EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 1922. PACIE THKEB rf' W . kv fNewsNotes of Pendleton CALI-IXDAR OF EVEXTS October 26 and 27 East End Apple Show at Milton. : October 2S Weston Potato ; Fhow. I November 1, 2, and 3 Lma- tllla County Teachers' Institute in Pendleton. , Sues On Note. ! D. D. Phelps lias surd William F. i H.-isnig and Ada. n. Has.siK for $173 o i which is claimed due as a balance on a note. (i. w. c'o.its represents the plaintiff. 1 llisht of November 3 is for employes and executive .managers only. On the two former niyhts employes as well as employers will he welcomed. j Came Is I'riday. The Palles ni'ti si'hool fiot'-ali te:im will play here Friday afternoon in stead of Saturday as announced in yes terday's Fast Oreeoniun. i't Muir;ae License. A license to wed has been issued at the office of County clerk K. T. iirown to Jan.es A. Hill of l.a firnndo, n carpenter, and Rosebelle Lloomor of l'endieton. About Voting Places. The voters who live in precinct number .'!.". in Pendleton will vote at the court house as in the past. Voters in the tflith precinct will vote at the city hall, according: to a statement made at the office of the county elerK yesterday. Decree is (.rallied. A decree of divorce lias been granted in circuit court by Judge O. N . Phelps to George 1 1. Welch I against Klla Welch. It was a de- I fault case. Oct .Mnrring-c l.lcense. A license to wed has boon issued at the office of the county clerk to Jo'-oph Savior, farmer of Echo, and .Mabel Woodmark, of Pendleton. 1: j: Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 52G Other Dept's 78-79" ClfZCterffs Q ua l,i rv SERVICE Pendleton's Leading Store - Use the- Phones i . Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Dept's 78-79 . rfTTT"? Indian Is Held. Ram Scout, Indian, recently arrested at Toppenish, is held in jail here where he is charged with larceny'' in connection with the alleged theft of a suitcase and some clothes. Invited Pendleton Merchants. An invitation to merchants of Pen dleton and their employes to be gnosis of the Walla Walla Commercial club and the Ad club to hear a series of lec tures which will be delivered hv Oeorge M. Wessels November 1. 011,1 has been made by the Walla Walla 3: organizations. The lecture on the Ihe.'r They lieineinber Show. "We will never cease telling- of the W'ondei-s of your Round-Up, ' is the gist of a letter of appreciation from P. C. Penedict, secretary-treasurer of the American Association of Traveling: Passenger Agents to the Pendleton Commercial association. The letter was written to thank the people of Pendleton for the courtesies and en tertainment extended to the T. P. A.'s and their wives when they were here on their tour of the West and saw the Round-Up. Particularly stress on the magnificent spectacle made by the reservation Indians in their grand iinarch was placed by the writer of (he letter. Jinny of the agents had never before seen any sort of a west ern show, according to Penedict. and Fined for Speckling'. lames P. Fiice was fined costs today in the court c .foe 11. Parltes on a charge of speed ing Curtis O'Gara was fined a sinii lar amount lights. for failing to dim nooKKeeper. ; It It $1(1 and 5 Justice ! his1? alt I T Is On Crutches Carl "lied" .rcCuIloug"i of Echo is on . crutches now as a result of u aciur e 10 nis Knee in me who west i show at Kitzvllle, Wash., several ! weeks since. XlcOullough received ! T the injury when he was bulldou-giim- 1 steer at ?iio Washington show. r?m ouia ot mioMca dxts 1 j 1 1 1 should t, impressions were very vivitl. I- ioi ioi-:oi.-ioi 101101101101101- PORTLAND HOLSUM PARKER HOUSE ROLLS Fresh Every MQrning 25c per doz. LARGE "HQLSUM" BREAD 13c 2 for 25c "Waste Less Buy the Best" etou Cash Market INCORPORATED. GBOCTOIUKS AXD M FAT 301 E. Court St 3 Phones 101. Private exchange connects ; you with both depts. Pendl o TOf TOT IQT lOr TOT T0 TOT TOT- TOT T.tiw is An-aigned. John Law, colored, recently brought back from Montana, whert he was arrested on complaint of his wife for alleged grand larceny, was arraigned toiTay in the courc of Jus tice Joe It. I'arkes. His hearing' was set for November S, and he was held I under failure to provide bonds to the amount of $500. Tendinis Are Severed. Paster l.ucas, seven-year-old lad. I was mju-ed recently when he fell Ion some glass, and seven tendons in jhis left hand were severed at the I wrist. The hand was released from (control when the tendons were cut. i'i'he cords were drawn back into place In an operation, and it is thought that the lad will recover the use of Hie hand. He lives on West Webb slreel. To Clerk Exhibits. The job of acting: as cleric on car lot loads of cattle in the Pacific Live Stock Exposition at Portland during the week that starts Nov. 4 will be performed this year by Fred llenni- on, according1 to a letter lie has re ceived from. the management, of the big show. This is the third conse cutive year lie has been clerk of this department. Pennion went to Athe na this aflernoon where he addressed (he Women's club membership on the subject of "Park Improvement." ALLING a t. rose a thorn wmilrl Sv be as suit able as call- ins: today's corset, a cor set! We have so long associ ated the name with a vise like harness that it is en tirely inappropriate to' the present dainty support. The Modart Corset is es pecially enjoyable. Tho mi raclously pliant, it is an ef fective support, and being a laee-front, one can adjust it right, on the figure. (A great advantage,, because one's figure varies from day to day). It you have never worn a Modart, we sincere ly 'advocate it for your per fect comfort and well-be ing. Corset department. Priced $4.00 to $15.00 New Fall Shoes for Women We are showing a large selec tion of ladies' pumps and ox fords for Fall wear, in all the latest styles. Color combinati ons are very strong this season. We are showing some very nice numbers, all in reliable makes of shoes, at prices within reach of all. , ' Bp & of .V . lIWll JJtt.CH, Ladies' Patent Leather Oxfords With medium short .vamp, military heel, welt soles, trimmed with gray suede and shield tips. Priced $6,815 Ladies' Suede Oxfords In the new reindeer color. Welt soles, military heels, medium vamp,- made up with fancy stitching and perforations; AAA to C widths, Smaltz-Goodwin make $10.00 Brown Calfskin Oxfords Trimmed with beaver color suede. Military heels, medium toes, welt soles. Priced at $6.85 Reindeer Colored Suede Pumps Short vamps, turn soles', patent; lea thern vamp back part and new wish- 1 bone pattern strap of suede.- Entire- ly new style, and very : becoming. Priced V. ;;. $7.85 ' Beaver Shade Suede r Pumps u Trimmed with tip, throat piece and insert of patent leather. Suede covered medium Jow heel, one strap! style. This is an elegant shoe $8.50 ;' Black Satin One Strap Pumps Military satin covered heel,: flexible ' soles, plain toes.- A .-very popular ' style at $5.85 J ) Remodeling Dyeing The Largest Cleaning Works in Eastern Oregon Now Don'tForget the Dance And whatever you do don't forget to let us spotlessly clean THAT GOWN OR DRESS AND YOU, MR. MAN, THAT FULL DRESS SUIT We only please ourselves when we please our customers. We Can't Do All the Cleaning in Pendleton, so we Only do the Best We are Proven Experts on Cleaning Ladies' Finery Hatters FELL'S Pendleton Cleaning Works, Inc. 2f)6 E. Alta Phone 169 rnnd 1 Mi nk Man VLsils:. H. A. Kly, secretary of the Port land Joint Stock r,nnrt bunk, which was recently organized, was a business visitor in Pendleton yesterday. Mr. Kly is enthusiastic about the benefits that will accrue to agriculture by rea son of the service which may be ron- red by such institutions. The inter est rates on loans on the amortization i,n of pro-payment is seven per cent, he states, one per- cent applying to the principal and the remainder Lein iictual interest. VT. W. Harr.th Is rho government appraiser m tin? district. L. L. Holers, vice president of the In land K.r.piro hank, is a director ami will be a member of the ' ank's execu tive T.nmittee. Dr. r J. -inuth, i'or- mer T'endletonian, is iee inesident of the institution. The bank is prepared to make loans now. The ions can be for no more than f0 per ci-'; of the appraised valuation and JTiust hfe a fiist morlKao as security. Day Irrigation Co., respondents; Uma tilla county, H. 1j. DeWolf, ajipellant, against Carl Kupers, respondent. Georse Carmichael, appellant, anain.st Mabel 12. Carmichael respondent. f(K)il r.ain Falls. A lit;ht shower of rain followed by a persistent drixzle today fell in Pen dleton last' nifc'ht.- The lain is wel comed by farmers. Is Xw I:mplo,ve. A new employe nt the Marlnello Shop is Mrs; Alva wards. She was forrmorly with the.INutland Hair Shop. -vi ra. t.u warns netran nvv uuties tot av Srpreir.o Court in SeHfoii. Supreme court opened in Pendleton this morning nnd will be held until November 2. Seventeen cases will come before the supreme court, nc-cordine- to Major Iee Moorhouso, dep uty. The cases fire as follows: Mal heur county, V. H. Homan, trustee, re spondent, against L. Hirseh et al; Mitrrnw county, Okanogan State Pank, appf llant, affainst M. Itclle Thnmpon et -al; I.'nion county, W. J. Case, re spondent, against .1. L. McKinnis, ap pellant; J'Yaser Ferguson, et al, appel lants, against James Hnloborn, et al. respondents; State of Oregon, re spondent, against T. 1. Kleelan and C. K. Dn((lry, appellants; Maker counry, W, H. Mel-oan, respondent, aTrainst. Mary I. f; recti, appellant; Grant coun ty, Arizona Parnes, appellant, againsv Ceorse W. Anderson, respondents; Pa lter county. T. II. Sheridan .re.sjfond ent, avainst Pacific State a Fire In surance Co., appeallant ; Wallowa eounty, OraceM". Saylnr, appellant, against Knterprise 'Klectrie Co., re spondent; Ceoryre S. Anderson, re- U I fpondent. ler Co., Don't Put Off Until the Snow Flies to Order Your Coal or Wood. Order todav. (4 Castle Gate" the Coal That meets jour requirements. Or PREMIER ROCK SPRINGS The, cleanest burning coal in the world. Wood Fir, Pine, Oak, Cascade Fir, Dry Slabs and Kindling Wood. B. L. Burroughs, Inc. linst East Or-j?on I.um- apiiollnnt; Gilliam county. StatP ft iiri-Kcui, rr-sponilf nt. aciinst Stanley lurross, apiii-llnnt; State of fiief.'on, n-stii.nilcnt. asainst Art Dfn- srm. apK-lliint; .Morrow rrmntv. X. P. railroad, appi-Hants, ajrainst John -is IT'S TOASTED one extra process which gives a delicious flavor 'nclli'toil in Invitril. A teli'Kiam from tlio imrictilturiil bureau of the I'oi-tlnnd. C'hanilicr of Comnipri'B lias been received, hy the Pendleton t'ommcrfial association in which the members of the local body and all other residents of the city are invited to attend the Pacific Live Stock Exposition which will be held in the liose City next week. Administrator of the Estate of JOSEPH O. MAOGS, deceased, and that the said Court his fixed Satur day, the 18th day of November, 1S22, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, In tho Court Itoom of said Court in the court House In l'endieton, Uma tilla County, Slate of OreB"o:i, an the time and place ot the settlement of said account and for the hearing of all objections that may be filled thereto. Dated this 10th day ot October, 1922. J. T. mi OWN, Administrator of the Kstate of JOS EPH O. MACrCK, Deceased. KKATOIt & IIA.N'DALT,, Attorneys for Administrator of tho Estate of Joseph O. Maggs, Deceased. Curs An' Xcedeil. The l'endieton Commercial Asso ciation is asking that the people of Pendleton voluteer the use of their oars tomorrow at 4 p. m., when the association will take 1'hiattlla coun ty teachers for a motor trip to Cab b:itfe llill. About 75 cars are needed and Pendleton people are asked to telephone the association. In "the evening, the teachers will be quests at the Whitman School of Music re cital. It will be free to teachers but the public will bo charged . admission. , IX It.WKHl l'TCY in tlie Dixirict Court of the Cnited Slates for (he District of Oii'son In the Matter of HEXItV It. ni.EHN In Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of Hienry n. lilehn of Jlillon in the County of Umatilla and District aforesaid, Bankrupt: Notice Is hereby jfH'on thut on the 271 h day of October, A. D. 1922, the said Henry It. lilehn was duly uiljudi eated bankrupt nno that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersiR-ned Ref eree in Bankruptcy at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Orepon. on Novem ber the 11th A. D. 11122 at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at which time and Place the Creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, exam ine the 14ankru.pt and transact such other business as may properly come before the said meeting. Done nnd dated at Pendleton, Ore Ron, this 30th day of October, A. D. 11122. ' THOfl. FITJ5 OrcrtALD, Referee in Ttankruptcy. TWO YOUN'O PEOPLE of either sex about to enter upon their life's work, two persons of riper years who would better their present conditions and prospects, there is no more invit ing field, no more honorable, useful, or remunerative calling than that of fered by tin. Two g-ood openings at present. Apply by letter. No. 17 this office. NOTKH TO COXTItAfTOKS Iltrlnvay Construction, I nuitlllii Cou il ly, Oregon. Healed bids will be received hy tho County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, at the Umatilla County Court House, In Pendleton, Oregon, at 11:0,0 o'clock A. .Vt. on the 10th day of -No vember, 1022 for the following pro jects: Pendleten-DeSpaln c.ulch Highway, 3. 9 miles ot grading and surfacing. 37,000 cubic yardH of excavation, 7,600 cubic yords rock or gravel surfacing. Columbia River Highway, Rleth Pendleton Section. One 3'x8' rein forced Box Culvert.-' 32 cubic yards of concrete, 2900 lbs. nietal reinforce No bid will be considered unless ac companied by cash, bidders bond, or certified cheek for an amount equal to S per cent (five percent) or the total amount bid. A corporate srety borlcl will be re quired for the fuithful performance of the contract in the sum equal to orte half the total amount bid. Plans, specifications, proposal blank and form of contract may be bbtaln ed at the road masters office, Court House, Pendleton Oregon, upon the deposit of $5.00 (five dollars). The right Is reserved to reject1 any and all bids or to accept the bid -deemed best for Umatilla County. Pendleton Oregon, October 23rd, , 1022., It. T. EROW.V, County Clerk. NOTICES PLANT them. Peonies now, Forshaw haB STRAYED Two black mules branded; horseshoe with circle inside on left shoulder, $10.00 reward fur informa- tion leading to recovery 1300 W. It. I ft. St., l'endieton, Phone 510. I 1 t h I i ti Notice for Warrants Notice is hereby given thnt the Hoard of Directors of School Dist. No. 56 will pay all warrants held ugainsl said district. Interest ceases Nov. 1st. 1S22. HELEN L. MASON. Clerk. i oTici-: ok rivAfj siTTi,i-:Mi-:r In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for the County of I'mntllla NOTICE IS HKRKIiY OIVKX that the undersigned has filed with the f'ounty Court of Umatilla County, State of Oregon, his Final Account as 1 K :: BLUNDERS :: i N M 1 s(m&K M v ; u nr. AorTTr A 1 i-r i V- Ksi Th aaawer will b founa on Um lMified pace. (Ccpyrlg lit, nil, oclitl Xditora) WE HAVE A WONDERFUL 'LINE OF Xmas and New Years GREETING CARDS Phone 1 And have our "Job Man" show you "just what you want" to send to your friends for the season's greetings. Order Now. Not a Bit Too Early hrHEastjM:(Greftoniar) JOB DEPARTMENT a s IK m ! t i v f L I 4 - - . 4 ' : . i i 4 if : I' 'i :A mm ' v.- J S m fS. 'S y-s . i s n'jy rs i-Lf f- y it-a mi i