Page 2A NORTHWEST East Oregonian Friday, February 13, 2015 Kitzhaber scandal timeline The following are some of the key dates related to the ethics scandal now threatening Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber’s unprece- dented fourth term. Oct. 8: Willamette Week re- SRUWVWKDW¿UVWODG\&\OYLD+D\HV used taxpayer resources to aid her consulting business. Oct. 9: +D\HV DGPLWV GXULQJ a press conference that she broke federal law in 1997 when she was paid $5,000 for a sham mar- riage to an 18-year-old Ethiopian man seeking U.S. resident status. The admission cam after the stat- ute of limitations had expired, so +D\HV FRXOG QRW EH SURVHFXWHG for a crime. Oct. 13+D\HVLVVXHVDVWDWH- PHQWFRQ¿UPLQJDUHSRUWWKDWVKH purchased property in 1997 in Washington state that she and a boyfriend intended to be used for a marijuana growing operation. She said she didn’t participating ¿QDQFLDOO\LQWKHGHDODQGVDLGLW “never materialized.” Oct. 23: Dennis Richardson, Kitzhaber’s Republican oppo- nent in the governor’s race, says calls the U.S. attorney to inves- WLJDWHZKHWKHU+D\HV¶FRQVXOWLQJ work violated the law. Nov. 7: The Oregon Govern- PHQW (WKLFV &RPPLVVLRQ RSHQV a preliminary investigation into +D\HV¶ FRQVXOWLQJ ZRUN DIWHU FRPSODLQWV DUH ¿OHG E\ 5HSXE- licans. Jan. 13:.LW]KDEHUDQG+D\HV announce they have hired law- yers to represent them in the Eth- LFV&RPPLVVLRQLQYHVWLJDWLRQ Jan. 27: EO Media Group/ Pamplin Media Group reporter +LOODU\%RUUXGUHSRUWVWKDW+D\HV FRQ¿UPV LQ HPDLO VKH ZDV SDLG $118,000 over two years while RQ D IHOORZVKLS IURP WKH &OHDQ (FRQRP\ 'HYHORSPHQW &HQWHU RI:DVKLQJWRQ'&+D\HVVDLG her “primary work was to imple- ment communications strategies promoting clean economy devel- opment.” At the time, she was advising the governor on similar topics. The fellowship was fund- ed by a grant from The Energy Foundation of San Francisco. When the fellowship ended, The Energy Foundation arranged WR KLUH +D\HV GLUHFWO\ LQ 0D\ 2013 with a contract worth up to $40,000. Jan. 28: The Oregonian re- SRUWVWKDWWKHLQFRPHIURP&OHDQ (FRQRP\ 'HYHORSPHQW &HQWHU GRHV QRW DSSHDU RQ WKH +D\HV¶ tax returns. She had previously provided copies of the tax re- turns. Jan. 30: Kitzhaber holds a press conference in Portland in response the developments since the Pamplin/EO Media Group’s capital bureau reporting on +D\HV¶FRQVXOWLQJSD\.LW]KDEHU VD\VKHZLOOQRWUHVLJQ+HVD\V WKDW +D\HV ZLOO KDYH QR IXWXUH role in his administration. The governor says he still loves +D\HV ZKR ZDV LQ (XURSH YLV- iting friends. Feb. 4: The Oregonian editor board calls for Kitzhaber’s resig- nation because he can no longer effectively govern. Feb. 6: .LW]KDEHU¶V RI¿FH releases public records that con- ¿UPLQJ KH ¿UHG KLV WKHQFRP- munications director in July after VKH FULWLFL]HG +D\HV LQ PHHW- LQJ 1NHQJH +DUPRQ -RKQVRQ had said in November that she ZDV ¿UHG EHFDXVH VKH RIIHQGHG +D\HVEXWWKHJRYHUQRU¶VRI¿FH blamed performance issues. Feb. 9: Kitzhaber asks Or- egon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum to conduct a “full and independent factual review” RILVVXHVVXUURXQGLQJKLVRI¿FH¶V KDQGOLQJ RI +D\HV¶ FRQWUDFWV Rosenblum responds by tell- LQJ WKH JRYHUQRU KHU RI¿FH KDV already launched a launched a criminal investigation. Feb. 10: A memo surfaces LQ ZKLFK .LW]KDEHU DQG +D\HV argued that the Oregon Govern- BROWN: ‘I am ready, and my staff will be ready, should he resign’ PHQW(WKLFV&RPPLVVLRQKDVQR jurisdiction to investigate her. Feb. 11: Secretary of State .DWH %URZQ DEUXSWO\ UHWXUQV from a conference in Washing- WRQ '& IXHOLQJ LQWHQVH VSHF- ulation that Kitzhaber was about WRVWHSGRZQ%URZQZRXOGEH- come governor if Kitzhaber re- signed. Kitzhaber issues a state- ment saying he has no intention of doing so. Feb. 12: Secretary of State %URZQ LVVXHV D VWDWHPHQW VD\- ing she met with Kitzhaber upon her return to Oregon. During the meeting Kitzhaber said he wasn’t going to resign but wanted to discuss transition, according to %URZQ³7KLVLVFOHDUO\DEL]DUUH and unprecedented situation. I informed the governor that I am ready, and my staff will be ready, should he resign.” Three of the state’s top Democratic party leaders: Senate President Peter &RXUWQH\ +RXVH 6SHDNHU 7LQD Kotek and Treasurer Ted Wheel- er: called on Kitzhaber to re- sign. Willamette Week and 101.9 KINK/FM News 101 KXL re- port that they had obtained doc- uments that the governor’s staff had sought to remove thousands of documents from Kitzhaber’s personal email accounts from state servers. Continued from 1A that Kitzhaber planned to resign. “This is clearly a bizarre and unprec- HGHQWHG VLWXDWLRQ´ %URZQ ZURWH LQ WKH statement. Kitzhaber issued a statement Wednes- GD\ DIWHUQRRQ ZKLOH %URZQ ZDV À\LQJ EDFN IURP :DVKLQJWRQ '& VD\LQJ KH did not plan to resign. %URZQVDLG.LW]KDEHUFDOOHGRQ7XHV- day afternoon and “asked me to come back to Oregon as soon as possible to speak with him in person and alone.” %URZQDUULYHGLQ2UHJRQDWSP Wednesday. “I was escorted directly into a meeting ZLWKWKHJRYHUQRU´%URZQZURWH³,WZDV DEULHIPHHWLQJ+HDVNHGPHZK\,FDPH EDFNHDUO\IURP:DVKLQJWRQ'&ZKLFK I found strange. I asked him what he wanted to talk about. The governor told me he was not resigning, after which, he began a discussion about transition.” %URZQGLGQRWSURYLGHDQ\IXUWKHUGH- tails of their discussion about a transition. The Oregonian and The Associated Press have reported Kitzhaber planned to resign late this week, but changed his mind after speaking with his personal attorney and ZLWKKLV¿DQFHH&\OYLD+D\HV “I informed the governor that I am ready, and my staff will be ready, should KH UHVLJQ´ %URZQ ZURWH ³5LJKW QRZ , am focused on doing my job for the peo- ple of Oregon.” News of the meeting left observers scratching their heads. “I am stunned,” says former Gov. Ted Kulongoski, Kitzhaber’s successor and predecessor, who otherwise did not want WRHODERUDWHRQ%URZQ¶VVWDWHPHQWDIWHULW was read to him by phone. “This is not the John Kitzhaber I know.” Paul Gronke, a political science pro- IHVVRUDW5HHG&ROOHJHVDLG%URZQZDV attending a conference of the National Association of Secretaries of State, where she was to give an address on Oregon’s motor voter bill. She is president of the organization. “It’s not a small thing to leave a meet- ing like that in the middle,” she said. “That is a big important meeting and you don’t just leave it on a lark,” he said.“Now why would you call the secretary of state back on an emergency, overnight expensive ÀLJKWWRWHOOKHU\RX¶UHQRWUHVLJQLQJ" “That is just not credible,” he said. “It’s strange.” ——— The Capital Bureau is a collaboration between EO Media Group and Pamplin Media Group. KITZHABER: (WKLFVODZYLRODWLRQVDUHSXQLVKDEOHE\DPD[¿QHRQHDFKFRXQW unable to do the job. The provision for voluntary leave allows the governor to es- timate the period of disability, provide for temporary succession, and set a return to duty. Kulongoski said he asked for the provision to cover instances such as surgeries like the eye op- eration he had in 2010. Kulongoski said he never con- templated a scenario such as the one Kitzhaber faces. The changes were really prompted by a 2007 national-se- curity exercise in Portland, when Kulongoski said there was a de- Other options under state law bate over who could declare the are a voluntary leave of absence governor incapacitated. At that ² LQ ZKLFK FDVH %URZQ ZRXOG time, just three people could make VWHSLQIRU.LW]KDEHUIRUDGH¿QHG such a declaration — the chief period — and a legal defense justice of the Oregon Supreme &RXUW WKH ³GHDQ´ RI 2UHJRQ fund. 7KH 2UHJRQ &RQVWLWXWLRQ SUR- +HDOWK6FLHQFH8QLYHUVLW\DQG vides for succession not only upon the medical director of the Oregon the death or resignation of a gov- 6WDWH+RVSLWDO A 2007 revision of the Ore- ernor, but also upon a disability. Under a 2009 change, which gon’s government ethics law — Kulongoski requested when he ZKRVHÀRRUPDQDJHUZDV%URZQ ZDVJRYHUQRUVWDWHODZVSHFL¿HV then the Senate majority leader — how a governor may take a volun- GRHV DOORZ IRU SXEOLF RI¿FLDOV WR tary leave for disability or be de- set up legal defense funds separat- termined to be incapacitated and ed from campaign funds. QL¿FDQWO\ DIWHU $WWRUQH\ *HQHUDO Ellen Rosenblum said Monday of state. that her agency was conducting an “I hope the governor will do investigation of potential criminal the right thing for Oregon and its violations. citizens.” Kulongoski said he is not ad- Although four governors have YLVLQJ.LW]KDEHU+HDOVRVD\VKH resigned since Oregon statehood does not know what Kitzhaber in 1859, the most recent instance will ultimately decide. was in 1952 — when Gov. Doug- +H GLG VD\ WKDW KH VHQW DQ las McKay was appointed U.S. email a few weeks ago offering interior secretary — and none has any assistance, but that Kitzhaber involved a scandal. declined in a response. The most recent mid-term va- +D\HV KDV UHSRUWHGO\ UHWDLQHG cancy for Oregon governor was in a criminal lawyer, separate from 1956, when Paul Patterson died of the lawyers who were jointly rep- a heart attack. UHVHQWLQJ.LW]KDEHUDQG+D\HVLQ Kitzhaber was sworn in for a ethics-law complaints. Kitzhaber fourth term on Jan. 12. has retained lawyers from the After voter rejection of his 3RUWODQG¿UPRI%DOO-DQLNZKLFK proposed tax overhaul in May does not specialize in criminal de- *RY 7RP 0F&DOO YRZHG fense. he would resign, but was talked The Department of Justice RXWRILW+HFRPSOHWHGKLVWHUPLQ normally investigates potential January 1975. criminal violations, which are of a different magnitude than the ethics-law complaints against Former Gov. Ted Kulongoski .LW]KDEHU DQG +D\HV WKDW ZHUH said that Kitzhaber must be con- pending before the Oregon Gov- sidering all his options in addi- HUQPHQW(WKLFV&RPPLVVLRQ Under the ethics law, the com- tion to resignation — and that the nature of the allegations against mission must suspend its pro- .LW]KDEHUDQG+D\HVFKDQJHGVLJ- ceedings when the Department of Justice informs it that a criminal investigation is pending — and FRPPLVVLRQ GLUHFWRU 5RQ %HUVLQ said Thursday that he received such notice Wednesday. Unlike the ethics commission, which has deadlines in the law to determine its proceedings, the Department of Justice has no such limits. Ethics-law violations are pun- ishable by a maximum $5,000 ¿QHRQHDFKFRXQWSOXVSHUVRQDO gain. The law bars use of public RI¿FHIRUSHUVRQDO¿QDQFLDOJDLQ Continued from 1A Other options &KDQJHGQDWXUH Subscriber services: For home delivery, vacation stops or delivery concerns: 1-800-522-0255 Didn’t receive your paper?&DOO EHIRUHSP7XHVGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\ RUEHIRUHDP6DWXUGD\ for same-day redelivery — Founded Oct. 16, 1875 — 211 S.E. Byers Ave., Pendleton 541-276-2211 333 E. 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Mostly cloudy tonight. Partly sunny tomorrow. Western Washington: Mostly cloudy today; a little rain, but dry across the south. Eastern Washington: Clouds and sun today. Mostly cloudy tonight; a shower in spots in the north. Cascades: Mild today with times of sun and clouds. Mostly cloudy tonight. Clouds and sun tomorrow. Northern California: Mostly sunny today. Mostly cloudy tonight. Sunshine and patchy clouds tomorrow. Multimedia consultants • Jeanne Jewett ‡MMHZHWW#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP • Stephanie Burkenbine ‡VEXUNHQELQH#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP • Dayle Stinson 541-966-0806 • • Terri Briggs ‡WEULJJV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP To submit community events, calendar items and Your EO News: HPDLOFRPPXQLW\#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRPRUFDOO7DPP\0DOJHVLQL LQ+HUPLVWRQDWRU5HQHH6WUXWKHUVLQ3HQGOHWRQDW To submit a Letter to the Editor:PDLOWR0DQDJLQJ(GLWRU'DQLHO :DWWHQEXUJHU6(%\HUV$YH3HQGOHWRQ25RUHPDLO HGLWRU#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP To submit sports or outdoors information or tips: ‡VSRUWV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP COMMERCIAL PRINTING Production Director Jake Duquette ‡MGXTXHWWH#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP Real Estate Advertising: Jodi Snook ‡MVQRRN#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP Astoria Baker City Bend Brookings Burns Enterprise Eugene Heppner Hermiston John Day Klamath Falls La Grande Meacham Medford Newport North Bend Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem Spokane Ukiah Vancouver Walla Walla Yakima Hi 57 56 61 61 58 58 58 57 56 60 61 60 58 64 59 61 57 56 55 59 62 59 53 60 58 54 58 Lo 45 31 34 46 29 34 47 39 42 35 29 37 36 38 46 48 36 42 42 45 35 46 40 36 43 43 39 W r pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc Hi 55 55 54 64 56 52 56 56 59 55 58 57 51 63 57 62 60 60 57 55 56 57 50 54 55 56 61 NATIONAL WEATHER TODAY Sat. Lo 39 27 28 48 24 30 38 32 33 27 26 28 25 37 41 42 34 35 35 37 28 37 33 28 36 38 32 W pc s pc pc s pc pc s pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc s pc pc pc pc s pc pc pc WORLD CITIES Today Beijing Hong Kong Jerusalem London Mexico City Moscow Paris Rome Seoul Sydney Tokyo Hi 48 70 47 48 66 32 51 55 38 80 48 Lo 26 63 39 40 42 24 41 41 27 69 35 W s pc sh r pc i pc c s sh pc Hi 55 70 50 47 66 29 47 55 48 82 49 Sat. Lo 30 64 35 39 45 22 36 45 32 68 40 W s pc pc sh pc c r t pc sh pc WINDS (in mph) Today Saturday Boardman Pendleton VAR 2-4 N 3-6 W 4-8 W 7-14 UV INDEX TODAY 0 To submit engagements, weddings and anniversaries: HPDLOUVWUXWKHUV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRPRUYLVLWZZZHDVWRUHJRQLDQ FRPFRPPXQLW\DQQRXQFHPHQWV Legal Advertising:$PDQGD-DFREV ‡DMDFREV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP Today Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. Coastal Oregon: Times of sun and clouds to- day; a little afternoon rain across the north. NEWS To submit news tips and press releases:‡FDOO‡ ID[‡HPDLOQHZV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP REGIONAL CITIES Forecast MONDAY ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Jennine Perkinson ‡MSHUNLQVRQ#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ ‡FODVVL¿HGV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP Single copy price: 7XHVGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\6DWXUGD\ Copyright © 2015, EO Media Group Corrections The East Oregonian works hard to be accurate and sincerely regrets any errors. If you notice a mistake in the paper, please call 541-966-0818. 1 2 1 0 0 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. 0-2, Low 3-5, Moderate 6-7, High; 8-10, Very High; 11+, Extreme The higher the UV Index™ num- ber, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2015 Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. -10s -0s showers t-storms 0s 10s rain 20s flurries 30s 40s snow ice 50s 60s cold front 70s 80s 90s 100s warm front stationary front 110s high low National Summary: As the Northeast is blustery and cold today, sunshine and chilly air will hold in the South. An area of snow will affect the Great Lakes. Sunshine and warmth will build from the West to the Great Plains. Yesterday’s National Extremes: (for the 48 contiguous states) High 89° in Santa Ana, Calif. Low -28° in International Falls, Minn. NATIONAL CITIES Today Albuquerque Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Birmingham Boise Boston Charleston, SC Charleston, WV Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit El Paso Fairbanks Fargo Honolulu Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Kansas City Las Vegas Little Rock Los Angeles Hi 64 46 25 26 63 46 59 15 46 27 24 19 67 65 21 66 7 20 80 63 29 51 46 76 51 88 Lo 35 30 18 15 35 27 37 1 26 21 16 16 40 35 18 41 -13 -11 72 47 22 28 29 50 32 58 W s pc s s s pc pc pc s pc sn c s s c s pc pc pc s c s pc s pc s Hi 67 57 38 37 53 61 58 26 57 36 17 27 73 64 23 71 9 -2 78 75 28 60 33 77 67 85 Sat. Lo 38 23 17 9 33 20 35 19 29 3 -2 -4 46 31 -5 49 -15 -9 65 51 4 38 8 54 24 58 W s s sn sf c s pc sn s sf sf sn s s sn pc c pc r s pc s s s s pc Today Louisville Memphis Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New York City Oklahoma City Omaha Philadelphia Phoenix Portland, ME Providence Raleigh Rapid City Reno Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake City San Diego San Francisco Seattle Tucson Washington, DC Wichita Hi 36 45 73 23 30 40 53 21 66 43 24 82 14 13 39 59 71 71 45 61 80 68 58 78 31 57 Lo 28 34 48 14 1 25 39 13 36 24 17 56 -10 -1 22 22 36 46 29 38 57 52 47 53 21 34 W c pc s sn pc pc s s s pc s s s s s pc s s pc s s s r s s pc Hi 36 57 71 14 8 48 69 32 69 25 37 83 21 29 51 27 66 71 34 64 79 69 55 80 44 48 Sat. Lo 10 21 48 1 -6 13 47 15 28 7 13 57 17 18 18 16 34 46 9 38 58 54 39 55 13 16 Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. W c s s pc s pc s sf s c sf pc sn sn s sn s s pc pc pc s pc pc sf s