COFFEE BREAK Saturday, March 28, 2015 PARENTS TALK BACK Sending 12-year-olds completely off the grid 7 he most enriching, eye-opening learning experience happened nowhere QHDUP\FKLOG¶VVFKRROWKLV\HDU For 45 years, the Parkway School District LQ6W/RXLVKDVVHQWLWVVL[WKJUDGHUVWRDQ RXWGRRUVFKRRORQ<0&$FDPSJURXQGVD FRXSOHKRXUVDZD\E\EXV It’s a four-day experience; it used to be a week-long program, until budget cuts HOLPLQDWHGDGD\ “We talk about FRQQHFWLQJZLWKQDWXUH´ said Ron Ramspott, coordinator for Healthy Youth Programs for Aisha WKHGLVWULFW³,W¶VUHDOO\ Sultan Parents talk back about disconnecting with HOHFWURQLFV´ My daughter’s class recently took the trek into the wilderness (a very tame wilderness, as all the cabins have air conditioning and electricity) for lessons on water ecology, wildlife and soil quality, along with outdoor activities like horseback ULGLQJDQGKLNLQJ 7KHPRVWGDXQWLQJDVSHFWLVWKHDEVROXWH ban on any digital devices for the entire GXUDWLRQRIWKHWULS “We weren’t sure we were going to make LW´P\GDXJKWHUVDLG One of her friends packed grid paper in FDVHVKHJRW0LQHFUDIW'7V 7ZHOYHLVWKHSHUIHFWDJHIRUVXFKDQ LPPHUVLYHRIIWKHJULGH[SHULHQFH,WPD\ EHWKH¿UVWWLPHLQWKHLUFRQVFLRXVOLYHVWKDW they don’t have a tech device nearby for four FRQVHFXWLYHGD\V7KH\DUHSDUWRIWKDW¿UVW cohort who won’t remember a time before XELTXLWRXVKDQGKHOGVFUHHQV7KH\ZHUH WRGGOHUVZKHQ