Friday, April 3, 2015 PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK East Oregonian Page 7A DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Hungry therapist should plan ahead for late-morning snack FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER Dear Abby: We have a daughter a month rent. with severe developmental disabilities. Well, a week ago I caught them do- Thankfully, she receives 40-plus hours ing drugs, so I called the cops. They of in-home therapy a week, which is were arrested that night. They are covered by insurance. now asking to come back. I refuse to +HU ¿UVW WKHUDSLVW DUULYHV DW allow it because I have an 11-year-old a.m. and leaves at 11:30 a.m. Some at home with me and another 18-year- days, she will pick up something to eat old who I want to keep away from this on the way. Most days, I suspect she NLQGRILQÀXHQFH Jeanne hasn’t eaten breakfast. My son keeps texting me and try- Phillips About once a week she’ll call out ing to guilt me into changing my mind Advice for me, asking for a snack — usually EHFDXVH KH JRW KLV ¿DQFHH SUHJQDQW a breakfast sandwich — which I make Where I live it gets very cold, but I for her. Last week, she asked for some choco- need to show my other children it’s not OK to late-covered nuts I had offered her once. I told do drugs. KHUZHKDGHDWHQWKHP,¿QDOO\SXWRXWDERZO Am I doing the right thing by not letting of old hard candy to stop her from asking. She them come back, or am I a heartless mother has been eating it for a while now and joking like he says? — Mom Of Tough Love that I’m making her gain weight. Dear Mom: Regardless of what your son Must I continue providing her snacks or say says, you are not heartless. You took him in something about her bringing her own? I am with certain conditions. He and his girlfriend grateful for the work she does for our daughter abused your trust, and you handled the situa- and hope I’m not sounding petty. — Unsure tion wisely. In Kansas If the girl is really pregnant, she should not Dear Unsure: You should not be responsi- be using drugs. If she’s hooked on something, ble for feeding your daughter’s therapist. Have she needs to get into a rehabilitation program a talk with the therapist and suggest that if she’s ASAP. If she has parents, perhaps they will “out of fuel” at the end of your daughter’s ses- take her in. But you have done your part, and sion that she bring some individually wrapped if you allow your son and his girlfriend to stay cheese sticks or fruit with her. It would be a with you, they will continue to break your rules lot healthier than what you’re giving her and and you’ll wind up responsible for them and probably better for her. the baby — or two or three. I advise against it. Dear Abby: My 18-year-old son and his To My Jewish Readers: Sundown marks ¿DQFHHKDYHEHHQNLFNHGRXWRIDIHZDSDUW- WKH ¿UVW QLJKW RI 3DVVRYHU +DSS\ 3DVVRYHU ments and have asked to live with me. Wanting everyone! to help him, I agreed. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, When they moved in, I gave them four rules also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was found- to follow: No drugs in the house, no sex, no ed by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact coming upstairs after 10 p.m., and the dishes Dear Abby at or P.O. Box must be done every night or they will pay $400 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. DAYS GONE BY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian April 3, 1915 Last night was a memorable one for a large number of high school boys who participated in an exciting mix. The affair started Wednesday night when the sophomores obliterated the ju- nior numerals on the old hose house roof on the south hill and painted on their own. Members of the junior class served notice upon the sophs that they would renew their numerals last eve- ning and the underclassmen were on hand to prevent it. A tussle ensued in which the juniors were victorious and accomplished their pur- pose. While the mix was under way, however, the seniors mounted to the roof of the building DQGÀHZWKHLUÀDJIURPWKHSROH7KHMXQLRUV penned them on the roof with the result that a FRPSURPLVHZDVDIIHFWHGZKHUHE\WKHÀDJZDV OHIWXQWLOR¶FORFNWKLVPRUQLQJ7KHDIIDLUZDV a friendly one throughout, no one was hurt, no property damaged and a great deal of fun had. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian April 3, 1965 Does operating a day nursery in a residen- tial area violate the city’s zoning ordinance? Residents around a new day nursery, called the Rocking Horse Ranch on Northwest 11th Street, seem to think so and they presented a petition, signed by a dozen homeowners, to the planning commission Thursday asking that the nursery activities be stopped. Dan Breland acted as spokesman for those presenting the petition. He said that creating a day nursery for small children would disrupt the neighbor- hood, create a safety hazard, be a nuisance and decrease property values in an area of $20,000 to $40,000 homes. Since city attorney Gene Conklin was not present at the meeting, the planning commission said it could not make any policy decisions in the matter as it was up to the interpretation of the city attorney wheth- er there is a violation of a city ordinance. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian April 3, 1990 7KH3HQGOHWRQ:RROHQ0LOOVKDVQRWL¿HG eight employees of layoffs scheduled for mid $SULODFRPSDQ\RI¿FLDOVDLG0RQGD\7KH layoffs apply to the dye and mixing division, which General Manager Bill Kyte described as “a relatively small portion of the work per- formed at the mill.” Kyte said the dye and mixing operation Pendleton is being consol- idated at the company’s Washougal, Wash., plant, which also serves as corporate head- quarters. One supervisor may be transferred from Pendleton to Washougal, Kyte said, but the Washougal operation is expected to ab- sorb the extra work without the need of Pend- leton employees. THIS DAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Today is Good Friday, the 93rd day of 2015. There are GD\VOHIWLQWKH\HDU7KH Jewish holiday Passover be- gins at sunset. Today’s Highlight in His- tory: On April 3, 1865, Union forces occupied the Confed- erate capital of Richmond, Virginia. On this date: In 1860, the legendary Pony Express began carrying mail between St. Joseph, Mis- souri, and Sacramento, Cali- fornia. (The delivery system lasted only 18 months before giving way to the transconti- nental telegraph.) In 1882, outlaw Jesse James was shot to death in St. Joseph, Missouri, by Robert Ford, a member of James’ gang. In 1946, Lt. Gen. Masa- haru Homma, the Japanese commander held responsible for the Bataan Death March, STONE SOUP BIG NATE ZDVH[HFXWHGE\¿ULQJVTXDG outside Manila. In 1948, President Harry S. Truman signed the Mar- shall Plan, designed to help European allies rebuild after World War II and resist com- munism. In 1965, the United States launched the SNAP-10A nu- clear power system into Earth RUELW LW ZDV WKH ¿UVW QXFOHDU reactor sent into space. In 1974, deadly tornadoes began hitting wide parts of the South and Midwest before jumping across the border into Canada; more than 300 fatalities resulted from what became known as the Super Outbreak. In 1995, former United Way of America President William Aramony was con- victed in Alexandria, Virginia, of 25 counts of fraud, conspir- acy and money laundering for stealing nearly $600,000 from the charity. Today’s Birthdays: Ac- tress-singer Doris Day is 92. Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl is 85. Conser- vationist Dame Jane Goodall is 81. Actor William Gaunt LV 6RQJZULWHU -HII %DUU\ LV $FWRU (ULF %UDHGHQ LV $FWUHVV0DUVKD0DVRQLV 6LQJHU:D\QH1HZWRQLV 6LQJHU%LOO\-RH5R\DOLV 6LQJHU 7RQ\ 2UODQGR LV &RPHG\ ZULWHU 3DW 3URIW is 68. Blues singer-guitarist John Mooney is 60. Rock musician Mick Mars (Motley Crue) is 59. Actor Alec Bald- ZLQ LV &RPHGLDQDFWRU Eddie Murphy is 54. Rock VLQJHU 6HEDVWLDQ %DFK LV Actor Adam Scott is 42. Co- median Aries Spears is 40. Actress Cobie Smulders is 33. Thought for Today: “The world is not black and white. More like black and grey.” — Graham Greene, English author (born 1904, died this date in 1991). BY JAN ELLIOT BY LINCOLN PEIRCE