East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 12, 1922, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Save Green Trading Stamps and Add to Your Gift Fund
filled by experienc
ed shoppers and
forwarded same
day as received.
Shop by mail.
Glove Bonds
When you'd like
to give a pair of
gloves as a gift and
are not certain of
the size, give a
"Glove Bond," the
recipient will then
come here and
choose her own
gloves, they're sure
to please.
An oxi-ctlfiit f wom
en'H silk hosiery, iluln, 1'wic.v
lain: anil vUM-hivfX. V.urh
pair packed I" Inilivliluul
.Mi excellent quality silk
lrnse In blank, brown, fftvy,
nnd bcatM'. An liiexpemtlve
Klft, yet one tlnit will Im np-pT-coIiiti-d;
nil hIm'h.
The latest novelty In th
way of hose. Twin tuelc
buck In a Hood quality Milk.
All tln wnntetl KlimU'H. -Now
Mllliiff the pnlr
Iloniitlfiil new No. In silk
mid wool Iiohc. -Some plain
and nome low clocked.
Muck nnil brown; mi Ideal
(;lft parked In npvliU Ihixi-h.
iow Hclllnit at pi'r pi'. $1.50
to 2a.
Sc&Sq 39ift!lK r& V:K ":--h.
II I , A.J 'kl--
juWi--. h"'hiiV"i'ih'm """ II n win
Xmas Greeting
A large selection
of thenew ones on
When in doubt a
merchandise certi
ficate will always
be proper. We is
sue them for any
amount. You give
one as gift, the one
who receives it
brings it here and
chooses his or her
own present, it's
bound to please.
What a Store for Christmas Gifts
t.ments. This Year,
rrCeCPCr;S Thin Ev SKTSKr r&aU H.!W.
derful Varfetyf & This Great Christmas Store Help You Solve the Gift Problem. Quality Mer-
ihandise. -
TolU't waters and fine) ex
tracts of only tlio lient
K'ni'.i'H. Smaller pmiitltlc8
Mold If desired.
"Ji'Wiik" Toilet Waters In
nil assortment, of odors that
'. would 1)0 mirp to pli'iwe, for
the iiiInh or small child they
surely xvould N appreciated;
now selling at lxxtlo . . IOc
"Mavis" 1'jiii do Toil
ette Water In a largo nssort
inent rif txlor luiekixl In In
iltvlduiil iKives ready to Blve.
pileeil at each l.25
Second Floor For the amount entailed; we
know of no article that would be more pleas
ing or better evidence of its donor's good taste
and thoughtfulness than a pretty blouse. Of
fer values that will appeal to every thrifty
shopper. Buy now.
Priced Special
Rrcond 1'lnor Ixnfly Ttloiifwn
of Cropo do. Chlno mwl Oenr
Kttc. Whito, flonh, jado, na
vy, lirnna. brown niu hvizo.
Kniiry ovorbloiiKO efforts
trimmoii with bt-ads, rm
hroldory, brulilH, lares, rtr.
Khnrt and nicOlnm IrtiKt'i
Hlrrvos. Sprcially priced,
at '
Priced Special
Prcnml Floor fecocdlnBly
nttraetlvc ure these hiKh-.
rliiss mouses. Tailored and
dressy styles in plranlnK va
riety. Made up I" Crepe dn
Chine. Satin and Canton
Crepe in a. splendid selection
of favored colors. Sires to
Hi. Sperial at .!!
Joyous shouts of
the children as they
behold the wonder
ful new toys re
mind us of our own
happy childhood
ami tViP kfpn nnti-
WWV. '
cipation with which
we l awaited the
coming of Christmas.
Will be here to greet the children. Big, hap
py, smiling Santa with his red suit and high
boots! Let the little folks come in and visit
Santa Appears in Toyland Saturday
10 to 122 to 5
Every little boy and girl is invited to come and
have a chat with jolly old Santa.
Eight voung men, students of the
Pendleton hlKh school .returned home
this morning from La Oiande where
they spent Friday, Saturday and Sun
day attending the older hoys' confer
ence, held In that city under the uus
pices of the Y. -M. C. A. The Pendleton
youths who made the trip included
Richard iKariiheurt, l'url Planting.
Rev Kramer, olden Ui Hue. Ivan La
Hue, Layton Mann, Eugene Gray and
Mark Evans. ' '
lllchard Earnheart w as elected, vice-
president of the conference, -ltex Kra
mer participated in the work of the
conference by delivering: all address
at the- Christian church Sunday morn
ing. Chief speakers at the meeting were
tho lit .Uev. Wrn. P. Uemington; Nor
man F. Coleman, president of the Loy
al Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen;
the Rev. U. L. Clark, pastor of the
Presbyterian church of Pendleton; and
J. W. Palmer, song leader for the con
ference. :
i A banquet was served to -the 100
boys in attendance at the L. u. S. hall
I Friday evening. A. K. Yotmt, Inter
' 'state buys' secretary and the pastors
I of La Grande churches were the lead
ers in the conference work The l"en
Idleton students declare that they were
! royally treated and that the confer
i enec was a decided success.
IP, 0. E
Little trinkets whlc.li cost
very very little, yet convey
the same thought anil senti
ment us would somellUiig
more expensive.
Beaut if id combs for hair
ornaments. What recipient
wouldn't enjoy having a
beautiful comb to wear.
Priced from $1.00 to $8.50.
Wo might also suggest
something: in a beautiful bar
pin, lingerie, clasp, beauty
pins, etc., Romctldng that any
itlrl or lady would appreci
ate. We carry a large assort
ment of ear rings in all the
latest styles, priced from 75c
to $2.25.
Splendid quality silk um
brellas for women in a good
assortment or the newest
The last minute numbers
In Ladles' Fancy Umbrellas,
llcautiful colors of great,
reds, brown, blues ami black
8 rib frame, fancy colored
luindlcs; a gift that would
cer talnly be appreciated.
Priced at ..$5.00 to $18.75
in bright colored, good qual
ity silks, heavy frames with
fancy handles. What little
Miss wouldn't like oue of
these for Xmas. Sclort now
as the assortment gets small
er each day. Priced at $3.00
and $6.00.
YVASiriN'OTON", 1 c. 12. (A. P.)
Post office officials are expecting a
heavy business at the Christmas pe
riod this year, possibly heavier than
ever before. Mail was flowing heav
ily as early as November 1, it Was
pointed out and when the rush starts
so early it is taken as a sign of a
big rush of holiday mail.
The department began in October
the usual preparations for the holiday
increase and by December 1 the en
tire service will be ready. Officials see
that "mail early" campaigns are hav
ing their effect on the mailing public,
resulting in the unprecedented early
start of Christmas business.
It is estimated that the increase In
postal receipts, during December over
a normal month iB $S, 000, 000. About
$1,000,000 is spent for extra space on
trains to transport the mails, the mo
tor vehicle service spends approxi
mately $500,000 above its rcgulur ser
vice ,and another $1,000,000 goes for
additional clerk hire in the various
postoffices to sort mall.
Another item is $350,000 for addi
tional carriers. Added to these Items
are the millions of money order blanks
more millions of stamps, miles of twine
to rebundle poorly tied packages, and
thousands of square feet of emergen!
cy warehouse space.
"Uncle Sam's total bii! for Christ
mas is about as discourughlg', as dad's
the department- declares.-:
.."Deliver all Christmas taail
December 25," is the watchword of the
service as the day draws near, and it
is very seldom that the goal is missea.
However, a bad storm may delay de
liveries, and adds terrifically to the
bill. A storm in New York last Christ
mas cost the post office department
$3iio,000 extra for motor vehicle
transportation alone. The postal serv
ice docs not wish for a "white Christmas.''
Our stamp redemption booth is
now on the Main floor.
r-if T
1 kl I
oDies waren
Our post office sub station is g
nOW on UUi iriaui nw.
Changing of Name
is' Topic Discussed.
A movi'mftrt to cnange :ne name
f the .Columbia river highway to.
the meiton Trail, has been started
by prominent ottlwn of eastern lire
Hon, according to a statement made
Inst night by A. F. Alexander. Mie
president of the Blue Mountain High,
way association. The roHlmid cham
ber of commerce is aid to be in favor
of the plan providing the majority
of the people of nregnn kivo their
OtiEenn living alone th ldfiho-Pa.
rific hlrih.iv. continuation of the
Columbia Itivrr hiichwa. are also
willing to rffeet the change, iircord
tnr to Mr. Alexander.
l,iirr!' of makuiir the rhsiir l
to pve the hlgh.v a name nnilen
ullv knon Providm the chRnM la
The big order would have been
shipped soon, according to W. r. Nel
son, bureau head. An effort will he
I made to re-place the order at some
I ether grape growing locality of Cali
fornia, here I'hyllo.cro has not been
I f. It, NcNon said.
A ban on the Importation into Ore
1 rn of gi.ipe vines or shoots from the
i Wfl-ii .liKtri.-r. nrnhablv will be
" "- ""- -" - .... i . ,.,, ,',,,,,r. I,., thn i.itc
names of the highway is etfectoo, tne i board
Oregon Trail will extend approxi
niatelv I'ono miles bet
'interested in the subject, and it is' filed his annual report, covering this
' ..... i..,i.-..'..,K!,. hl crt,,, nrtton will' third par's work.
j ho sought when the body convenes.! It will interest every taxpayer to
:nd the Missouri rlvir.
Mr. Alexander returned
if horticulture, according to
T A S;tmnus. Jr.. a nicmht r of the
Portland !oard
I The grape order was obtained by
to XV .ilia ,.s.ui .it unit of the bureau plan for
Walla yesterday after spcndln-: the iu're:r t
past week visiting In different towns I ty t ts n
In eastern Oregon He states that m-
teres! Ill the 1 :i g in-XX i'sI on ro id oei :
the Tollgate divide l still running.
hlKh in that section. It is hop, d to J
comid. to the road at t y
mile streteh of ro.ol on th
dletou-I.a C.i and, higliway a yet
constructed, will be finish .1 M
same time XX all i XV all a I Ul"n.
Order for Vines
is Cancelled.
.reduction in XX asco coun-
ped to hnild up tiie grape
:n-irai to the point where
piantlty shipments to the markets
. an be made.
XX . i sco eoartv's sunny hillsides, es-
A six- .,vn 1 1 y around The IVilles. are rspe
v l'en - ei.illv .id. inted for the gro ir.g of
. t i n .-;,,T'.'s. a,-, ordmg to Nelson, in :ddl-
t!u tl.ui to belre uns tai'y tasty in qu.il-t
I itv. nt.ipes grown here are lanro. and
Jaro rec aided as t'eieg anions the tin-1
i . st tl'.e slate produces The IMltesi
I Chieni. le. !
It iu noinied out that wliile at pres
ent but two or three counties are nf
fecled bv the weevil if Its spread con
tinues the entire state may oc nueci
also devolves upon theh state for the
entire state derives the 1-oncflts of the
production of any individual com
affected other Industries at the close
of the war. Kven so. the poultry busi
ness has not yet been in especially
hard straits though many poultrymen
In the newer Districts, where the in
dustry saw great expansion during
- I of Cmds. CJrip or Inftuennt
nd u iTeventtf. take Ijixatlr
UROMO Qt'tNIVE Tablet The box
bear the litntur of K. W. Orove.
(B lurt you Set BROMO.) Jc.
An order for lvO'io gi ipe vm-.
placed wltli a lresn, o'noTn by the
agricultural and horticultural bare., i
of The Dalles-XX'as- o Countv ch anitn-r
of commeree. has be n cancelled At nct
the last minute, b, cause of Inform- to
tion to the ffe. t that Krei.no vine- Inr
rds ar afiiu-t. l wi'h 1'hylloxcro. I
commonly kien as toot lot. th
Need Help to
Combat Weevil
Tb.lt ;.
't m-'ellr:
houl.l be taken at the
f t!ie s;a!e l,i:U!'.:ri'
:.me . '..'.n t.r couiv.tinT the
. f th- r ifi'fl wetvil In th
..'t iral d''re! of te st.-.te i
o; 'i " ,ic,,t by many ho arc
know that the original program has
been lived up to. to the letter. The
roads are not alt built, but the costs out pt thc busi.
f,. lust eloso.1 show that Inw " "
ed. While the work of fighting the, the county is living aoseimoiy wnn- tionln, w. D. Buchanan, who
pest devolves upon these counties it in its means and standing by . Yakima the past week and
original cost erttniates tt a..s...eu specialist of the
then that the roads would I cos t " MatJ colp(fe estcnsili
i of any individual com- i5.nna a mile ior graaing anu "":.,.. h. ...- , Ilouitrv farm in
munity. United action against the surfacing. They have, cost that, ai-j WMtprn vVashlneton, brought the
pest will go much farther than Willi most to the cent, the neglifOble ?"- -,,,,.., from him that, while on
the single handed action of the Indi-1 f. rence being a saving instead or ' h( thpre are not quitp as
Mdual counties and much more could j higher cost. This is in the face orim,nv ,,ouitrxmen In the business
P.. accomplished toward the final: the fact that costs have materially j n - fls thp lndufitIT
stamping out of the pest. Why should increased since the first est,m'ues : ls on a firm basis.
not rou nties w hich have not yet been j were made; they were far higher In i poultry-men there have been
affected by the pest assist those that; and 1911. but even so. the ver;iml .' ,eVe1-headed and have stayid
have been tcfor.. the beevil has midrUgw has fallen Inside of the original bus,npss and you wm,id be
an inroad into their cwn community: ; estimate. ! srrprtsej what money some of them
-Kik.r Democrat. I Thit cost of $15. a mile for 'the mr. The
- quality of harl surface, road lu.lt . ,d,Iatrv has been on the up-
Marion County in """n r,""' ' ''f"'! Tirade for ,hP iast 15 years and dnr-
,. 1 " ----- - . . tne lhat p-nd more nns nwn
KeahzeS Program. I if r.ot in the I r.ited States- That is improvement. reachin, a high
j a''0'1' ,h" f,nrst part ' "V1' rnark during the war which could
... . 1 t-rv th 1-est roads built for the i.i.,.
Tfirtf ,'.itt rc-i .'i.-irior roue.:?,, , c..,. n"i. "i e-ui-. .....,.......
l,''''-1 " " v rhe worsts derression was last
i ,.nni- m-hen oricf-s went very low
j and the prio of feed was far too, high
j compared with the selllni price of
I the product, but e are now on the
j upcrede. While it has been a rood
I hi,,n. . f,.r the nast IS y-ears It has
The past soason has been conceded 1 its ur' an 1 downs. The industry fel
to hue br. n the poorest year for omi a thr-e-yesr cycle which Fives
ro':iTmen In a r?at minr 'f jrs ! the i o :'.arvman Just about time to
st con-,, to a close, an t on Svtur- The ro iltrv business m tne la , ct r.lceiv in by xne nmj io '""i'
NEW YORK. Dec. 12. (U.P.)
Over e!pht hundred thousand p'eoea of
outgoing mail arc handled dally toy
thc foreign division of thc New York
post office.
Five hundred thousand letters, 250,
ftflO newspaper;?, 5000 circulars solic
iting forriKn trade and. 10, 000 purcels
from the average daily quota. At
tijiii'S the total number reaches over a
miII:on jiieces.
In 1921, the post office reports, 1.
2S9,42fi sacks of mail for foreign coun
tries were dispatched out of the office
! on 127 steamers. A recent high rec
ord for mail shipments was establish
ed when one steamer sailed with 9,486
sacks of mail aboard.
r.cfvistiy business for forelsn mail
is especially heavy. In a single day
hpprnflv 71 7R3 rftrristfrPr1 n rt I rlfM ml.
'dressed to foreign countries were han
jdled by thc foreign division Each of
the articles had to be handled 13
j times and a record maintained each.
"Sons and daughters of t'nele Sam
apparently have numerous friend! ar I
relatives and many business connec
tions abroad," the post office say.
mm. s;:inc s :n co.ir.ty j "'"
N'itd to arc'v n the project. l"totn
th , nr. and" the moievs thAt wen- PoUitry BUBlTieSS
l.ir t.ixaTu a. th- t-.intr expected to
bui!i nnlM itiJ market ro.iJ
nnA kiH-p all t;e ether roail in pood
rinnmc , r-'ery
Tho thir.l yrnr of the r'eeraTn hi
.on Finn Basis.
i -st id!i'i to a olor. uri.l rn S.itT-.r- Tne roii:rv nunf w.i inr "ic-t r.icetv in ny inr mm
i:a n:ct Kdr.ufr V. J. Culvfd' be affeend by the dernMios which Comr Yakim Herald,
for over 30 years
g g Ounces forgg
Use less Of
than of higher
priced brands.
The government used
millions of pounds