NATION/WORLD Wednesday, July 8, 2015 BRIEFLY Greece gets until Sunday for proposals to stave off collapse BRUSSELS (AP) — Frustrated and angry eurozone leaders fearing for the future of their common currency gave the Greek SULPHPLQLVWHUDODVWPLQXWH FKDQFH7XHVGD\WR¿QDOO\ FRPHXSZLWKDYLDEOH SURSRVDORQKRZWRVDYHKLV FRXQWU\IURP¿QDQFLDOUXLQ Overcoming their VXUSULVHZKHQ$OH[LV7VLSUDV IDLOHGWRSUHVHQWWKHPZLWKD GHWDLOHGUHIRUPEOXHSULQWWKH leaders reluctantly agreed to D¿QDOVXPPLWRQ6XQGD\ VD\LQJWKHGD\VOHDGLQJXS WRLWFRXOGJLYHERWKVLGHV DQRSSRUWXQLW\WRVWDYHRII FROODSVHRIWKHVWUXJJOLQJEXW GH¿DQWPHPEHUQDWLRQ Underscoring the gravity RIWKHFKDOOHQJH(XURSHDQ Union President Donald Tusk decided to call all 28 EU leaders to Brussels, EHFDXVHIRUWKHEORFLW³LV PD\EHWKHPRVWFULWLFDO moment in our history.” French President Francois Hollande insisted much was DWVWDNH³,W¶VQRWMXVWWKH SUREOHPRI*UHHFH²LW¶V WKHIXWXUHRIWKH(XURSHDQ Union,” he said. Highlighting the rising DQJHUZLWK7VLSUDVRYHU months of foot-dragging and VXUSULVLQJQHJRWLDWLQJWZLVWV (XURSHDQ&RPPLVVLRQ President Jean-Claude Juncker had a stark warning for Greece. ³:HKDYHD*UH[LW VFHQDULRSUHSDUHGLQGHWDLO´ KHVDLGDSSDUHQWO\UHIHUULQJ to the situation in which *UHHFHZRXOGEHIRUFHGRXW of the currency union. 6SHDNLQJWRUHSRUWHUV ODWH7XHVGD\7VLSUDVPDGH it clear he had gotten the PHVVDJHWKDWWKHUHZDVQ¶W a moment to waste as GHDGOLQHVIRUGHEWSD\PHQWV that Greece cannot afford draw near. HPSW\MHWFUDVKHGKHVDLG The NTSB is investigating the cause. 'HEULVZDVVFDWWHUHG across a wide swath of the VSDUVHO\SRSXODWHGDUHD DERXWPLOHVQRUWKZHVW of Charleston, though there ZHUHQRUHSRUWVRIDQ\RQH EHLQJKXUWRUDQ\KRPHV EHLQJGDPDJHGRQWKH ground, Berkeley County VSRNHVPDQ0LFKDHO0XOH said. Senators quiz military chiefs, criticize U.S. ¿ght against IS WASHINGTON $3²)DFLQJEOLVWHULQJ FULWLFLVPIURP5HSXEOLFDQ senators, Defense Secretary Ash Carter acknowledged on Tuesday that the U.S. KDVRQO\WUDLQHHVLQD SURJUDPWRSUHSDUHDQG arm thousands of moderate 6\ULDQUHEHOVLQWKH¿JKW against Islamic State militants. “That is a small class,” Carter told the Senate Armed Services Committee. ³7KLVLVWKHQXPEHUWKDW got through a very vigorous YHWWLQJDQGVHOHFWLRQSURFHVV WKDWZHKDYH:HH[SHFW WKDWQXPEHUWRLPSURYH´ Sen. John McCain, chairman of the committee DQGDSHUVLVWHQWFULWLFRI 2EDPD¶VIRUHLJQSROLF\ ZDVQ¶WFRQYLQFHG “I got to tell you that after four years, Mr. Secretary, WKDWLVQRWDQLPSUHVVLYH QXPEHU´0F&DLQ5$UL] said in one of several testy H[FKDQJHVZLWK&DUWHUDQG *HQ0DUWLQ'HPSVH\ chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. So far, Congress has DSSURYHGPLOOLRQ to train Free Syria Army ¿JKWHUV7KH$VVRFLDWHG 3UHVVUHSRUWHGODVWPRQWK WKDWWKHQXPEHURIWUDLQHHV LQYROYHGLQWKHSURJUDPDW EDVHVLQ-RUGDQDQG7XUNH\ KDGGURSSHGEHORZZLWK GR]HQVRIUHFUXLWVÀHHLQJWKH NTSB: 2 killed SURJUDP At the hearing, Carter when F-16, small DJUHHGWKDWZDVQRWD plane crash; jet VLJQL¿FDQWQXPEHUEXWVDLG pilot safe WKHUHZHUHSURVSHFWLYH UHFUXLWVLQWKHSLSHOLQH7KH MONCKS CORNER, 6&$3²$Q)¿JKWHU U.S. goal is to train and HTXLSUHEHOVD\HDUIRU jet smashed into a small three years. SODQH7XHVGD\RYHU6RXWK &DUROLQDNLOOLQJWZRSHRSOH DQGUDLQLQJGRZQSODQHSDUWV Chicago group DQGGHEULVRYHUDZLGHVZDWK sues 3 suburbs RIPDUVKHVDQGULFH¿HOGV over gun store 7KHWZRSHRSOHDERDUG the smaller Cessna were regulations NLOOHGDQGWKHSODQHZDV CHICAGO (AP) — Two FRPSOHWHO\GHVWUR\HG mothers who lost sons 1DWLRQDO7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ to gun violence joined 6DIHW\%RDUGVSRNHVPDQ ministers and an activist Peter Knudson said. The SLORWRIWKH)HMHFWHGDQG JURXS7XHVGD\LQDQXQXVXDO lawsuit against three ³LVDSSDUHQWO\XQLQMXUHG´ &KLFDJRVXEXUEVDOOHJLQJ he said. that weak oversight of gun $SUHVVUHOHDVHIURP stores has allowed criminals Shaw Air Force Base in WRHDVLO\REWDLQZHDSRQV 6XPWHUVDLGWKHSLORW0DM ÀRZLQJLQWRDPHWURSROLWDQ Aaron Johnson from the DUHDEHVLHJHGE\JDQJ 55th Fighter Squadron, violence. was taken to Joint Base The lawsuit accuses the &KDUOHVWRQ¶VPHGLFDOFOLQLF communities of Lyons, IRUREVHUYDWLRQ Riverdale and Lincolnwood 7KH¿JKWHUMHWFUDVK of violating the civil rights landed into woods around RIUHVLGHQWVLQ&KLFDJR¶V WKHSULYDWHO\RZQHG largely African American /HZLV¿HOG3ODQWDWLRQDQ QHLJKERUKRRGVE\IDLOLQJ estate dating to 1750. WRWDNHVWHSVWRPDNHVXUH ³:HKHDUGWKHSODQH gun stores are not selling to crash. And then we took SHRSOHZKRVKRXOGQRWEH off from where I was at, I JXHVV,ZDVDERXWDKDOIPLOH allowed to carry them. ³7KRVHLOOHJDO¿UHDUPV from it, when we saw a DUHÀRZLQJLQWRDSRFNHW cloud of smoke,” said Leo of communities violating 5DPVH\ZKR¶VZRUNHGDW the civil rights of the WKHSODQWDWLRQIRUDERXW individuals who reside there, years. who are afraid to go near He and two other their windows or let their co-workers went out to the FKLOGUHQSOD\LQWKHSDUN ÀDPLQJVSRWZKHUHWKHMHW much less their own yards,” had crash-landed into some said Kathleen Sances, a of the wooded acreage PHPEHURIWKH&RDOLWLRQIRU DURXQGWKHSODQWDWLRQ Safe Chicago Communities, Ramsey said. They found RQHRIWKHSODLQWLIIVLQWKH EXUQLQJPHWDOVSOLQWHUHG lawsuit. trees and a crater where the East Oregonian Page 7A S.C. Senate gives final OK to Confederate flag removal Associated Press COLUMBIA, S.C. — The South &DUROLQD6HQDWHJDYHLWV¿QDODSSURYDO Tuesday to removing the Confederate ÀDJ IURP WKH &DSLWRO JURXQGV EXW DFURVVWKHKDOOLQWKH+RXVH5HSXEOL- cans quietly sought a way to make a last VWDQGWRSUHVHUYHVRPHNLQGRIV\PERO honoring their Southern ancestors at the Statehouse. 7KH+RXVHZDVVFKHGXOHGWREHJLQ GHEDWH :HGQHVGD\ RQ WKH ELOO WR WDNH GRZQWKHÀDJDQGLWVSROHDQGVHQGWKH EDQQHUWRWKHVWDWH¶V&RQIHGHUDWH5HOLF 5RRP*RY1LNNL+DOH\DQGEXVLQHVV OHDGHUVVXSSRUWWKHSURSRVDO 7R VWUHVV WKH FKDPEHU¶V XQLW\ DIWHU 7XHVGD\¶V YRWH VHQDWRUV LQYLWHG the widow of their slain colleague &OHPHQWD 3LQFNQH\ WR WKH ÀRRU She stood just inside the door in a EODFN GUHVV RQO\ D IHZ IHHW IURP KHU KXVEDQG¶V GHVN ZKLFK ZDV GUDSHG LQ EODFN FORWK ZLWK D VLQJOH ZKLWH URVH RQ WRS (YHU\ PHPEHU VWRRG DV VKH HQWHUHG DQG ODWHU ZDONHG XS WR KHU offering condolences. $IWHU WKH ÀDJ ZDV SXOOHG RII WKH Statehouse dome 15 years ago, it was FDOOHGDVHWWOHGLVVXH7KHEDQQHUZDV instead moved to a monument honoring Confederate soldiers elsewhere on the &DSLWROJURXQGV %XW WKH ÀDJ GHEDWH VZLIWO\ JDLQHG urgency last month after Pinckney and HLJKW RWKHU EODFN SHRSOH ZHUH IDWDOO\ shot at a historic African-American church in Charleston. A white gunman ZKR SROLFH VDLG ZDV PRWLYDWHG E\ racial hatred is charged in the attack. Dylann Roof was indicted Tuesday on nine counts of murder, three counts RI DWWHPSWHG PXUGHU DQG D ZHDSRQV charge. Haley and other conservatives KDYH VDLG WKH\ FDOOHG IRU WKH ÀDJ WR FRPHGRZQLQSDUWEHFDXVHRISKRWRV VKRZLQJ5RRISRVLQJZLWKWKH&RQIHG- HUDWHV\PERO If the House goes along with the 6HQDWH¶VELOOWKHÀDJFRXOGEHUHPRYHG E\WKHHQGRIWKHZHHN%XWLIWKH+RXVH FKDQJHV WKH ELOO HLWKHU WKH 6HQDWH would have to agree with the changes or lawmakers would have to reconcile their differences in a conference FRPPLWWHH SRVVLEO\ GHOD\LQJ DFWLRQ for weeks. Several senators said the Gerry Melendez/The State via AP The South Carolina State House is seen through a Confederate flag held along Gervais Street, Monday in Columbia, S.C. ORSVLGHGYRWHVKRZVWKH\GRQRWZDQW WKHLUELOOWRFKDQJH 0DQ\ 5HSXEOLFDQV LQ WKH +RXVH LQVLVWWKHÀDJZLOOFRPHGRZQEHFDXVH RILWVDVVRFLDWLRQZLWKUDFLVWJURXSV%XW they think lawmakers should at least GLVFXVVUHSODFLQJLWZLWKDGLIIHUHQWÀDJ WKDWÀHZRYHU&RQIHGHUDWHWURRSV 5HS 0LNH 3LWWV SODQV WR SURSRVH VHYHUDOSRVVLEOHÀDJVIRUWKHSROHDQG EHOLHYHVKHKDVDPDMRULW\WRSDVVWKHP &RPSOHWHO\ UHPRYLQJ WKH ÀDJSROH KH VDLG ZRXOG VFUXE KLVWRU\ ZKLFK LQFOXGHV IDPLO\ PHPEHUV IURP KLV home and from the mountains of North Carolina and Virginia. ³,JXHVVP\SODQIRUWRPRUURZLVWR EHDORWOLNHP\DQFHVWRUVZHUHDWWKH Bloody Angle,” Pitts said, referring WR SDUW RI D9LUJLQLD EDWWOH¿HOG ZKHUH ¿JKWLQJ UDJHG IRU QHDUO\ KRXUV LQ OHDYLQJ &RQIHGHUDWH GHDG VWDFNHG IRXU GHHS EHKLQG WKHLU IRUWL¿- FDWLRQV³$QG¿JKWXQWLO,KDYHQRWKLQJ OHIWWR¿JKWZLWK´ 3LWWV¶ IDYRULWH DPHQGPHQW ZRXOG SODFH RQ WKH SROH WKH ÀDJ RI WKH VW South Carolina Volunteers regiment, ZKLFKLVDEOXHÀDJVLPLODUWRWKHVWDWH ÀDJZLWKLWV3DOPHWWRWUHHDQGFUHVFHQW PRRQ EXW ZLWK D ZUHDWK DURXQG WKH tree. Similar art is etched on a wall inside the Statehouse, Pitts said. $Q\ FKDQJH WR WKH 6HQDWH ELOO LV XQDFFHSWDEOH WR WKH 'HPRFUDWV LQ WKH PHPEHU +RXVH ² D FULWLFDO QXPEHU EHFDXVH VRPH 'HPRFUDWV ZLOO KDYH WR VXSSRUW DQ\ ELOO WR WDNH GRZQ WKH ÀDJ WR UHDFK WKH WZRWKLUGV WKUHVKROG UHTXLUHG E\ ODZ 0LQRULW\ Leader Todd Rutherford said. ³,W ZLOO EHFRPH WKH QHZ V\PERO´ 5XWKHUIRUGVDLGRIDQ\ÀDJWKDWJRHVXS EHVLGH WKH PRQXPHQW WR &RQIHGHUDWH VROGLHUV³,WZLOOEHWKHQHZYHVWLJHRI racism.” Asked if the GOP was using the idea RI DQ DOWHUQDWLYH ÀDJ VLPSO\ WR DYRLG EULQJLQJ GRZQ WKH H[LVWLQJ EDQQHU 'HPRFUDWLF 5HS -RH 1HDO HOHFWHG LQ VDLGKHWKLQNVPRVW5HSXEOLFDQV DUHZLOOLQJWRUHPRYHWKHÀDJDQGSROH entirely. “I think a majority wants to do this. There is a minority that is dead set DJDLQVWLW´1HDOVDLG³:H¶OOVHHZKHQ WKDWYRWHFRPHVXSZKRWKH\DUH´ 7XHVGD\¶V 6HQDWH YRWH ODFNHG drama, nearly matching the vote from WKH GD\ EHIRUH %XW PLQXWHV DIWHU WKH FKDPEHU KXVKHG DQG DOO VHQDWRUV VWRRGXSDV-HQQLIHU3LQFNQH\HQWHUHG On June 17, she locked herself in an RI¿FH ZLWK RQH RI WKH VODLQ VHQDWRU¶V WZR GDXJKWHUV DV WKH JXQPDQ ¿UHG GR]HQV RI VKRWV LQ KHU KXVEDQG¶V Emanuel African Methodist Church. 6LQFHWKHQKHURQO\DSSHDUDQFHVKDYH EHHQ DW KHU KXVEDQG¶V YLHZLQJ DQG funeral. &DOLIRUQLDULJKWWRGLHELOOVWDOOVLQEORZWRPRYHPHQW SACRAMENTO, Calif. $3 ² ,Q D EORZ WR WKH right-to-die movement, California lawmakers on 7XHVGD\GURSSHGRQHRIWKH strongest legislative efforts in the U.S. to allow termi- QDOO\ LOO SDWLHQWV WR OHJDOO\ end their lives. 7KH PRYH FDPH GHVSLWH SOHDV LQYROYLQJ WKH FDVH of Brittany Maynard, who moved from the San Fran- cisco Bay Area to Oregon, which has a right-to-die law, when she was 29 so she could die on her own WHUPV DIWHU D EUDLQ FDQFHU diagnosis. Aid-in-dying advocates KDG KRSHG WKH QDWLRQDOO\ SXEOLFL]HG FDVH ZRXOG SURPSWDZDYHRIQHZULJKW to-die laws. But no state has SDVVHG VXFK OHJLVODWLRQ WKLV year, with efforts defeated or stalling in Colorado, Maine, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and elsewhere. The authors of the California legislation that would allow doctors to SUHVFULEH OLIHHQGLQJ GUXJV ODFNHG HQRXJK VXSSRUW WR get through committees this \HDU DPLG ¿HUFH UHOLJLRXV RSSRVLWLRQ 'HPRFUDWLF $VVHPEO\- woman Susan Eggman, a IRUPHU KRVSLFH FDUH VRFLDO worker who co-authored the ELOO VDLG KHU FROOHDJXHV LQ the Legislature were uncom- IRUWDEOHZLWKWKHSURVSHFWRI DOORZLQJSHRSOHWRHQGWKHLU own lives. “The U.S. is a death-de- nying, death-defying culture, and one of the hardest things to change is culture,” Eggman said. 6SRQVRUV YRZHG WR FRQWLQXH WKH ¿JKW LQ WKH Legislature. Meanwhile, aid-in-dying advocates have said they would take the issue to voters if the effort E\ODZPDNHUVIDLOHG “We owe it to Brittany 0D\QDUG¶V IDPLO\ DQG terminally ill Californians WR SXUVXH HYHU\ DYDLODEOH remedy to give them relief IURP XQEHDUDEOH VXIIHULQJ´ said Toni Broaddus, Cali- IRUQLD FDPSDLJQ GLUHFWRU IRU WKH ULJKWWRGLH JURXS &RPSDVVLRQDQG&KRLFHV 0D\QDUG¶V KXVEDQG 'DQ 'LD] ZKR KDV OREELHG ODZPDNHUV RQ EHKDOI RI WKH ULJKWWRGLH ELOO VDLG KH¶V RSWLPLVWLF DERXW WKH future of the movement DIWHU WKH LQÀXHQWLDO &DOL- fornia Medical Association GURSSHG LWV RSSRVLWLRQ DQG ELOOVZHUHLQWURGXFHGLQWZR dozen states. ³$OO RI WKRVH WKLQJV ,¶G say, are enormous victories RU KXJH VWHSV DQG WKRVH FDPHDERXWEHFDXVHRI%ULW- WDQ\¶V VWRU\´ 'LD] VDLG ³,W LV D YHU\ SHUVRQDO DQG YHU\ HPRWLRQDO WRSLF DQG WKDW¶V ¿QH 3HRSOH QHHG WR WKLQN DERXW LW DQG ZRUN WKURXJK it.” The California measure ZDV SDVVHG E\ WKH VWDWH 6HQDWH EXW KLW D URDGEORFN LQ WKH $VVHPEO\ +HDOWK &RPPLWWHH 7KH SDQHO includes at least two lawmakers who said they were reluctant to vote WR DOORZ SDWLHQWV WR NLOO themselves after watching WKHLU RZQ SDUHQWV GLH IURP terminal illnesses. $VVHPEO\PDQ -LPP\ Gomez, D-Los Angeles, said he wanted to see advancements in treatment DQG SUHYHQWLRQ RI GLVHDVHV EHIRUH DOORZLQJ OLIHHQGLQJ medication as a last resort. Sale In Progress Saager’s Shoe Shop Up to 50% Off Milton-Freewater, OR Place a Yard Sale Ad Kevin Andrews, MD, L.L.C. 25 words, 3 days, private party only $20.00 East Oregonian & Hermiston Herald Internal Medicine (General Medical Care for Adults) I will be moving my practice to Walla Walla Clinic August 1, 2015. Thank you for the years of support. I will miss Pendleton. To schedule appointments after August 1, please call 509-525-3720. 27 SW Frazer, Pendleton, OR 97801 Monday - Wednesday 7:30 AM - 5 PM Open Late Thursday - Appointments Until 6:30 Closed Fridays 541-276-6244 Yard Sale Kits - $5.00 Includes 2 signs, stakes & price stickers. Call Paula 541-278-2678