Page 6B East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Thursday, April 9, 2015 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Favorite uncle reveals himself with a shocking sext message FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE Dear Abby: I am heartbroken. I one say or do? — Beans, The Musi- have an uncle “Tony” I’m close to, cal Fruit who is like my best friend. I was send- Dear B.T.M.F.: Stop beating ing him pictures of a football game yourself up over this. Expelling gas is and he sent me back a very inappro- normal. According to the National In- priate picture of himself. He says it stitutes of Health, the average person was a “mistake,” that it was supposed passes gas about 14 times a day — al- to go to his wife, but the text message though probably not as spectacularly he sent with it showed different. as you did. Jeanne I don’t want to be around him. I’m Phillips If it happens again, don’t try to be disgusted and hurt over this. I need funny. Just say, “Excuse me,” and if Advice advice. What do I do? — Heartbro- the “toot” is a fragrant one, distance ken In Georgia yourself. I’m positive that would be Dear Heartbroken: Share the photo and appreciated. texts with your parents and ask what they Dear Abby: We are planning to give a think about them. Then ask if they think you MRLQWEDE\VKRZHUQH[WPRQWKIRUWZRVLVWHUV should forward the picture and text message in-law who are expecting their babies three to your aunt with a note explaining Uncle ZHHNV DSDUW7KH MRLQW VKRZHU LV D QHFHVVL- Tony said they were meant for her, and you ty because some of the relatives will need to didn’t want her to miss them. travel quite a distance to attend. Because he makes you uncomfortable, lis- Most of the guests know both girls, but ten to your intuition and keep your distance some will know only one of them. Is there because what he did was appalling. a way we can word the invitation so these Dear Abby: I’m a female working full- guests won’t feel obligated to “gift” both WLPHLQDQRI¿FHZLWKDOOPHQ