQFOXGHG /LRQHO +DPSWRQ PDGH WKHLU ¿UVW UHFRUGLQJ “Flying Home,” for Columbia. In 1944, German troops crushed the two-month-old Warsaw Uprising, during which a quarter of a million people had been killed. In 1955, the suspense anthology “Alfred Hitch- cock Presents” premiered on CBS-TV. In 1967, Thurgood Marshall was sworn as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court as the court opened its new term. In 2002, the Wash- ington, D.C.-area sniper attacks began, setting off a frantic manhunt lasting three weeks. (John Allen 0XKDPPDG DQG /HH %R\G 0DOYRZHUH¿QDOO\DUUHVWHG for 10 killings and three woundings; Muhammad was executed in 2009; Malvo was sentenced to life LQSULVRQ Today’s Birthdays: Country singer-musician /HRQ5DXVFK%RE:LOOVDQG WKH 7H[DV 3OD\ER\V LV 5HWLUHG0/%$OO6WDU0DXU\ :LOOVLV0RYLHFULWLF5H[ Reed is 77. Singer-songwriter 'RQ 0F/HDQ LV &DMXQ country singer Jo-el Sonnier is 69. Actor Avery Brooks is 67. Fashion designer Donna Karan is 67. Photographer $QQLH /HLERYLW] LV 5RFN musician Mike Rutherford (Genesis, Mike & the 0HFKDQLFVLV6LQJHUDFWRU Sting is 64. . Rock singer Phil 2DNH\7KH+XPDQ/HDJXH is 60. Rhythm-and-blues singer Freddie Jackson is 57. Rock musician Bud Gaugh 6XEOLPH(\HV$GULIWLV Actress-talk show host Kelly 5LSD 79 ³/LYH ZLWK .HOO\ DQG0LFKDHO´LV Thought for Today: ³7KHUH¶VRQHZD\WR¿QGRXW if a man is honest — ask him. If he says ‘yes’ you know he is a crook.” — Groucho Marx (1890-1977). BY JAN ELLIOT BY LINCOLN PEIRCE