NATION/WORLD Thursday, April 9, 2015 East Oregonian Page 7A Police shooting video inflames debate 7VDUQDHYJXLOW\RI DOOFKDUJHVLQ%RVWRQ Marathon bombing Associated Press NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — The fatal shooting of a black man UXQQLQJIURPDZKLWHSROLFHRI¿FHULQ- ÀDPHGWKHQDWLRQ¶VGHEDWHRYHUSROLFH use of force Wednesday, and the mayor DQG SROLFH FKLHI RI 6RXWK &DUROLQD¶V third-largest city said they were “sick- HQHG´E\ZKDWDE\VWDQGHU¶VYLGHRUH- YHDOHG 7KHRI¿FHUZKRKDVEHHQFKDUJHG ZLWKPXUGHUZDV¿UHGDQGWKHPD\RU said he ordered enough body cameras IRUHYHU\RI¿FHURQWKHVWUHHW%XWWKDW did little to quell the outrage of an an- JU\ FURZG DW 1RUWK &KDUOHVWRQ¶V &LW\ +DOO DQG WKH RI¿FLDOV ZHUH VKRXWHG down by protesters calling for justice. 7KHRI¿FHUUHSRUWHGWKDWKH¿UHGLQ self-defense after the suspect he pulled RYHU6DWXUGD\IRUDEURNHQEUDNHOLJKW grabbed his stun gun. Police shared his YHUVLRQZLWKWKHSXEOLFDQGSURPLVHGD IXOOLQYHVWLJDWLRQ %XW WKH RI¿FHU¶V VWRU\ TXLFNO\ XQ- UDYHOHG DIWHU D QHUYRXV E\VWDQGHU¶V VKDN\YLGHRZDVVKDUHGZLWKWKHGHDG PDQ¶VIDPLO\DQGWKHQWKHZRUOG It shows Patrolman Michael Thom- DV 6ODJHU ¿ULQJ UHSHDWHGO\ DW :DOWHU Lamer Scott as the unarmed 50-year- ROGWULHVWRÀHH 7KHYLGHREHJLQVZLWKZKDWDSSHDUV WR EH D EULHI SK\VLFDO DOWHUFDWLRQ RYHU WKH RI¿FHU¶V 7DVHU ZKLFK IDOOV WR WKH JURXQGVKRUWO\EHIRUHWKHRI¿FHUSXOOV RXWKLV*ORFNSLVWRODQG¿UHVHLJKWWLPHV Scott then crumples to the ground about 30 feet away. Not once in the moments before or during the shooting can the RI¿FHUEHKHDUG\HOOLQJ³VWRS´RUWHOOLQJ the man to surrender. 0RPHQWV ODWHU WKH RI¿FHU LV VHHQ walking back and picking up what ap- pears to be the Taser, then returning to GURSLWDW6FRWW¶VIHHWDVDQRWKHURI¿FHU DUULYHVWRFKHFNWKHG\LQJPDQ¶VFRQ- dition. 7KH YLGHR FKDQJHG HYHU\WKLQJ DX- WKRULWLHVDQGDGYRFDWHVVDLG:HGQHVGD\ ³:KDWLIWKHUHZDVQRYLGHR":KDW LIWKHUHZDVQRZLWQHVVRUµKHUR¶DV, FDOO KLP WR FRPH IRUZDUG"´ / &KULV 6WHZDUW D ODZ\HU IRU WKH GHDG PDQ¶V family, told The Associated Press. “We GLGQ¶WNQRZKHH[LVWHG+HFDPHRXWRI the blue.” Slager was promptly abandoned by his attorney and charged with murder DIWHUWKHYLGHRZDVPDGHSXEOLFE\WKH VODLQPDQ¶VIDPLO\7XHVGD\DIWHUQRRQ Mayor Keith Summey announced WKDWWKHRI¿FHUZDVLPPHGLDWHO\¿UHG DQGWKDWKH¶VRUGHULQJPRUHERG\ FDPHUDVVRWKDWHYHU\XQLIRUPHGRI¿- cer on the street will wear one, a key GHPDQG RI WKH %ODFN /LYHV 0DWWHU PRYHPHQWWKDWLVJURZLQJQDWLRQZLGH ³, KDYH ZDWFKHG WKH YLGHR $QG I was sickened by what I saw. And , KDYH QRW ZDWFKHG LW VLQFH´ 3ROLFH Chief Eddie Driggers said. The news conference was meant to quiet the uproar, but both the mayor and chief were interrupted by chants of “no justice, no peace” and other shouted ques- tions they said they could not answer. Outside City Hall, local organizer 0XKL\GLQ'¶%DKDUHSHDWHGO\KROOHUHG “Eight shots in the back!” through a bullhorn. The crowd yelled, “In the back!” in response, aiming to coin a new phrase to supplant the “hands up, GRQ¶W VKRRW´ UHIUDLQ WKDW JUHZ RXW RI AP Photo/Courtesy of L. Chris Stewart In this April 4 frame from video provided by Attorney L. Chris Stewart representing the family of Walter Lamer Scott, Scott runs away from city patrolman Michael Thomas Slager, right, in North Charleston, S.C. IS THERE A FEDERAL STANDARD TO JUDGE USE OF FORCE?