Page 6B East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Thursday, July 9, 2015 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Man objects to girlfriend’s family vacation with ex FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE Dear Abby: My girlfriend has been this will be a deal breaker — which is divorced for two years. She shares an ultimatum — are you tolerating it? custody of her two girls, ages 5 and Dear Abby: I’m a 17-year-old girl 6, with her ex. She wants to remain about to head off to college. I have a friends with him for the sake of the great relationship with my father, but girls. I have supported her friendly my mother and I are not on the best relationship with him despite the of terms. repeated lies he tells and the deceptive Half the time, she’s loving and stories he makes up in an attempt to supportive and willing to spend time Jeanne break us up. Phillips with me. Other times, she is verbally Recently, he decided he wants to and emotionally abusive. She’ll call Advice take his daughters away for a long me a failure and a disappointment, weekend. He invited my girlfriend to and cry for no reason (most likely to come along and plans to pay for everything, get attention). including a hotel room with two beds they will She has done this since my childhood, and share. I have said repeatedly that this vacation I want to escape her toxicity by shutting her and the arrangements are a deal breaker for out of my life as an adult. However, she has me. She assures me that her intent is to be threatened suicide (she has tried it before). with her daughters and she has no desire for My father is on her side and says he intimacy with her ex. She refuses to change will refuse contact with me if I disown her. her mind and says I need to trust her. The fact I want to keep them both in my life, but it is, I don’t trust HIM based on his actions and KDVEHFRPHWRRGLI¿FXOWWRHQGXUHKHUDEXVH many issues between them in the past. anymore. Please help. — College Bound In Am I paranoid or obsessing over this? The Midwest I’d appreciate your input. — Uneasy Down Dear College Bound: You’re an intelli- South gent young woman. I’m sure that by now you Dear Uneasy: You are neither obsessing have realized that your mother has serious nor paranoid. You are normal. Because the emotional issues for which one can only hope ex seems intent on breaking you up and he she is receiving professional help. seems to have no girlfriend in the picture, you When you leave for college, you will no have a right to feel uneasy. (I’m assuming longer be subjected to her mood swings or WKDW \RXU ODG\ IULHQG LV SK\VLFDOO\ ¿W DQG LI the hurtful comments she makes when she’s necessary she could defend her virtue.) not herself. Once you have completed your Questions that occur to me are: Why would education you will be on your own, and will she want to go away for a long “family” most likely make a life for yourself wherever weekend under these circumstances? Why your profession takes you. It isn’t necessary would she insist on it even though she knows to make any decisions about cutting anyone it bothers the man with whom she has a rela- out of your life now. Time will take care of tionship? And why, after informing her that your problem. DAYS GONE BY BEETLE BAILEY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY MORT WALKER BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian July 9, 1915 Woe unto the speeders, male or female, hereafter. The day of suspended sentences is over and the guilty will be punished in their pocketbooks according to the extent of the offenses. It has been so ordered. Heretofore, it has been the custom of Recorder Fitz Gerald WR¿QHPDOHVSHHGHUVRQWKHLU¿UVWRIIHQVHWKH minimum amount and to suspend sentence upon speeders of the other sex pending good behavior. This custom, in the view of some members of the council, is not having the desired effect and the recorder was last evening instructed to exercise no more leni- ency with offenders, regardless of sex. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian July 9, 1965 $ JUDVV ¿UH QH[W WR WKH SRSXODWHG 6KHU- wood Heights area burned down one shed DQG WKUHDWHQHG WZR KRPHV DQG D JUDLQ ¿HOG shortly after 5 p.m. Thursday. Since the property is outside the city limits and not in DQ\¿UHSURWHFWLRQGLVWULFWWKH3HQGOHWRQ)LUH Department, which sent two trucks and 22 men to the scene, had to stand off and watch WKH¿UHEXUQ7KH¿UHPHQFRQFHQWUDWHGWKHLU HIIRUWVWRPDNLQJVXUHWKH¿UHGLGQRWVSUHDG into the city limits. Pendleton Grain Growers VHQW D ULJ WR VWRS WKH ¿UH WKDW PDGH VHYHUDO LQURDGVLQWRD¿HOGRIEDUOH\RZQHGE\'DQ Bell. A shed or garage belonging to contractor August Stettner was touched off by the grass ¿UHDQGEXUQHGWRWKHJURXQG1HLJKERUVDQG a Pendleton policeman sprayed water from JDUGHQKRVHVWRNHHSWKH¿UHIURPDGYDQFLQJ toward the Stettner home and a home rented to Jerry Myrick at 3305 SW Hailey. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian July 9, 1990 Charlie Daniels wasted no time burning horse hair Friday evening, playing to an audience of about 1,800 people in the concert bowl at the Red Lion. It was the second concert in three years for the Charlie Daniels Band, which performed as the Round-Up and Happy Canyon headliner in 1987. Except for one incident at the end of the show, concert- goers were well behaved. A 20-year-old Irrigon man, Scott Collins, was seriously injured when he dove into the duck pond that separated the crowd and the band. Collins was one of three young men who dove into WKH SRQG GXULQJ WKH ¿QDO VRQJ $ QXUVLQJ supervisor at St. Mary Medical Center said Collins suffered a neck injury and was in serious and stable condition. THIS DAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Today is the 190th day of 2015. There are 175 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On July 9, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was read aloud to Gen. George Washington’s troops LQ1HZ