FAOfi TWO DAIL? EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 15. 1322. TEN PAGES Only ristmas iffia' A TOffiHTFUL (tPS- 'J 11 F?OM THOUGHTFUL GIVERS TO APPRECIATIVE RECIPIENTS Since the present conveys the true feeling of friendship which exists between the giv er and the receiver, half the gift is in the thought which prompts its selection. Thoughtful gifts are, there fore, the only gifts that ex press a true sentiment and are therefore becoming more and more popular every year, as people realize that a gift is something more than a remembrance. Here, in a store-wide display of only practical presents, it 'i3 so easy, so convenient and so inexpensive to select some thing useful, something which one needs and will be glad to have. Shopping, too, is made easy by the service of courteous salespeople who will gladly assist you in the selection of merchandise which is thor oughly reliable and perfect for giving. Merchandise Certificates When in doubt a merchandise certi ficate will always be proper. We is sue them for any amount. You give one as gift, the cne who receives it brings it here and chooses his or her own present, it's bound to please. I A Handsome Goat or Dress for a Royal Gift DRESSES $25.00 AND $45.00 Dresses for street and afternoon wear, developed of the finer grades of poiret twill, crepe back satin and canton crepe. Styled in the graceful, draped modes, showing beaded panel effects, striking em broidered motifs and novel girdle arrangements. Make This Store Your Headuarters for Thoughtful Gifts. COATS $25.00 AND UP " A Money-Saving Opportunity Second Floor Another economy offering that will be of special interest to the woman who is planning on having a new Coat for the holiday season. Won derfully attractive garments all from our own regu lar stock. Bolivia, Velour, Normandy, Plush, Cordu val, Tweeds, etc., in all the favored styles women are wearing this season. There are tailored and sport models in splendid selection. Solid colors, plaids and mixtures. Early shipping is advised. Glove Bonds When you'd like to give a pair of gloves as a gift and are not certain of the size, give a "Glove Bond," the recipient will then come here and choose her own gloves, they're sure to please. Stamped Goods "Hncllla" Slumped Art Goods, In cliullnjt luncheon sots, ciuil table covers, (H-nrfs, pillow canes, extra good qnAlltjr material; prices range from Sfto to (3.00 Pillow Cases I'm It of the Iioom ami other standard brands, trimmed with lace and Insertion mid liem .stltohoil, pocked t l'alr " Xmas box. They ore. priced Bt $1.20 to 2.5 per pair. Silk Pongee $1.65 Inch. .Natural pongee, nil ex tra kihhI quality for inakiiur Kit's siicli as handkerchiefs, underwear, men's shirts and etc. Now selling at per ynrd $1.05 Special for ' Saturday 20 Bars of Crys tal White Soap $1.00 , "Phoenix" Silk Underwear An Ideal gift, packed In holiday el ft boxes, in all the new est and best colors, priced from $2.00 to 88.25 a -Hit. ''Phoenix' Silk ' Hose A gift that Any recipient will be glad to receive; full fashioned, luce clocked. The newest and latest styles and colors, priced at $1.25 to $3.50, packed hi Holiduy (flit boxes. Holiday Ribbon "Motto" Holiday ribbon for tying your Xnias packages. We liavo a larjfe selection for yon to cliooso from, priced per bolt at 5c to 25c ASK FOR SMI. GREEN STAMPS, they mean an actual cash saving:. WNDLETONS greatest department store InQpQoples Warehous WHEftF. IT PAYS TO TRAOEra31gt 1 Be Sure to Give Our Men's Dept. a' Call. You'll Find Here a Wonderful Stock. 1 ! STANFIELD STUDY CLUB MRS. RICHARD'S GUEST , (liaat Orcgonlan Special.) HTANPIMLP, Dec. ID. The Study Club mot lit the. homo of Mrs. J. II. Klchard's Thursday iifternonn. Hull in , Enliven Your Eyes through the Dally Ue of Muraaa. Tkt Allurlc, Sp.tkl.ot Ycnirh Quickly Return to Eves w-tllch liava taconi Dullurui Lile traa, yard aalaly ror manf yw. . SAd bv DruKuiiti Everywhere. JM EYES LJ I -J m ru nmt AaMvira a LanT M AlfflV (ieodl ' Mail OrliVf lloaae. KUranhc An., cue. I&a, Tarvaia. wa. Writ far Ba-aaja Catalrw o Amr and KarrGaoda. Sal h'nrn. All MiTrhat din thlppad Pmrral Pomt, Fm. Mnnrybark fuaranaaa om all macchandiaa. a'tumaanda at aatiaflad cvaujaacra. NAVT AND JARMY GOODS STORE US TttMc Are. Tacoaaa. Waah. call wiih re.'.poiulecl f by K'iviiiK nomo characters and (iiinlatlotiH from 0110 of HhainkpHneare's dramas. The literary program consisted of a paper on Jnhnnthnn Smith by Mrs. I.iicbrUU'r. Mrs. Mays bovo one on Shakewpeare., after which was a round table dii;cus- slon. Mrd. Kllxabeth Connelly is visllinK her dauhter Mth. V. a -Noltln in Haines. Tho h'Klon boys R.ive one of their popular dances Kiiday cvenlim'. Mrs. Carl l.und was shopilnB Pendleton Hatmday. Conmilsnloner ('.. U lumninff is upenilliit- a few days in Portland. Mrs. Krnest tlreathouso was anuiut; those wliu visited Pendleton Satur day. I.lltle Marie lla.en is confined to her home by IPncss. Mr. and Mrs. .1. I. Zureher were atlendins to business affairs In the I county inetropilis Thursday. I Mrs. Frank Sloan w ho has been on I tho sick list for the past two w,s-ks is; a'leatly Improved. I Mrs Kred l.oiu.haiy was In Hermls- ton Thursday. I Mrs. W. 1-:. Smith is in Vmatill.l iMstlnc Ml Smith In the store tlnriUR i the Holiday rush. Mrs. l.'lim r I'aiseil w is shoppinK In Tendleton V'i dnesday. oi IDA 11 iroor lARflro I lillnMli r.YU H V r. wa 1 ill 1 iw imirn nnnri rnninr MflKh-V l-llllll -WIVl II niLu UUUU LuUnl L , Nov. S. HAVANA. Culm With ! sentences totalling: 200 jvars in prison hanging over his head and 2,"i0 troops and rural guards at his beds, Kamon Arroyite, Cuba's modern Jesse James, is still nt large. 111s latest feat of es caping front the jail at Matanzas through a holo blown in tho thick walls at mid-day has again niado him popular hero and added to tho dif- , fieulties of tho authorities, for they claim nobody will help them follow his trail. Arroylto took to the high road about three years ago and. if the hold ups, kidnappings and other unlawful nets attributed to him are well found ed, he operated iu every part of the is. GETTING UNCOMFORTABLY CROWDED. ianu uciore he went into retirement after two years of hectic endeavor and with a fortune variously estimated at from J50.000 to Ji'on.ooo. i;ut last spring, while very prosaically travel- to attend a coc!: fight, he was captur ed by two rural guards, acting as a train escort, who held him first for carrying arms without a license, but loaded him with chains when they dia ling from Matanzas to a nearby village covered ho was the notorious outlaw, S3 rrcriit liifluciifi The Tonic mid l.axatie Kl'fect ot j Ijivatlva CUOMO v.'!' IN INK Tablets; will keep the system In a healthy con-; riition and thus ward off all aitaeta of Cold, tilip or Influenza, joe Adv. 1 NOTICE There will not be a D. 0. K. K. Dance Saturday, Dec. 16, 1922. Watch pa pers for future dances. K lirp. .sill ' fv? Yh f Where baking is done sci entifically where ingredi ents stand or fall under exacting tests, you find Calumet Baking Powder used more often than any other brar.d. the choice of over hun dreds of brands the perfect Ieavener pure uniform. Keep this in mind when you buy baking powder, because it is or vital importance to suc cessful dependable bakine. The purchase price of balunp; 1V powder does not determi iij fe.- the story. That's why the sale of Cauimet is 2 i times as much as that of any other baking powder. A pound can of Calumet ccn lair. full 16 ounces. Some bctng ponders come in 12 ounce instead of 16 ounce cent. Be sure yea get a pound when you want it. tools mlmnBt ' ,'CALUMI I Vtoomiil The Eocnamy BMiihVG PGWBER ML THE WORLDS GREATEST BAKING POWDER 8) t I