TEN PAGES DAILY XAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREQON, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1922. PAGE NINE .' CLASSIFIED For. Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference, Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found WANT ADS I CLASSIFIED AD VERTHISa KATES. Set In 8-polnt Counting six ordl- nary words to the line. First Insertion, per line ...$.11 Eacb additional consecutive in- insertion, per line OS One ovonth, every Issue, each InseAioh, per line 05 4 Six months contract, every Is- 4, sue, each insertion, per line .04 Twelve months' contract, ev- cry Issue, each Insertion, per line . oi Ada not run consecutively, each Insertion, per line .. . .10 No ads taken for less than 1 a lines. Minimum charge .is $ TODAY FOR RENT 7 1155. room house Phone Fort RENT Sleeping room, aide, 115 Garfield, Phone 261- north 11. FOll 11ENT yuung ludy- -Room and -north aide- board I'lione for 613. W'AXTKU to eorrcsi-ioncl to young: lady stranger in city. Address a this of fice. Fon RENT 2 double beds, 242-W. sleeping rooms witli water handy. Phone FOR SALE 5 creps in main part of mausoleum. Address Box 132, Adams, Ore., Route, 2. FOR RENT Down stairs apartments,! very desirable, close in 401 Aural St., I'hone 30S-W. HOME COOKED meals at 401 W. Alta -clerks, business people, and tran sients trade solicited. FOR RENT Five nituro for sale. Court, after 5 l. m. room house, Call at 1311 fur E. FOR SALE 4 room house and lot 7D0.00, $250.00 down balance J20.00 per month, or' will trade for small place close to school, Q. Meyer, Point St. Notice I will not be responsible, for anv debts incurred by anyone but myself after Oct. 10, 1922. ; " TONA TOCHA. SAY! LISTEN! i "11 will sure enjoy yourself dancing at the l:aIe-Y(HHlniai Hull Friday, Oct. 13th. PRINCE OF 'WALES TO STUDY SOCIETY LONDON, Oct. 10. Putting aside foreign tours fq the time being, the Prince of Wales will devote the. year 1923 to personal investigation of Eng land's social and industrial problems. To achieve this he will make tours to many of the largest cities and man ufacturing districts. His socal engage ments will be mainly fitted in with these trijis. For instance, when he goes to stay with Lord Derby at Knowsley Hall next March in order to seo the race for the Grand National, the visit will be so arranged that he will be able to Inspect new dock exten sions and other improvements at Liverpool and also the present cir cumstances of the City of .Manchester. Already he has received numerous Invitations from towns throughout Jlritain to call and make thoir ac quaintance, and so far as he is able he will do so. While on his world cruise the Prince carefully studied nn exten sive library of books devoted to so cial conditions and reforms, and he intends to obtain further enlighten ment by attending the weekly meet ings of the London County Council, the body which Is responsible for the welfare of the eight million inhabit ants of Greater London. The period until Christmas. 122, ill be devoted to the Prince's holiday. ,on which the physicians have been sisting for the past three years. He .'III 'spend most of this time hunting and, has taken Easton Grey House, MahAiesbury, for six months, where .he-. Hot Meat A New Service Department for you THE DELICATESSAN DEPARTMENT. Tomorrow We Will Serve HOT ROAST VEAL AND GRAVY Sliced to your order. HOT SPAGHETTI (ITALIAN STYLE) PARKER HOUSE ROLLS POTATO AND SHRIMP SALAD HOME-MADE CAKES AND PIES. Take Your Lunch Home in a Carton. The Green Grocery 117 E. Court St Phone 666 BLUNDERS CORRECTED Potato skins, bones, and other uneatables should be placed on the edge, of one's plate or on a bread and butter plate, at the side, rather than on the table cloth. trafcd "Blunder" Beaufort's pack. CAML1RIUUK, Mass., Oct. 10. The call of the pigskin brought 123 ambi tious students to the stadium in an swer to Harvard's 1922 request for football candidates. Other candidates, including the vet erans George Owen and Winnie Churchill, are expected to be on hand shortly. ' Coach Bob Fisher and his aids are having a busy time looking over the J candidates, of which there are up proximately ten for each position. FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE A BA.1SAN A HOME FOR SALE or will exchange for Pen dleton property, two houses located at Spokane, Wash. Inquire Eureka Rooms. FOR SALE New modern 6 room bungalow, good location terms would consider car as part payment. Inquire 515 W. High St. LOST AND FOUND LOST A locket containing three pic tures. Reward leave at this office. LOST on Main or Webb sts., black fox fur tail, finder return to this office. Reward. LOST One black hand bug between Pendleton and Umatilla. Return to 1 nion Stage office, Dorion Hotel. Reward. FOR RENT FOR RENT rooms. -Heated rooms Perkins PIANO FOR mornings. RENT Phone 375-M, FOR RENT Furnished dpt., no chil dren. 501 Clay. FOR RENT 1 and 2 room apart- ments. 608 Willow. FOR RENT Unfurnished apartments Inquire Empire Meat Co. FOR RENT Room for gentloman, close in bath. I'hone 325-J. FOR RENT housekeeping and sleep, ing rooms. 514 W. Court St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3 room apt. no children. Phone 221-M. FOR RENT Unfurnished house Adults only. 708 Cosbie St. FOR RENT Clean rur. apartments at the Alta Apt. House. Phone 748. FOR RENT Fnrnishoa sieenini rooms in Drivate hom. Phnnp J3-M.-,. -:f j r t . 1 af Bottom of Page 3 I for sale Inquire Apt. IS, Security. Apartments. FOR RENT Cabin suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, also apartment. In quire 216 Willow. FOR RENT 4 room house, newly papered. St., Phone 397-W. unfurnished -304 Garden FOR RENT Nice sleeping rooms, ftnnaco heat and bath, dosiriiMe lo cation. Phono 283-W. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Some bargains lit second hand cars. Dr. S. L. Kennard. FOR SALE Ford tounr.g car vlth starter good shaped-Phor8 2i8-J after 6 p. m.' " FOR SALE Hudson 640 Just over hauled, new paint, good tiree, $390. Haynes Sales & Service Co.' FOR SALE Chandler 4 passenger, ' exceptionally fine shape, tires near ly new. Sec this to appreciate it. Phono S63. FOR SALE Jordan touring car in fine condition and new paint, $700. See car at pondlcton Auto Co. ga rage Wesley Peters. 2 CARS 1 TOO MANY, My Oakland, like new $785.00 My Chandler 4 passenger $685.00. If you want either for less sec Dr.' Watts. FOR SALE A Cadillac roadster that runs and looks like new, 6 wir6 wheels and 6 good tires, complete set of accessories. Phona 868. FOR SALE Saxon 6, good tires in good running condition. . Cole 8 Special, new tires, new car guarantee. Will trade for nmaller car or as part payment on house and lot. Rudy Cannier, Phone 870. Hotel In Portland, Oregon 3 story brick in heart of business section in Portland; 72 roomfi; 5 year lease; everything in excellent condi tion; cater entirely to high class trade; monthly gross income $1920; expenses and disbursements $1139.50. Price $25,000, will consider taking small farm up to $6000; must have $10,000 ccsh, balance terms. This will bear investication. For particu lars write. FISHER REALTY CO. 515 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Tortland, Oregon. BRINGING UP FATHER i i 1 - Vof? HEWEN'S AKE." "' , LU OE ALL U I "I 1 ,VE BE1E:N OM NL pw'LL. you .rr down J?,fiHT WHE eovrs, that co ; ? J j D iv? t Nt c rr.r. snw.f. J Ijj! NOTICES CAME TO MY PLACE one black mare 8 years old, h weight about ' 1200, branded S on left shoulder. Owner can have same by paying for pasture and ad. Fred Enbysk, Birch Creek. Notice Bushec Chapter O. E. S. will meet Tuesday, Oct. 10th, at 7:30 p. in. Signed: MRS. EDNA.. WOO DWORTU, Worthy Matron. Notice Notice is hereby given that all Uma tilla County General Road Warrants I registered as having been presented and "Not Paid for the Lack of Funds" prior to and Including September 12th, 1022 will be paid on presentation at the office of the county treasurer in Pendleton, Oregon. Interest on the warrants, included in this call, will stop on October Cth., 192'2. C. K. CRANSTON, Treasurer, Umatilla County, Oregon. IX POUND The following described animal has been taken tip by the marshal of tho city of Pendleton, to-wit: One buckskin saddle pony, brand ed 1. S. left shoulder, I. E. right shoulder. If said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to its possession, costs and expenses paid and taken away within ton days from the date hereon, then at 2 o'clock P. m. of the 12th day of Oct., 1922, the said animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, fori cash, nt the City Pound, in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 2nd day of Oct. 1922. W. R. TAYLOR. City Marshal. WANTED WANTED Bewtng and nana work. Phone 1028-J or 120 Lee St. WANTED Woman to assist with house and chamber work. Ailing ton Rooms; WANTED Two room furnished apartment for refined couple: Ad dress 6 this office. WANTED TO RENT Ranch nuitah'e for chickens and gardening i'hone 963, Ellis-Schiller Co. ' WANTED Compitent girl or woman for ireneriil housework 1 111 falllllv. good salary.-1 Phone 5C9-J. WANTED Clerk for railroad office. One who can use typewriter and with some experience preferred.- Ad dress 8 care East Oregoniun. ' ' WANTED to board and room l or 2 school children, home opposite St. Joseph's Academy and near Washing ton school. Phone 1I18-W. WANTED Competent woman for general house work on ranch. Four In family, no children. Mrs. W. E. Potts, Helix, Oregon, phone Helix ICF5. ' SALESMAN WANTED Real sales men of the highest type can eaiTt big money by selllng'"13utterfly Tints" a non-boiling home dye to retail stores everywhere on straight com mission basis. Tiutterfly Tinting Co., Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE FOR SALE at once Monarch range $65." Nice hull tree with glass $7. Sanitary cot bed $14. 627 Pine St. FOR SALE Lewellin Setter, also English pointer. Hoth thoroughly broken on upland birds. Inquire Sol Tlaum. 742 Main St. Patent Offloa Reg. V. 8. EMPIRI2 DAIRY" Wholesale r.Ld re tail. i'hone 8F2. I FOR SALE Wicker sulkey good condition. Phone 504-W. I NO HUNTING and "no trespassing signs for sale at the East Oregoniun. FOR SALE All lilnfls or innurance, I J. H. Estes, 614 Main St., Phone 604 FOR SALE Wick player piano, ex cellent condition, good as new. Phone 80S. FOR SALE at the East Oregonian of fice, No Hunting and No Trespass ing notices In any quantity. FOR SALE at a Bargain, several eels glass jar farm lighting batteries. Inquire Willard Service Station. FOR SAL3 Bal'd alfalfa hay de llveied to any part of town, elm carload lots. Phone 139, Pcnland Bros. Transfer. FOR SALE Between 400 and 500 tons of hay with good feed racks tnu corrals plenty ol wuier. h. js. Hamilton, Echo, Ore. A DOLLAR SAVED is a $ made, let me save you on your next suit, over coat, rain cont, underwear and hosiery. I can please you if any one can. Walter Jones, Phone 627-J. MISCELLANEOUS FOR CARPENTERS Phone 7 0 0 MODERN Industrial shower batlir at lla.'s shop, Court St. (HEMSTITCHING 8o yard Midi or. dors taken. Smart Shop. PUBLIC STENOGMAPKER H. R, Decker, Despaln Bldg. Phone $4. DIAMONDS and old gold bought. Reliable estimate. G. Cramer, 713 Selling Bldg., Portland, Ore. Run ClranliifT ' W. A. Teal of the Walla Walla Rug end Carpet Cleaning Co. will be in' town two days of each week. Anyone wishing rugs cleaned or mado leave number at Golden Rule Hotel, or ad -1 dress Box 796, Walla Walla, Wn. TIME CARD - WeRtoii-l'ciuileton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Per.dleton at 7:30 a. m, and 12:45 P. -m, Leaves Athena for Pendleton f t 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adums for Pendleton at 4 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-IO.ilght Co. Siore) for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. SUMMER SCHEDULE Pendleton-Walla Walla Blil'E LINE STAGE 4 Walla Walla to Ffcre $1.75 Pendleton Kane $1 T5 Statfe Leaves Grand and DaciM Hotels at Walla Walla Walla W. 7.80 10.15 1.15 6.30 Freewaler Milton Weston Athena Adams Pendleton 8.00 10.45 1.46 6.01 8.05 10.50 1.60 .05 8.30 11.15 2.15 (.30 8.40 11.25 2.25 6.40 8.50 11.35 2.S5 (.60 1.25 12.10 8.10 7.26 Pendleton to Walla Walla Stage Leaves Pendleton Hotel Cory Billiards Pendleton 7.30 10.16 1.16 5.00 Adama Athena Weston Milton Freewater Walla W. 8.05 10.35 1.50 5.36 8.15 11.09 2.00 6.46 8.80 11.15 2.16 (.00 8.60 11.86 2.35 (.20 8.65 11.40 2.44 6.26 9.25 12.10 8.10 1.66 We Haul Parcels Phone 704 at Walla Walla Stage makes two trips on San- days. Leaves Walla Walla and Pendleton at 10:00 a. m. and 4:00 n. m. on Sundays, By George McManus HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OE PENDLETON AND VICINITY This Directory Is especially handy for the out of town reader who may want the name and address of responsible businessmen who rep resent the following lines. All are reliable, responsible business con cerns who stand ready to give you prompt service. AUTO TIRES L. S, BENTLEY & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire Service, oils and accessories. Alta and Garden Sts. PENDLETON RUBBER & SUPPLY Co. Goodrich SUvertown Cold and Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup tires, SOS E. Court Street. ' ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTS. Attorney t.aw. Kooni 17. Bond Elelg. at I, M. SCHANNEP, Attorney tt Law- Office in Court House. KEATOR & XANDALL, Attorneys at Law, Room 21, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER & SMYTHE, Attorney at Law. 221 E. Court St. FEE & FEE, Attorneys at Law. flees in Denpuln Building. Of- S. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Coun selor at Law. Office in Despaln Building, S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law Federal Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law Room 241, Smitb-Orawl'ord Bldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. RALET. RALEY & STE1WER, Attor neys at Law. Offices In American Nnlional Bank Building. FETHRSON, BISHOP & CIjAKK, At torneys at Law. Room S and 41 Smith-Crawford Bldg. AUTO TRANSFER Phone 52 hanavajm transfer Crescent Cigar Store. Htm. ST8-R. C. E. WI-JilAMSON Stand at Griggs Cigar Store. Phono 1075. F. R. IIADLEY, transfer, baggago moving done while you wait stand at Wickland'B Plumbing Shop Phone 488, Hes. 249-U. IF YOU WANT TO MOVE call the. Service Transfer and Storage Co., PhOile B83, city or country trips. 1.18 W. Court Street. Phone 339 PEXLAND BROS. TRANSFKIt 114 W. Alta St. Pendleton-Umatilla Auto Stage Leave Pendleton 8:00 12:00 4:0C Echo 9:15 1.15 6:16 Stanfleld 9:80 1:86 6:85 Hermiston 9:65 1:56 5:65 Ar. Umatilla 10:15 8:16 1:15 Leave Umatilla 8:00 - 12:00 4.00 Hermiston 8:20 12:20 4:20 Stanfleld 8:5 12:45 4:45 Echo- 9:00 1:00 6:0. Ar. Fend. 10:16 1:15 6:16 Sunday Leaves Pendleton 4:00 P. M. Leaves Umatilla 8:00 A. M. Office Hotel Dorion Phono 110.1 PELL ft DAWSON Farcela delivered to all way points. ' 4 TIME CARD 4 lllot itock Stage Evan Cameron, I'rop. Leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 a. m. Leaves Pendleton 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock 1:00 p. m. Leaves Pendleton 6:00 p. m. Leaves Hotel Pendleton and 4 French Restaurant. Daily freight Stage Leaves Pilot Rock 8:30 a.' m. ' Leaves Pendleton 10:30 a. m. PUT ONE OF THESE Hubbard Squash in the cellar, they are good and sweet 4c pound. DELICIOUS APPLES Extra Fancy ,$3.00 box. THE DEAN TATOM COMPANY Meat Dept. Off Grocery Dept. CQO Thone . rhone AUTO SPRINGS GUARANTEED SPRINaa made and repaired. Eckles Spring Works, 4 Phone 491, 110 Water St. . -: ; AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Gl Backs, side Curtains. 201 Cast Court Street , .... ,. " .. tl AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOHNKA, Auctioneer Call at Sturgis & Stone's Implement Co., for sale dates, ' v S. L. BENNETT, Hermiston, Ore. ; Farm sales a specialty. Write mo or see Mr. Mayberry at the Inland Empire Hank for dates. -. "... BLACKSMITH WEEDERS FOR SALE, expert black. smithing and horseshoeing. Tour patronage solicited for guaranteed work. Penland Bros., across from City Fire Station. . . ., CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing 58 Hate St., Phone 331, Pendleton, Ora. -t , EMPLOYMENT PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Tha only bonded and licensed office la Eastern Oregon. Phone your wants to us at 076, 116 East Wobb Street "', HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHINO Mall orders Mra, Ralph Hussoll Robinson Apta. Phone 995. ' ' ' LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Pwfeotlfc.! There's an agent In your town.-- Troy I-aumlry, 608 Garden Street. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 401 B. Court St., Phone 80. We maintain a om- - plete mending department. New and Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE, dealer in new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for fto ond hand goods. Cheapest place to buy household good.-ai8 K, Court i'hone 271-W. J Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, .Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. L. J. MCAtee, the; Practical Paint Man Lowe Bros. Paints. RADIATOR REPAIRING - ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All make of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed C. Ulasbcrg, Prop. . t RESTAURANT TUB QUELLE A good place to SHOE REPAIRING THE PENDLETON SHOE SHOP W do your work while you wait. .We use modern methods and modern ma chinery. Wc have the only Uoodycar machines in Pendleton, the kind your prfots were made on. Pendleton Shoe Shop, 130 W. Court St. -. i VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST C. W. Lassen, V. Phone 27, Office Phone si h r