EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, FENBLExUN, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14, 1022. PAGE THREE News No tes of Pendleton Calk-il by Illness. Uuy Johnson left last nittlit for P.m Francij-co, where he was calltd by the serious Illness of his father, 1. s. Johnson. t ' h:nniitmship of the college, defeutiiu belli the men's and women's teams. To Hold ISiizur The Westminister Onild will hold a bazar on Saturday at the Ellis-Schiller Co. show room. Art ides suitable for Christmas gifts, as well as cooked fonil, will he sold. : Has Jtmlil on Committees Arthur I! mid, of i'cndleton, who is attending University of Oregon, is prominent in student activities at the colle.ee. Ho is a member of the com mittee w hich is In charee of the Kuro ' pean Stti.Vt.t ti-lief Fund, and is in ehar.ue of the Pendleton branch of the Greater Oregon committee, lie was a member of th Phi fla.mma Delta de bate team which tvon the debate t - Vacation llcius l-riday Christmas vacation for Uendleton school pupils will beitin Friday rr.orn iirj', December thus enubkny chil dren who live at a distance to reach their homes in time to spend the heli day. Schools will re-open January 3. The first semester will be finished J"1" January 2Lb At this time all schools j will admit new pupils, and beginners who have reached the aire of six years will be eligible for enrollment. 'otii' nn.1 is now ,i. 1 n will l e prtsiiitcd in tableaux, with the carols sunt;- by the school children. Tnc nlay.viil be open to the public and no admission will he ehrrsed. V i 1 - . - Q VAUl I V .1 lw, Tonsil Trouble. I'oitre Fei-jrnson is unable to be at ' on newnnt of illness. Jle is hav trouble with his tonsils. SHOP EARLY S7 Pendleton's Leading Store SHOP EARLY BUY MEN'S GIFTS AT A MAN'S STORE III Willi Cold. I i . .. llunda!!, deputy distri To (;lve 1'lny A Christmas play, lu the form of a Xativity story, will be presented at the Pendleton high school auditorium next Tuesday evening at S o'clock by the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh nud eiphth .crude pupils of Lincoln school. The play promises to be a most pleasing jiuy. is confined to b's home today on laccount of illness' caused by u severe I cold. 2 o i loi :ci loi loi i oiioiioiioi- e I Willard llmnl to lie Host. Willard iloiul will he host this cveniiii; at a stag dinner in honor of the board of directors of the Pendle ton notary Club. C BOX jjreethvs is l'ostpoiuvl, i On account of the cold weather there will be no prayer meotimv at jthe Presbyti lian church this even-ins-, uccordin;;- to an announcement made to. lay. Leaves Hospital Mrs. .Marvin ltoy or Tilot Uock who submitted to an operation recent ly at .St. Anthony's hospital, was so far' recovered that she was able to return1 to her home today. 8 to' PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS TREES S I Pendleton Cash Market f Are in Hospital. The two little sons of Mr. and Mrs, Otis Hampton are patients in St. An thony's hospital, where, they were up. crated upon this morninf,". Tin ir-loii-sils and iidenohls were removed. 3 Phones- CVCORrOItATED. gro i;kh.s am rKAr 301 E. Court St. -101. Private exchange connect you with both depts. o -Tor TOT TOT L0 COT TOT TOT TOT 101 Picture of Col. Uiirhmj; A picture of Colonel Charles Well ington Furlong appears in a current number of "Shadow-land." He appears with several authors under the head ing "Knights of the Knapsack," and is mentioned as author of "The date way to the Sahara," and of "Let 'cr Buck." THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sedan ij the favorite, family car, seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top; it has-Jarge windows, and may in a minute be changed to a most delight ful open car with always a top protecting against the sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system -and demountable rims with 3-inch tires front and rear. A real family car. Won't you come in and look at it? Ihe delights of the electric car with the economy of tha Ford. Ioy Learns l.essnu "Them days Is s'one forever." i marked Ulaine Carney this morning i when one of the tonnhp .if school inquired if he had decided not! .a test the coldness of iron -with his tongue during the zero weather. The youngster suffered injury to his lon srue recently when he placed it asr.inst the iron of the Matlock street bridge. ThroiiRh an error in the Hast Oregon Ian yesterday it was stated that it was Wilbur Campbell who experienced the injury. i Ail,, v. t-il i'UU' I car with the economy of tha I III I I j I ":4SpSiS Ford. I Epj SIMPSON AUTO CO. ij Flioue 408 Water and Johnson St. J '-- - .- - - : rr r-r Diamonds Have you bought your Xmas diamond? See Ilanscom's magnificent collection now. Hanscom's prices are guar anteed to be the lowest in Pendleton. Hanscom under buys on diamonds. Why? Because he pays cash. Any diamond you solect now will be held until the day you want it. Exclusive mountings, beautiful designs. , Of all the "gifts that last" you can give nothing more enduring than the diamond. Whether bought for your adornment or as a gift, a diamond is a good investment, stable as gold cr bonds, enduring as the earth from which it was mined. See Hanscom's diamonds and make your test, a compar ison of quality and price. See them, if enly to feast your eyes upon them. Hanscom's Jewelry Store Kiddies Donate Vriui The class of the Field school which was awarded a prize of five dollars for turninar in the most money in the re cent lied Cross roll call has voted to give the prize to the lied Cross, ac cording to a statement made today by one of the workers. A similar prize was given l.y four Pendleton citizens to each hish class in every school. The Field school winning class and the .St. Joseph's academy winners both contributed their prizes to the Ited Cross. Set k Aid for Astoria. A telegram has been received hy the I Pendleton 'Commercial associat'on I from Senator Kohert X. Htanfield in j which the junior senator from Ore- i Kon slates that he Is glad "to render every possible assistance to Astoria." He concurred in the resolution for government aid presented to the sen ate yesterday by Senator SlcNury. Mayor (. A. Ilartman has sent a tele gram to President Harding asking that government a'd be given to the stricken city. A telegram of similar import has been sent to Oregon's dele gation in congress by the Pendleton Commercial Association. Nailed Fist i mi Gift Things That Men Appreciate Are Offered in Complete, Varied Assortments at Alexander's RICH SILK SHIRTS $6.50 These are shirts that will please any man made of fine, heavy Jerseys, Broadcloths and Crepes, in white and beautiful striped effects. NOBBY XMAS TIES $1.50 Rich heavy Ture-Silk Four-in-IIands and fine Knitted Ties the sort that a man, would buy for himself in an endjess color and pattern range. XMAS KERCHIEFS Box for $1.00 Beautiful Initial Handkerchiefs of sheer soft cambric with neat hemstitched borders and em broidered initials put up in pretty holiday boxes. A Fashion Park Suit or Overcoat for Dad, Son, Husband, Brother No finer or more appropriate gift could be chosen for, the men of your family for these fine clothes combine distinction, style and last ing service. Both Suits and Overcoats are in the latest models, weaves and colors. Suits $40 to $60 Overcoats .......... $37.50 to $55 FASHION PARK , CLOTHIERS rfwr ' ""-" iyt r- jit Gift Suggestions Bath Robes Dressing Gowns Smoking Jackets Wool Hose . Silk Hose; Gloyes -f Gauntlets Silk Shirts Sport Coats Overcoats Velour Hats Derby Hats Soft. Hats Neckwear Mufflers Kerchiefs Cuff Buttons Leather Suit Cases Traveling Bags Fur Caps Full Dress Suits Tuxedo Sets Sterling Belt Buckles Knife and Chain ;- .. , Sets,., Madras Shirts - Canes ,;. Umbrellas Mackinaws Wool Vests Sweateis Collar Bag Garters Full Dress Suits Tuxedo Vests 1 The Chinese Mill cli.ir to the old custoili ot permiuin? their finger nails to erov to extravagant lengths. Here is the hind of a wealthy meichact U Euicn, Co eliia Chip. i For Colds or Influenza and us a Preventive Take LzxaOvo Hills acts at ortcc checks CoUa in 24 tiouiS 0 1, iV F.rKt m oi' oik Ids lUk foi-ra i. and irnst dctKimJXC ono-VJI ME HiS Cheery Brociidc Quinine ? u(Tu fJfJI (fi) i 1::X h'' :'n, LmsJUU Vii LUmJ JJ :.) l... ,, " vi..: -at ,,-,t, AMTKXT liI'KIV I'lTTSIil'l:';. I'a.. U'-c. 13. r;.,tn are the happy days in obi Alict-'h.-nr, now known as the Northslde "f this city. I'olice '..mmissioner Wilirmi Kfine bani.sl:cd tho hurd--frurdy be cause the proprietors of several l..-l-ness establisiii.i.-tits complained Ciat the orann prirub-rs alwa-.T -;.-iVe thcr rf.nc.rts in fr-nt of th'-lr b-'s.r.c.-k pla. s th.r ' v :ittra' tiii - cro: in I ni.-.kir it duiif 'it 'or hto-e e.'. ! . to li.'-p th-.r raii.-l: ..'i :h r .,.-k. Tr hurd' ir-K- inst ulrrn l..e or 1 r is (!.rl'1 Jui b,h If-, lh;- s. b.., l , si from , til- f h.ldrea nhn tl.. y i Home of Gifts That Ij-t FF.MU.KTOX Or.EOOV 0a OITfi!-!: M.W (f)TITITiOV -ii.".i. 1. . 1 4. IM A ""'J h ,n. . i 1:'.'fe.un4 fri&)..iity v. r..')e-l i -. :;r.inst the .rcT.ifM.d f n-v li;m...i ki.'i' "in it 'it'.on by th I vct.rs y i. i'! y. Every n .tern of the t'-itt wcj.t.4 tlit j.! ove.d ilraXt. 5 of iii.i or-1 4 i The Next Time YOU NEED A BATTERY LET IT BE A " ERON ERPETUAL U2 "Y"ou ANT T ILL JL guaranteed The Most Wonderful Battery of modern times for two years. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. L. S. (Spence) Bentley Co., Inc. "Sen-ice With a Smile" DIAMOND TIRES HOOD Use Our Service Car. Thone 7G5 - Opposite Post Office -i 3 1 3 a a Vfyl V i'i 8. K "