East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 01, 1922, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Tho net press run of yesterday's Dally
The East Oregonlaa Is Eastern Ore
gon's greatest newspaper and as a soil
ing force (fives to the advertiser over
twice the guaranteed average Jald cir
culation In Pendleton and Umatilla
county of any other newspaper.
J This paper Is a member of and audited
... A,.ju -,.,...... np ri.. i.. . :
VOL. 34
NO. 10,305
MAHOfiliD" fw liis
rnn Miinncn nc I m nnmun m -i : r :l nnnn Aim uath -
ji i m nuiiiiij m rAiim- run LHWunu ll isas
Kfr ff ;Jbi.Aw..'akrW " 7
Signs Confession to Killing
of Wealthy Bride When Sis
ter Confesses to Save Him.
4. 4. 4.
Trap Sprung at Walla Walla
Prison at 7:02 This Morn
ing; Had Become Catholic.
WALI.A WAl.I.A, Wash., Oce. 1
(I. N. P.) James II. Mahoney. con
fessed murderer of his wealthy and
elderly wife, Kate Mooers Mahoney
was executed at the state prison at
7:02 tills morning. Six minutes later
the prison physicians. Dr. Y. F. In
gram and Dr. O. J. I.indhurl, pro
nounced him dead, lie ate well last
night, also a Rood breakfast this
morning nnd retained his composure
throughout. He was formerly a Ca
tholic:, and reembraeed the faith and
received the last sacrament Just be
fore going to the scaffold. Three
men pressed the buttons, and there
were but six witnesses, and hanging
convicts carried Mahoney's body out.
Jie is to he buried at ohiohomish,
Wash., in the family plot.
Mahoney confessed to the crime
when he learned his sister, Mrs. Dor
othy Johnson was about to cunfess
''-mti'iiuTifatr'fimirr I'1 li'm '''I' ad
mits the murdering of his wife in a'
bath tub with a Juimmer and dump
ing the body in a trunk Into Lake
t'nion, Seattle, in April. inL'I.
Streets of Capitol are Filled
With Angry Mob; People
Protesting Lack of Water.
S.) National tribute will be paid t. '
j lieprcscntative James ,.M.uin, veteran I
Illinois niember, who died last night!
latter a quarter century in congress, j
iKervh-CM are to lie held tomorrow in i
Ithe bouse of rcpresentat i es and all!,-
official Washington is to attend, j-
ltoth senate and house committees!
will accompany the body to Chicago. :
The president mourns his death in
a letter to Mrs. '.Mann. i
Filipino Bus Drivers and
1 White Man Perish; Fire
men Carry Out Over 50.
The darling of the former kaiS'T's
new household is little Princess Itcii
rb'tti. of .Schoenaich-Curolath, young
est daughter ot former Pl-ine
mine who recently became' tin
lord's bride.
Troops and Police Disperse
Crowds With Machine Guns
and Rifles; Order Returns.
ss Hor-ex-wai
0. BATTLE 10 3-3 If
Place Kicks Only Points Scored j
by 2 Teams in Epic Game;!
Results in 'No Champs." !
Hung lie-rove Payl'ight.
WALLA WAi.l.A. Dee. 1. CI.. JV
The hanging took place ahead of
schedule as the sun does not rise
until 7:37. It was almost pitch dark
when the warden called, "Wake up,
Jim." Mahoncw smiled a sour smile
and clasped the priest's hand. "I
guess it's time to go. Father," he
said quietly. The priest, himself un
der a severe strain since he Is a
pronounced opponent of capital pttn-
isnmeni, icu me way wunout a worn,
siuii.unng occasionally. -ivianoneyi
marched stiffly at attention. Pontine
preparations on the scaffold follow
ed, then a muffled click, and Ma
honey swung.
Would Snvo Itrotlicr.
Dolly Johnson made her confes
sion In a last minute effort to save
her brother from the gallows. Her
attorney, Thomas Casey, showed the
confession to lieutenant Governor
Coyle here yesterday and endeavor
ed to have the executive take action
to save Mahony. Coyle verified by j
long distance telephone the report of
Mahoney's confession that he killed
in rtfe-u wnc one mc lauer was
1RATT1K. Wash., Nov. 3D. (A. I'.i '
Ko-little a thing As-one "pi's ce .kieli
almost gave Oregon the football cham.
pion of the Pacific northwest ovc'
Washington here this .afternoon and
the right by conquest to play at Pasu- I
dena on New Year's day.
Almost, but not quite. For uiiothoi
place kick, this or.e by WaMiington. a
thump across the bar by l oiuird Ziel
from the L'a-yard line, with only four
minutes to go In (he final quarter,
wrecked the hopes of Oregon and tie,: '
the score. I
Tho cold printed numerals of tp.nt
3-to-3 score show on the ;uoc of It I
that it was an even battle, l'.nt they
don't show and can't show how thrill
ingly cloe, how almost exactly horse'
nd horse was this epic engagement
1 between the 22 young fellows wearing
tho blue Jerseys of Oregon and the
purple and gold of Washington. j
They don't show how in the first
half Oregon, taking the init'ative, five
times ninrehed the ball down within I
near or far striking distance (,f the
Washington goal line, each time lo be j
held up. I
The figures don't show, either, how
in the second hslf, after h iving boon
outplayed during all the first' half. I
with the ball continually in her tor-!
! ritory, Washington came hack ami i
with ,a great fighting attack, reversed
the situation carried the war right,
MKXICO (.-.TV, Dee. 1. (1. N. S.)
Ol der was restored today after riots
which eiosc to a hundred people
were killed while lllllull people pro
tested against the lack of -water,
liioting broke cut in front of the citv
hall, when the police turned machine
guns on he demons; ralors who de
manded the resignation of the mayor.
Not since the bloody d-..s of nil 3 have
the streets of the c.-ipitol
such a vvarlHu- acpi-ar .in1:-.
Stirred by .Vritnlors
MEXICO CITV,' Dec. 1. (It. P.)--
Agitators fi-oni soap boxes urged an
angry crowd to ucJon. S. uglier and
shouting the mob sui-jed through the
business section to tin- municipal pal
ace. .Mill'm; about tile civic plaza,
and shoutim; "water. wi-.l-r," III'.
crowd ibniand'-il the resignation of
Dr. Alonzo P.omero, munlc'pal presi
denl. SoMiers and polii-e ineffectually
atti.-iiiu.led . to d.'spei He the mob. hut
rifle and tnacb.ni, gun fire directed at
the crowd fulled to det -r them.
Men and won-.e.-i were trampled to
de:,iii. und th-n .-.onie men threw gas-
Clcmenceau Talks Before St.
Louis Audience Saturday;
Believes in German Future.
Fire Started When Furnace
Explodes; Loss is $40,000;
Other Hotels Endangered.
oline upon and
l-u'lt by uorkno n
the ei ie buildm,-,'.
threw a weird li
and tile mob, ter
1 mal
t he
ST. I.OPIS, Dec. 1. (U i'.) Cle
menccau expects to make a supreme
effort here Suturllay when he address
es St. Pouls people at the Odeon. Th
is feeling fine physically. Hi- refused
to discuss the reported French plans
to occupy the Ruhr vaiiey If Clerniany
fails to pay reparations in January.
xliibite-l j When reminded that numbers of
; Hermans live in St. l'.ouls. the Fl ench
ITIger exclaimed that he had noiliing
'against the riei-mans. He believed that i dead
they would some day again become a
great race.
"i want to see the Hermans a good
people," said the Frenchman, 'Tor
then we shall have peace."
('lemencf-nu reiterated h's be'ier
that his American trip thus far had
been a success. Ho hud no rg-ts.
saying that everything is "womb rful."
He Is highly Interested in what Amer.
lea thinks of what he is doing and re
pressed satisfaction that s holds, no
official position now " might he
In all that' trouble myself," he Mid
with twinkling eyes.
POKTLAND. Dec. 1. (I. X. K. )
Two Filipinos and une white, man
were suffocated to death early this
morning in a fire which swept the
lien llur hotel and lodging house in
a down town center. Fifty men and
women were carried down ladders in
their night clothes by firemen. The
lodgers lost practically all the r per
sonal belongings. An explosion in tin
furnace was the cause of the fire and
tile damage vaa about $-10,000.
PORTLAND. Dec. 1. (A. P.) The
.ire Christomo Madarang, 'Zi,
Thomas Carlno, 36, and ,T. .1. McDon
ald. The. first two were Filipinos litis
boys employed at the Imperial hotel.
The fire started In the furnace room
and swept up to the room. Police
men and taxlcah drivers rushed Into
the budding, saving many lives. The
explosion stopped their efforts. The
heaviest financial loss is a firm of fur
niture' dealers on the ground floor.
Neighboring buildings suffered loss
from water in their hasemcnls. Gnosis
'at the Itenson and Oregon Hotels were
warned and many left their rooms.
o'i !
new by the
-termniod fire pouring throng!, mu-
na-ipul puiacc windows, fought to es
cape. The his-toilc Konnllo soon re
sembled the shambles with dead lying
about the pla-A-i and tin- pavement
.-iteii'ied with blood.
As the mob hastened from the
!:iti;iie bullets clicking the pav-mont
at its heels, all four street entrances
were iiiass--d with milling humanity,
"'.lost of (he moil di.--iioi--.e..l t-- l heir
home.-, with soldli es and olb-i- bi
A "perfume grapefruit" Is tho lat
est innovation In the horticultural
world. 1'. has been developed by I ail
tllii (long, the BS-year-old Chinese
Purbank of Poland, ).-a. This fruil
hangs upon the tree for two or throe
year.". When placed placed In a room
it gives a lasting and pleasant perfume.
Secretary of Commerce Her
bert Hoover Declares Ex
ecutive Logical Man for Post
Public Will be Appreciative
of 'Sanity and Progressive
ncss of Policies,' Belief.
(Continued on paire 51
-U P.) -
man who taught Chicago to
hop suey was buried here
Cong I.ee was sn yearn
ind a cook in the f'rsl chop
respi nra lit h-re. lie cnin-
I suicide last S-'nday after
gambling u'vuy a $r.0.(uui for
tune. Croat pomp attended his
t i
old a
so, y
OAl.rMKT , Mich., Dec. 1.- (A. P.)
: Captain Nason Parnard and eleven
! ineiiiDers of his crew on the Canadi
an steamer "Maplehurst" lost their
'lics earl- today when the ship broke
up u mile west of I ortage Lake Ca-
i nal during a heavy gale. Nine inem-
bers of the crew were rese.ued, iiiinp
4, ing from the bridge into a 'tfeboat.
preparing for lier bath, and an-i,." ... ' , . ,..',. . .. .
noJ fourth quarters, and four s.-oar-it--,
times shoved down alomsl to a touch- .
nounced that they would take
action. 80 Mahoney was hung.
A itlUnnllnu ... ...... 1 ... I . 1 . . ....II.
. ii it,, i hit. .ti rvtuui; ituii.iifj iui j.
take no action against Mrs. Johnson! ' , ., ,
, ., . .... - . - .,. In the first cf these marches down
despite her insistence of her frui t. I , . .. ,
' . . , , I 'owned the Oregon goal it was long.
Mrs. Johnson said she killed Mrs.!,, , . , , ,.
. , , lanky Latham who saved the situation.
.uanooe, ... a .,oa..o, o,or some Wn.shingtn. within five mlnut
money .no age. woman owe, or. he ,.,. kk.knff ., rnrh,.tl ,h(.
..sins a heavv Iron bar in self de- 0rf cron n.yard n rP ,....,.
fenpe when Mrs. Aialioncy threaten-,, . ... , . ., . . .. . -
ed her with a pistol, her confession
declares. Mahoney In his lni-t P-tter
advised the family to leave Seattle.
voiit.wo KJiiTTtxr;.
LONDON". Dee. 1. (A. I.) The
Ptromholi volcano, on Stromboli island! end. racj-d
the A'ikings, hurled a long pass
straight toward an end v ho had '
1 sneaked almost to the goal I'ne. !
j P-nt Iitham was covering off the
receiver. Jc saw him snoe" d-"e
, there and he saw the pass. The two
of thent. Ijiih.-im and the Wns'iing-
for the ball. P was '
off tho Sicily coast. Is in violent erup
tion, says a Rome dispatch.
I'lissins- hi'ii ovvr Uithnm's iKi d, luit
h- stri Tt tip his :irms ti n f.-rt i'
j rmrd fo the xrit-d Kr:miiNt;tn.1
ya;ik'il it out of ih' sif- nn
five-yard mrk. and thin boforp ho
twM-d nn.T hopK-l his way to th.1
'-' rird line.
I: :t inur '-di.iN jy fr-n fu"i'!
Reported by Major Lee Moorhouse
weather otw-f r.
Maximum, 3S.
Minimum. 30.
Barometer 30.05.
eomiound'd iiiore tre
tert-aok Chapman t..ok
ran with the hull inst
imi.l -liat !y to safety,
yards, but fumbled, ar.
man threw him -if five
en it.
Tinn the V.'asl.ii.gtrin r
rc.e'ed. Ikinl-y Intrji ii biiu
tack!- fer an 1 !-yar
mod fr-r t -a o ro to y.i
down, d in hi tr.:- ;..
p w:is up to z.i-1
n star flip.
into Abel :
line. Flrs-
tri-H t make that thr
White of !!- Cf ll I'll'- i.
l iar-1
a. id
ti ch-.no
id ff p-m'ieg
II- sained six
1 W-sh ngtont
yar ...ul foil
If :
am- i
this tim
: hr...-.!r.
a -'am.
i an-
:tn) th
vi-- on !h
wn :ir1 ff.Mr
yar !.. Th
-:'iit 1 1 h. rrt
Tonight an-1
vtTnr.iay fair.
Th-r- it t
vol m,tl: a i
T n i::;o th
. f l:u i:
th.it th- ir.-n "f r---t:n.l
th:tt 5hT:!i ! writ-".
C Tk :
LeT MS Taks You j
GsT ACS05-S Too
Lx PJ '
Special School to Be Held at
Hermiston Dec. 19-20 to
Pick Blood Lines Wanted.
Just what Hues of breeding to fol-
ow In the new order which Jersey
breeders expect lo initiate within the
immediate future.' will be largely de-
ternilned at a breedeis school wlncii
will he held at Hermiston. December
19 and 20. according to a statement
from Fred i.'ennlon. county agent.
The Hei'iiiiston Jersey Hi-coders' as.
social ion was foitmcd six years iigo,
and nl the same lime a Jersey bull as
sociation was organized. There are
six blocks or districts, in the bull or
ganization, five of which are In the
lleimiston section and one at Irrlgon.
Hreeilers purchased six bulls whicti
were rotated from one block to nn.
other, service for each animal being
confined to each block for one year.
The. animuls are getting old and In
an effort to decide which blood line.
So choose from In picking herd heads
the school is to be held. At least four
daughters from each sire will be on in
hibition at Hermiston, and breeders
will havo an excellent opportunity to
foriit some opinion of the worth of the
blood lines represented. The present
herd Hires are members of the noted
St .Slawes and (ioldencloiv families
which nmii into big reputations short
:v after the west end breeders had pur
chased their young bulls.
Mime of the u nthorltles who y
mend the school to render any as.
llst.-lllee possible to bleoilern In, -In, I..
Dr. II. T. Sims of the extension service
f o. A. C, w ho has been ;n charge of
recent blood testing work In the cam
paign to eradicate, contagious abor
tion; H. A. Miithl.-son f the dairy di
vision of the p. s. department r ,.,.!.
ultiiri. at Salt Lake city- and V. C
Jamil-son, o. A. c. dnlrv siieclalVi
PALO ALTO, Calif., Dec 1.
-(A. P.) "The republican
presidential candidate in 1924
will be Warren G. Harding,"
Secretary of Commerce Her-
! bert Hoover said in an inter
View at his home here today. ,
"Moreover by that time
(1924)" Hoover said, "the
public will be highly apprecia
tive of the sanity and progres
sive character of the policies
that will have brought the
country through the reconstruc
tion period."
A trouncing to the tune of to IB
was handed to tho Haker high school
football team yesterday afternoon by
tho Pendleton IniekarooB In the clos
ing game of the season.
Pendleton players returned home
with a bitter-sweet tuste in their
mouths. They were the gucstA of tho
student body of the linker high school
nt a bamiuet served last night after
the game, and for this spirit of hos
pitality on the pint of thidr opponents
they expressed appreciation, but they
were not so enthusiastic about tho of
ficiating. The umpire and the head
linesman were graduated from Maker
III last spring, and the Pendleton ag
gregation were not satisfied' with
mnny rulings that were mtide.
Many penalties were called, and
Ihnsif called against Pendleton had a
wuy of coming when thoy did tht
most damage. The score at the end
of the first hulfvas 13 to 13. Pen.
(Melon ndded another touchdown In
the third iinirter nnd Temple kicked,
goal. Then Uaker scored, but failed
to add the one point from tho kick.
and that gave Pendleton u. lead of onu
ifood 'point.
Taylor's proteges made themselves
safo by milling another touchdown and
soul In the fourth quarter. That
ended the scoring.
jThe locals wen' crippled by tho loss
of Stonebraker. His place wan taken
by Christensen, but Hoyden, back in
the game at fullback, called signals.
The llnck line outfought the Uaker
agcregation, throughout the game.
I 'rganizatiou of i I'ltuiUlla' r,v
ulumiii association of T'niviprsity
Oregon will In- perfected a, , i,;,u.
to b h bl In Pendleton Ix-cembor
at ;:::ii p. m.. at tin i-;ik' iui.
I'liMdont P. l Campbell with
K. N't w 11 and Lunar Tooze, off .'is-ls
for the ton million dollar gift cani-
,laigii, will b- lion- for tin- niofthnc. It
j is emphatically plated
twill not h" solicited for m;
Inil-o'ing. The Mile litlipri.'
That the h,iy supply in I'jnutll'a
county will be ample to rued all cattle
and sheep that arc to lie wintered here
is the belief expressed today by local
llvct-tock men. The current price Jn
the stack is 110 the ton, according to
on, of (he men.
In Pilot Rock hay U pretty well sold
out now, it la said, but there still rc-
a!c:nm 1 mains a considerable tonnage in the
;it tue jStanfield und Hermiston districts
of the i which Is not yet sold.
.gathering Is to oiitliu- lb- campnig.i, Livestock men aro optimistic over
Co i, Ida n sugi stioi-.H from alumni: to conditions this Mar as compared with
hrtve a leiimon and to n rfect thellhose that existed last year. Twelvw
iliii.inl as in iation. months ago. all sheep had len on full
Among Jim.-.i ponplf who c.p hit feed for at least twos weeks, duo to tho
Tl.ed I-. iak at the (..-inauot nrpieaily visit of winter, and fi-edlnc e-
I lud-o i;.i ort W Pb-lps. I n J Stei-! ri.l In most cases estended until the
Iwi r. Il .i oid War n-r, Mrs. Janu s j middle of April. That made board
lohn-. Jr.. and Mrs. fn d Donerr. bills for cuttle and shet-j, abnormally
Hurry Kiic b. in i-lmtpi- r.f -.Ids p.-nt.hlgh, breedem say.
of tin- program, whlb- p, rt .tei.-ird ls This year only a vr-ry umall per cent
i in h.iire of the musical nimiboi. , of shei p ha v bevn put on hay rations
This fi.itun- will include lirijnn m.ngs yet. and some of these that ore being
s in ; by a male trio. fid are also en tho range a part of the
K-s'-rvistmnM for the baiir4ii-t which time. Insert lance is ,'d to o ex-
i!l cot SI, tn.iv h.- mad' .y n-'ifyin: In ptionally gd this wti t- r. an.l r
Mi- litsl- f'tiiuitiuuri o. I'-ndltton. nn nihers of the woolv t:i"--e t.uy ina!tc
't'sg',n. gen-ral ehairm.n. not later their hvinir In the b. u-!. i . .-iitrre
thr, J.--. ..mh',r 1 .