Page 2B SPORTS East Oregonian Thursday, June 11, 2015 HERMISTON Women’s World Cup US ignoring Richland downs Bulldogs with big 7th former coach’s comments practices. I told the kids that our effort was there, but our execu- tion wasn’t there. “I wasn’t upset. That’s we’re Throughout its high school season, the Hermiston Bulldogs playing 35 games this summer, made things tough on them- to do that, get our feet wet a little ELW,ZLVKZHZRXOG¶YHKLWWKH VHOYHVE\H[WHQGLQJLQQLQJV Wednesday against Richland, ball a little earlier in the game. they did it again. Committing I think we watched too many two errors in the top of the IDVWEDOOV´ Early June is a tough time for VHYHQWKOHDGLQJWRVHYHQ5LFK- land runs. Hermiston got two in high school athletes. Though the the ninth to try and come back, scholastic seasons are complete, WKHVHSOD\HUVKDYHDORWRQWKHLU EXWFRXOGQ¶WDQGORVW ³