Page 6B East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Thursday, January 29, 2015 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ :RPDQ¶VORYHIRUER\IULHQG GRHVQ¶WVSLOORYHUWRKLVVRQ FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE Dear Abby: I am in a great re- ly told me she is taking me to her lationship with a wonderful man, church where they are making pies “Kevin.” He loves me very much for the homeless. Even though this is and we get along well. I have three DQLFHDFW,GRQ¶WZDQWWREHDSDUW kids — two with special needs — RILWPDLQO\EHFDXVH,DPYHU\VK\ and Kevin loves them and treats them around new people). like his own. He also has a son, age 6, :KHQ,WROGP\PRPVKHVDLGVKH ZKRKDVF\VWLF¿EURVLV WKRXJKW,ZDVEHLQJUXGHDQGLQFRQ- I love Kevin and can see myself siderate, and that she would make me Jeanne PDUU\LQJKLP7KHSUREOHPLV,GRQ¶W Phillips FRPHDQGJURXQGPHLI,GLGQ¶WJR,V WKLQN,OLNHKLVVRQ+H¶VDJRRGNLG there any way I can explain it to her Advice FXWHDQGIXQQ\EXW,GRQ¶WIHHO³ORYH´ EHWWHU"²6K\.LG IRU KLP ,¶P DIIHFWLRQDWH ZLWK P\ 'HDU 6K\ .LG: If you have al- RZQ NLGV EXW , KDYH WR IRUFH P\VHOI WR EH ready told your mother the reason is your ZLWKWKLVER\,DPHDVLO\LUULWDWHGE\KLPDQG VK\QHVVWKHQ,FDQ¶WWKLQNRIDZD\WRVWDWH VRPHWLPHVMXVWGRQ¶WZDQWWREHERWKHUHG it more clearly. She may feel that your help , NQRZ WKLV VRXQGV WHUULEOH EXW , GRQ¶W in the project is urgently needed, which is NQRZZKDW,VKRXOGGR,GRQ¶WZDQWWRHQG ZK\VKH¶VLQVLVWLQJ2UVKHPD\IHHOWKDWLW P\ UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK .HYLQ EHFDXVH ,¶P might help you to overcome your shyness. so in love. But is it fair to stay with him if Sometimes when people work together for a ,GRQ¶WORYHKLVVRQWRR"²,Q&RQÀLFW,Q ZRUWK\ FDXVH WKH\ IRUJHW DERXW WKHPVHOYHV 1RUWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD and their insecurities. I hope you will give 'HDU ,Q &RQÀLFW: Frankly, it depends LWDWU\²LIRQO\VR\RXZRQ¶WEHJURXQGHG XSRQZKHWKHU\RXFDQOHDUQWRORYHWKHER\ Dear Abby: Our waitress in a mid-level