THE ONLY SMALL DAILY IN AMERICA CARRYING REGULAR WIRE REPORTS FROM JIIE ASSOCIATED PRESS, UNITED PRESS AND THE I. N. S. DAILY EDITION 1 Tho net press run of yesterday's Daily 3,200 II This Dfioer is a member or and audited 1 COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER J J I T iTAJU ir"""! -O- ..i.,..-- i.,.lr -".iiwiiiii.'iiiii.hiii. wenoasx DAILY EDITION The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's greatest newspaper and as a sell ing force gives to the advertiser over twice the guaranteed average paid cir culation in Pendleton and Umatilla . county of any other newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEB VOL. 34 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1922. NO. 10,311 HARDING FAVORS ENFORCEMENT Of PR0HIT1ON LAW President Scores People Who Condone Law Breaking, An nual Congressional Message EXTENTION OF RURAL CREDIT SYSTEM ASKED Foreign Policy Defended; Am erica Will Not 'Shirk,' But Refuses to Enter Alliances. EVOLUTION OF FARM PRACTICES IN UMATILLA COUNTY RECOUNTED BY BEN N ION IN ANNUAL REPORT ALLIED PURS El "WASHINOTON, Doc. S. (A. IV) President Harding in his annual mes sage delivered to congress today in person, deals with ncuf!y a score of subjects, including 1 roliilit ion, farm credits, transportation, child labor and ' Immigration. It was announced lie would call u conference of governors to adopt def inite policies for national and state cooperation in the administration or prohibition laws. He said the prohi bition amendment would likely never t repealed and the nation should ad opt Us course, accordingly. He akl ir the enforcement provisions are wm- trt mlhltc nolnlon. Wh'ch he dOCS not believe la the case, the rigorous enforcement will concentrate, public attention on any necessary modifica tion. Abolish Itail Hoard Tho speech proposed that the rail road labor board should be abolished with the substitution of a labor divi sion in the Interstate commerce com mission. He urged coordination of all transportation facilities and opposed paralleling tho railroads -with motor ( truck lines. He urged a more extensive credit. systiim to farmers. He suggested a constitutional amendment giving con gress authority over child labor, and one restricting tax exempt securities. He proposed for the registration of aliens and more thorough examination of Imm.'grants. Message Wide In Scopo WARH1XUTON, lec. S. (li. P.) Tho president's legislative message ro congress covered the entire scope ei domestic and foreign problems and !r reaffirmed and defended the foreign policy of his ndmlnlstuation. He advocated anti-strike legislation to make tho decisions of this new iboard enforeihlo; credit and marketing legislation for agriculture, consolida tion of railroads into a few big sys tems: any-chlld labor amendment to the constitution. Regarding his foreign policy. Harm ing said that America had not shirked, and would not shirk International ob ligations nor permit any infringement (ftm American rights, hut that this country would not engage in treaties for armed alliance. The president declared the ei teenth amendment would never be noaled. He denounced those who would break down this law as "breed- ! ing contempt for law which ultimate- ly will break down the republic." j BY 3 OK HAllVUV Those persons not in touch Willi the industry of agriculture who are of the opinion that this business, which produces about $1U, 000,000 in I maul la county every year, is non-progressive, would suffer a very rude awake ning if they were to spend as little time at two or three hours in an in telligent and sympathetic perusal of the annual report recently submitted by Fred Uennlon, county agcnl. The report is a comprehensive re sume of what has been accomplished by the county agent and the county farm bureau from December 1, 1921, until November 30, 1022. It is made every year, according. to the require ments of law. While ostensibly a re port on what the office of the county agent has done during the cuuise of one year, in reality it offers a graphi cally presented cross-section of the monumental affairs of the coanty'ji biggest wealth producer, agriculture. Is farming being done now as it wui 20 years ago, or 10 years ago in Uma tilla county? Can a man learn the. business of crop and livestock produc tion according to the standards of one i day and then bury himself in liis work j jnil expect to make a success of the ! job 'without keeping abreast of nc'A J developments? Will the use of nt, ideas be profitable, or are innovations a reckless extravagance ami useless? What kind of seed does it pay to use .' These questions and many more are answered by tabulations, liar11 lac' statements and pictures which make up the 100 closely typewr. Hon page.: ill me oui:y report. ; To those, who are Hot Informed on what is being doee by farmers, it may LOCAL PEOPLE HIT BY ASTORIA BLAZE; SMITH MILL SAVED There has been much local in terest in the Astoria fire because of the number of l'endletonians directly or indirectly concerned. The big 5000 barrel flour mill in which I-.'. I.. Smith and Kdgar .Smith are interested escaped the flames. The m II Is on the port ducks. The Astoria Hud get. owied by I,. 1. Drake, M. 11. Chessman, F. W. ljimpkiu and K. 11. Aldriclt had .moved in to a new concrete building of its own In September. The Hudgct building as well as the plant of the .Morning Astorian, apear in the list of destroyed. No private advices had been reee ved up to 2 o'clock. The renney store in Astoria is managed by J. K. Keofe, formerly with the 1'enney store in Pendleton, li. W". Skal lerud, owner cf the Shallcrud I ry tloods stoie, is a brother in law of E. J. Clarke, local attor DISCUSS PROBLEM 'PINAFORE' OFFERED BY OPERA C0MPANY SATURDAY ! AFTERNOON IN MATINEE OF GERMAN DEBTS Representatives From Allied Nations Meet in London to Settle Big World Problems. OFFICIAL PROGRAM IS GIVEN OUT FOR PARLEY Hope to Reach Settlement of German Moratorium Plan, International Loan, Budgets.; : ' i ! I : i i 1 A .spiH'ial niatinop, which will off it an opportunity for oiit-of-tnwii poopK- and for school chil dren to hear the American LtMht Opera Co., will bo K'ven tomor row afternoon at the Uivolt at 11:30 o'clock. 'Pinafore,' one ot iiilhcr & Sullivan's most, popular pro iluctionK. will be the offering. The cast is as follows: Sir Joseph Porter, I-M An rews; Josephine, his daughter, Theo Pennington; Hebe, Kthel Cool; Dick Pcad Kye, Carol Watson ; Uaolphe liuckstraw, Harry Pfeil; Captain Corcoran, Carl Bundschu, and Uuttcrcup, Paula Ayrcs. The matinee, price will be ,M) cents for any seat in the houm-. 30 BLOCKS RUINED BY BIG BLAZE TODAY; LOSS WILL BE TO HEAR TAX REPORTS BETWEEN HTAND 15 MILLION Fire Starting at 2 a. m. Not Fully Conquered at Noon; ' Banks, Newspapers, Hotels and Big Stores Included in List of Destroyed; Port Docks and Big . Flour 4 Mill Escaped; Two Prominent Men Died During -Fire, I TO MEET AT IEU)i I LONDON, Dec. S. (li. P.) The allied premiers arrived in London to . day to confer about Germany. The i sotiii-utl'icial program of parley will include: a moratorium for ' ninny on the condition that France I hold's the Khine; adjustment of idebls In view ot' the American atti tude; international loan, which is onslilered Impossible, at present; the form of Germany's budget .mces. et I i Of and fl- tin- l'niu;iiiU County i T.'txpaye-s" l.iir.'iii will be beid tomor ; iav afternoon at 1:;I0 o'clock In the j court room at the court house, aecord jing to an announcement made today, j Reports from two tax in cstigatlng ! committees w ill he submitted to the. Igathering, appointed at tho nicetim j last Saturday, will report on state tax ation, and the other committee will j make a report on tho condition or I county taxes. be wi'd very emphatically mat larni-) n,.st 1vr,,stlig bill of the sea- ins now is not the same' that It 'VIHP to be effered In in. part -of the 20 yoarS ago; or 10 years at'.o; and ,.ollntv hllM h.1H ,., scheduled at even within the past five years ami st;il,f,cid when liav McCarroIl, local less, some changes have been worked ,.,, .,,, H-;s,intd S'ngh, Hindu in methods that have added to the R ,,.,. wl n.ix. December 13. nr. i'uuci ion 01 crops in a uej-ree I,J coril'ne kindle, interest in anticipation as to jicCarrol wnut inc iuture may noTu in store. The numbur and variety of crcpf 'Bohemian Girf Pleases Audience ! With Many Solosl statement mado today h; (Continued on pupa T The bout will be sfiged at the Walts lUditorium and will be on lor the (ausjiices of the American legion ut j Stanfielrl. The two men mei nere last season jend S'ngh got a decision when Mo ' Carroll's knee gave way under a ter lific tw'st at the bands of the dusky wrestlir wlrle he wns apidying K:e i toe hold. Later, Singh and olson met. -and -'sen got a decision a,'ter lie In jured Singh ro the hitter could not continue. Ted Tbye and .Mcf'arroll expect to meet in Pendleton about the middle or January, MrCarroll said today. Second Offering of American Light Opera Co. Abounds With Pleasing Acting, Solos. That tuneful opera, "The Hohemian (ill-!," with its wealth of melody and its charming solos, was presented last even ir; at the Itlvoll thoutro by rneriinn Light Opera Co., in second apepn'-ance during a days' engagement. .Miss Iteglna Manville. as Arline Card I'uiidsi'hu, as Count Am t.he their four M"mtte!!rd on OrtKi S.t M OFFICERS TO AID CINCINNATI, (., Dec. S. (I. X. S. Spectacular raids on a number of rofidhnuses in Kentucky and the nub serpient conviction of those arrested have resulted In numerous loiters be Inr' sent to the Federal prohibit ion officers, whose headquarters arc In Covintrt in, askiny them to cnuie across the river and "clean up" Cincinnati. The outcome of I heso requests has been a conference between tho officers stationed in Kentucky and those as sim.'ed to the Ohio side of the river and a statement by the latter that con ditions which prevailed In the. Ken-, tucky roadhouses nre not to bo found; in the vicinity of Cincinnati, ASTORIA, Dec. 8. (U. P.) At 12;30 the fire was under c ontrol. The city hall and Catholic hospital previously threat- : cued, were both saved. The only known dead are Norris Staples, president of the Rank of Commerce, and W.'H.;Fel.l- I man, furniture dealer. The Sanborn and other docks were " saved. Telephone operators on night duty remained at their posts until driven out by flames in surrounding buildings. They rendered valuable aid by sending warnings and appeals for as sistance. . , . I The following firms' places were destroyed: Cnllimlliil Trust. Ruvinira fn Rimb- nf f nmmofno ITirut Ns. tional Bank, Astoria Savings Bank, Astoria National Bank, Western Union, Postal Telegraph offices, The Wcinhard ; As toria Hotel, Merwin Hotel, Northem Hotel, Astoria Evening Budget and Astorian, newspapers, the Blue Mouse, Liberty, Star theatres, J. C. Penney store, Bee Hive Store, Elks Club and Red Men's hall. ' ... , 30 Blocks Burned. '.'! :" ASTORIA, Dec. 8. (A. P.) Thirty blocks of the business district, including part of the older residence section, leading business houses and banks, and the buildings of both newspa- . pers, were fire swept at noon today.. The fire was . epfeadinfif e?ist at Seventeenth street, but was generally checked in th6 west end and north. It spread some on the south side of the de vastated area to Franklin between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Dynamiting broke windows in. the court house but that building , is believed saved. The fire had practically burned itself out jut noon. In addition to Norris Staples, who dropped dead, an Unidentified man was reported to have hanged himself. The loss is estimated at between ten and fifteen millions. i "' ; Supervisor Adams Declares i 1 Basin's Development Would. I Equal Egyptian for Britain. ji WASHINGTON. Dec. S. (A. P.) - The completion of the Columbia; basin irrigation project would be of' more value to tho I nited States than Jthe development of Kgypt lias been J to the I.ritish government, l-'red A.', j Adams, supervisor nf the basin told, (the house Irrigation romniittre today i at a hearing on the bill to authorize) the reclamation service to investigate the feasibility of the plan. 1 LOOKS LIKE A JOB FOR A DERRICK. r! WHEAT PIES Eli OP BY FEW POINTS sum:'HKs Ti;nison. MODEXA, Italy. Ivc. S. Six hun dred prisons escaped from the town of Plandcgalli where a hundred houstf-R collapsed In a landslide. Com plete destruction is threatened. Wheat prices are higher today. December grain elo'ing at ft. 19 5-V May at ami July at fl."S WEATHER 1-4. Ye.'terdas 'k fl.1 3-1. 1. 1H 5-8 I Following are the 'ceived by Ovcrbeck . brokers. i Op. n High !!-. fl.lsS fl.lf ! May 1.1'. I.1T. ijuly l.e? l.f-s'a clo-ings and 1.0 o,uotations. l - Cooke, lo. I--'. Iiw ID'.", Cloi f 1.1 117 !.'. Reported by Major Lee Moorhou, : weather objWrver. Maximum 2J. Minimum 9. Farrjneter :9.5 f : I 1 vTTy 1 r- V e - TODAY'S FORECAST- EX-GOVERNOR SOUGHT ON CONTEMPT CHARGE FOR SEDUCTION TRIAL o: f r.l. Miss- . lr-r -illI'.i Tht.-Jore I ill"', foim. r gov- r.iov -f M',ls.-t; pi, w-;s b rc souuht t',-!" ii a . h iri:' of ct-r,: To.Tpht ::ow . the ,:pt rt rr. J.-.1.f..-.0 rt ciow.i1!: :t i l:-:'..!. l.i'o 1 s n. .l-:j I"iur. ,.h..rvfs th-it t r- nt-i.' , t ;!-! n-i'.l: i 'h n for v. h r : : " N. TAX RATES IN TOWNS OF COUNTY SLIGHTLY LOWERJrJAN IN 1921 Three Municipalities Show an Increase, and Seven Shave Costs; Two Are Unchanged. Ilurneil 1 in lor Streotit AHTOItlA, Dec. 8. (A. V.)-At. ,J0 o'clock this morning twenty six square Mocks had been wiped out by . flro which started shortly after two a m. In a rcHtaurant in the heart of tho business district. One'llfo was lost, Norris Staples, an automobile dealer and president of the Dank of Com- ' merce dropped dead. Tho financial j loss was then estimated all the way from four to fifteen millions. At j nine o'clock all the district between ; Amur street, at tho river front south' to Kxchimizn street find east and wist Increase, and Seven Shave j '"Aveen Might ii and sixteenth streets was devastated. Between eleventh and Twelfth tho flro penetrated n far as Franklin street. lire chief Foster said the fire got out of contro.l because it burned beneath buildings under piling, which had not been filled In when the city was built on piles, he attributed the d'saster to this fuct. Mnit o." the btilldlng burned were In the total then- Is u slight reduc tion in the tux levy rales of tin town In 1 matllla county, according! to a statement made today y K. llawkes. county u.ssi sor. The stale- I llll'tlt follow.! the rccclnt bv the as-- sesor of the lele made l,v It,,, i ! fanie. but many substantial brick municipalities in the county. I I i Three towns Increased their levies lover the previous rate, seven low-r-ieil their rates, ami In two places the rates remain unchanged. Adams and bullillnes are also gi ne. Including: As toria Havings Uank, WtinhaM Hotel, ( Astoria irvenlng Hudget, Elks Temple, Astoria .Vatlonal Hunk. Staples Motor 'onipany, Hovey Motor C'otiipAny, Sknllerud Ilrygoods Wo e. All trio I Pendleton are. tho two towns whor I doe:s were saved, itain was tailing irates are unchanged for the j moH of the time. There was no wind, llevy. Adams lias a rate of 10 mills, Hotels Were I turned and Pendleton's rate, which with 'ASTOIUA, Dec. 8. L V.) Fire the exception of Adams. Is the lowest ! which swept Astoria this morning wlp in the county, remains at 11 mills. ''l out the Western fnion and postal Kohn Increased Its rate from M.l ;T, h greph offices and forced the tele to 17 mills; Helix luado a slight In-J phone company to mtablish tempore crease, the rate last vear being !2.! '""' offices tn the city hall. Communl- iiis against a levy of ;:t for this year; ) ration Is slow. At 10:50 a report Is land Pilot Itock added three mills to i by Fire Chief Toung-at Portland jits levy, hist year's rate lieing -jj i Hint two men were killed could not be I mills mh compared with a rule of ( vi rifled. The W.-lnhard-Astoria hotel for this year. ''n,1 'he Merwin hotel across the street i were destroyed. The guests escaped The Athena n,te has been sliced j after warnings from the rhsnasers and from HI for last yeur to If. for ! clerks. The Astoria Savings t-ank. tha ibis year. I'ret water onscd the rate j Astoria National I;nnk the Amor lean from 17.- io l.r,.ii, l!e,-nu.-ton i:hopied i It.'iilvtay Kxpress, the Astorian and from l.l.l to lfi 1. Milton from Si. i IJudgi t newspaper plants, the ISee from 'J4.J to I '. Iflw- department store and many other to I, and Wi s-. bus'ness hotiM were dwi'twiycd. Tliis .7. 1 morning twenty six blocks had been I burned, but by urine dynamite th ! Takni in tho ..rd-r of tli. Ir rales ' tir,. f-,. r were Raining control, jfroui the blghet lo the l,,ot. the) AyiviuiA At II a. m. the fire lin.l.ii ipailties are listed as follows: j nghti rs were barely holding their own. , Wetn 3;. 7 'The fire was burning fkreely at Hlx- I'ilol lloek ? teenth. Seventh str,-ts and Commcr- I Helix I jClal. The city hall and Catholic hos- I I m.Mllla r'-'.l ; .li ,1 w. re thrwtened. Patients from j.Miltnn :'.&! the latter nere all rejnnred to tho , Id ho . 17 i uiuh s- he ; The only communication jrreiw .'er IK.!th the oittoide Is from a temporary i ll-rmiston I r..l I jAThena IS Stallfieid M.S. j ivndb-ton 11 Adams I'l lln iii.",. Slanflil I'liiatilhi from 'ton from t'.r, lo Jiates of .-iioo tlistiicts ir.nerally are lower. Mr. il.iwkc mir. Tbe total of all the rates of the i; muni- Ipalities for l21 was 75:.4 mills. For 1922 the I. vi.- ot the telephone office in the eity hall that - may have to be abandoned, j lUHlgct M il PiiMisnex. I ASTf'KlA. III.'. f.. P. The. plants of both A4.ria daily nepa )pers. the r.udgot and Astorian. were swept by the fir. The Ptldset oecn. I pted a two Mory omi-t btdirii. Tbe upper floor as b" '" ' (the eompf'i'. v i" ' i : :r ? lill- XCcnlin-i-J to IMas )