Wednesday, April 15, 2015 PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK East Oregonian Page 7A DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Sexually active women must be vigilant about protection FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE Dear Abby: I’m writing to warn That said, I can’t help but wonder as many other young women as I can how you intended to avoid infection if about the dangers of unprotected sex. you and the man of your dreams were I thought I had met the man of my having unprotected sex. dreams. I knew from the beginning he Please take this sad experience as had a girlfriend in his hometown, but a wake-up call, and schedule an ap- he assured me he was breaking it off, pointment with your doctor to discuss so I didn’t think twice about starting a all of the consequences that may re- relationship. sult from unprotected sex in the 21st Jeanne Well, she moved here and found Phillips century. There are many — and an out about us. He swore to me that inability to trust is among the least Advice there was no one else besides her and of them. If a man doesn’t protect his me. We have now discovered a third partner, then it’s up to her to protect girl — his roommate — with whom he was herself — both from pregnancy and from sex- involved. ually transmitted diseases, which are rampant. Abby, he used no protection with any of Dear Abby: I recently bought a new cell- us. He swore to us all that he always used it phone and was assigned a number by the and was regularly tested for STDs. Another company that sold it to me. I have been re- lie. ceiving calls and messages for the person Now his former girlfriend thinks she may who had the number before it was given to have picked up an STD from him, and we all me. While the number of the person calling have to be tested to ensure we don’t have one. or texting comes up, I do not know the num- I now know you can’t trust anything you’re bers of all my friends and associates, so I have being told unless there’s proof. Go with the been accepting the calls or texts. guy to get tested and demand to be there for $W ¿UVW , ZRXOG OHW WKH FDOOHU RU WH[WHU the results. If you suspect (or know) he’s see- know that the person he/she was trying to ing someone else, always use protection and reach no longer had this number. However, it insist he be tested regularly. takes up my expensive minutes to make those All three of us could have saved our hearts, replies. Am I under any obligation to contact our bodies and a lot of turmoil if we hadn’t these folks, or can I just ignore their contacts? been so trusting. This has left a lasting impres- — Polite In Pennsylvania sion, and now we wonder whether we will be Dear Polite: No rule of etiquette “com- able to trust another man again. — Awaiting pels” you to respond to these callers and tex- The Results ters, so consider yourself off the hook. Dear Awaiting: Your “boyfriend” was dis- Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Bu- honest and irresponsible. You can’t be blamed ren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was for feeling bitter. Now might be a good time founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. to re-evaluate whether premarital sex is worth Contact Dear Abby at the headache and the heartache. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. DAYS GONE BY BEETLE BAILEY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY MORT WALKER BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian April 15, 1915 Pinkerton and Company, a detective com- pany whose collection agents are said to have separated several Pendleton business men from some good money, appear to have been put out of business by an order issued by Post- master General Burleson, a copy of which was UHFHLYHGDWWKHORFDOSRVWRI¿FHDVZHOODVDWDOO RWKHUSRVWRI¿FHVLQWKHFRXQWU\7KLVFRPSDQ\ is not the original Pinkerton company, which is known as the National Detective Agency, but is said to have adopted its name to confuse the public. By a clever joker in its contract with businessmen as well as by misrepresenta- tion, the company is said to have been reaping $90,000 a month at the time the government stepped in and it is claimed that it had secured $1,000,000 through its fake scheme. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian April 15, 1965 Morrow County residents were warned today that a lawsuit over location of the new Riverside High School could result in a loss to the county. The county school board in a statement said, “We have been warned by the Corps of Engineers that we must have plans for the new school in Boardman immediately. It is conceived that the result of this suit will be the loss of approximately $650,000 ... The corps is presently committed to a replacement in kind on Riverside High. It will spend in excess of $800,000 (for a new school) but it could pay the district the value of the present Boardman building … about $150,000, and allow the people of Morrow to settle their school location problems while the corps completes its work on the John Day dam.” 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian April 15, 1990 A 25-year-old medical student from New Jersey thinks Eastern Oregon’s wide open spaces are the prescription for healthy living. David Knowlton, a student at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (formerly Rutgers University Medical School), came to that con- clusion soon after arriving here for a month of work at Yellowhawk Community Health Cen- ter on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Med- ical school and the Indian Health Service, a department of the U.S. Public Health Service, afforded him the opportunity to expand his horizons. Rutgers allows graduating students WKH FKDQFH WR ZRUN RQH PRQWK RI WKHLU ¿QDO term with the IHS. Knowlton wanted to learn about Native Americans, and he wanted to see Oregon. His only complaint, other than sore muscles after his bike ride, are the stiff thorns that have punctured three tires. THIS DAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Today is the 105th day of 2015. There are 260 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in His- tory: On April 15, 1865, Pres- ident Abraham Lincoln died nine hours after being shot the night before by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater in Washington; Andrew John- son became the nation’s 17th president. On this date: In 1850, the city of San Francisco was incorporated. In 1912, the British luxury liner RMS Titanic foundered in the North Atlantic off New- foundland more than 2 1/2 hours after hitting an iceberg; 1,514 people died, while less than half as many survived. In 1945, during World War II, British and Canadian troops liberated the Nazi concentra- tion camp Bergen-Belsen. In 1955, Ray Kroc opened WKH ¿UVW IUDQFKLVHG 0F- Donald’s restaurant in Des STONE SOUP BIG NATE Plaines, Illinois. In 1985, South Africa said it would repeal laws prohibit- ing sex and marriage between whites and non-whites. In 1986, the United States launched an air raid against Libya in response to the bombing of a discotheque in Berlin on April 5; Libya said 37 people, mostly civilians, were killed. In 1989, Students in Bei- jing launched a series of pro-democracy protests; the demonstrations culminated in a government crackdown at Tiananmen Square. In 2013, two bombs packed with nails and oth- er metal shards exploded at WKH %RVWRQ 0DUDWKRQ ¿QLVK line, killing two women and an 8-year-old boy and injur- ing more than 260. (Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is on trial; his brother and alleged accomplice, Tamerlan Tsar- naev, died in a shootout with police.) Today’s Birthdays: Country singer Roy Clark is 82. Author and politician Jef- frey Archer is 75. Rock sing- er-guitarist Dave Edmunds is 72. Actor Michael Tucci is 69. Actress Lois Chiles is 68. Writer-producer Lin- da Bloodworth-Thomason is 68. Actress Amy Wright is 65. Columnist Heloise is 64. Actor Sam McMurray is 63. Rock musician Ed O’Brien (Radiohead) is 47. Rock musician Patrick Car- ney (The Black Keys) is 35. Actor-writer Seth Rogen is 33. Rock musician De’Mar Hamilton (Plain White T’s) is 31. Actress Emma Wat- son is 25. Actress Maisie Williams (TV: “Game of Thrones”) is 18. Thought for Today: “We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are — that is the fact.” — Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher (born 1905, died this date in 1980). BY JAN ELLIOT BY LINCOLN PEIRCE