Wednesday, March 4, 2015 PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK East Oregonian Page 7A DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Husband’s secret texting puts his wife on high alert FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE Dear Abby: I was recently told by The problem is, how do I address a friend that my husband had sent her this with my mother? I don’t want to texts of an inappropriate and sexual throw my wife under the bus as the nature. My husband didn’t deny that reason for the discussion, but I am he sent them and refused to tell me not sure how believable it will be if I what he sent. suddenly say after 30-plus years that This woman is envious of my hus- it bothers me. I want the message that band and jealous of our relationship. I feel she should stop touching me at She often comments about how she’d every opportunity to come from me. Jeanne love to have a man like mine, etc. My Phillips How do I have this conversation? concern is, he admits he texted her, but What can I say? — No Means No Advice I don’t understand why. My intuition Dear No Means No: Say, “I love tells me she told me the truth, but I you, Mom, and I know I should have want to trust my husband. mentioned this before, but when you do that, Now I’m suspicious. I always want to it makes me uncomfortable, so please stop.” If check his phone, and analyze every aspect of she wants to know why, all you have to do is our life and marriage. I feel this has put a huge tell her you know she loves you, but you think wedge between us, and I no longer feel the what she’s doing is excessive. same love and passion for him. Please help. Dear Abby: We go out to eat occasional- What do I do now? Is my marriage over? — ly with another couple I’ll call Jack and Jill. Suspicious In Michigan 0RVWUHVWDXUDQWVDURXQGKHUHRIIHUIUHHUH¿OOV Dear Suspicious: Your marriage may not on soft drinks or self-serve. Jack will order be over, but it could be in jeopardy. Consid- water (free) to drink while Jill orders a soda. ering what has been going on, you have every 7KH\WKHQWDNHWKHLUHPSW\JODVVHVDQGUH¿OO right to be concerned. them with a colorless soft drink. Marriage counseling may help you and They see nothing wrong with the practice. your husband get back on track if he’s will- We think it’s stealing, and we are embarrassed. ing to go with you. But if he isn’t, then for What are your thoughts, and how should we your own sake, get counseling on your own react when this is done in front of us? Lately because you may need to talk to someone who we have been making excuses to avoid going isn’t emotionally involved in your turmoil. It out with them. — Eating With Cheapskates will make you stronger. Dear E.W.C.: I agree that it’s stealing. Jack Dear Abby: Every time my new wife and and Jill are taking something to which they are I visit my mom or she visits us, my mother not entitled. Have you spoken to them about scratches my back, rubs my arm, rests her it? If you have, then because their behavior hand on my inner thigh, tickles me, hugs me PDNHV\RXXQFRPIRUWDEOH\RXDUHMXVWL¿HGLQ or touches me any chance she gets. I don’t re- not going out with them. ciprocate or validate the touching, but I don’t Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Bu- discourage it either. She has been this way for ren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was so long that I’ve just gotten used to it. I never founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Con- noticed how creepy it was until my wife men- tact Dear Abby at or tioned something. P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. DAYS GONE BY 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian March 4, 1915 W.L. Thompson, president of the Ameri- can National Bank, is today wearing a patch XSRQ KLV XSSHU OLS DQG ¿QGV LW YHU\ SDLQIXO to smile, as the result of a violent encounter yesterday afternoon with a golf ball. Having driven the ball among the boulders on one of the hillsides of the links, he hit it as hard as possible to lift it clear of the rocks. Howev- er, it struck a boulder just in front of him and UHERXQGHG ZLWK WHUUL¿F IRUFH VWULNLQJ KLP just above the mouth and splitting his lip. The wound is an ugly one and the golfer had to seek the services of a physician. This is the ¿UVW LQMXU\ WR RFFXU RQ WKH ORFDO OLQNV DQG indicates that even as tame a game as many believe golf to be is not divorced from all danger. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian March 4, 1965 Jim Freeman, 33, of Pendleton came with- in a few inches Tuesday afternoon of cutting his head off with a chain saw. Freeman was cutting wood at his home when his chain saw apparently struck a piece of metal and bounced back toward him, striking him in the neck and making a large gash. He was taken to St. Anthony Hospital where he received over 15 stitches. Freeman was then released and is convalescing at home today. He is an operating engineer for Western Construction Co. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian March 4, 1990 Almost 50 years ago, 79 men were at the Pendleton Airport, training for a bombing raid on Tokyo that was to become famous. On April 23, nine of the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders will return to their training grounds. Airport 0DQDJHU0LNH+DWWVDLGWKLVZLOOEHWKH¿UVW time the raiders have returned to Pendleton. The Doolittle Raiders — named for their leader, who at the time was Lt. Colonel Jim- my Doolittle — trained in Pendleton in 1941 and during February and March of 1942, not long after the Japanese attacked Peal Harbor. In April of 1942, the raiders left their Pendle- ton training grounds, went to California, got on board 16 B-25s and, on the 18th, headed out to bomb Tokyo. THIS DAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Today is the 63rd day of 2015. There are 302 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On March 4, 1865, Pres- ident Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated for a second WHUP RI RI¿FH ZLWK WKH HQG of the Civil War in sight, Lin- coln declared, “With malice toward none, with charity for all.” On this date: In 1789, the Constitution of the United States went LQWR HIIHFW DV WKH ¿UVW )HG- eral Congress met in New York. (The lawmakers then adjourned for lack of a quo- rum.) In 1791, Vermont became the 14th state. In 1861, Abraham Lin- coln was inaugurated as the 16th president of the Unit- ed States. The Confederate States of America adopted as LWVÀDJWKHRULJLQDOYHUVLRQRI the Stars and Bars. STONE SOUP BIG NATE In 1913, the “Buffalo QLFNHO´ RI¿FLDOO\ ZHQW LQWR circulation. In 1925, President Calvin Coolidge’s inauguration was broadcast live on 21 radio stations coast-to-coast. In 1930, Coolidge Dam in Arizona was dedicated by its namesake, former President Calvin Coolidge. In 1940, Kings Canyon National Park in California was established. In 1964, Teamsters pres- ident James Hoffa and three co-defendants were found guilty by a federal court in Chattanooga, Tennessee, of jury tampering. In 1989, Time Inc. and Warner Communications Inc. announced plans for a huge media merger. In 1998, the U.S. Su- preme Court ruled that sexu- al harassment at work can be illegal even when the offend- er and victim are of the same gender. Today’s Birthdays: Ac- tress Paula Prentiss is 77. Movie director Adrian Lyne is 74. Rock musician Chris Squire (Yes) is 67. Singer Shakin’ Stevens is 67. Author James Ellroy is 67. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry is 65. Singer Chris Rea is 64. Actor/ rock singer-musician Ronn Moss is 63. Actress Kay Lenz is 62. Musician Emilio Este- fan is 62. Movie director Scott Hicks is 62. Actress Catherine O’Hara is 61. Actor Mykelti Williamson is 58. Actress Patricia Heaton is 57. Actor Steven Weber is 54. . Rap- per Grand Puba is 49. Rock singer Evan Dando (Lemon- heads) is 48. Gay rights ac- tivist Chaz Bono is 46. Rock musician Fergal Lawler (The Cranberries) is 44. Thought for Today: “I do not understand the world, but I watch its prog- ress.” — Katherine Anne Porter, American author (1894-1980). BY JAN ELLIOT BY LINCOLN PEIRCE