Page 2B SPORTS East Oregonian Boxing Wednesday, April 29, 2015 MLB 0DQQ\3DFTXLDR Mariners slide past Rangers gurantees victory STEPHEN HAWKINS Associated Press By TIM DAHLBERG Associated Press LAS VEGAS — Manny 3DFTXLDR ZRUULHG DERXW the punching power of 0LJXHO &RWWR +H NQHZ Juan Manuel Marquez was a slick counter puncher, and wondered how he’d fare DJDLQVW D ¿JKWHU WKH FDOLEHU RI2VFDU'H/D+R\D He’s got no such worries about Floyd Mayweather -U RQ WKH HYH RI ER[LQJ¶V ULFKHVW¿JKWHYHU “I cannot say he is that GLI¿FXOW DQ RSSRQHQW´ 3DFTXLDR VDLG 7XHVGD\ ³0\ FRQ¿GHQFH ULJKW QRZ is different than the other ¿JKWV , KDG , IHHO H[FLWHG WKLV LV LW , KDYH WR SURYH VRPHWKLQJ´ Just hours after arriving in this boxing capital in a motorhome from Los $QJHOHV 3DFTXLDR RR]HG FRQ¿GHQFHDWDUDOO\DWWHQGHG by about 1,000 people at WKH 0DQGDOD\ %D\ KRWHO The mostly Filipino crowd ZDWFKHG 3DFTXLDR¶V ODWHVW music video and was enter- tained by dancers and singers EHIRUH WKH ¿JKWHU KLPVHOI PDGHDEULHIDSSHDUDQFH “I know I’m going to ZLQ WKH ¿JKW LQ WKH ULQJ´ 3DFTXLDR WROG WKH FURZG ³6RUHOD[´ Oddsmakers aren’t so convinced, with 3DFTXLDR UHPDLQLQJ DERXW D XQGHUGRJ IRU D ¿JKW expected to earn him more WKDQ PLOOLRQ %XW 3DFTXLDR GLGQ¶W HYHQ KDYH to break a sweat to win over the crowd that came to the hastily arranged pep rally in a convention area at the KRWHO “You’re excited,” 3DFTXLDRVDLGWRWKHFKHHULQJ FURZG³,¶PYHU\H[FLWHG´ Mayweather was greeted by a much bigger crowd at the MGM Grand hotel, where Saturday’s night ZHOWHUZHLJKW WLWOH ¿JKW ZLOO SOD\ RXW 7KH 6RXWKHUQ University marching band entertained and a mariachi band played outside before Mayweather arrived 20 PLQXWHVHDUO\ For many, it was their only FKDQFHWRVHHWKHWZR¿JKWHUV without reaching deep in WKHLUSRFNHWV7LFNHWVIRUWKH ¿JKWLWVHOIZHUHEHLQJRIIHUHG online starting at $3,800 and going over $100,000 near ringside, while even the $10 tickets for Friday’s weigh-in were being offered for $100 RUPRUH “Five years ago this was D PLOOLRQ ¿JKW IRU PH and $20 million for him,” said Mayweather, who is expected to make $180 million or more to $120 PLOOLRQIRU3DFTXLDR¶VFDPS With the real work DOUHDG\ GRQH ERWK ¿JKWHUV were going over game plans IRUDERXWWKDWZDV¿YH\HDUV LQ WKH PDNLQJ 3DFTXLDR said he had two or three different strategies for the ¿JKWGHSHQGLQJRQZKHWKHU Mayweather wants to try to win with his defense or FRPHVRXWDWWDFNLQJ Staff photo by E.J. Harris Hermistonís Lucas Tolan puts the tag on Hood Riv- er’s Skyler Hunter as they collide at third base in the Bulldogs’ 19-9 loss in extra innings to the Eagles on Tuesday in Hermiston. EXTRAS: Root tied game ZLWKWHDPGRZQWR¿QDORXW Continued from 1B one-run double to shallow ULJKW¿HOG The Bulldogs were down WRWKHLU¿QDORXWZKHQMXQLRU Chase Root came to the plate with Landon Gammel on VHFRQG Root sent Kam Walker’s RIIHULQJ WR ULJKW ¿HOG LW dropped in front of the right ¿HOGHUDQG*DPPHOVFRUHGWR tie it at eight a piece and force H[WUDLQQLQJV Neither side scored in WKH VXEVHTXHQW WZR IUDPHV +RRG 5LYH SODFHG MXVW one runner on base during WKDW VWUHWFK 5RRW FDPH WR the plat with two on and two outs but whiffed on a Walker breaking ball to end WKHLQQLQJ ³:HEDWWOHG7KDW¶VZKDW ,OLNHWRVHH´+DZNLQVVDLG Gammel led Hermiston with three hits that and three UXQV VFRUHG 5RRW GURYH LQ WZR RQ WZR VLQJOHV .\OHU Mikami hit the lone Bulldog extra base hit, a two-run double in the opening inning WRPDNHWKHFRXQW Jay Lindeman pitched WKH ¿UVW IRXU LQQLQJV &ROH Smith the next four, Root entered and threw into the tenth before he was lambasted and two other relievers entered to close RXWWKHJDPH Hood River won two games over Hermiston on 6DWXUGD\ 7XHVGD\¶V ZLQ gives the Eagles the season VHULHVRYHU+HUPLVWRQ7KH\ hold a two-game lead on the ¿HOG ——— HRV 19, HERMISTON 9 (10 innings) R H E HRV 003 031 100 11— 19 19 1 HER 600 010 100 1— 9 10 3 K Duffy, C. Lariza (1), K. Walker (7) and A. Cameron. J. Lindeman, C. Smith (5), C. Root (10), D. Gossler (10), H. Edmiston (10) and L. Gammel. W — K. Walker. L — C. Root 2B — Van Hoose (HRV); Duffy (HRV); Cameron (HRV); K. Walker (HRV), C. Lariza (HRV); D. Buckley (HRV); Mikami (HERM). 3B — R. Wilson (HRV). PHS: Buckaroos improve on best Columbia River Conference start XS RXU GHIHQVH´ KH VDLG ³:H ZHUHQ¶W VKDUS WKHUH WZRGRXEOHV “(The third) was a big We’ve got to cleanup the inning,” said coach Tim SLWFKLQJ D OLWWOH DV ZHOO´ &DU\ ³:H VZXQJ WKH EDWV The Bucks have until Friday well and have been for WR PDNH WKHLU DGMXVWPHQWV They play a doubleheader VHYHUDOJDPHV´