Page 6A OPINION East Oregonian Wednesday, September 16, 2015 OTHER VIEWS Founded October 16, 1875 KATHRYN B. BROWN Publisher JENNINE PERKINSON Advertising Director DANIEL WATTENBURGER Managing Editor TIM TRAINOR Opinion Page Editor OUR VIEW Yesterday or tomorrow? Will the 2016 presidential election be a referendum on the past five decades? The great collisions in history to move on and away from what has are between the past and the future. been a fundamental assumption of $PRQJRWKHUWKLQJVWKDW¶VZKDWWKH )ORULGDSROLWLFVIRU¿YHGHFDGHV $PHULFDQ&LYLO:DUZDVDERXW ,Q$PHULFDQGRPHVWLFSROLWLFV You could see it in last week’s one sees the generational divide news about the clearly in the multi-nation Iran profound shift in accord. When the public attitudes Generations remainder of Senate toward gays and are split on Democrats declared lesbians. Polling their positions on support for the president’s shows the treaty, two things the rights of gays actions — with and lesbians varies became apparent. President Obama inversely with Republican KDGVXI¿FLHQW the voter’s age. support to defeat the ideas embraced It’s the same with RSSRVLWLRQ$QGD and by older people. marijuana, majority of Jewish to a lesser extent senators, including immigration. Oregon’s Ron It is not yet clear Wyden, supported the deal. what the Democratic side of the $KLJKSUR¿OHVXEWH[WRIWKH 2016 presidential race will be. But Iran debate has been pressure from whoever emerges from a crowded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin 5HSXEOLFDQ¿HOGZLOODOPRVW 1HWDQ\DKXDQGWKH$PHULFDQ,VUDHO assuredly be focused on a return to 3XEOLF$IIDLUV&RPPLWWHHWRGHIHDW the past. the treaty in Congress. Last week’s It doesn’t take much to warp QHZVEHWUD\HGDGHFOLQHLQ$,3$&¶V 'RQDOG7UXPS¶V³0DNH$PHULFD LQÀXHQFH$,3$&¶VKLVWRULFDOO\KLJK *UHDW$JDLQ´VORJDQLQWR³0DNH visibility and reputed clout masked $PHULFD/LNH,W8VHG7R%H´7KDW DVSOLWZLWKLQWKH$PHULFDQ-HZLVK backward perspective is a hallmark population on the Iran deal. of the current crop of conservatives. The newer Jewish lobby, J Street, 5HFHQWO\FROXPQLVW$QGUHZ represents a younger population, and Rosenthal noted within the LWIDYRUHGWKH,UDQDFFRUG$FFRUGLQJ Republican base “an article of faith to Pew Research, a majority of that the advancement of women and -HZLVK$PHULFDQVDOVRIDYRUHGWKH minorities somehow harms white deal. men.” $VLPLODUJHQHUDWLRQDOVSOLWLV The advancement of women and DSSDUHQWLQ&XEDQ$PHULFDQV¶ minorities kind of sums up the past response to President Obama’s \HDUVLQ$PHULFD,IWKDWLQGHHG restoration of diplomatic relations becomes our choice next November, ZLWK&XED)RUPDQ\\RXQJHU it will be a fascinating referendum &XEDQ$PHULFDQVWKHUHLVDGHVLUH for our country. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the East Oregonian editorial board of Publisher Kathryn Brown, Managing Editor Daniel Wattenburger, and Opinion Page Editor Tim Trainor. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of the East Oregonian. OTHER VIEWS ([SDQGLQJ&OHDQ:DWHU$FW may doom Oregon agriculture JUDQWHGDQLQMXQFWLRQSUHYHQWLQJWKH(3$ IURPXVLQJLWVGH¿QLWLRQRIZDWHUVRIWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHVWRHQIRUFHWKH&OHDQ:DWHU The saddest part of the following $FWLQWKRVHVWDWHV question is that we even need to ask it. We’re disappointed that Oregon is not Does Oregon’s state government among those 13 states. care more about empowering federal But that’s hardly the worst of it. bureaucrats than it does about the 2UHJRQ$WWRUQH\ ranchers and farmers General Ellen whose operations Rosenblum didn’t contribute billions of merely decline to dollars annually to the join those states in state economy? defending a vital We don’t blame the industry against an Oregon Cattlemen’s overzealous executive $VVRFLDWLRQIRUSRVLQJ branch, which insists that query. RQUHGH¿QLQJLWV The issue revolves jurisdiction even around which WKRXJKWKH86+RXVH waterways the federal of Representatives government has the both this year and last authority to regulate passed a resolution under the 1972 Clean FDOOLQJIRUWKH(3$ :DWHU$FW to withdraw such a 7KH86 proposal. Environmental Instead, Rosenblum 3URWHFWLRQ$JHQF\ went along with six (3$LQODWH-XQH other states and the opined that its 'LVWULFWRI&ROXPELDLQ¿OLQJDOHJDO DXWKRULW\XQGHUWKH&OHDQ:DWHU$FW H[WHQGVWR³ZDWHUVRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV´ PRWLRQVXSSRUWLQJWKH(3$¶VGH¿QLWLRQ rather than only to major rivers and lakes and its expanded authority to regulate water. GH¿QHGDV³QDYLJDEOH´ Rosenblum did so with the support of 7KLVLVDVLJQL¿FDQWFKDQJH *RY.DWH%URZQDQGRI¿FLDOVIURPWKH :DWHUVRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVEDVHG Oregon Department of Environmental RQWKH(3$¶VSURSRVHGGH¿QLWLRQ Quality and Division of State Lands, could include tributaries to navigable said Ellen Klem, a spokeswoman in the waterways. $WWRUQH\*HQHUDO¶VRI¿FH 7KHGH¿QLWLRQLVVXI¿FLHQWO\PXUN\ We’re not suggesting that Rosenblum moreover, that it’s not implausible to EHOLHYHWKH(3$FRXOGFODLPMXULVGLFWLRQ is obligated to side with the agriculture industry on every legal matter. over seasonal waters such as irrigation But neither did she have to use state ditches. UHVRXUFHVWREROVWHUWKH(3$¶VFDVH Ranchers and farmers, naturally, By doing so Rosenblum, whether ZRUU\WKDWWKH(3$¶VSRWHQWLDOO\ intentionally or not, implies either that expanded authority could threaten their ranchers’ and farmers’ concerns about access to water, a commodity every bit WKH(3$¶VEURDGHQHGDXWKRULW\DUH as vital to a ranch or farm as it is to a exaggerated, or worse, that such fears person. DUHOHJLWLPDWHEXWWKDWJLYLQJWKH(3$ Thirteen states, most in the West, are FKDOOHQJLQJWKH(3$¶VGH¿QLWLRQLQFRXUW more regulatory power is worthwhile even if one of Oregon’s most important ,QODWH$XJXVWDIHGHUDOFRXUWLQ1RUWK industries suffers as a result. Dakota (one of the 13 plaintiff states) The Baker City Herald Ranchers and farmers worry that the EPA’s potentially expanded authority could threaten their access to water —a vital commodity. $PHULFDLVDOUHDG\JUHDW G iven all the talk, courtesy of sell. Donald Trump, of making Then, of course, there’s $PHULFDJUHDWDJDLQ,¶YHEHHQ Luxembourg. thinking about European greatness. 1RJUHDWQHVVLV$PHULFD¶VWKLQJ One state, Great Britain, does of now, the recurrent frisson of a still- course have its greatness built in, but IULVN\SRZHUQRWGHÀDWHGHYHQE\WZR still the idea sits strangely. wars without victory. Ronald Reagan, Europe is done with greatness. It who also had striking hair, declared thinks greatness leads to trouble. It’s more than three decades ago, “Let’s Roger been great — and suffered. The Great 0DNH$PHULFD*UHDW$JDLQ´7UXPS Cohen War (1914-18) killed about 8.5 million LVPRUHSHUHPSWRU\DVEH¿WVDPDQRI Comment combatants and as many as 13 million EXOO\LQJLQFOLQDWLRQ³0DNH$PHULFD civilians — not so great, really. Before *UHDW$JDLQ´ that, a million people or so died in Ireland’s +H¶VGRLQJJUHDWZLWKLW+H¶VLGHQWL¿HGD *UHDW)DPLQH JHQXLQHQHHG7KHUH¶VZRUNWRGRRQ$PHULFDQ Great European empires unraveled, often greatness. in bloodshed. Several hundred thousand I’m not sure, but I think it was while sitting ZHUHNLOOHGEHIRUH)UDQFHOHIW$OJHULD1RW RQWKH6HYHQWK$YHQXHH[SUHVVRIWKH1HZ so great, either. No wonder York City subway looking at Great Britain is thinking of a map that helpfully showed breaking itself up. stops for the Lexington )URP6ZHGHQWR6LFLO\ $YHQXHOLQHZKHQZDWHU greatness is looked at started dripping on my askance. It feels like a head from the subway car code word for bellicosity, ceiling and an inaudible self-delusion and shoot- announcement was made, from-the-hip hubris. It has that I realized I was back in a whiff of danger: far better the greatest nation on earth. to curtail ambition and Or was it as I gazed embrace ordinariness. Better at a man channeling his to be the face in the crowd EULVWOLQJGH¿DQFHLQWRWKH than the face on the cover of occupation of three subway Time magazine. seats rather than one, or as Still, here’s a possible I listened to voices much VORJDQIRUWKH)UHQFK louder and more assertive presidential election: “Make than they needed to be, or )UDQFH*UHDW$JDLQ´,FDQ as I struggled to identify hear the seismic rumble of a station with no visible dissent on the Rive Gauche sign naming it, or as the already.) temperature in the subway elevator hit 100 How? By believing in God, to begin with. GHJUHHV)DKUHQKHLWWKDWWKHWKRXJKWKLWPH Belief in God leads to belief in God-given WKDW$PHULFDZDVLQGHHGWKHJUHDWHVWQDWLRQRQ PLVVLRQVZKLFKPXVWEHJRRGE\GH¿QLWLRQ earth? $QWLFOHULFDOLVPZDVWKHVWDUWRIWKH ,FDQQRWVD\ZKHQ$PHULFDEHLQJWKH XQUDYHOLQJRI)UHQFKJUHDWQHVV greatest nation on earth really sunk in. It might Or perhaps by sending a neo-Napoleonic have been as I walked along a garbage-strewn army out across the Continent (even as far as street in Queens beneath a bridge so corroded Moscow but without that painful retreat); by it seemed not of the last century but of the one instilling an entrepreneurial spirit; by banning before that. Or as I peeled small stickers off moroseness through decree; by restoring the fruit and vegetables (I’d forgotten in Europe scandal-tainted presidency to the monarchical about those pesky little charmers) while splendor envisaged by De Gaulle; by listening to Trump confuse Iran’s Quds force scrapping the 35-hour workweek; by getting with the Kurds. Every foreign war — and tough on something (possibly immigration); plenty loom if there’s a Trump presidency — by manufacturing multicolored campaign LVDQ$PHULFDQJHRJUDSK\OHVVRQ KDWVWKDWVD\³/D)UDQFH7HUUHeWHUQHOOH $PHULFDPD\EHJUHDWLQIDFW,ZRXOG GH*UDQGHXU´²³)UDQFH(WHUQDO/DQGRI argue it is, but it sure doesn’t look great right Greatness.” now. Europe looks better but is shrunken 7KDWVKRXOGGRLW:RXOGEHJUHDW within. Or how about, “Let’s Make Italy Great Europe’s divisions, endlessly pored over, $JDLQ´,W¶VKDUGWRNQRZZKHUHWREHJLQ DPRXQWLQWKHHQGWRZKDW6LJPXQG)UHXG really. Italian interest in greatness is about as called “the narcissism of minor differences.” deep as its interest in swapping its cuisine for The Continent is united in the rejection of QHLJKERULQJ$OEDQLD¶V*UHDWQHVV%HHQWKHUH JUHDWQHVVZKLOHWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVFDQQRW done that, a couple of millennia ago. picture itself without it. $¿UVWVWHSPLJKWEHUHYLYLQJJODGLDWRULDO The most dangerous point in the arc of combat at Rome’s Colosseum, or making a nation’s power is when the apogee of its the trains run on time (again), or abandoning greatness is passed but it is not yet resigned the consolations of style and beauty for WRGHFOLQH7KDW¶VZKHUH7UXPS¶V$PHULFDLV the thrill of shock and awe, or, of course, Which is really, really great. manufacturing chic “La Grandezza Italiana” Ŷ (“Italian Greatness”) campaign caps. Roger Cohen joined The New York Times “Make Italy Great” is going to be a tough in 1990. The most dangerous point in the arc of a nation’s power is when the apogee of its greatness is passed, but it is not yet resigned to decline. YOUR VIEWS Distracted driving is killing unfocused Oregonians Oregon now has the ignoble distinction of being the state with the highest increase in WUDI¿FIDWDOLWLHVLQWKHQDWLRQIRUWKH¿UVWKDOI of this year. Why? The devil is in the details. What would you do if there was a 59 percent increase in the homicide rate in your city? What would you do if there was a 59 percent increase in infant deaths in your community due to some local condition? Would you be moved to action? What would you do if there was a 59 SHUFHQWLQFUHDVHLQWUDI¿FIDWDOLWLHVRQ2UHJRQ VWUHHWVDQGURDGVIRUWKH¿UVWKDOIRIRYHU the same period in 2014? Would it make you a more defensive driver? Would you watch your speed more carefully? Would you keep your eyes off that most recent text you received while driving? While the full analysis has not been done on the “why,” there may be a recurring theme. Let’s ask a personal question: How often do you text, eat, check GPS, insert a CD, smoke, text/talk on your cell, etc. while you are driving? How often have you seen others doing the same? Distracted driving — and walking or biking — is taking your mind off the immediate and demanding task of navigating the roadway ahead of you. This navigation is likely the most dangerous activity we do on a regular basis. Why don’t we give it our absolute and utmost attention? Wake up Oregon. Our choices are killing us. Choosing to drive distracted; choosing to drive too fast for conditions; to drive/ ride unbelted; to drive impaired or drowsy, to follow too closely and on and on. These WUDJLFDOO\IDWDOWUDI¿FFUDVKHVDUHQRW accidents. In a quote from National Highway 7UDI¿F6DIHW\$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ³WKHYDVW majority of all fatal and non-fatal injuries in $PHULFDLQFOXGLQJWUDI¿FLQMXULHVDUHQRWDFWV of fate but are predictable and preventable.” ,QD1+76$SXEOLFDWLRQIURP)HEUXDU\RI WKLV\HDUSHUFHQWRIWUDI¿FFUDVKHVZHUH attributed to driver recognition, decision and performance errors. You have control over your driving choices, but you do not have control over the consequences. Don’t make a deadly choice. Drive smart — drive un-distracted. Larry Christianson 8785N LLC 7raf¿c 6afety (ducation Merlin, Ore. LETTERS POLICY The East Oregonian welcomes original letters of 400 words or less on public issues and public policies for publication in the newspaper and on our website. The newspaper reserves the right to withhold letters that address concerns about individual services and products or letters that infringe on the rights of private citizens. Submitted letters must be signed by the author and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number. The phone number will not be published. Unsigned letters will not be published. Send letters to 211 S.E. Byers Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 or email