DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, TENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 27, 11)22. EIGHT PAGES 1 I Social and Club News MISRIO.VAlty SOCIKTy MKHTS The Missionary society of the Pres hvterian church met thin afternoon In , the church parlors for their regular monthly business meeting and pro gram. The Foreign missions topic discussed was "Syria," anil the home missions topic "was "I tun. Hostesses for today's meeting are ,Mrs. J. ,s Matthews, chairman, Mrs. C. S. Tor pening. Mrs. p. M. Kbrel, luul Mrs. Alice Munroe. i LEAVE FOn CALIFOUXIA Mrs. J tin porringer and Mrs. John M. Dolph and little daughter left this morning- for Ooronado. California, for the winter. 'J'hey expect to return la nbout two months. V. OF (I. ST TDK NTS MBICT- CH RIST.M AH TREK PARTY. . Alumni and former students of the j Tne t.ni,ilf,n Df the Catholic Kun Fniversily of Oregon met this after-j,uv scnoo, had tht.h. ehritmas tret noon at 4 o'clock in the Library. Plans' , nr0Irrnm lhlH ,,1'tprnnm at Mary's hull. A were discussed for holiday eluding u I'lilversily dance it high school assembly. week, in- i nd special Til OKLAHOMA .Mrs. Cyrena Holes has gone to I.nw t on, Oklahoma, where slid will spend the winter at the home of her brother, James .Meadows. JiltllJCIi CI.l'B MEETS The Thursday afternoon Bridge club will meet tomorrow afternoon at the I he home of .Mrs. C. S. Cole, 1 203 Last Court street. JtOPF'S GAI5JIEXT SIIOl' Pre -Inventory Sale Thursday Friday Saturday A GREAT CLEARANCE SALE TO REDUCE OUR STOCK BEFORE TAKING INVENTORY. A FEW COATS REMAIN These will be sold at a fraction of former price. WOOL DRESSES WILL HE SOLD BELOW WHOLESALE COST. SALE STARTS TOMORROW! . HOPFS GA1UIKXT SHOP Formerly the Thomas Shop o'clock in St. Mary's hull. A law group of youngsters was present to enjoy the party. An unusually good program was given by the young- people, with numbers as follows: Yuletlde march, Cecilia Kchwarssf recitation, Helen lirandl; violin solo, George Rommer ville; song- by a trio consisting- of Inez Swartzlander, Jane Kavanaugh, Sylvia Lonergan; recitation, Theres-i Monterastelll; harp solo, Irene J'ues lo; piano number, Doris Sommerville, song- by little girls; violin solo, oeorge Sommerville; song hy trio, Irene Clemens, Natalie Koden, Doris Sommerville; recitation, Frances lirandl; and song by the Sunday school class. BACHELOR CURLS DANCE. One of the biggest holiday affairs will be given tonight when the Bach elor Girls' put on their annual formal dance in the Elks Temple. The club is composed of popular high school girls, and' their Christmas dance is ex pected to bo an elaborate affair. Many delignuul reatures and surprises are being planned by the committee for their guest's. ' FRESH COTTAGE CHEESE Red Rods Brand, pound , 25c Kippered Salmon, pound 35c Good Cooking Eggs, 3 dozen... $1.00 Country Butter, 2 pound roll 95c Werk's Red Oil Soap, 10 bars $1.00 Werk's Washing Machine Powder, pkg 45c Wyandotte Washing Powder in 5 pound bags and 80 pound kegs. We are agents in Pen dleton for this powder. 4 Pounds Gray &ros. Special Coffee $1.00 Best Quality Coboa, 8 pounds . . $1.00 Ground Chocolate, 4 pounds $1.00 Gray Bros. (Grocery Co. THREE PHONES 28 823 MAI.V STREET PK-MLETON, OREGON '. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT! By Getting Your MILK and CREAM From Us. ,7 . We arc prepared to give you excellent SERVICE, having the regular PENLANI) DELIVERY and ONE of OUR OWN, making FIVE DELIVERIES a day. Wc can send extra milk and cream on any one of them. ! OUR MEATS ARE ALSO FIRST QUALITY. TRICED RIGHT. Open a 30 Day Account at , 521 Main St Clover Leaf Dairy and Market Yours for tetter meat and dairy products. """"V Phono 55 .iOl.LY BACHELORS' DA.VCE The .Jolly liacholors' club of ' boys will stage their annual formal damv Thursday night in the Elks Temple, and if plans of the committee ' go through it promises to be one of the l.ig affairs of the Christmas season. A large group of prominent people nave been chosen by Ihe club as pat rons and patronesses for their dance. CHRISTMAS PARTY -fliVK.V. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rig-by, 501 Jackson street, were host and hos tess to a large group of relatives and friends for a Jolly party Christ mas night. About thirty were pres ent to lake part 111 the Christmas tree festivities, games and music. Re freshments wore served during the course of the evening. PILOT HOCK COUPLE WED Miss Bertha Lois Varney and Thom as C. Baker, b.ith of Pilot Itock, jvere quietly married yesterday afternoon at the home of Rey. p. t;. Ruling. There "were no attendants. Miss Var ney is a graduate of the Oregon Agri cultural college, while Mr. Baker is a senior there now. The bride is a teacher. mrs. VirrtT TTovonKn Mrs. John Vert of Calgary, Alberta, nas the complimented guest at an In formal open house given by Mrs. Helen Robinson at her spacious North Main street home this afternoon and evening, from two till ten o'c lock. Mrs. Vert Is the house, guest of Mrs. Robin, son.. RETURN TO PORTLAND. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Judd who have been visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Slusher during the Christmas sea son left for their home in Portland Oldest Lawmakers Visit President j.: ss-r' .."..-.ia.-'.t ..v.'ioc:vr num. m .it jrviw.T.i os- w vni . Here are shown the oldest members of each party in the present Congress visiting- Pnraldent Harding. . They are, left to right, famous "Joe" Cannon, the oldest Republican, and his less well-known friend, Congressman Charles M. Stedman of fJ. Carolina, the oldest Democrat. PROFESSORS DISCUSS JEWKI, CLUH DANVCE. The Eagle-Woodman hall will be the suene of another one of the Jewel club dances tonight. Eight collides, members of the club, will act as pat rons and patronesses for the uffair. VISITS WITH SISTER. Miss Ulendlne Cottrell of noise, Ida ho, is visiting at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. L. M. Kpaiilding, during the holidays. She arrived Sunday and will be hero about two weeks. VISITS ERI ENDS. Million Moorhiuise, little daugh ter of Mrs. Blanche Moot-house, i. leaving for I'orthmd for a short vis it with friends Including Hetty Bond ami Eranris Townsend. DltlVE TO WAIJ.A WALLA. Mr. and Mrs. 11. B.-ismussen drove hy car to Walla Walla yesterday tr spend the day. Th were accnjnpnn led by Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Torkelson of Wallace, Idaho. VISITS DAUllHTEIt. Mrs. J. M. P. Snyder, of Walla Wal la. Is visiting at the home of her laughter, Mrs. William Lowell, am ilher relatives. BOSTON, Dec. 27.- (A. P.) The existence of life on the planet Venus may tie considered highly probable, Dr. Ilarlnw 'Shapley, director of the lUu-vard Observatory, said in a recent lecture here. He added that the ques. tlon of life on Mars was controversial, but that its smull mass and its great distance from the sun counted heavily against the probability of lite there. "VeniiH," he said, "is comparable to the earth ill many ways and if, :.s is likely, livingorganisins develop wher ever conditions are suitable over a sufficient interval of time., then it may be considered that life on Venus is highly probable. On -no other bodies in the solar system, however, are con ditions at all favorable for the exist ence of protoplasm." Dr. S'haplcy said that accepting the tidal evolution theory of a planetary system, even for stars otherwise fav urably located, an encounter of just the right sort witli another star was necessary for the birth of a planetary system. Must not be Disturbed "And once such a family is born," he continued, "other stars must not disturb the family, and the star's light intensity must remain essentially uni form ' for the enormous interval of lime required for the orustal evolution which must precede animate origins. 'Nevertheless, it appears pro'table that nmniiL; the thousands of millions of stars there are "hero and there plan, cts that conform to the requirements Although the animal man Is probably not duplicated ' in the universe, there are doubtless numerous other living earths, anil the chance that their life phenomena surpass in Intricacy- and 'hitdinesn' those on the earth is ttf goi d as the chance that they fall be low our level.'' The search for habltabk worlds, hf f said, wes- largely a search for condi tions suitable for the existence of wa ter In a liquid form. This, he added, was an absolute necessity for the de velopment of life such as that on thr earth, and a definite chemical consti tution for air, land and water also was necessary . A planet's days .and nightr therefore, must not be so long as to luewiii me e.Msieui-e oi water in a liquid form. "It seems certain," he said, "that some water exists on Mars at times in a liquid form. The. average astron omical opinion Is that low forms of or ganisms may exist on Mais, that high forms are very improbable, and that being. physically comparable with man ate absolutely impossible." MILITAP.Y MKX DISLIKED TOk'IO. Dec. 27. (A. P.)-Mili-tary men are not desired as husbands by the modern Japanese girls, it is indicated ill the voting of pupils of the Ochnnonilzu high school, one of the best in Tokio. These girls come from military and official families but not one out of a hundred graduates voted for a soldier husband. The majority favored independent merch ants. , FREE!":"; No. 2 Film Pack Hawk-Eye Eastman-made l R ft v Si 1 JV& Si&!fSZ,tA? if ft. ft 'JP m M fVI S-i inches M Picture Size Because we want everybody in this com munity to realize how easy and inexpensive it is to make splendid pictures wre have decided to make the following offer: Starting Promptly at 8 A M. Thursday, December 2 8th ' We will give a No. 2 Film Pack Hawk-Eye camera FREE to evervone who buys at our store three or more 2l4$i Kodak Film Packs for this camera at SO cents each. There is absolutely no other condition attached to this offer which will continue only as long as our supply lasts. ( Nor is this all. With every camera is included a year's free sub scription to Kodakcry the bright little monthly magazine .for amateur photographers that regularly sells for 60 cents a year. ! Only One Camera to a Customer The- Pendleton Drug Co. The REX ALL Store fi 0 M IDEAS E DEMONSTRATE FOR HOUSEWiVES Nut Salad. 1-2 level cup shelled peanuts 1 green pepper. 3 level cups cabbage. Boiled Salad Dressing. Chop peanuts in chopping bowl, when rather fine,, add the pepper and continue ehoping, then add the cabbage. Chop all rather fine. Season slightly with salt and a little sugar. If salted peanuts -ire used, no more salt will be needed. Moisten with boiled salad dressing. K. M. H. OFFICERS, MEN GLAD FOR LESS SALUTING l.KAVK FOIt roitTi..n. Mrs. Mav (iorlkle and hi Aaron Hirsch, have gone to lo visit relatives. iby son. Virtland Your Winter's Iork We have some very fine small porkers about 100 pounds oath, at 15c per pound. An oppor tunity for you to pet your winter's meat cheap. IT. S. INSPECTED THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE Fashion's New Neckline HA in:.;o, ivo. u. r. am ai r. I'laiH'H parti patmR in th stitvh I fur ivloiiol Pranrin Marnliall aixl I.icu j tenant Charles WM r, aviators miss- I -invi 1 ivmler 7. havo )fn re jtMllcd with th ct'iuion of Uruicn jant John liirlit r. Wt'lOwr's umiim jmat Tht lattt-r in grUf strit-Rrn ami ' runt inuos hi rs unnaiN;iTn"i fr'm j n. Xo lue to lh' nii)s.pjf mm's i w 1it'rMloiitH have Iwrn ihf ovtr r j Tlu otIi'j n portt t! founil near In lian Srint;s. r." miUf fnun Yuma, a n irt d was api'urvntly unfoumltd. 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHARLES I). DLSIMLV, Prop. STI II MS AIHIT 1IIKIM.. rAMi'N. Ivo. (A. IV nr i h:iulr tl an-1 thirty ("Hncr-e tuiir!iif aiii! mx f.'n-tilty numhrr of tl ui , ion t'hriMian rolli'j; ha rt t unit .1 , j frm a .uo ff ul , y to V i i ' mountain. r.r of t r-e lnc h--t in :miuiIi 'hina. All ilct;til vf t:: jour- j m, wiTO arraiv-i't! nnl s is' I h itti' stuMt-nt?, who htkil to the tip-j Miiost ;tk. At a prottTth-n ,if;.iint j 1 ( tnIits. tlenrr.il hn i'Imuiik- Mint t nt a trop of oMhr to pcaail lh ) 'nm'tiv In it:.rn tr a iiT-nr mi-I t!ir jt'uirti at n muntiun niMi:iit- . t !w rionkx t-:- -tit r talntd with an ctriih o( oig and M ant. MOXTKItEY, Dec. 2?. (U. P.) Arm-weary oyicers of the United States Army are jubilant. The good old "Xo. 4" salute has ceased to be a bug-bear, a strain on the muscles of the right arm that i-jquired long per iods of morning calesthenies to keep them in condition. An impromptu jubilation was held ;it the Presidio here yesterday when '.he news came that salutes will here ifter be dispensed with outside the military reservation. The new order specified that "AVhen outside of a military post, camp, sta tion, headpiarters, or armory, salutes are nut reipiired to be exchanged be tween officers nnd enlisted men ex cept when addressing each other, 01 when the omission would show lack of courtesy." The matter of abolishing salutin? outside stations has been under con sideration by the war department, ac cording to officers here. The change is one of the blessings of the war when the great numiiers of oficers and men on the street made the salute an oner ous duty instead of a military courtesy. DIDN'T KOXW HIS ItKOTIlRIt "My brother got so bad with stom ,!,ch and liver trouble that when I saw him after a year I didn't know him. tie -was emaciated and yellow as a pumpkin and.was often in great pain, lie couldn't have lived long the way lie was going. Doctors and medicine frave him no relief. I picked up a lit tle booklet on Miyr's Wonderful llemedy, which he said described his case perfectly. he first dose of it TOve him great relief and in a month lie was good as ever." it is a simple -'tarmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, 'iver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. For sale by all druggists. Adv. of money through the failure of the t.andsmunds Hank. Many members of the Danish nobility, as well as other people of wealth, have been victims of this financial disaster. According to a local newspaper. Prince Valdemar has been compelled to discharge most, of his servants and to close Yellow Palace, his cele brated town residence, and has ac cepted a friend's invitation for a year's cruise around the world on a yacht. FAIWH!-: KMHAKIJASSKS XOltlMTY. f'lPEXHAllKX, Dec. 27 (A. P.) Dowager Gneen Alexandra, of Eng land, and her brother Prince Yalde niar, unrle of the King of Denmark, are reported to have lost large sums ltJXIKVKD COXSTXTATION "Suffered a gnat deal from consti pation," writes Herbert ft. Dow, 1'orts mnulh, New Hampshire, "and never found anything to take the place of Foley Cathartic Tablets." ltiliousness, uek headache, . bloating, gas, sour stomach, bad breath, constipation and other digestive disorders quickly re lieved with Foley Cathartic Tablets. This w holesome physic does not gripe or uaoseats. .Sold everywhere. Adv. i:xir.rsTK i-jiom i : . " gkippk ooroii I.a grippe coughs rack and tear the sufferer to a state of -1 exhaustion. "Would get completely exhausted from violent grippe coughs." writes It. G. C"llins. Harpegat, X. J. "Tried Foley's Honey and Tar and the cough ceased entirely." t'sed by three generations for couchs. colds and croup, throat, chest and bronchial Irritation, Foley's Honey and T..r has stood the test of time. Contains no opiates ingred ients printed on the wrapper. Largest selling cough meoieine in tljn world. Sold everywhe'e. Adv. Phone 496 f for a D e nionsfration In. Your Home From the deep folds and Softly eusrioned surfnrrs of even the finest upl olstery. all lint and dost may snedilv he n.ietioned awav bv the air at'a.-bments of The Hoover. Rut for the vastly more d ffirult task of cl-anin rugs, so ns to prolong ih.-ir life. The Hoover brings Into play ail lhr.e of its forces. -,miy lt heats out all nan.cutt.iur. .-nilH-drf-H '" " rrir- op an e irping uuer, er-cts ir.snen-. r..,ors. .goiousiy it rltalK by air. On Charon all thes- c. es. in the woii.l. matted nap and. Tile H'mver- Aiui it is the larsevt si-Kins electric cleaner No h-ngx f ago tan Ut satoa irn unwind fashion compelled the met retiring wrina7 frar.ie.1 ly a severe col'.arless bodica to show her cotuirKxies. d.-orst:rc cr not. Now he may retain the same neckline t ut she Is perram.d to evfu n tt with ide drops of lace or narrow collars t. mimed with iany colors. The V-fhaped mxkline ts extremely popular. The square tine ha its adherents. IhSereot isvelcpaiBU Of ail Law .'LiMUiMd btn Uvia UiJueaat frock. - . i THE HOOVER SOLD AT CONVENIENT PAYMENTS Crawford Furniture4 Co. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Your Old Furniture Taken in Exchange for New W2 It