- 1 M M IMnM rMMMBIIlTllilfT "" " '"MW mUtiiM TIIE ONLY SMALL DAILY IN AMERICA CARRYING REGULAR WIRE REPORTS FROM TIIE ASSOCIATED PRESS, UNITED PRESS AND THE SL mmmmmSMoaisssai y " ".a . A"' -n I DAILY EDITION I DAILY EDITION The net press run of yesterday's Daily 3,2G6 1 This paper !s a member or and audited j m-3 auuh bureau 01 (Jircuiations. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 34 DAILY EAST CEEGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 15, 1922. 'NO. 10,317 ' i ,.- "TTfl "l 35 n ltihs. Of f" ftl fsll 11 lO l 1 The East Oregonian l Eastern Ore- ffiffii"' ,iaW!irBgiii taaSTJ 51 Vl .4. -k. Vi I II lie I i Lf 1 1 1111 flllrfllfl II r-I gon'i sreatoat newspaper a4 u s (U- Tj U ?j " fa til . T'tJ Viy Hf If II IA -A lJs II llHlLJIl! If I f lnS force K'ves to th advertiser over 1 1 H fiSfSa tlx J nAII V V Wl IJ J Vrffn'Sr U Uli?S)U mBf twice the guaranteed average paid clr- ; "J i3 J4ffijwar I "'iA A - V 'Vawrf 5 II IJ C"", JW culation in Pendleton and Umatilla - -ID- COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEB I si Msni sbii ' jVI tr.iSj aalwlirt mi : WHS ASKS FOR ' V' ( KELLER DROPS FULL REPORT ON ASTORIA'S FIRE Secretary of War Wires for Immediate Information From Army Engineers in Portland. MAY ADVISE EMERGENCY MEASURE FOR CITY'S AID Resolution Now Drawn Calls for Million Dollars, to be Changed to Conform to Need WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. (U. P.) Secretary ot War Weeks lociii.v wir ed the war department officials at I'ortlund to give I1U11 an immediate report of the situation In Astoria, Ore., where 1!500 are homeless as a result ot a $ 15,000,UI)U fire. If the re port warrants, Weeks will urge a.i emergency passage of a, joint resolu tion through congress providing for tho purcha.se of supplies, nuiiiicinus and food. The resolution now drawn provides for a million dollars, but Uiu figures will 'be changed to conform to tho reports frewn the army engineers at tho disaster scene. Kitunt.un t llicerfiil. . ... " ASTORIA, lc.SC('u. V.) The situation is far mora cheerful hero as a result of .the .visit of the Portland chamber of commeice cominisison yesterday which pledged all aid pos sible. Porland Investment companies will aid the city and private! recon struction without profit to themselves. Wholesalers have not.'fied Astorians they will not press those who lost goods in the lire and new supplies and goods arc available on extended credit. The cold continues but there is no suffering. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15. (IT. P.) Mayor James Rolph and the Hun Francisco chamber of commerce to day -wired the California delegation at Washington to support any measures introduced aimed at giving relief to fire-stricken Astoria, Ore. Docemher grain closed at tl-Zi S-S. May at $1.22 7-8 and July at $1.13 3-4 today. Yesterday's closings were $1.25. $1.23 7-8 and $1.1 1 f.-S. Following aro the notations Wheat. Open High Low Close Pec May July $1.24!-; $1,251, $1.23'i $1.2::; 1.23'A 1.24 1.22 1.22 1.14 Vj 1.I47J 1.13ib 1.13 WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. (A. T.) The Norrls bill to establish a $10n, 000,000 corporation to finance the ffXo of agricultural products was or dered reported favorably today by tho senate agricultural committee. JAPAN KSK OIJATE IN FACUSK OSAKA, Japan, Dec. 15. A. P.) An oratory contest in English has been inaugurated in Osaka for stu dents of schools throughout Japan, under the auspices of the Osaka Mai nichi and the Kwnnsci Oakuin. .WEATHER Reported ty Major Lee Moorhousa weather observer. Maximum ;n. Minimum 10. Barom-trr 33.2 S. TODAY'S FORECAST Tonirht and Saturday & n- continual w il , i lr v . iff -r" gi x i r Stent Here is shown the ascension to the caliphate, highest religious office in tho Mohammedan world, of Abd u!-Medjid. He Succeeds Mohammed VI, whose precipitate flight left vacant the Turk throncand caliphate. This pVtuie shows the new ciiliph (left) at the Seraglio nalace, Constantinople. Hi'tVl Pasha, governor of Constantinople and Rental's right hand man, is shown In uniform. 1 WILL HAYS ORDERS HOLLYWOOD DRUG RING SCANDAL PROBED TO BOTTOM; STARS QUESTIONED IyO ANi iEI .KS, Dec. 1; -r. F.) Wlll It Hays, movie arbiter, is here cooperating whh leading producers in -rtuie't,tTTrrtftTgauon or the Ohsrges m wholesale use of liquor and drugs in Holl.vwood; ' Producers have asiuire'l Hays they will make a rigid proof into tho private lives of stars and les ser screen luminaries and take cor rective steps. One leading actor sus pected of being a drug addict was giv en an extended examination. It was found he was not an addict. Hays wants tho investigation carried to the bottom to head off rumors of criminal dissipation in tho movie colonics. ju t 1 ! Children Play Large Part in Programs in the Churches; Plan Fitting" Services. The festival of ChriHtmnw is to be fittingly observed in I'rndh-ton iehurehes which are alrrady ma ki tier plans for serviees and for prora.ms. Children will play a large part in the ( bervanee. and in most of the clvireh es tho Sunday schools will have sjiec-' ial programs. Tho I'ttptNt church will have its program on, Fridav ' rveninfr. ' There 'will le rpeitations and mtis.ori nuir.- bers by the children of the Fun. lay school. A lanre Christmas tree will . in; a feature. i The Methodist church will have a sundny school program on the. FrU I day evening heforo Christmas. The (annual Chriutman choral protrrnm will he Kivrn Sunday evening of this wee!; ly the choir of the churehh. Poor Innom(rmJ. All churchns have through thir donations piven hln in brincr'nT cheer to the hom'-s of th- poor, and in addition to th s the Falviitin Ar ny w ill do a biff woi k. Their Chr st zwhs program includes a larc1 ChriM- mas tree for the jioor children of Tendlrton. ! St. Marv Catholic church will a (usual, hold midnight mat.- on Chrit jmas Kvp. This will be h srh mas. JwTth sper:nl Sirpinc. On ":iiri.str.ia day th re will two mn-'s. I A ';fvinir Chrihtmas' is th" n'm of jthe christian church, and 1o thift end j children a nd crown -it p ha" bf. n af-kfd to donrte K'Vn which an- to .a .distributed arrnnc th-- needy. T church will have its ChrT'ias- r.r-.-tiru m n h rit ' rr as Kvp. w ; t !i S : n -dfty e hrn-.J children taking p; r;. K. O. Iuar-.r in char. To I?nf STlir.. The Church t th ll'-:-.-rrr will hri ve i r?uTr hi'drr n' tr on Sundav. Tc.vr . at Z p. m. In th evfTiirc. ft? 11 rV.c' a cor -!:- ,:i.on service with ch 'r-l t ! rutk-n will V- I 'M. 'a "hr-T3- . th'-re w:!l b cmrr.rn:.-'n vn:r- at a. m. The ?ur..Ia; sch'-o: f-: :i:e pe fCnrtin-Jed on pn. S ) -.- MOONSHINERS, DRY OFFICERS BATTLE TO . f ' DEATH IN KENTUCKY MOl'XT STKIiUNC, Ky Jer. 1 5. Ho.slilitU'S w re re mimrd in the mountains' of Menifee county here between moonshiners and prohibit lo c 4'ii force me nt ot f ieers. I :ob I Mil lard, said to be the leader of the outlaw K'iKi alir.t and Kill ed and his brother, Charles, w.vi severely wounded. 4luy CoK1, dry aKnt of Howling Green, was also killed. Total oaual ties were brought to four, two fjnvernnient apents haevlns; been killed last week-end. li-'in-forcemenls are beiiitf ri:she I 1 the dry agents. The nmon. Kliiners ni mined with high powered rTles. The nio.in.'d'.iM era are retreating into ir.'jii' v fast n esses. era are retreating into ti D I BOUGHT BY DESPAIN j A bi'sinrss de.-tl wherf ity Charles i Df-spain ltMonies the solo owner of t;ir jTablrt Supply on Main street was ron Isuniinited yesterday. Mr. Depiln , has pnirhased the int' n st of his J former partner, :harIfS W. . Good ;y'ar. anfl will conduct the business on ihis own arcount in the future. The ; partaeihip whn-h w;.s 'ii(b-d yi:Mer : day ha existed for a'oout to and one-half years. A grocery rnd meat bus ness aim I the making of ice on a small scale j conMit ltn the aetlvlly of the store, j Practically ail of the equipment In the j establishment, is new. It was added rieently when the slorespaee was in- crcased. I'HOM.S IM iil.ir ITII.ITY? SAI.n.M. Iior. 15. (P. P.) A" furfl-.rr steps iu Its action against the Pacific Tti phone company in t:ie rate rct'iction procee'llng?1. the Ore. gon Piib'ic Servirt; com mls.--.lon l;i" asked Attorney Ceueral Van WinUe to b;-nd down a d,rilon as to whe-her the phone company is a public utili'y and so under the coni-tr.i.-.-ion's jun.-du tion. P. Willis (,IT I'AYPol I, PHILADELPHIA. I c AP.l p-'.'-: i-'r. in an sutoT,-.-,t-ii roM 'd the r,is'- n.'--r of the Ki'j-1 Na'iorM 1 rnk :.t l.rt.v f f : r.t.a u-b.y wh'le v.-,s f-ti.c he we-k:y p-ivr-.il t.- A-:s and Coin:c-,nv. soao n!;,n'il:'". purer. Harry M K-e. the nie. ne r. c-.t in th- h-k bv si-Iin r jrb.sj. f:o-rt the wm-Is'n.e'd h-t'ered by rob. b' ! s I ;1 T, - 1 : I'd,: s -:.'-ar --1. lll'I ICI MM -IIl'V !'-P.c,.iyT'.'.V, V. V, . r 15 t'. P.. WVfe- r'k-r;;i nr,i r,.orr" N'irre'il r-f :--.--e b, n ap- pi.i I lv i'i w. t V:tc-:.ii t'ri"r-li- A'h -tc .-r1 r.s . i. for ih-'-' -t V.. t;.,..-C-nz--ra --.s! re..,n f:-:r. T".. i.r two off:- i..ls !. .-. .-.-.r i. -I MPEACHMENT Or DAuGHERTV ii-. ii- a Minnesota Representative Ac- cuses Judiciarv Committee of 'White-Washing' Charge. COMMITTEE PLANS TO COMPLETE HEARINGS Congressmen Called on to Tes tify for Attorney General in Dropping War Fraud Cases WAIr-'IIIN(3T(N, I'ec. 1,'.. (A. I'.) J Representative Keller who yesterday withdrew from prosecuting the Iwughorty Impeachment rhnrges, eharaetcrlzing the house judiciary conmiltlee iroceedlngs as n "barefac ed attempt to whitewash" tin- attorney general, failed to appear today befm the committee in response to the siun inohs served on liim late yesterday by the committeo which decided to go ahead with the hearing despite lvel 'er's withdrawal. Investigate; ( haracs WAKIIIN'iTHN. Dec. If.. (I. N. S.I The linwIIMnirneHa of Kepi; v. on i'lv )Ci-fbMV 'of Minnesota, i'cttiMrc"an," To ferther- Ills" Impeachment charges ntaln.st Attoruey-Cenoral D.-uifhorty will not end proceedings hut will re sult in a more determined investiga tion of the "high crimes ami mlsdea monors" charged against Dauchorly, Representative Volstead, tho conimlt :ee chairman announces. Congressmen Woodruff of Michigan arid Ifoynl Johusin of South Dakota, will be requested to tes'ifv on Daugh erty's allegeil delay in prosootil ing the war fraud cares. Keller charges the committee is "parked"' nftalnst him a.nd wants a new house judiciary com mittee selected. Executive Committee Decides to Lay Questions Aside for Topics Less in Public Eye. wiriTi: sri.PHPit si'itiMis. w. Va pec. K.. P. P.) The Oover nors conference h'-re will refuse lo take :i stand either on prohibition en forcement or the Kit Klux Klan It was definltt ly decided today by the leaders of seventeen states executives attend ing, flovernor Sproulu of Pennsyl vania, chairman of the conference, and othir everiilivcs attending other members of Hip executive com niiite,. flatly rejected t'le demand of Coy, rnor Parker of I oMr"" th t the enforemv adopt resolutions on hot :i hll'.'jects. CLASS GAMES DEVELOP GOVERNORS Will ME KO ACTION ON EITHER KLAN OR DRY QUESTION n a pirTn a 1 1 tii riiTi':sMni; ,h:,, r ,,tv '" selected de. HuNiVi I nQI I I PI lN I ' c''" "V"n MiN,: Klu-hlmfs finlty. Th-U.'lull-I U.'lLL lliE-LllI I woman la-wyer chargi-d that Miss Kit- I'.sk-tb-ill l inns are rapidly taking -hape. arid hopes a-e high for n ,- champion team In th- Indoor sport.' Intereh... L-,m.. have blrtui:ht t'. lifht mo, 1. ,., mat. i i ll wld, h l.rnm- ; i'-w im . wejl. S4,ine new suits und 1-0100-mert bai" 1,e n ordered r tii,-co-ic'i. and will be hire in time ioi- toe f.rt-t (came. The juniors rm to bai-e a el ar f.dd for scho'-l chatnp'onship in all three te.-,p,s, with th" rooks, iopho. t. lores and wi.b r. following in ord r. Th" rook pdd- t and Intel mediate '-.-) -s -,on oit-r the s-nior teauu- :.iid 1h Jui. o r li.I.ri v .liai-s er I i" fiolitMnf-r in th- p'.mi s plavci Ttierd-.y iTioriiir.s- .1 li,:or Inldg Is, loot; -ei.iors a'' rv.or s n.i-rn w on in t'e I, a -l. t".:, II atuii" -.t,rd-,v cfTej- s,-ho,l. A"! y.p... f..-t ai.d Miooi snm- i ,: r. on Hi" .at T' g i:r h'-.-ii tie lor o er the sopr-onwr s !H th" first l,t jr hi.v T'.n 'he, : : ir Igermany preparing for ' ;NEXT WAR WITH DEADLY : i GASES, TORPEDO PLANESi PARIS, Deo. 15. (V. P.) CtTmaiiy is in'opurinK the (U'ltd lifst past's able to penetrate any mask ami a, specially destR-neil fiHhtin and torpedo planes for the next war, Andre Miehelin i eliard today spcakln.s? before tn.- unag r i,uiiua d m- ' Funeral services for Karl W. t'outts who met his death by drowning in tho L'niatilla river Thursday after noon between Ifermlston and l'nia tilla, will be held tomorrow after noon at II o'clock tit Kolsom's chapel. Tho Itev. O. D. Clark, will be in charge of tho services. A coroner's jury yesterday after noon returned , a verdict that the death of the local man was acciden tal and was caused by drowning. Witnesses who testified at tho in quest, which was conducted by J. T. Drown, county coroner, were Ony Wyriclt, Trace 1 hiker, flpence Dent ley, Fred Lumpkin, llonry, J lit t of liernilston and K. F. Avorlll. Four of the witnesses were hunting in tho same general vicinity with the deceased when ho .broke through the lee, and Mr. Hltt and Mr. Averlll vvcro in the party that found the body. Interment will be made in Olney cemetery. The pall bearers who will serve are Fred J.anipkln, Otty Wy- rlJUUS-JJJ3.te (Jlehrv Hltt of liernilston and Arthur Spinning of Umatilla. Ml ltDFKIOIt IIAXfil:i " NTIAC, 111., Dec. IT.. (1. N. S) Myron Corliridgo, twenty-two, mur derer of "Sol" Jones was hanged to day, lie displayed granite stoicism, reading a poem and denying his guilt on the scjiffohl. His last wish to see b's broiher came true. He committed i lie murder when in the state reformn torv school where Jones was a guard. He had siient half the years of Ills life in reformatory schools. ! rmvKsi-; imm.wns j ToKIO. Dec. 1 5. (A. P.) Chines,' T'rtg.'imls In Hoiian provinro have re leased all the captive foreigners rx eept a French en-rinepr. The outlaws havin-; received fn.nmi fMexIcan) for each one liberated, the Japaneso con sul at Ilanknnv reported. IN K.iM Oregonian Special.) POA KPMAN. Dec. 15. Tho cold est night of the present cold weather was experienced here last night when the thermometers dropped to the low mark of 10 below zero. Water pipes were frozen In many of the hollies, even those pipes that were left open to insure against freezing. All of Ihe water fountains in the school build ing wero frozen also. It is hoped that it will not be necessary to close school although colder weather is likely to make such action necessary. DI.TP.STS MOl-:v Ni:V YORK. Doe. 15. Miss Kdith H. Kitohtng, of Hrookbn has a posi tive aversion for mone. according to the. petition filed in a local court by Miss pcr'ha tteinbatinh, an attorney l ching In a recent trip to Kurope gave lawav most of hr large fortune and ' has left only Hn,nori. ' i ii f.ll. in l.ll r i ,iinir.i M.'A' YOPK. Ix-e. I',. If. ,. . ' ' 1 Mrs. Anna Cataldo. thirty and her son t red, nsftl 9, were murdered in theirj nnev Island home early today by an ! unknown assassin, who stabbed them , to de, , h.nis- ith and then s t fin- to the :i'T. TO All 40HI.P.SS ! LONDON. Ix-c. IK. f.. P.) King Oeoree in Mire-h prolonghigjtarlia-ni'-iit until February 13 stro-d the rro for thi economic reha Sanation 'f V:oro-,e. f't .'tl.so's.-iid 'be eovern 1'iert wouM do all In its power to al leviate th,. unemployment situvlon. tt"sr0S l(Mi: IM ISIIAM S T'KI" l. D-c. 1.1. A. P Th. Konn; from customs dorps for Sen. of n.-ieial'tur.V-r was J.ltT.772 vrn. accordlPi .to - the fi.ii ce ef --. Compared Tlth 'the .'orrespnndirg p ri'sl last year.jcholce stm erven fifty, eight: hogs. . it tl.ti-.-s. in liicnsase of 7,3:1.511 yen sheep steady, eggs, butter firm. PARTICIPA1I ON EUROPEAN REPARATIONS CLASH HELD IMMINENT BY OFFICIALS Ambassador's Return From Court of St. James for Consul- tation Taken in Official Circles to Mean United States Intervention; Hope to Settle Big Problems Among Nations. WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. (U. P.) The United Press was authoritatively informed today that American intervention in the European crisis is imminent. A major step of far-reaching importance is contemplated shortly. Ambassador Harvey was summoned to return to Washington immediately for consulta tion regarding Europe. Harvey will sail for New York December 23 to report direct ly to President Harding upon general reparations and the eco nomic situation, of Anglo-French divergencies, and to confer cn the subject of American intervention based on the outcome of the premier's conference which is to be resumed at Paris Jan uary 2. , : Program Outlined . , PARIS, Dec. 15. (U. 1'.) France laid Canada today signed a treaty nf commercial accord, till- agreement. gives Canada advantages of tariff treatment, whilo Franco secures the aiitlu'iL"Viniw -and-.ex port facilities. HAD I llti: IV CA.WON CITY CANYON CITY, Dee. 15. (A. P.) Flro threatening the business dis trict of John Pay destroyed a rest aurant, lodging house, meat market and damaged a garage. Tho fire men then checked tho blaze. PENDLETON WILL RAISE Board of Managers of Com mercial Assn. This Afternoon Voted to Help Stricken City. Pendleton will raise a minimum fund of JiOOO for the aid of Astoria. I recently stricken when the heart of 'the city was destroyed by fire, accord ing to a decision taken by the board of managers of the Pendleton Cora merc'al association this afternoon. Subscriptions will be taken at the office of the association and by a spe cial committee which was appointed at this afternoon's meeting. The committeo Includes Charles Marsh. J. W. Maloney, George Wal lace, liobert Simpson and Chauncoy liishop. The Fast Oregonian will match tho largest Individual gift made In Pen flletc.n. There Is urgent need of a large re lief fund for the stricken city because thousands of workers have been ou off from their sources of Income In the dead of winter. Hundreds were rendered homeless but tbes have been provided w'llb temporary quar ters and nlfiut "jnoo daily are 'being fed at the nrmy kitchen set up by the relief organization. Immediate relief has beon provided In abundance 'but those in chartre say many hundreds of families will have lo be aided during the winter with food and fuel. With the i nt're business district In ruins and many Industrial plants wiped out the blow falls heavily on Jnen. wnm- I en and girls w ho an- cut off from . . . their pay clucks. Kniployors are standing bac k "f their woikers to the bet of their ability b it as few busi ness places were Insured for more Itban 50 per cent Miluatlon and suf- fered total loss they cannot carry. their worktrs during Hi'1 period oi j ; Idleness while rebuilding Is gottcnun- d'-rway. 1 Federal aid Is ls-inc sought with ' a 'view to caring for the needy and also !ln itrnnM ruction but It Is yet uncer-t.-dn whoth'r tho desired legislation ,cap ls secured. I Portland lias raised over jr.'l.aanfQr the r 1 ef fund and other towns and cliiis are contri'.ntlng in proportion. iiih.s. siii.K.1' sti:i PiiP.TI.AND. Ilee. 15. (.V. P.- 'Cattle twen'v five, fifty higher, Whatever come; however, , these will be. the policies that will form the basis for United States action; Ger man reparations probloms must be settled Immediately; Germany must liny to thu utmost of her ability, but Indemnity figures must not bo fixed beyond her capacity to' pay, and.- the present fUrnres of 132,000,000,000 goW marks or 30,000,000,000 AmcncAil dollars Is too much; drastic actions of coercion such as the ITrendh occu pation of tho Ruhr would 6iily"dofo.t tho allies own purpose, retard recon struction and throw Kurope ngnln In to turmoil;", white" thtr present imparit-i lions figure must be reduced, such reduction must be definitely fixed be fore Germany enn return to wdrk and any help ba offered in the shape, of an international loan; accompanying '-a definite settlement of the German re parations there must bo a wllllnffness of the part of the Kuropean nations mostly concerned to reduce, their armies. Morgan promises Loon Tho Fiench threat to invade tho liuhr valley, and the failure of the premiers Ixindon conference, together with tho reparations crisis, and tho talk of a huge loan to Germany pre cipitated official federal conference here to which Harvey will report. Morgan and company, knowing tho Pulled Slates government loan to Germany out of the Question, will make the loan they announced only after an adequate settlement of the reparations problem. ; The Kuropean reparations tangle la understood to have been discussed- bi' President Harding and his cabinet to day. I-Veiich Threaten Jtuh PAH1S, Hoc. 15. (I. N. S.) Inde pendent French action against Ger many,, with occupation of part of tho lluhr basin, was threatened by Pre mier Polnrivre Ln his declaration' ot policy of the chamber of deputies. "France wishes to proeecd "With til allies in tin- fullest cooperation, but If necessary, France' will Act - alone," Poinetiro statei. , t - - , He says France will install her own mining engineers but will reserve Places for r.ritish Rngtneerit and offi cials If they go In later. Franco can not pay her debts duo the allies until Germany pays her indemnity, Poln care nsserls. ' t Poincare faced ihe crisis today when lie went before the chambor of depu ties and explained France's policy re garding the German reparations- -. "France will greatly regret act In if alone but If forced to do mo, she will," Poincare told the deputies: ."What ever happens when the premier meet here January "th I am sure the En., tents will not bo broken," . Polnrp May Resign PA IMS, Iec. IS. (A. P.) Premier Point-are. after sketching the prorree of the reparations and Turkish peace negotiations told tho chamber of depu ties today he was ready to withdrav "gracefully" If the chamber thought It had ready any other cabinet Writer qualified than his to do the work tor France. , . . , ;rt i: it .wiATons Nim3A1.ES. Ariz., Dec. IE. (A. V. Virtually all hepe of finding Colonel Frsnels -. Marshall and Lieutenant C. Ij. Webber, missing aviators or their trodies has been abandoned, said officers at Camp Stephen D. Little from which place the seareh for over s week has lreen rendm-ted. it(Ms ivisiuna. CHICAGO. Deo. 15. (IT. P. Federal" Judge Page today declared forfeited $2O."0v in bond" posted for big Dill Haywood and IT. y tt -h. fi.rhtr: charge with vtohitVi f t! ejiplonaga act, who CsJ tw ii 'ss to oscapo trial. .