THE EAST OREGONIAN IS A MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND ALSO CARRIES THE WIRE NEWS SERVICE OF THE UNITED PRESS DAILY EDITION The net press run of yesterday's Dally ' ' 3,322 DAILY EDITION The East Oregonlan la Eastern Ore ron's greatest newspaper and aa a aell Intr force glvca to the advertiser over twice the guaranteed average paid cir culation In Pendleton and Umatilla county of any other newspaper. jj This paper 1 ft member or nn1 audited oy me Aumt tsufeau 01 circulation!. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 34 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 27, 1922. NO. 10,327 ED IKiS f '-' ""aKBW C y V .a iAjrriiy (., VBWr O (1 19 ft M.J js r crit-rf ctrvLi i x - - ) BORAH GREAT STORM ON ATLANTIC TAKES MANY LIV sj: 5 SHIPS LOST LODGE - HARDING FORCES BEGIN PORT LAND WOMAN CHANGES HER STORY BUT STILL SAYS WEIR KILLED WOMAN ON SEPT. 23 COUNTER NOV E Attack on Idaho- Senator's Peace ' Proposal Started Today Following Caucus. WANT FRANCE FIRST 7 TO MAKE PROMISES Conference Would be Useless Unless French Agree to Reduce Army, Says Lodge. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. (A. I'.) Administration senators under the lead of Chairman Lodge of trie foreign re lations committee, began in the senate today a determined fight against the Borah proposal for a new internation al conference in Washington to discuss economic conditions and disarmament Senator Lodge, who was said to have obtained President Harding's views, opened the attack as soon as the sen ate began work on tho Borah propo sal. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. U. P.) Tho conference to consider land dis armament as suggested by Senator ill connection with his proposal for a world economic conference would lie useless, Senator Lodge declared toi'.ay in his senate speech, "unless ir. ad- I vance France should withdraw her ob- ( Jections and agree to cooperate with I the other powers in lowering land j forces." Senator Lodge then opened a combined attack of the Harding ad- j ministration upon Iiorah's two propo- j Hals tor an economic and disarma ment parley. Previous to I-odge's speech about -0 republican senators ?n "war council" in Senator Lodge's of fice agreed to fight the Iiornh iflove. J'resident Harding was reported to be .In accord with Senator Lodge's offensive. OltTLAND, Dec. "7. (A. P.) .Mrs. Leary under a severe grilling following the receipt of a letter from ja pirl w ho said she was in 'Wei.-'.; I houseboat September 23, told detoc itives her story nccu.-ing Cash Weir of killing the fil'teen-yiav-old girl 1 was false, according to an announce ment by the police today. Under fur ther questioning by Lieutenant Thatcher, however, Mrs. Leary was reported to have said Weir killed a 22-year-old woman named "Petty" on the night of September 23. To Dismiss Case PC-liTLA.ND, Dec. 27. (A. 1'.) Unless unexpected developments oc curs, District Attorney Myers will move j in the police court this Afternoon for , the dismissal of charges against Cash ! and Karl Weir, he announced when in- j formed that Mrs. Leary had admitted i the falsity of her charges against the i Weirs. Myers added he would ask for an examination of Mis. Ixary'a j sanity. j TAXES IN PENDLETON E jENGUND WILL NOT GIVE UP .OIL AMBITION iGiLBERT TELLS HOW IT 100 PER CENT PROFIT! WHITl.NG, llld., Dec. 27. (U. IVl Stockholders of the Standard Oil com pany "of Indiana meeting here, today authorized an increase in capital stock frum $140,000,000 to $2r0,0u(l,l00. The concern s directors meet Thursday and will cons'der a .proposed 1UO per cent stock dividend ty stockholders of rec ord December 2Sti. The total of tax levies tor all . pur- l oses in Pendleton this coining year j will be just one-fourth of one mill ' higher than it was during this year. according to figures taken from th, lolls in the county assessor's office. ' The total levy for 11123 will be an even as mills. j The taxes paid by residents of the i city come under three heads. They are for city purposes, for schools, and f then the regular country and state levy. The county and state levy is less! than it was hist year, the city is the same and the school rate is slightly j higher. I This rate for city purposes is 1 1 j mills. The county and stale levy is It', : j mills even as against 1 tJ . Ti mills which j I was paid this year, and the school levy '; j is 1 1 mills as against a rate of 10.1 j nulls for the year just passing. There will be slightly less collected in 11123 than was collected this year, however, Mr. Hawks says, due to the fact that the total of assessed valua tions in the city Is about $100,0(10 less than it wus for 1 922. ;Curzon Notifies Britain Will to Kemalist Turks That Never Agree Proposal CONFERENCE MAhf END i Committee of Bankers Handles All Funds for Relief, Chair- man Explains in Letter. German's Up to Failure to Reparations Live Pact Will be Discussed Jan. 2. MUST REDUCE COST c.vrm; rnici,; ni.i;;. I ' IYV1 ,A J , I Ho. L'7. (A. 1 ) C'iiUlu I0 ci.nts lower, based on Tues fl;iy afternoon sjiIch, elioiti' tteer.s $ 7 -7 ;i i Iioks, sheep steady: rie moralUs'.'d. fi cents lower, buying priiOH withdrawn, selling prices 4t to 4f cents, llnller steady. AKTOKIA, Ioc southeast Htorni la several parts of burned dtstriet. wall of the Klks fi:om VII, 7. (A. P.) A i-t n is: lit blew down walls of Astoria's I 'art of the west temple fell onto a i partly built temporary build bur for la eirfar store, but nobody was hurt. TOKIO. Ioc. 27. (A. I.) .lapa I nose manufacturers have been warn ;ed that unless they alter their meth ods and reduce cost of prcdiation they will lose their foreign trade.. Mr. Akiyanm, of the commercial and industrial bureau of Tokio, on his return from a foreign tour. In bis re port says that in China waqes are very low and that for this reason .lapanewc Roods ure being foreod out by Chinese manufacturers which arc Im ci'ii-u itut ou irnnil nu 111 I ill IIPHd IT.. r.lUr. thiif- In I lif Smith I ' 11 lM' Sea markets Chinese goods ure I slowly supplantine; Japanese iner chandise and that unl ! ROTARIANS TO HONOR ! OLD TIMERS WEDNESDAY CHICAGO. Dec. 27. l'. '.) With the financial arrangements made, transfer of Morris & Company, puckers, to. the Armour Company of Delaware Is expected December 31, leading Chicago bankers who are handling the deal are In constant conference tit the Continental bank here. The purchase price is fixed at $30,oo;o'oo. TEACHERS VOTE FOR PORTLAND, Dec. 27. (Pi P.) The State Teachers' Association In convention here today considered its legislative committees recommenda tion that the legislature be nsked to pass a law franchising nil persons in the state to vote at school elections. Vnder the present law only taxpayers can vote on school question. Next Wednesday evening will be ""Id Timers Day" at the notary club ' I and in honor of the occasion the meet. in the evening Instead of at noon. '1 lie guests will be picked troni men who were at least 21 years of .. .. i ...I ge and were In this territory In I fix 2. lose these tion costs country. markets must be entirely reduced prod iic ln till.- T r. the arrest of j MKKHnrOi:, Deo. Dual identity brought Dr. II. M. McKoin, former reformer mayor of Mer Rouge in Haltimore yes terday. Federal authorities claim the discovery that while McKoin posed as a reformer, and performed errands of mercy day and night as a physician, in another personality he led a band of hooded night riders In d':eds of ter ir.iism. Ho Is being here un questioning on orders of (lovernur Parker. Kvidencc Is being accumulat ed In the vicinity of l.ake La Fmirche. Many of the older residents of the city are expected to be present. Today each member of the dob car ried to the club carried to the lunch eon a Christmas present, none costing over 25 cents. Kach gift was awarded to the man sitting to the left of the donor and much amusement was , (routed by the proceedings. Donald ltobinson .served as chair- Inmn today. The only outside guest was Uoland Oliver who is here from Montana. How the funds for the relief of f Astoria will be handled is described by j Col. William K. Gilbert in a personal letter written by him to C, I. Ilarr. secretary of tile Pendleton Commercial association, following tho receipt by that, city of the fund of $2,000 raised IF TURKS HOLD FAST:1,o;v:'m"0,l", ""0,,u'- ThB,"Uw fo1- l t "Vciiti l(.fl..i frnm tVi Ppiifllninn Comnierchil association with enclosed draft fur $-.000 received this morning. "Even before the executive commit tee meets, which will he lit 3 o'clock today. I wish to extend to yon, in be half of our jrrlef stricken city now in ashes, our heartiest appreciation f j tho -wonderful spirit of Pendleton and her people and of the very siihstantlnl aid rendered in this emergency. "We i have receivd from many citis snhstan , tial aid ami encouragement, hut from no city has come such a remarkable letter. Indicating the magnificent spirit of the community and such readiness to assist her sister city in distress. Will you express Jo yoer people the high hppreeiation of our executive committee? "The funds will be placed at once hi the hands nT Mr. il, ll. Higim chairman - of our finance committer consisting of the bunkers of Astorin through which committee our fiinds are bundled. It will be used wholly :it the discretion of the executive com mittee of ten rind r insure you will n a timely aid in assisting Astoria and her people., , "Our problems of rehabilHallon un l reconstruction are tremendous but the spirit of our people is unbroken and we will rise ngain. We j,re confront n;' a long hard winter but our relief 's f?i hand and there Is no acute suf BIG LINERS HAVE RATTLE Tfl I ESCAPE; SHIPS REPORTED LOST ARE MOSTLYSMALL FREIGHTERS British Schooner Has Flag Blown Away Then Raises an Inverted American Flag Which Brings Relief by U. S. Ship Despite Sea That Made Rescue Difficult. LI'HAXNK. Dec. 27. (A. P.) Through Foreign .Secretary Cur.on, Ureut lirltiiin informed Turkey to day that the British never will aban don the Mosul oil vilayet, as re quested by the Turkish delegation near the from ) A says, near and that no prolongation of the east conl' rem e can influence British government to recede its position. May he A hurt he. LONDON. Dec. 27. (A. J', Renter dispatch from Lausanne "There Is serious danger of the east conference becoming abortive 11' the Turks persist in the present methods." To Discuss tJeriimny. PAK1H, Dee. 27.- l I'.) fler niany's failure to deliver timber and nitrogen in accordance with the re parations agreement will be discuss ed January 2nd at the pre nier's con ference here, it was scmi-ol'ficially announced today. This session also will decide whether 1' ranee shall take separate action as a result of (iennunv's default or whether all the allies will join in whatever inovi I agreed upon. ILBUR F, TS :il. C. C. INVESTIGATES LONDON, Dec. 27. (U. r.) Twenty-eight lives and five ships were lost in terrific gales and hurricanes raking the At- iaiuic aim me iMigiisn coast, accortung to reports received to day. It is expected that reports will raise this toll. The dis turbances extend far into the ocean, battering even the biggest liners. All vessels are from one to three days late. Ships are limping into port and report that distress signals were picked from the air but the raging ser.s hindered anv senrrh. Thn rew of the disabled schooner "Gordon Fudge," of London, was rescued at sea by the American steamer "Menominee" despite ' mountainous waves which ripped across the decks. !) Mnjor Kliliw iienpe. j The. storm was the worst in several " I decades, according to ship's officers. ' Practically all liners roported slight damage and sprung' plates. Ho far no major ships have been lost. Those re ported sunk are believed to ho freight ers. The storm .'a due to Htrlka "the . middle and north Atlantic coasts of tho lrnlted States late tonight ard tomor otv, according to weather reports. In the case of the ".(lord on Fudge," after the schooner's masts and sails had been ripped away the In Id filled with water and the crew lost hone. Driven far off their course the crew manned the pumps In a Inst desperate effort to1 keep afloat. The British flap; was blown nwuy, but the baplalflLlnund an Amerltvm fins and Inverted It on ft., broken must. This flag attracted the Menominee's attention and the ' ' freighter, also off Its course, swim '.' about despite the danger olid took off the schooner's men. . ' WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. (C. P.) Dr. Wilbur F. Cruris, noted iob o of drastic reform legislation, died heri in a hospital today o: pueiioioiiih. Crafts was the leading advocate here of legislation providing for blue laws, strict moving picture censorship and other reforms. , Ha ISI'.IIMIAIIDT IS WOUKi: ! PARIS, Dec. 27. ( V. P.) Rirah, Pernharilt's condition is won.e again today following her activity yesterday whin she arose, partook of solid food and received callers. .Mad.', how ever, Is confident as ever of her rc-covery. E Prospects for Good Stand are Brighter Since Moderation in Weather, Farmers Say. WASHINGTON, Dee. 27. (P. 1) A nationwide investigation of the rolling stock condition und practices on all railroads engaged In Inlerstate commerce was started today by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Freight carrying equipment only Is being examined and tabulated. Tho investigation was oif.ored "with the view of promoting economical and ef ficient service and to establish rules and practices, with respect to our service and rc(ulie carriers to pro vide themselves with safe and ade quate locomotives and cars necessary I to the performance of their duties as common carriers," tho commis sion stated. (Jnestionnaires are be ing sent to all lines and hearings will be hehl early next year. KAVItU, Out., Dec. 27. (C. P.) Ineendinrlsiu was suspected today in the burning of the Catholic church of St. Thomas D'Alfred. The edifice was built In 1X7H. The. loss Is estimated at $100,1100. The fire whs of mysteri ous origin and authorities believe the same firebugs are responsible for the i fil ing and the destroying of a number of embolic, churches throughout Can ada In the last few months. mi ' I'mat lla county wheat growers, who last fall expected to have to reset cl a Gains of nior" than one bushel were reot'fdcd on tin grain market today. The I prices for December. May Dr. McKmn will fight extradition to ! w!),.ut WPr,. jj; Louisiana, it was learned here today. ! j j - y HH ilsyt and has retained counsel m en"t nisj 1.4 unf jj t, 1. cent the Chicago c! os in ;r and July 1-2 ami lot ..f tl.eir acreage 11 have taken advantage weather that has been Several clays to stud grain in an effort to spring, ; i t he of the warm prevailing for! their stands of j chic right now I IMEN LEAVE TO CLIMB TO TO? I. SHASTA KM"ltTS OX INCItKASK WASHINGTO.V, Iec. 27. (P. P.) Hxports of agricultural products con tinued to climb during November, the department of commerce reported, to day. The exports of grain totalled over j:iS,2.-iO,000, a $7,000,000 Increase over last year. I'ACKl-H XMIHNAT10X. CHICAGO. Dec. 27. -(IT. P.) Steps to finance the purchase of Morris and company, packers, by J. Ogdeu Ar mour were taken by uttorneys for tho Armour company today. The charter under the laws of the state of Dela-war- authorizing (he concern to Issuo $100,000,000 worth of stock hus been applied for. REDS PLAN TO BLOW UP .WEATHER Reported be Major Dee Moorhouse, euther observer. Maximum 51. Minimum i'L Itarometcr If. 60. Rain, 3-8 of an inch. release on a writ of habe as corpus F,,nw j,r I McKoin Ls pleading innocence or anc;day by 1 v 1! c onnection with the murde rs or Watt 1 dmiirn; ; r. ....1,1.. T.1..1, -...,!., .l....l-.r! .,..,, e, , ,,. . I lip) . ing that he le ft M-t Uouge Vfor. ic -jr, the murders were committed aed wh.-i ; M.,v 1-5 all the evidence In his po--ssion was! j jy 1.1;, I given to the grand Jury inve stealing j 1 te rrorism. 7. $1.26 test $1.2r. 1-2. $ 1.2 1 j many f.iriners d !. veKt'TdaV's prices, lug of the scve'l AKl-AND. Cal.. Der whether it will be ie ci s.-ary to see-.l 1 c iuuies r.. .1 spring wheat. I Thatc her will leave her ,n el -ill iitnl, . ill, t,-,l ll i 'tempt to climb Mount some ground that will be re se eded. unci - (A. P.I I'onarci SAN FRANI'ISI'O. -e-c. "J7.- r. P.) - -Chief of police oCrien today recede. I'd a t.'p claiming thai radical plan to blow up the? financial district here. Tin? writer claimed to have been a member of the gang which plotted the dynamiting, o'ltrien Immediately eer dered the? police? Intake e?xtraordinary preeaaulioiis. tonight to at" I The reee'vi following Is the Dtler eTltrlen d; "Chief, remembc'r the Wall dare that the limit nuclei -z.e icl we atbe r the quotation reci'ive cl which froze the ground up t ght earlier never be fore lias been accomplished In winter. From Solsson they plan to make their way on snowshoes and skLs to Alpine- Lodge, at an tiOOO n Kiel, t'ooke. I.fiW $1.2:.', 1.2:., l it'-! local Clos,? $1.27 1.21 1.1". , SIX OF ONE FAMILY NOW AUEND 0. A. C. K TODAY'S JT F0RECAST y y-"" T-.p--.-hi 13.! V I Th'irs.l.,v r-.ii. ' IlK.i;i.S AISK MKTSsnX. I P1IILADK1.PHIA. l-c. 27.--IA. P. 1 The Pennsylvania Railroad com-j ;p.iny is experimenting; with rollrrl bearings for passenger coaches sim-1 -jilar to those- adopted by the state-1 railways of Sweden. K-.r about a I 'j year six I -Tee coacbe s on in- 1 f-nn-, er.l:i:1e e- A'iliK I I.TI It.M. t ' 'I.- sylvania have- ten in operation with 1 I.7e;i:. C rv:iii:. I r- 2.. .ix Hm-barr-'l shaj-ed rejller l-e-armgi. but, f.;,- in -.,!..- ..,r.d ai-e-rh.-r e,n roiiiin-.' eordir.g to me c hnie-.'-l xi-e-rt c-f the-i-i h-orr-.r-c and ?-i--e t. is the- wrd company the.-re- has n't t-ee-n sufficie nt ! git-e n e.ut t.y th- r -',-trar's e.ffie.-. time to draw de finite con.-h.ion-e fr-. m I Ge-itr"d . in corom.-r'-e . :it-,4 J?ine tte the test. It lie ai! Iet ll- re-.Tnpie.r,y , ae-.J Winiffe-d in hAITle? "'Tpfl1 ,?11 ICS. are- ill this month and the warm weath which has foilone-d will prove the? sal vatiMii of the crop. Wheat liad an uphill fight last fa'l due- tee the elioiight that was ef 'ill-pi-e i-lealed diirati,n. .-'owe w!ie-.-it came up. b it nun n 01 It was line no re ly elorni the- farmers just what the brii.g forth. Tl..-y a re- .nore optlmstn I n.w. I,e-e-a'.ise muc h wheat is Just e-oi?.- i 'ing through the, ami 'iii-.ti 1 l.e me he l.aie- spiocts on ttle-m '.hieh' anothe r tble-e or feeir d;.ys -if -he pi-- . -nt lirand of weathe r will b i?i en to fresh air. in-- of th- ri-a-oiis why grow i-.-,iii.g a hostie on th-n. whether they n.ay e xi.e 1 a - tor.t level, and from there they expe ct to start the pe rilous asee-nt about mid night Ne w Year's eve. They will e-llmli by moonlight and hope reach the. summit, which in ove r 1 l.Oi") feet, on Ne-w Year's day. Hlr.-,-l he, exit .. v ,l,,ul . ,ti lei Ve.eA- V-lr In 1 Mlastll, which ,.,.. -.,. ,,..,.; (works In one of the Kin Francisco ex-! I change biiilelings unlesH you lee-p nn je-ye on strangers hanging around those ed the. Iiollcf that It -will prove pai1n I oiiie e .-e em,, if, oiilll gi e-e.-e;iy wagon w 11 p i urn JTOl. r . E UP IN WEST END, COUNTY Two oil derricks' are up In the areat . end of Hie county and drills are bor- i inn down through (ho hard rind of old Mother Larth's coverln to determine -whether there Is (in oil or gas field un der the Ilernilston-I'mntlllit country, recording to K. p. Dodcl, prominent business man of Hermlston, who was a visitor hen- yesterday. The Logan oil Co., an org-anlrjrdon with Umatilla money behind It, lia: one derrick up about two miles east of I'matilla, and the Northenstern (Ml I-IVldoratlon Co., which is hacked by Hermlston rne-n has another derrick tip Just outside, of tin? city limit of thai town. "There Is rpilte? a lot of excitement "ver tho development work," Mr. Dndd said while here. 'We are trambl Ing the price of the drilling to find out whether to have tcimo oil or gas de posits, and tho reports of the g-col-eglsts make lis optimistic." Among the eooBista who have examined (he field and have express. M. Ilnndv. for fiv years rovered top. This is 11 fae-t and if ; professor of t he department of reology of Potilder university at Rouble- Colorado, and (In n at Pullman for flv :::;:::' ONE DEAD, THREE HOST i r -4 a r- v. i , , that so far the very . tile wear. i ne- of te- thin c'-mppphwl in stock wii h ro, r l-a--.r-K- hav e-(lllpp Uarn; e-how-T: 1 '-re...k-1 t.'.nal .. - e. j jr.iH. . r .clr .e ed , F.-.rr. ' T.d II nri- I'lCiett" j- n?,- Tl a1, y i- the ' I I.-. inning of the- tr.,r;ive Jf--Tt t-;ii;r- j --.".. ir -; ri a tr?,in rlerh tro ild ( - ,t-cor-iing ' 3'ih,nt:e m jt ,n: f f 1 i! o, f ii, ...,-: - ; r th- cr n. -c,nit?ni s a o-l . . ?,t-ir-. eonipl-'-f K -r r--i-' -r, d in -n I-oil!;i? -1 :-n-l !i. r -I i', ;rt I..- f. i ' . tliivt is W'l-1 : to t-e- nun - ,-.:; it .n e t Pie Jt?l,kios Hi in t'.ie c. ' t.'.y. a;- tin :ee n .', u e-e.Illl li.ll.l -t lb- . - 1, -r-1 to i I'd;.-- o-c t-pr-i.- when it - Kr'.ui!'!. I Reel - h I i:t 1 th -. -. o?n ,: I ii- 1 I-. IV., I p. ,. ii. K-re. !v 11 I i. h-e ?.,lll .1 -1.1 rr .io i r you think Its all bunk voir be sotry, I am giving this Information to get re-- vengi- on a gang that kicked nie nirjje:,r; and Dr. Herachell -C- farkcr. and w ho Is planning to blow up the- ex-1 who for years occupied a chair lu change buildings." Columbia university. The note is signed "I. W W .' I The anticline nndiT which the geol-o-l'rie-n hn nrdi-n d a rnund-iip of all , cgists believe gas or oil In paying know n jTi-els" in (ho -11 y. ( 'inutitit iw may lw found extends from 1 , 'h Ilors Ile-nven country In Wash- MM:AKI:R RANKS Si:OM. ilngton over to tiregon, croiwlnj the MAMI.V P. T.. Dee. 2,.-fA. P.l : olumbla lilv.r hciul two niile-s cant Se nate Preside nt Manue l K Quezon's ' of I'matilla. and thence running I automobile- lice-ns nnmleer tMlay Is, southward along the lino of buttf liiuinber two. that of the goi ernor ' that go tlu-ouch Ifermlston and thenea it . I -i general In-ing nuioteer one. ?ts form fire men ar- ,.ry. Heretofore, the license? ninnlwr iiin.,unting ( ,, aiitonioblle- of the speaker of apartlnent hoti,, ef repr-MiL,tlxe-s has been fain- numbe-r (wo. bn( the e-laim was made senate at of- TCLi:De. Cllliee.. De c. 2 7 em.- man ie ele.-ol. thre-e- injure-d anel prope-rty los t, $7---'.ooi folic, we-el an house fire lore- tei.lav. Fif'v nine ille s e-r eti iven ii,?o tl, stree ts w hen ,,;,t the- i.r. vl l, nt of the th- Cniio ,. str.oed (he Dehnar ,1,0,M outrank (he speaker ll.'ittjQj-d een ple- to.) a-iini 'it b'l Id-i'g. W. A Kiiuii'-e. a firjal so-iaJ functions the speaker of tier d:-d of t,uri h ,the house- also bus leee-n given pro- - ' i-e-de-ne-e ever the preside n( of the! senate. The question of pre-ee!-noe , I. a-' til- e -tue of nieie-h ellse-liKsion tent it was finally eie bled (hat thejf lei feet shorn a a (wo per cnt con following order should prevail: Oov- t-n( of pure- r""'roleim. Mr. rvvdd -i-a. imor srneral, vlre-jrovernor. pre-d- 'Thei freologict- think th i" e ft tr ca . nr i .w la nding, making the (1nt of the senate, ami rr-ilier of n,av be found at a dep'l. cei.'i!,- from .! t-.r additional jodg, a in, i --,ti .11,. hous:. eA to 1TE f. -- ' WAflUX'ITfiV, lr. :7 - if. P 1 'Pi .!( H-eidier.- lii'it fill i I fdeial jl,-lK-rllJs Ml 'dlr tee nil ,,r the ,.,i!g, -'1..11 ,f the pr-h liitien cases ill Ihe f..'tr;-l --,urt. Twc-T.ty thousand on south to the nine Mountains. An eaaiern company in which Iyeon a 11I Wooel Jr. Is interested ha IcasoJ lT'.aOei ac-re s south of IlrrmiMon to v.srd th t"pM r Uutter Creek country end southwest toward P-oardman. Tins company also haa b-a-s?a on SO, (""i in the Heaven eounlry In Wai-hln-iin. a o onl In jr to Mr. THJd. In (he hole being drille d by the I.o nan Oil Co. near L'inatilla. an analy, ms made c-f mater sheared at a depth