Wednesday, August 12, 2015 PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK East Oregonian Page 7A DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Husband embraces online contact all too eagerly FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE Dear Abby: Are senior citizens who is fantastic. “Kyle” is smart, having more affairs these days? I trustworthy, kind — and incredibly used to laugh at the “old couples’ sex gorgeous. The problem is, he has two letters” I’d see in your column — until Boston terriers who drive me crazy it hit home. — one in particular whose breathing My husband (age 68) ran into a is so loud all the time that we can’t 38-year-old ex-waitress friend. They even hear a TV program or each other had lunch, which led to emails and speak. That dog is super hyper and texts, which led to sexts and then has destroyed numerous things in my Jeanne a full-blown affair. I believe these Phillips house. Kyle’s house reeks of doggy personal/secretive forms of commu- odor, and the dogs also have horrible Advice nication make going from texting to gas and vomit often. sexting much too easy. If we are staying over at my place, Our generation didn’t have much sexual his dogs come with him. I hate it! It is the freedom growing up. I think men of that weirdest thing, but I notice my anxiety level generation have a “go for it before it’s too rises when the dogs are here, running around late” mentality, and the combination of the and snorting uncontrollably. There are other Internet and Viagra is making it possible. issues, but I don’t want to write a novel. Should every couple insist on access to I am trying to live in the moment and not their spouse’s devices? How do you broach let it bother me. But in this moment, it is intru- the subject? I wish I had seen the number of sive and annoying. What can I do? — Bryan texts being sent early on. Then this whole In Chicago ugly affair might have been averted. Now my Dear Bryan: Kyle may be gorgeous, but trust, my respect and our marriage are all in he doesn’t appear to be a very responsible pet crisis. — Sharon In Naples, Fla. owner. He should have asked his veterinarian Dear Sharon: Technology and medicine to check his dogs when he realized they were are extending the sex lives of many seniors having repeated gastrointestinal upsets. As to these days. However, I don’t think it’s neces- the poor animals’ breathing, it may be because sary for couples to check each other’s elec- short-faced dogs are prone to breathing prob- tronic devices if there is no cause for suspi- lems. cion. In your case, because of your husband’s It’s possible that Kyle is so used to the LQ¿GHOLW\\RXGRKDYHWKDWULJKW²DQGWKH doggy odor in his house that he no longer way to broach the subject is to tackle it head smells it. That’s why it couldn’t hurt to tell him on. And if you haven’t already, insist that your YOU have noticed it, that it’s overwhelming, husband join you in marriage counseling. and it’s time to get a professional cleaning Dear Abby: I am dating a guy (seriously) crew in there. DAYS GONE BY BEETLE BAILEY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY MORT WALKER BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Aug. 12, 1915 Carl Guiott is in need of a private secre- tary. Since the recovery of his eyesight his mail has increased until its volume rivals that received by a millionaire philanthropist and the task of answering it might easily rob Mr. Guiott of some of the pleasure which results from the passing of his blindness. The letters come from friends and strangers alike. Friends are sending him their congratulations and strangers want to know how it happened. Some write out of curiosity alone, some are interested in his statements that he was helped E\DXWRVXJJHVWLRQDQGVRPHKDYHDIÀLFWLRQV of their own and reach out to Mr. Guiott for helpful suggestions. Mr. Guiott yesterday had his eye carefully and thoroughly tested by a physician and an optician to discover whether or not there is a lens that will strengthen his eye for reading purposes. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Aug. 12, 1965 Eleven Boy Scouts, one Cub scout (son of Scoutmaster Ervin Williams) and the Rev. Al Boyer left Echo Monday at 6 a.m. for a 154-mile bicycle journey that will take them to Emigrant Springs State Park and return on their week long trip. In addition to the cyclists the group is accompanied by Dill Penney, who is carrying supplies in a pickup and trailer. Not only camping supplies and food are being carried but a supply of tools, bicycle repair parts, and a portable welder in the event of a major break-down of any of the bicycles. The bicycles being used for the most part are ¿YHWDQGHPPRGHOVWKDWZHUHEXLOWHVSHFLDOO\ for the trip by Mr. Boyer. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Aug. 12, 1990 Under the leadership of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, the troops of the 41st Infantry Division — including Company G of Pend- leton’s National Guard 186th Infantry unit — battled their way through the jungles of New Guinea to thwart the Japanese aggression in WKH3DFL¿F7KHQDPHVGDWHVDQGGHVFULSWLRQV of war revive memories for men of the 41st like Luther Garner of Pendleton, a member of Pendleton’s Company G, which stormed 3DFL¿F LVODQG EHDFKHV DQG IRXJKW KDQGWR hand jungle combat against the Japanese during World War II. Now, 50 years after that lanky, 27-year-old joined the service, Garner is looking forward to the September anniversary convention in Portland that will mark the induction of the Oregon National Guard’s 41st Infantry Division into the active U.S. Army. THIS DAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Today is the 224th day of 2015. There are 141 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On August 12, 1985, the world’s worst single-aircraft disaster occurred as a crip- pled Japan Airlines Boeing RQ D GRPHVWLF ÀLJKW crashed into a mountain, killing 520 people. (Four people survived.) On this date: In 1867, President Andrew Johnson sparked a move to impeach him DV KH GH¿HG &RQJUHVV E\ suspending Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. In 1898 ¿JKWLQJ LQ WKH Spanish-American War came to an end. In 1902, International Harvester Co. was formed by a merger of McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., Deering Harvester Co. and several other manufacturers. In 1915, the novel “Of Human Bondage,” by William Somerset Maugham, STONE SOUP BIG NATE ZDV ¿UVW SXEOLVKHG LQ WKH United States, a day before it was released in England. In 1939, the MGM movie musical “The Wizard of Oz,” starring Judy Garland, had its world premiere at the Strand Theater in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, three days before opening in Hollywood. In 1944, during World War II, Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., eldest son of Joseph and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, was killed with his co-pilot when their explosives-laden Navy plane blew up over England. In 1953, the Soviet Union conducted a secret test of its ¿UVWK\GURJHQERPE In 1960 WKH ¿UVW EDOORRQ communications satellite — the Echo 1 — was launched by the United States from Cape Canaveral. In 1981, IBM introduced LWV ¿UVW SHUVRQDO FRPSXWHU the model 5150, at a press conference in New York. In 1994, Woodstock ‘94 opened in Saugerties, New York. Today’s Birthdays: Former Sen. Dale Bumpers, D-Ark., is 90. Actor George Hamilton is 76. Actress Dana Ivey is 74. Actress Jennifer Warren is 74. Rock singer-musician Mark .QRSÀHU 'LUH 6WUDLWV LV 66. Actor Jim Beaver is 65. Singer Kid Creole is 65. Jazz musician Pat Metheny is 61. Actor Sam J. Jones is 61. Actor Bruce Greenwood is 59. Country singer Danny Shirley is 59. Pop musician Roy Hay (Culture Club) is 54. Rapper Sir Mix-A-Lot is 52. Actor Peter Krause is 50. Actor Brent Sexton is 48. International Tennis Hall of Famer Pete Sampras is 44. Actor-comedian Michael Ian Black is 44. Actress Yvette Nicole Brown is 44. Actress Rebecca Gayheart is 44. $FWRU&DVH\$IÀHFNLV Thought for Today: “The secret to life is meaningless unless you discover it your- self.” — From “Of Human Bondage” by W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965). BY JAN ELLIOT BY LINCOLN PEIRCE