SPORTS 7+856'$<-81( Sports shorts Chicago holds off Atlanta’s rally 526(0217,OO (AP) — Elena Delle Donne VFRUHGD FDUHHUKLJK points, Cappie 3RQGH[WHU PRYHG into eighth place on the :1%$¶VDOOWLPHVFRULQJOLVW DQGWKH&KLFDJR6N\EHDW WKH$WODQWD'UHDPLQ RYHUWLPHRQ:HGQHVGD\ &KLFDJROLPLWHG$WODQWD WRWZRSRLQWVLQWKH¿UVW IRXUPLQXWHVRIWKH¿YH minute overtime, but Angel 0F&RXJKWU\¶VSRLQWHU SXOOHG$WODQWDZLWKLQ ZLWKVHFRQGVOHIW'HOOH 'RQQHVHDOHGLWZLWKWZR IUHHWKURZVZLWKVHFRQGV UHPDLQLQJDQGVHWD:1%$ UHFRUGE\PDNLQJ consecutive free throws, SDVVLQJ0F&RXJKWU\¶V SUHYLRXVPDUNRI 0F&RXJKWU\KDG SRLQWVDQGUHERXQGV IRU$WODQWD6KRQL 6FKLPPHO¿QLVKHGZLWKRQH DVVLVWLQDOLPLWHGUROH Love opts out of contract with Cavs CLEVELAND (AP) — .HYLQ/RYHLVDERXWWR¿QG out how much the league YDOXHVKLPDQGKRZPXFK the Cavaliers want him. 7KHSRZHUIRUZDUGLV opting out of FACES WKH¿QDO\HDU of his contract DQGZLOOEH a free agent RQ-XO\D person familiar with the GHFLVLRQWROG Love WKH$VVRFLDWHG 3UHVV/RYHZKRKDGDGHDO ZRUWKPLOOLRQQH[W VHDVRQLQIRUPHGWKH&DYV RQ:HGQHVGD\ Last week, general PDQDJHU'DYLG*ULI¿Q VDLGKHH[SHFWHG/RYHDQG superstar LeBron James to RSWRXWRIWKHLUGHDOVDQG EHFRPHIUHHDJHQWV*ULI¿Q DOVRH[SHFWVWKHPWRUHVLJQ ZLWKWKH&DYVZKRPDGH it to the NBA Finals this season before losing to *ROGHQ6WDWH “Do I think race is at play? Yes, I do think that it’s at play at some level.“ — Victor Henderson Lawyer for Jackie Robin- son West while announc- ing the Little League team has fi led a lawsuit claiming the team was inproperly stripped of its national title when Little League International refused to provide the in- formation used to make the decisison. The team was accused of skirting the rules recquiring all players on the team to live within the district it represents. THIS DATE IN SPORTS 1969²3DQFKR*RQ]DOH] ZLQV WKH ORQJHVW WHQQLV PDWFKLQ:LPEOHGRQKLVWRU\ E\ EHDWLQJ &KDUOHV 3DVDUHOO LQDJDPHPDWFK 7KH PDWFK LV SOD\HG RYHU WZR GD\V DQG ODVWV KRXUV minutes. 1999²6DQ$QWRQLRZLQV LWV ¿UVW 1%$ FKDPSLRQVKLS GHIHDWLQJ WKH 1HZ