Page 2A WEATHER (DVW2UHJRQLDQ TODAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Breezy with some sun Partly sunny and nice Pleasant with plenty of sunshine 92° 61° 86° 56° REGIONAL CITIES Forecast FRIDAY SATURDAY Sunshine A thunderstorm in the afternoon PENDLETON TEMPERATURE FORECAST 84° 53° 91° 63° 87° 61° HERMISTON TEMPERATURE FORECAST 94° 59° 88° 55° PENDLETON through 3 p.m. yesterday TEMPERATURE HIGH LOW 87° 89° 104° (1978) 65° 60° 40° (1910) PRECIPITATION 24 hours ending 3 p.m. Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Last year to date Normal year to date 0.00" 0.00" 0.03" 5.00" 7.71" 7.98" HERMISTON through 3 p.m. yesterday LOW 91° 90° 103° (1939) 61° 59° 42° (1937) 0.00" 0.00" 0.02" 3.25" 4.23" 5.94" SUN AND MOON Aug 6 5:42 a.m. 8:20 p.m. 10:48 p.m. 11:01 a.m. First Full Aug 14 Aug 22 Aug 29 John Day 90/57 Ontario 95/63 Bend 84/46 Caldwell 95/61 Burns 88/51 Today Astoria Baker City Bend Brookings Burns Enterprise Eugene Heppner Hermiston John Day Klamath Falls La Grande Meacham Medford Newport North Bend Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem Spokane Ukiah Vancouver Walla Walla Yakima Beijing Hong Kong Jerusalem London Mexico City Moscow Paris Rome Seoul Sydney Tokyo REGIONAL FORECAST Hi 90 91 95 71 76 73 77 89 89 57 92 (DVW2UHJRQLDQ(USPS 164-980)LVSXEOLVKHGGDLO\H[FHSW6XQGD\0RQGD\ DQG'HFE\WKH(20HGLD*URXS6(%\HUV$YH3HQGOHWRQ25 3HULRGLFDOVSRVWDJHSDLGDW3HQGOHWRQ25Postmaster:VHQGDGGUHVVFKDQJHVWR (DVW2UHJRQLDQ6(%\HUV$YH3HQGOHWRQ25 Eastern Washington: Clouds and sun today; a thunderstorm in spots in the north in the afternoon. Cascades: Periods of clouds and sun today; a thunderstorm in spots, except dry across the north. Northern California: Low clouds followed by some sun at the coast today; partly sunny elsewhere. 1 SRO\FKORULQDWHGELSKHQ\OVDQG other pollutants from entering the river. “Monsanto knew that 3&%V ZRXOG FRQWDPLQDWH ZDWHUVXSSOLHVZRXOGGHJUDGH PDULQH KDELWDWV ZRXOG NLOO ¿VK VSHFLHV DQG ZRXOG HQGDQJHU ELUGV DQG DQLPDOV´ WKH FRPSODLQW VD\V ³,Q DGGL- WLRQ 0RQVDQWR NQHZ 3&%V DUH DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK VHULRXV LOOQHVVHV DQG FDQFHUV LQ KXPDQVDQGWKDWKXPDQVPD\ EHH[SRVHGWR3&%V´WKURXJK HDWLQJRUWRXFKLQJ¿VK Monsanto was the sole SURGXFHU RI 3&%V EHWZHHQ DQG ZKHQ &RQJUHVV EDQQHG WKHP 7KH Corrections The East OregonianZRUNVKDUGWREHDFFXUDWHDQG sincerely regrets any errors. If you notice a mistake in WKHSDSHUSOHDVHFDOO Wed. Lo 71 81 72 59 54 53 64 72 76 45 82 4 6 6 4 1 The higher the UV Index™ num- ber, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2015 Single copy price: 7XHVGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\6DWXUGD\ HFRQRP\IRUWKHIXWXUH´ 7KRXJK HIIRUWV WR DGRSW D FDSDQGWUDGH V\VWHP RI UHGXFLQJ FDUERQ HPLVVLRQV IDLOHG LQ 2UHJRQ VLJQHG DQ DJUHHPHQW ZLWK &DOLIRUQLD :DVKLQJWRQ DQG %ULWLVK&ROXPELDLQWR put a price on greenhouse gas HPLVVLRQV DQG PDQGDWH WKH use of cleaner-burning fuels. Oregon also calls on utilities to use renewable HQHUJ\IRUSHUFHQWRIWKHLU UHGXFWLRQ $VLGH IURP 3RUWODQG *HQHUDO(OHFWULF¶V%RDUGPDQ plant, Oregon also buys coal- ¿UHGSRZHUIURPRWKHUVWDWHV Overall, coal accounts IRU D WKLUG RI WKH HOHFWULFLW\ XVHGLQWKHVWDWHZLWKQDWXUDO JDV SHUFHQW DQG ZLQG SHUFHQW DFFRUGLQJ WR the Oregon Department of Energy website. and you say “I’m Really Beat!” “I’ve Got Big Feet?!” Sound Advantage Hearing Aid Center 541-567-4063 405 N. 1st St., Suite #107, Hermiston 541-215-1888 Ric Jones, BC-HIS 246 SW Dorion, Pendleton Verna Taylor, HAS Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. -10s -0s showers t-storms 0s 10s rain 20s flurries 30s 40s snow ice 50s 60s cold front 70s 80s 90s 100s warm front stationary front 110s high low National Summary: The threat for severe weather will diminish today; however, wide- spread thunderstorms will impact locations across the country. Cooler air will bring relief to the Northeast and West. Yesterday’s National Extremes: (for the 48 contiguous states) High 112° in Needles, Calif. Low 36° in Tuolumne Meadows, Calif. NATIONAL CITIES Today Albuquerque Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Birmingham Boise Boston Charleston, SC Charleston, WV Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit El Paso Fairbanks Fargo Honolulu Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Kansas City Las Vegas Little Rock Los Angeles Hi 91 95 88 91 82 97 93 88 91 85 82 81 99 90 81 99 79 79 91 96 83 89 85 105 98 86 Lo 65 74 72 65 59 74 66 70 75 64 62 61 81 58 60 75 56 56 78 78 65 73 68 80 77 67 W s s pc pc t s t c pc t s pc s t pc s pc pc pc pc pc pc t s pc pc Hi 93 94 86 89 83 94 89 83 94 85 82 76 101 94 78 102 74 77 89 97 83 91 81 106 92 88 Wed. Lo 67 73 68 64 58 74 61 63 76 65 66 59 82 61 61 75 51 60 77 78 67 72 68 81 76 67 W s pc s pc t pc t pc pc pc c pc s pc pc pc sh c sh s t t t s pc pc Today Hi Louisville 88 Memphis 98 Miami 91 Milwaukee 79 Minneapolis 80 Nashville 94 New Orleans 92 New York City 90 Oklahoma City 90 Omaha 84 Philadelphia 91 Phoenix 111 Portland, ME 82 Providence 88 Raleigh 93 Rapid City 82 Reno 90 Sacramento 84 St. Louis 88 Salt Lake City 91 San Diego 80 San Francisco 73 Seattle 79 Tucson 106 Washington, DC 94 Wichita 82 Lo 71 79 78 61 61 73 77 73 73 69 71 87 61 68 72 60 61 58 73 69 69 60 59 78 74 69 W t pc pc s s pc pc pc t pc pc s c c pc t pc pc t pc pc pc pc s pc t Hi 89 92 90 76 80 93 91 87 97 86 88 112 78 85 94 85 91 92 84 91 80 73 76 106 91 92 Wed. Lo 72 77 79 64 64 73 78 67 73 69 67 89 58 62 70 59 58 60 72 67 70 58 58 80 72 71 W t t t pc t t t s s t s s pc pc s s s s t pc pc pc s s s s Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. NEWS To submit news tips and press releases:‡FDOO‡ ID[‡HPDLOQHZV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Jennine Perkinson ‡MSHUNLQVRQ#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP To submit community events, calendar items and Your EO News: HPDLOFRPPXQLW\#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRPRUFDOO7DPP\0DOJHVLQL LQ+HUPLVWRQDWRU5HQHH6WUXWKHUVLQ3HQGOHWRQDW Multimedia consultants • Jeanne Jewett ‡MMHZHWW#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP • Dayle Stinson 541-966-0806 • • Terri Briggs ‡WEULJJV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP To submit engagements, weddings and anniversaries: HPDLOUVWUXWKHUV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRPRUYLVLWZZZHDVWRUHJRQLDQ FRPFRPPXQLW\DQQRXQFHPHQWV ClassiÀed Advertising: ‡FODVVL¿HGV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP To submit a Letter to the Editor:PDLOWR0DQDJLQJ(GLWRU'DQLHO :DWWHQEXUJHU6(%\HUV$YH3HQGOHWRQ25RUHPDLO HGLWRU#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP Legal Advertising:$PDQGD-DFREV ‡DMDFREV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP To submit sports or outdoors information or tips: ‡VSRUWV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP Real Estate Advertising: Jodi Snook ‡MVQRRN#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP COMMERCIAL PRINTING Shane Weston VZHVWRQ#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP DA agrees with Bend man’s self-defense claim PORTLAND (AP) — A Central Oregon PDQFKDUJHGZLWKPXUGHUDIWHUWKHVKRRWLQJ GHDWKRIKLVIULHQGKDVQRZEHHQFOHDUHGD SURVHFXWRUVDLG0RQGD\ Deschutes County District Attorney -RKQ+XPPHOVDLGDGGLWLRQDOHYLGHQFHDQG DSRO\JUDSKWHVWVXSSRUW'DQLHO1RUTXLVW¶V FODLPRIVHOIGHIHQVH “It is never too late to ensure justice is VHUYHG´+XPPHOVDLGLQDVWDWHPHQW 7KH YLFWLP $QGUHZ &RUGHV RI %HQG Corn ZDV VKRW IRXU WLPHV VKRUWO\ DIWHU PLGQLJKW -XO\ &RXUW UHFRUGV VKRZ WKH ZHDSRQ was a shotgun. 1RUTXLVWDQG&RUGHVKDGEHHQ IULHQGV IRU PRUH WKDQ D GHFDGH DQG OLYHG QH[WGRRUWRHDFKRWKHULQDGXSOH[RZQHG E\&RUGHV The two were together for several hours EHIRUHWKHJXQ¿UHHUXSWHGLQ1RUTXLVW¶VVLGH RIWKHGXSOH[%RWKPHQZHUHLQWR[LFDWHG +XPPHOVDLG Hammer Toe Bunion Diagnosis & Treatment: • Corns/Calluses • Hammertoes • Ankle Pain & Instability • Routine Toenail Care • Orthotics/Arch Supports • Ingrown/Fungal Toenails • Bunions/Bone Spurs • Ankle & Foot Injuries/Fractures • Ulcers/Skin Disorders • Warts FKHPLFDOV GHYHORSHG E\ Monsanto as a coolant in HOHFWULFDO WUDQVIRUPHUV DQG FDSDFLWRUVZHUHXVHGLQPDQ\ SURGXFWV LQFOXGLQJ SDLQW K\GUDXOLF ÀXLGV VHDODQWV DQG LQN$FFRUGLQJ WR WKH ODZVXLW 0RQVDQWROHDUQHGE\WKHV that the chemicals were toxic, EXW LW FRQWLQXHG PDNLQJ WKHP DQGFRQFHDOHGWKHGDQJHUIURP JRYHUQPHQWRI¿FLDOV 0RQVDQWRVDLGLQDZULWWHQ statement that a previous incarnation of the company SURGXFHG WKH 3&%V ZKLFK LW VDLG³VHUYHGDQLPSRUWDQW¿UH SURWHFWLRQDQGVDIHW\SXUSRVH´ Special Services: • Board Certified Care • X-rays - In Office • Sports Medicine • Hospital & Office Based Surgery S TACEY J. C LARKE , DPM & T RAVIS T. H AMPTON , DPM Pendleton Medical Center Suite 11 • Pendleton, OR 97801 (541) 963-0265 • (888) 843-9090 Seeing Patients in Pendleton Starting September 8 Also Seeing Patients in La Grande “Summer Days & Country Ways” August 19-23, 2015 FAIR: When they say W c s s pc t pc s s t s s 0-2, Low 3-5, Moderate 6-7, High; 8-10, Very High; 11+, Extreme Spokane sues Monsanto over contamination SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — The city of Spokane is suing the international agrochemical giant Monsanto, which it blames for pollution in the Spokane River. 7KH ODZVXLW ¿OHG ODVW week in U.S. District Court in Spokane, alleges that the FRPSDQ\ VROG FKHPLFDOV WKDW LW NQHZ IRU GHFDGHV ZHUH D GDQJHU WR SHRSOH DQG WKH environment, The Spokes- man-ReviewUHSRUWHG 7KHVXLWGRHVQ¶WVSHFLI\WKH GDPDJHV EHLQJ VRXJKW %XW 0DUOHQH )HLVW WKH FLW\¶V XWLO- LWLHVVSRNHVZRPDQQRWHGWKH FLW\ ZLOO VSHQG PLOOLRQ in the coming years to keep Hi 90 90 92 72 78 72 86 90 86 61 92 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. 2UHJRQFRQ¿GHQWRIPHHWLQJ president’s carbon goals GRANTS PASS — State RI¿FLDOV VD\ 2UHJRQ LV LQ JRRGVKDSHWRPHHWWKHORZHU carbon emissions goals for power plants set by Presi- GHQW 2EDPD¶V QHZ SODQ IRU combating climate change. The Clean Power Plan LVVXHG 0RQGD\ E\ WKH 86 Environmental Protection $JHQF\ VHWV D JRDO RI D SHUFHQWUHGXFWLRQIURPOHYHOV LQIRU2UHJRQ Department of Envi- ronmental Quality climate change specialist Colin McConnaha says Oregon is DOUHDG\ RQ WUDFN IRU PDMRU UHGXFWLRQV ZLWK WKH RQO\ FRDO¿UHGSRZHUSODQWVHWWR FORVH LQ DQG XWLOLWLHV ZRUNLQJ RQ GHYHORSLQJ percent of their electricity W pc s s pc t s pc s pc pc s WSW 7-14 W 8-16 SUBSCRIPTION RATES /RFDOKRPHGHOLYHU\ 6DYLQJVRIIFRYHUSULFH (=3D\ SHUFHQW ZHHNV SHUFHQW ZHHNV SHUFHQW ZHHNV SHUFHQW (=3D\ RQH\HDUUDWHZLWKDPRQWKO\FUHGLWRUGHELWFDUGFKHFNFKDUJH from renewable energy by WKH\HDU McConnaha notes the SODQ LV SDJHV DQG LW ZLOOWDNHVRPHWLPHWRGHWHU- PLQH GHWDLOV RI KRZ 2UHJRQ will act. ³,W¶V VDIH WR VD\ ZH DUH ZHOO SRVLWLRQHG EXW LW ZLOO EHVHYHUDOGD\VRIORRNLQJDW QXPEHUV´ EHIRUH LW ZLOO EH clear whether more cuts will EHUHTXLUHGWRPHHWWKHJRDO KHDGGHG *RY .DWH %URZQ FRPPHQGHG WKH SUHVLGHQW on taking steps to combat climate change. “We have long been a OHDGHULQFOHDQHQHUJ\GHYHO- RSPHQWWRWKHEHQH¿WRIFLWL- ]HQVLQRXUVWDWH´VKHVDLGLQ a statement. “Making smart HQHUJ\ LQYHVWPHQW GHFLVLRQV QRZ LV FULWLFDO WR EXLOGLQJ D PRUHUHVLOLHQWDQGVXVWDLQDEOH Lo 71 80 75 58 56 53 57 71 76 42 81 Wednesday Copyright © 2015, EO Media Group By JEFF BARNARD Associated Press W pc pc s pc s pc s s s s s pc pc s s s t s pc s s s s s s pc s Today Didn’t receive your paper?&DOO EHIRUHSP7XHVGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\ RUEHIRUHDP6DWXUGD\ for same-day redelivery Lo 54 41 42 57 43 43 50 49 55 49 47 47 37 59 50 52 57 54 56 56 40 53 56 41 53 61 53 WSW 8-16 W 10-20 Subscriber services: For home delivery, vacation stops or delivery concerns: 1-800-522-0255 To subscribe, call 1-800-522-0255 or go online to and click on ‘Subscribe’ Hi 70 83 79 72 85 80 86 84 88 84 84 84 77 90 65 67 91 90 86 80 83 83 81 80 79 87 89 UV INDEX TODAY Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. 211 S.E. Byers Ave., Pendleton 541-276-2211 333 E. Main St., Hermiston 541-567-6211 2I¿FHKRXUV0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\DPWRSP &ORVHGPDMRUKROLGD\V W pc t t pc t t pc t pc t pc t t pc pc pc t pc pc pc t pc pc t pc pc pc Today Boardman Pendleton Klamath Falls 85/52 — Founded Oct. 16, 1875 — Lo 57 47 46 56 51 49 51 54 59 57 52 53 41 62 51 53 63 56 61 57 46 54 58 51 55 65 55 WORLD CITIES (in mph) Coastal Oregon: Partly sunny today; however, low clouds followed by sunshine in the south. Eastern and Central Oregon: A thunder- storm in spots this afternoon, but dry across the north. Western Washington: Clouds and sun today. Partly cloudy tonight. Sunshine and patchy clouds tomorrow. Hi 71 87 84 70 88 86 86 89 94 90 85 90 82 94 65 67 95 95 92 82 87 85 87 86 81 93 93 NATIONAL WEATHER TODAY Wed. WINDS Medford 94/62 PRECIPITATION 24 hours ending 3 p.m. Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Last year to date Normal year to date Albany 84/52 Corvallis 86/51 Eugene 86/51 HIGH Sunrise today Sunset tonight Moonrise today Moonset today Last New 91° 60° Spokane Wenatchee 87/58 91/64 Tacoma Moses 80/53 Lake Pullman Aberdeen Olympia Yakima 92/58 86/51 71/55 79/52 93/55 Longview Kennewick Walla Walla 77/56 93/65 Lewiston 95/59 Astoria 94/63 71/57 Portland Enterprise Hermiston 82/57 Pendleton 86/49 The Dalles 94/59 92/61 88/59 La Grande Salem 90/53 85/54 TEMPERATURE Yesterday Normals Records 93° 58° Seattle 79/59 ALMANAC Yesterday Normals Records 86° 52° 7XHVGD\$XJXVW Wednesday, Aug. 19th Exotic Animals Mechanical Bull Kid Fun Zone Animal Weigh-In 4-H Food Contest FFA Tractor Driving Pet Show for public 4-H Fashion Revue 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest RDO Tractor Pull Thursday, Aug. 20th Exotic Animals Mechanical Bull Kid Fun Zone Ice Cream Social Talent Show Old Time Fiddlers FFA Floral Design OTPR/NPRA Slack Murray's Wine Tasting Featuring: Joe Lindsay Luke Basil THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SPONSORS! RODEO: Friday, Aug. 21st Exotic Animals Mechanical Bull Kid Fun Zone 4-H/FFA Showmanship Master Showmanship Youth Dance 4-H sponsored OTPR/NPRA Rodeo After Rodeo Band Michele Drey & Branded Saturday, Aug. 22nd Exotic Animals Mechanical Bull Kid Fun Zone Parade FFA Awards Buyers Luncheon Livestock Auction OTPR/NPRA Rodeo After Rodeo Band Michele Drey & Branded Sunday, Aug. 23rd All Exhibits Released Morrow Country Rodeo