AGE EIGHT TEN PAGES she. 4 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1922. i . ..... i HOMES WEEK J fR-iKt Oregonian Special.) UKR-MISTON, Oct. 10. Football will be king again hi if Saturday when the lfermiston high school gridiron warriors will do buttle with the Co lumbia College eleven of Milton. The Jloimiston team have sent rdgsliin flocks in this vicinity soaring by their defeat of the Pendleton high aggrega tion, the ltounl-l') city's first defeat In years, and their ovorw helming vie tory over Stanflold last Friday. The j Commercial club has come to the fore nnd purchased shoulder pads and oth er necessary equipment and the entire town has taken a sudden interest In the game that heretofore was un known here. The largest attendance. In the history of football here was re corded at the Stanflelil game. Coach Cralapp, formerly of Wil lamette I'nlvorsity, has been putting the boys through stiff workouts daily and his efforts have resulted in turn ing out the best football team that ilermlston has ever had. Keen interest is shown here in the conference game October 20 .at Pen dleton between the Cniversity of Ore gon and Whitman College. Nearly the entire town have announced thnir in- s m sSm i ! ?WV i V t f fa H II I A . ; Probably to forget reparations and the drop in exchange Germans are trying to learn football. Are they apt pupils? Look at this tijturo taken near Berlia. tcntion of attending. Work on the new postol'fiee s pro gressing rapidly. August Heissie, in eliarge of th" excavation and founda tion work, has a large crew of men working daily. It is expected, accord ing to I'os'masler C. II. Skinner, to have the structure ready for oeeupa- o wen A UNION OF INTEREST T Healthy Housewife Happy Home Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Helped Form Many Tor the ailinjr, balf-siclf housewife pnch a union ia impossible. Often l.mos even the slightest form of housework cannot he accomplished. Yet the worli must e. (lone. Many women struggle alonfc for years sulFerinj; from some form of iemale trouble that make their lives miserable and their homes far from I.ydia K. rinbhnm's Vpjrelnbln Compound has helped thousands of just such women regain their health ond strength. Just give your thought 1o the following letters nnd remem ber thnt the women w ho wrote these, letters I-new how they felt before taking the Vegetal le Compound and ngain afterwards. J t helped them let it help you. Had Nervous Spells Horatio, Ark.- "! had nervous r.pells nnd awful bad feelings. My right side nnd my'lisrU hurt me all the time nnd I had been going down in health for six or seven years, lor three years I had not been nble to do my work without help. I weighed only !I6 pounds when my husband's mother persuaded me to take I.ydia K. I'lnkliam's Vegetable Compound. Now I heartily recommend it to all Buffering women, as I have gained weight and health. I can do all my work, anything I want to do." Mrs. Jim Ukarick, Horatio, Arkansas. Reading, Tft. " was a nervous wreck and could hardly do my house work. J always had to have help or L would never have got it done. Through the advice of friends I have been taking I.ydia E. l'inkham'3 Vegetable Compound for my nerves and I.ydia 10. l'inkham's lilood Medi cine for my blood nnd I am feeling fine and doing my work all alone. 1 can recommend these medicines to nny one, for they certainly helped me. i suffered for live years and I.ydia K. I'inLham's medicines pulled me through." - Mrs. WAI.TKH U. Stoyir, 1218 Mulberry St., Heading, l'a. Recommends the Vegetable Compound New Orleans. I.a. '! have found relief from my troubles by tnkinfr I.ydia R 1'inWutm's Vegetable Com pound and 1 praise it wherever 1 go. 1 could not do my work as it sliotdd be done for 1 would rometimes have to lie down because of the pains I had. A friend induced mo to take your Vegetable Compound and I have got great results from it. I Itecp houso and am able to do all my own work. 1 recommend your Vegetable Com pound to my friends who have tronbli i similar to mine." Mrs. T. Kokck u:it, 1SI15N. Derbigny St., New Or leans, La. lion by I iccember 1. Klaborate preparations are being made by C. W. Kellogg, manager of the Hormiston Aulo Co., for the re ception of the "Ford Caravan'' which is scheduled to arrive here Saturday for a two-day stay. A varied enter tainment will be presented, according to Jlr. Kellogg. The new log home of Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of Cold S'prlngs Is expected to be completed this week, according to Kor ea Jensen, who is in charge of the work. The Shaw heme will be the first, log structure of its kind to he erected in this vicinity. Artistic fur nishings are being planned for the inside and this with its uni'iue archi tecture will make it one of the most beautiful homes in this yure of Uma tilla county. Complete Home Outfits This is the week to choose vol r "Heller Homes" outut. oui slocks are ut the very pcaJi or completeness and ev ery new design, wood nnd finis-h is represented. To choose now is to choose from the very cream of what the markets of the world afford. Kemomber, too, that very Ifiiond credit terms are. ex tended on anything you need for the home. ; i mmmm REED CHAIRS and ROCKERS and SET TEE upholstered in cretonne or rich tap estry. Old ivory and frosted brown Avith lamps and tables to match. Use the Nu-Fold both for day and night. From $19.50 to $73.50. MOVE HISTORIC ENGLISH HALL TO SAN FRANCISCO l.oXIMi.Y, Oct. 10 Norland Hall, an ancient homestead, near tltilifax. Kng land, is being dismantled and prepar ed tor removal to San Francisco, where it will be recrccted. The stones and timber comprising the hall are being packed into crates, and every stone and piece of wood is being numbered, so that, the whole building will be re-erected exactly as It; stood In Knglaiul. Buffets of Real Craftsmanship in Wonderful Period Designs Cabinet -making, instead of being a lost art, is finding new expressions in the spleaidid creations in dining-room furniture noAv gracing our floors. See for instance the artistic buffets Ave are showing in the new designs, Avoods, and finishes. You Avill be agreeably surprised at the lowness of their price. $32.00 Quartered; $62.50 Walnut; $48.00 Jacobean; $52.00 Mahogany. TABLES AND CHAIRS TO MATCH. CIIKSS CHAMPION IN X. V. NKW YOKK, Oct. 10. (IT, I'.) The Ninth Annual American chess tournament opened here today at the hotel McAlpin and will continue nine days. The chief attraction of this tournament is Ihe participation in it. of the young ches:: wizard, Samuel llzes chowski, who for the first time will take part In a tournament where mas ters and champions participate. The other participants are: Frank .1. .Marshall, present champion of lT. S.; it. .lanovsky, champion of France; j Kdward l.asker, chanjpion of Western Slates; Charles Jaffe, former cham pion of N. V. States; S. Chaies, cham pion of I. It. I.. Progressive Chess Club; M. Shapiro, champion of Man hattan Chess Club; John F. ilerry, i champion of Massachusetts. Cruikshank & Hampton 124-23 E. Webb Phone 648 The President Proclaims It So s i g n i ficant has the Better II o m e s move m e n t become that it enjoys the official recogni tion of the gov ernment itself. President Hard ing has proclaim ed the Aveek of October 9th to 14th "Better Homes AVeek" and the whole nation joins in the great move ment. Everybody every Avhere make your start for a better home during the Aveek of October 9th to 14th. ! Featuring Styles and Values That Make u Better Homes' Possible for All! Cancer Is An Old Disease NKW YUHK, Oct. in. Cancer Is al most the oblest disease of mankind, according to a statement issued hero by the American Society for the Con trol of Cancer. Descriptions of con ditions now known to be cancer are found among tile fragmentary records of ancient India and Persia. It was known to the Egyptians before the time of JSioses and is distinctly men tioned in the Papyrus fibers 1.1IUI IS. C. Herodotus tcdls us that Democedes cured Atossa. daughter of J)arlus, King of Persia, of a cancer of the breast, r0 11. C, while Daniel was a captive in Pabylon. llijiprocrates accumulated a vast quanlity of information of the subject. lie was Ihe first to use the cautery, a hot piece of metal, on a skin cancer, -1 r. (J 1!. C. l.eonides of Alexandria, 1 su II. C, first described retraction of the nipple in cancer of the breast, and using a scalpel and cautery performed an operation almost as extensive as the one perfected by Dr. Halstead only 110 years ago. Galen, the great Surgeon and Physi ologist, .who died A. D. (to, wrote ex tensively on the subject. His 'writings were still in use ns late as the time of Queen Elizabeth, and with little exception there was no advance in our knowledge of cancer pathology throughout the Ilybantine and Re naissance periods, Lairing tne Dark Ages, cancer was looked upon as an evidence of Divine Wrath, for the band of the church on medical as well as other scientific in- j vestigation prevented anything In the ' nature of research. As a result of this belief, a jrrc at wave of faith cure and uuackery spread over Kurope, which reached its height during and immediately following the reign of Queen Klistabeth, so that every effort to ascertain thu true nature or cause of cancer waa defeated. the huge shark, strips and cooked cut it. the meat Into SHARK MEAT SALVATION OF CREW ON LONG TRIP I-os ANf!Kl.iJ8, cai., Oct. 10. Only the capture of a ten-foot sharl: off the west coast of Mexico saved the lives of the seventeen members of the crew and Captain II. J. Henley, of the auxiliary schooner Jlo'oulite, which arrived here recently from Newport News after one of the longest voyages on record. Facing death by starvation, when they ran out of food, members of the crew successfully angled and cauyht JSMM.K WKFIv IX WWSlilXtiTOY. OLV.MP1A, Wash., Oct. 10. (U. p.) Yesterday started Smilo Week- in aslnneton. The whole state wore-'a CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS Headache INDIGESTION Stomach Trouble -SOLD EVERYWHERE- v. ivi r i in -i u, .Vv, r',VSv 4 f J- "- " N V y ,V-:.:"C I ' ' - : k . . s' . p 1 . v . . . - ! I " ' ' ' . , I . ' . v .: m' ' ' ' S V '1 -x - ' ' I-1 .... ' .;. ' - .. .... i . -, -. . - ' H ' . 'I . L - ' ' 1 Five Big Number Beginning EVELYN SCOTNEY, Coloratura Soprano. WILL IRWIN, Ace of Correspondents. GARDNER JUBILEE CONCERT CO. DAVIS, Master Magician. HINSHAW CONCERT QUARTET. Tickets will lie placed on sale soon. SEASON TICKETS $2.50 Either of the first two attractions is well worth the price of a season ticket. WILL IRWIN, The Ace of Convs.iHuaUr.ts UNI a.y v;i'.jvlv frf - i F- ' ;( i" s - i r-- r,.'i i -. "-T "!-.v.'i-A. V- i . i'- ' . '- j If - ? - ... . - , - ' .. - V ; . f .J i ' V - '-nK EVELYX j;COTXEY, of the Metropolitan Opera t I