RECORDS Thursday, July 30, 2015 PUBLIC SAFETY LOG TUESDAY ‡$PDQDWDPDVNHG3HQGOHWRQSROLFHWRVHQGDQRI¿FHUWR WKH3HQGOHWRQ.2$&DPSJURXQG6(7KLUG6WEHFDXVH KHZDVDUJXLQJZLWKKLVJLUOIULHQGDQGZDVFRQFHUQHGLWFRXOG escalate. ‡$ZRPDQDWDPUHSRUWHGDEXUJODU\DQGWKHIWRIWRROV DQGPRUHIURPKHUVKRSRQ:LQHVDS5RDG0LOWRQ)UHHZDWHU ‡$FDOOHUDWDPUHSRUWHG¿QGLQJD³EXQFKRIJDUEDJH´ RQ0LOOHU5RDG0LOWRQ)UHHZDWHUWKDWLQFOXGHGDEHHUERWWOHDQG DUHFHLSWZLWKDQDPHDQGSKRQHQXPEHU ‡$UHVLGHQWRI&RXQW\5RDGRXWVLGH0LOWRQ)UHHZDWHUDW SPUHSRUWHGWKHWKHIWRIFDVKDQGDSLFWXUH ‡$3HQGOHWRQPDQDWSPVDLGKLVH[JLUOIULHQGFDPH LQWRKLVDSDUWPHQWRQ6RXWKZHVW)RXUWK6WUHHWWRJHWKHU EHORQJLQJVDQGVWROHKLVIDWKHU¶VDVKHV ‡7KH8PDWLOOD&RXQW\6KHULII¶V2I¿FHDWSPUHFHLYHGD UHSRUWRIKRUVHQHJOHFWRQ%ULGJH5RDG+HUPLVWRQ7KHFDVHLV XQGHULQYHVWLJDWLRQ ‡$3LORW5RFNUHVLGHQWDWSPUHSRUWHGKH³ZHQWDIWHU´ KLVQHLJKERU¶VDJJUHVVLYHGRJDQGWKHQWKHQHLJKERUFDPHRYHU DQGWKUHDWHQHGKLP ‡$Q$WKHQDUHVLGHQWDWSPDVNHGIRUODZHQIRUFHPHQW WRGHDOZLWKWZRGRJVWKDWURDPEDUNDQGVQDSDWSHRSOH ‡$8PDWLOODZRPDQUHSRUWHGDVXVSLFLRXVPDOHZKRFODLPHG WREHZLWK'LUHF796KHWROGSROLFHDWSPWKHZKLWHPDOH FDPHWRKHUKRPHRQ:HQDWFKHH6WUHHWDQGVDLGKHZDVZLWK WKHEURDGFDVWVDWHOOLWHVHUYLFHSURYLGHUVRVKHOHWKLPLQ%XWKH DFWHGVWUDQJHVKHVDLGGLGQRWSURGXFH'LUHF79LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ DQGGLGQRWKDYHDYHKLFOH+HH[LWHGDQGWKHQWRRNSKRWRVRI KHUKRXVH6KHSURYLGHGKLVQDPHDQGVDLGKHZRUHD8WDKEDOO FDSDQGDJUHHQVKLUW ‡$FDOOHUDWSPUHSRUWHGWKUHH\RXQJPDOHVZHUH UXQQLQJRQWKHURRIRIWKHROG,QWHUSDWK/DEVEXLOGLQJDW 6RXWKZHVWWK6WUHHWDQG/DGRZ$YHQXH3HQGOHWRQ ‡$ZRPDQDWSPRQ/DZVRQ6W0LOWRQ)UHHZDWHU DVNHGWRVSHDNWRD8PDWLOOD&RXQW\VKHULII¶VGHSXW\DERXWZKR WRRNKHU¿UHDUP7KHFDVHLVXQGHULQYHVWLJDWLRQ ARRESTS, CITATIONS ‡6WDQ¿HOGSROLFHDUUHVWHG7KRPDV:LOOLDP%DUURI 6WDQ¿HOGIRUIRXUWKGHJUHHDVVDXOWDQGKDUDVVPHQW MEETINGS THURSDAY, JULY 30 COLUMBIA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, QRRQ SP 3RUWRI0RUURZ6DQG+ROORZFRQ IHUHQFH URRP 0DULQH 'ULYH %RDUGPDQ FRIDAY, JULY 31 BUSINESS OREGON COMMIS- SION, DP2[IRUG6XLWHV +RWHO 6: &RXUW 3ODFH 3HQGOHWRQ5\DQ)UDQN MONDAY, AUG. 3 OREGON WHEAT COMMIS- SION, DP 3RUW RI 0RUURZ 0DULQH 'ULYH %RDUGPDQ -RLQW PHHWLQJZLWK2UHJRQ:KHDW)RXQ GDWLRQ DQG 2UHJRQ :KHDW *URZ HUV /HDJXH 'LDQD 7KRPSVRQ HEPPNER PLANNING COM- MISSION, SP +HSSQHU &LW\ +DOO10DLQ6W M I LT O N - F R E E WAT E R PLANNING COMMISSION, 7 SP 0LOWRQ)UHHZDWHU 3XEOLF /L EUDU\$OEHH5RRP6:(LJKWK $YH WESTON PLANNING COM- MISSION, SP 0HPRULDO +DOO(0DLQ6W TUESDAY, AUG. 4 WESTON LIBRARY BOARD, SP :HVWRQ 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ (0DLQ6W IRRIGON PLANNING COM- MISSION, SP,UULJRQ&LW\+DOO 1(0DLQ6W MEACHAM VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SP 0HDFKDP)LUH'HSDUWPHQW0HD FKDP BOARDMAN CITY COUN- CIL, SP %RDUGPDQ &LW\ +DOO &LW\&HQWHU&LUFOH PENDLETON CITY COUN- CIL, SP 3HQGOHWRQ &LW\ +DOO FRXQFLO FKDPEHUV 6: (P LJUDQW$YH PILOT ROCK CITY COUN- CIL, SP FRXQFLO FKDPEHUV :0DLQ6W STANFIELD CITY COUNCIL, SPFRXQFLOFKDPEHUV: &RH6W UMATILLA CITY COUNCIL, 7 SP8PDWLOOD&LW\+DOO6L[WK 6W WEDNESDAY, AUG. 5 MORROW COUNTY COURT, DP3LRQHHU$QQH[FRQIHUHQFH URRP5RFN6W+HSSQHU HERMISTON AIRPORT AD- VISORY COMMITTEE, SP +HUPLVWRQ $LUSRUW ORXQJH $LUSRUW:D\ BLUE MOUNTAIN BOARD OF EDUCATION, SP7%$ PENDLETON FACADE COMMITTEE, SP3HQGOH WRQ &LW\ +DOO FRPPXQLW\ GHYHORS PHQWFRQIHUHQFHURRP6: 'RULRQ$YH UMATILLA COUNTY FAIR BOARD, SP 8PDWLOOD &RXQW\ )DLUJURXQGV : 2U FKDUG$YH +HUPLVWRQ CONDON CITY COUNCIL, SP &RQGRQ &LW\ +DOO 6 0DLQ6W UMATILLA FIRE DISTRICT, 7 SP:LOODPHWWH$YH8PDWLO OD0F1DU\ HELIX SCHOOL BOARD, +HOL[ 6FKRRO OLEUDU\ 0DLQ6W THURSDAY, AUG. 6 ADAMS PLANNING COM- MISSION, SP$GDPV &LW\ +DOO10DLQ6W COMING EVENTS THURSDAY, JULY 30 WALKING FOR WELLNESS, DP 3HQGOHWRQ 5HF UHDWLRQ &HQWHU 6: 'RULRQ $YH PRESCHOOL STORY AND CRAFT TIME, DP 0LO WRQ)UHHZDWHU 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ 6:(LJKWK$YH/LOL6FKPLGW BOARDMAN SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, QRRQ%RDUGPDQ6H QLRU&HQWHU7DWRQH6W&RVWV IRUVHQLRUVDQGROGHUDQG IRUDGXOWV HERMISTON SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, QRRQ+HUPLVWRQ6H QLRU&HQWHU:2UFKDUG$YH &RVWVIRUDGXOWVFKLOGUHQRYHU DQG 0HDOV RQ :KHHOV KRPH GHOLYHU\IUHHIRUFKLOGUHQXQGHU ([WUD FHQWV LI FHQWHU SURYLGHV WDEOHVHUYLFHRUGLVKHV7UDQVSRU WDWLRQ FDQ EH DUUDQJHG E\ GRQD WLRQ PENDLETON SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, QRRQ 3HQGOHWRQ 6HQLRU &HQWHU 6: WK 6W &RVWV IRU VHQLRUV IRU WKRVH XQGHU ,QFOXGHV SRRO SX]]OHV FUDIWV VQDFNV 6HFRQG 7LPH$URXQGWKULIWVWRUHDPWR SP)RU0HDOV2Q:KHHOVFDOO &$3(&2DW SKILLS FOR LIFE, SP 3HQGOHWRQ5HFUHDWLRQ&HQWHU 6:'RULRQ$YH7KH¿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’S NIGHT, SP +HUPLVWRQ 7HUUDFH$VVLVWHG /LYLQJ:+LJKODQG$YH-RLQ MDPVHVVLRQRUMXVWOLVWHQ5HIUHVK PHQWVVHUYHG OPEN MIC NIGHT, SP *UHDW 3DFL¿F :LQH &RIIHH &R 60DLQ6W3HQGOHWRQ(QMR\ ORFDOWDOHQWRUWU\\RXUKDQGDWWKH VWDJH&DOOWRJHWRQ SHUIRUPHUVOLVW FRIDAY, JULY 31 WALKING FOR WELLNESS, DP 3HQGOHWRQ 5HF UHDWLRQ &HQWHU 6: 'RULRQ $YH HEPPNER FARMER’S MAR- KET, DP WR SP +HSSQHU &LW\3DUN)RRGFUDIWDQGJDUGHQ YHQGRUV STORY TIME, DP +HUPLVWRQ 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ ( *ODG\V$YH TODDLER STORY TIME, DP 3HQGOHWRQ 3XEOLF /L EUDU\6:'RULRQ$YH PENDLETON FARMERS MAR- KET, SP WR GXVN EORFN 6RXWK 0DLQ 6WUHHW 3HQGOHWRQ %URZVH IUHVK SURGXFH PHDWV EDNHG JRRGV DQG SODQWV ORFDOO\ FUDIWHG MHZHOU\ DQG LWHPV IRU WKH KRPH(%7GHELWDQGFUHGLWFDUGV ZHOFRPH SHQGOHWRQIDUPHUVPDU NHWQHW NIGHT OF WORSHIP AND PRAYER, SP +HUPLVWRQ $V VHPEO\ RI *RG &KXUFK ( +XUOEXUW $YH ,QVSLUDWLRQDO WLPH RI ZRUVKLS DQG SUDLVH RU WESLEY BELL RINGERS CON- CERT, SP )LUVW 3UHVE\WHUL DQ&KXUFK6:'RULRQ$YH 3HQGOHWRQ )HDWXULQJ WHHQDJH EHOO ULQJHUV SOD\LQJ PRUH WKDQ KDQGEHOOVDQGKDQGFKLPHV$ IUHHZLOORIIHULQJZLOOEHWDNHQ MOVIES IN THE PARK, SP GXVN 0F.HQ]LH 3DUN 6 )LUVW6W+HUPLVWRQ(QMR\DIDP LO\IULHQGO\PRYLH%ULQJDFKDLURU EODQNHW)UHH SATURDAY, AUG. 1 FIRST SATURDAY BREAK- FAST, DP%RDUGPDQ 6HQLRU &HQWHU 7DWRQH 6W &RVW LV LQFOXGHV HJJV KDP VDXVDJHKDVKEURZQVSDQFDNHV ELVFXLWV DQG JUDY\ FRIIHH MXLFH DQGPLON HERMISTON’S OWN FARM- ERS MARKET, DP WR SP 0F.HQ]LH 3DUN 6 )LUVW 6W +HUPLVWRQ )RRG FUDIWV OLYH PX VLFDUW PARKING LOT SALE, DP$JDSH+RXVH: +DUSHU5RDG+HUPLVWRQ&ORWKLQJ LWHPVIRUIXUQLWXUHSULFHGDV PDUNHG NQLFNNQDFNV \RX QDPH WKHSULFHERRNVDQGPRUH'DYH FREE FOR ALL, DP 3HQGOHWRQ &HQWHU IRU WKH $UWV 1 0DLQ 6W )DPLO\ DUW H[SHULHQFHIRUFKLOGUHQXSWRDJH &KLOGUHQ XQGHU VKRXOG EH DFFRPSDQLHG E\ DQ DGXOW FREE ADMISSION SATURDAY, DPWRSP+HULWDJH6WDWLRQ 0XVHXP 6: )UD]HU $YH Pendleton. LIVING CULTURE VILLAGE AT TAMASTSLIKT, DP WR SP7DPDVWVOLNW&XOWXUDO,QVWLWXWH :LOGKRUVH %OYG 0LVVLRQ 9LHZ UHSOLFDV RI WUDGLWLRQDO DQG SUHKLVWRULF3ODWHDXSHRSOH East Oregonian Page 5A OBITUARIES Ernest ‘Ernie’ Rostock Pendleton February 1, 1920-July 26, 2015 Longtime Pendleton resi- dent Ernest “Ernie” Rostock, 95, passed away at Suttle Care facility in Pendleton on Sunday, July 26th. Ernie was born in La Grande, Oregon, Feb. 1, 1920, to parents Jacob and Ethel Rostock. He grew up in La Grande with brothers Glen and Edward and sister Helen. A 1938 graduate of La Grande High School, he was an outstanding college basketball player at Eastern Oregon State College where he poured Rostock in 1,688 career points in four years of competition. Although he played at the small college level, his scoring record was established playing against most of the top schools in the Northwest. Rostock’s scoring mark was a milestone in that it eclipsed the mark set the year before by the great Hank Lusetti of Stanford. Rostock was on the all-con- ference team both his junior and senior years and led the conference in scoring. In KHZDVWKH¿UVWDWKOHWH from his college to be chosen for induction into NAIA Division II Hall of Fame. In 1988 he was inducted into the Eastern Oregon State College Hall of Fame. Ernie is one of only three men to play, coach and referee in the state triple A basketball tournament. His activities in these areas spanned a period from the 1930s to 1980. He coached Pendleton High School basketball from 1946-1951. Ernie continued his basketball prowess in the Navy during WWII where he was a starter on the Memphis Naval Air technical training center basketball team. He served in the Navy Air Corp from 1943-45. In 1947 he married Carolyn Elizabeth Williams and they celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary this past March. Together they raised three children, Mark, Julie and Jill. Carolyn has been a loving and supporting companion for Ernie. In addition to his interest in all sports, Ernie’s hobbies LQFOXGHGKXQWLQJ¿VKLQJDQG bowling and going to garage sales. Ernie began his career in education in 1945 teaching health and science at the elementary level in Herm- iston, Ore. In 1946 he was hired in Pendleton to teach PE and health at Helen McCune Junior High school. He remained at Helen McCune for 13 years. Ernie received his Masters of Education in 1951 from the University of Oregon. He served as prin- cipal at John Murray Junior High from 1959 until his retirement in 1980. Ernie’s life was centered on his family and his community. He spent 34 years in the Pendleton educa- tion system and impacted the lives of many students. Ernie served his community in many organiza- tions over the 69 years he lived in Pendleton: county president of United Good Neighbors, member of the United Methodist Church for 60 years, Kiwanis Club, Pendleton Frontier collectors club, County Mental Health Division Board and Eastern Oregon Alcoholism Foundation are just a few of the many organizations that he was involved with. After his retirement in 1980 Ernie and Carol began a second career when they opened an antique store in Pendleton called “My Wife’s Antiques.” Ernie was an avid collector all his life so the store provided a perfect opportunity for the two of them working together doing something they enjoyed. Ernie was always a very competitive person and strived to excel in all areas of his life. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Ernie is survived by his wife Carolyn Rostock of Pendleton; children Mark Rostock, Key Largo, Florida, Julie (Greg) Hart, Connell, Washington, and Jill (Cliff) Banister of Pendleton; and grandsons Eric (Chafen) Hart, Dallas, Texas, and Brian (Kelli) Hart of Seattle, Washington. Ernie was blessed with ¿YH JUHDWJUDQGFKLOGUHQ Allie, Hal, Lucy, Dottie and Andrew. Ernie was preceded in death by his parents, siblings Helen (Wallace) Allen, Edward Rostock and Glenn (Marge) Rostock, and grand- daughter Emily Louise Hart. The family is grateful for the kind and supportive care that was given to Ernie during his years at McKay Creek Estates and Suttle Care. A memorial service for Ernie will take place on Friday, July 31st at 10:00 at the First United Meth- odist Church in Pendleton, followed by interment at Olney Cemetery in Pend- leton. Online condolences may be sent to COMMUNITY CALENDAR THURSDAY, JULY 30 TUMBLEWEED TOASTMAS- TERS, DP &RQIHUHQFH 5RRP *RRG 6KHSKHUG 0HGLFDO &HQWHU 1: WK 6W +HUPLVWRQ 9LVLWRUV ZHOFRPH ARTS AND CRAFTS FROM THE DRY SIDE, DP WR SP EDVHPHQW RI $VVHPEO\ RI *RG &KXUFK (DVW +XUOEXUW $YH +HUPLVWRQ 8VH WKH 6HYHQWK 6WUHHWHQWUDQFH QHU VWDUWV NDUDRNH EHJLQV DW SP3HQGOHWRQ(DJOHV/RGJH1R 6 0DLQ 6W 3HQGOHWRQ 2SHQ WR PHPEHUV DQG JXHVWV PENDLETON ELKS LODGE NO. 288SPGLQQHUSP /RGJHPHHWLQJ6(UG6W HERMISTON ELKS, SP (0DLQ6W MAIN ST. COWBOYS, SP *HQHUDO 0HPEHUVKLS 6( &RXUW$YH3HQGOHWRQ UMATILLA DOG WALKING CLUB, DP6ZLW]OHU6WDW WKH GRJ ZDVK LQ IURQW RI 8PDWLOOD +LJK6FKRRO ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL OF HERMISTON, QRRQ$5&RI 8PDWLOOD &RXQW\ : 2UFKDUG $YH HERMISTON ROTARY CLUB, 7/29 - 7/30 PENDLETON LIONS CLUB, Cineplex Show Times $5 Classic Movie QRRQ 7ULQLW\ (YDQJHOLFDO /X WKHUDQ &KXUFK 3DULVK +DOO )LIWK 6WUHHWDQG/RFXVW$YH SP 5RRVWHUV 5HVWDXUDQW 6RXWKJDWH HERMISTON HORSESHOE CLUB, SP :HEHU )LHOG 6)LUVW6W+HUPLVWRQ5LFN5HE PDQ ARC OF UMATILLA COUNTY BINGO, SPGRRUVRSHQELQJR VWDUWV DW SP : 2UFKDUG $YH+HUPLVWRQ PENDLETON EAGLES BURG- ERS AND KARAOKE, SP GLQ M-F FM/AM DRIVE - IN RADIO SOUND 938-4327 Gates Open at 8:00 p.m. Showtime starts at dusk ANT-MAN PG13 PIXELS PG13 Always two movies for the price of one! Fri. - Wed. Adults $7, Children 11 & Under $2 8/5  12:00 PM INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE ANT MAN (PG13) 2D: 4:40 7:10 3D : 9:40 PAPER TOWNS (PG13) 4:10 6:50 9:30 PIXELS (PG13) 2D: 4:50 7:20 3D : 9:50 VACATION (R) 4:20 7:00 9:20 MINIONS (PG) 4:30 6:40 9:10 Credit & Debit Cards accepted Cineplex gift cards available * Matinee Pricing 541-966-1850 Pendleton, OR I-84 - Exit 216 Robert L. Lowe Pendleton October 16, 1928-July 26, 2015 Robert L. Lowe, a Pend- leton resident, passed away July 26, 2015, at a Pendleton care facility. He was 86 years old. A memorial service will be held Friday, July 31, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. at the Mission Assembly of God Church, 47328 Short Mile Road in Mission. Sign the online condolence book at www.burnsmortuary. com Burns Mortuary of Pendleton is in charge of arrangements. Robert was born October 16, 1928, in Gooding, Idaho, to Leonard C. and Mae A. (Dallman) Lowe. He married Dorris S. Pickelsmier on February 14, 1953. The couple had three daughters, Tarina, Cynthia and Robin, and made their home in Pendleton in 1970. Bob was a welder by trade. He had worked on a ranch for a time; he helped build Brownlee Dam as well as Highway 80 from Baker City to Portland, Oregon; he was a welder on gas lines; and had also worked for Comp- tone Construction, Rogers Rock Crushing and Valentine Road Construction. He was a member of Local 701. His hobbies included spending time with his horses and gold mining. He was a member of the Mission Assembly of God Church. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Dorris Lowe, and daughters Tarina Thomas and husband Robert, Cynthia Darlington and husband Rod, and Robin Weller, as well as seven grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. UPCOMING SERVICES THURSDAY, JULY 30 BEASON, DOROTHY — Celebration of life service at 2 p.m. at the First Christian Church, 775 W. Highland Ave., Hermiston. FRIDAY, JULY 31 HESLER, TERRIE — Viewing from 5-8 p.m. at Muel- ler’s Tri-Cities Funeral Home, 1401 S. Union St., Kennewick, Wash. LOWE, BOB — Memorial service at 11 a.m. at the Mission Assembly of God Church, 47328 Short Mile Road, Mission. MYERS, MICHAEL — Celebration of life at 2 p.m. at Bonnie & Leslie’s Homestyle Seafood, 109 Sixth St., Port Orford, Ore. ROSTOCK, ERNIE — Memorial service at 10 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 352 S.E. Second St., Pend- leton, followed by interment at Olney Cemetery, Pendleton. SIMPSON, JOEL — Memorial service and celebration of life at 11 a.m. at Gateway City Church, 5883 Eden Park Place, San Jose, Calif. OBITUARY POLICY The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can in- clude small photos and, for veterans, a flag symbol at no charge. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Expanded death notices will be published at no charge. These in- clude information about services. Obituaries and notices can be submitted online at www.eastorego-, by email to, by fax to 541-276-8314, placed via the funeral home or in person at the East Oregonian office. For more information, call 541-966-0818 or 1-800-522-0255, ext. 221.