' V;-.-M- a. DAILY BAST ORgaOWA, PZKDLfcTOH, OREGON WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1621 For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference, Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found ,1 ! WANT ALiS f 1 CLASSIFIED " , CLASSIFIED ADYERTIIWQ Set la F-polnt Counting ill ordi- ary. words to the Una. Fl'rat Insertion, per line.... .....$.1 Each additional consecutive In- insertion, per line OS One- month, every issue, each Insertion, per tine . v , BIS months contract, every !- sue, esvh insertion, per line .04 Twelve months' contract, ev- err Issue, each insertion, per Una -- .11 Ada. not run consecutively, each Insertion, per line It . No ads taken for less than 2 1 lines. Minimum charge .tl NEWTODAY FOB, tSALe Furniture' Phone - 1106-W. ' .-' WANTED Softool girl, will pay small I wages. Phone 395-B. FOR SALE Cigar stand, good loca tion frood opportunity for lady Phono 1105. ... BLUNDERS CORRECTED Young people entering college as Freshmen should forget the common school habit of wav ing the hand violently in class.' Many a Fresh man does this whenever the person reciting makes a mistake, as an indication that he knows the proper answer to the prisoner's question. He should learn to wait until he is called upon. FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE POR !ALI-2SH-U, -Oood piano. 1'houe . A MOK '--ewe ' ' FOR MLK J Phone 243-M. room bungalow f at Bottom of Page 3 SVAXTED TO RENT' for' about 8 months, a piano.-Phone 408 aftor 0 p. -m. Mr.- Richardson.'"' FOR SALE New modern bungalow on north side. Phone 421. fOR SALE If you want a snap in an 8 room house on W. Alta, write Box 10a, Adams, Ore. FOR SALE Wicker sulkcy good condition. Phono G04-W. FOR SALE 9 dairy cows and c:ilves W. U, Roberta, Box 228, Rloth, Oregon. FOR SALE 4 foot wood at $10.00 , per cord, delivered. Also hogs "for sale. Phone 339. FOR SALE at a Mu ttam, several seta . glass jar farm lighting batteries. Inquire Willard Service Station. FOR SALE CHEAP Cedar chest, fur panelled, 22x48 Inches, 16 Inches deep. 615 Cosbie St., Phone 700. FOR SALE Fine concord " grapes, vineyard run, for Jelly, juice or eat ing, 6 cents pound. Phone all orders 276-R. FOR BALE 12 room boarding and rooming house, well established first class shape. Inquire 209 W. Webb St. FOR. SALE: Corner lot 50x100, . . plenty of shade trees,.' excavation partly done, cement walks, 5 blocks from Main street, good .buy for cash. Call 378-R. LET US CLEAN and steam that plush .1 coat.. We make them look like new reus Pendleton Cleaning Works, Inc., under new. management. Phone 1,69. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR- SALE Ford Phone 1046-J. touring car. FOR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT 85 acre al falfa ranch under Umatilla Pro ject. Inquire of Dr. M. S. Kern, Room 15 Judd Bldg. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay da- llveied to any part 0! town, also carload lots. Phone $39, Penland Broj. Transfer. IIANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF : PENDLETON AND VICINITY , This Directory Is especially handy for the out of town reader who may want the name and address of responsible businessmen who rep resent the following Dries. All are reliable, responsible business con- " cerns who stand ready to. givs ou prompt service. AUTO TIRES L. 3. BENTLKY & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire Service; oils and accessories.-AIM ana www PENDLETON RUBBER & SUPPLY Co. Goodrich Silvertown Cord and Tfennavlvanla Vacuum !ub Urea, SOS K. Court Street. AUTO SPRINGS GUARANTEED SPRINGS mad and repaired. Bckles Spring Work. Phone 491, 110 Water St. ! rr r v FOR SALE Star Welt Drill, small payment down, balance easy terms a bargain. Arthur Li Edwards, Hermlston; Oregon. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTB, Attorney at Law, Itoom 17, Bond Viag. FOR SALE Some bargains in second hand cars. Dr. S. L. Kennard. Can You Bent This? 9 room house close ;n on West Alta. Paving paid, double garage, gas and ooal range and all furniture. $1000 cash 'hill handle. Price $3500.00. , 320 acres land and 320 acres leased, 210 acres summerfallov, house, barn, water piped to house and barn. Pos session now. On Main nlghway. $7,200.00 on terms. . ; 110O acres wheat land w.ih finest kind of improvements, close to station. Will trade for good city property. . 160 acres south of Weston, best kind of land for wheat and potatoes. 100.00 per acre. ,160 acres fruit and alfalfa at Yaki- ma. This is a snap at $10,000.00 on I easy terms. . . I have 30 other ranches to choose from. With the settlement of the coal and railroad strikes prosperity is here, and now is the time to make your invest ment, J. C. SNOW "Land Merchant" 807 Main St. Phono 383 1921 DODGE touring for sale, fine shape. Phone 1118-W between - 6 and. 6 p. m. FOR RENT 7 room furnished lioli'jo Phone 1046-J. WOULD LIKE light roadster or coupe for my 1921 Oakland touring model Dr. Watts. FOR RENT 3 room furnished apt. with piano. Phone 3 31-J. FOR RENT H-K and sleeping rooms and a cabin 514 West Court. FOR SALE New modern 5 room bungalow, gaod location -tenns would consider car as port payment. Inquire 515 W. High St. FOR SALE Ford touring car with starter good shape--Phone 218-J after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Cole eight chassis, first class running condition. Can be seen at 701 West Alta St. FOR SALE Hudson 640 just over hauled, new paint, good tires, $390. Haynes Sales & Service Co. DODGE SCREEN BODY delivery truck for sule, 1920 model, first class condition. Pendleton Cash Mar ket, Inc., 301 E. Court St; FOR RENT Clean fur. apartments av the Alta Apt. House, Phone 746. FOll RENT after Kound-Up, 5-room furnished house. Phone 710-M after 6 p. in. FOR RENT -Four room unfurnisher" bungalow Inquire S12 Tustin, at 12 or 6 0 clock . FOR SALE or will trade for desirable home in Pendleton, u 17 acre tract of creek bottom land on highway 8 miles east of Pendleton, suitable for n fine home. Also desirable outfit end lease on i60 acres wheat land 14 miles N. W. of Pendleton, fine tractor land, ' good improvements. Address Box 47 or Phone 241-M. MISCELLANEOUS F'OIt 'CAKPENTERa''lpnpne 7 0 MODERN Industrlat shower baths at - lias's shop. Court St. I M, SCHANNEP, Attorney at Law Office to Court House. KEATOft RANDALL. Attorneys at Law. Boom M, Smith-Cravrtord Building. ; . , .. AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass Backs, side.- Curtains. I0i Court Street'' carter ft SMTTHE, Attorneys at Law. 224 E. Court St. ... ... HEMSTITCHING 80 yard Mall or ders taken. Smart Shop. PUBLIC STENOGRAPFjER H. R, . Docker, Despaln Bldg.Phpr.e 14. FOR R ENT -Nicely furnished sleep ing room In private family, north side. Phone 283-W. NOTICES ; FOR SALE Ford 1 ton truck fac tory tuilt body and cab quarter tires, paint, excellent condition. Bar gain. Wallace Bros., Phone 74. LOST AND FOUND LOST Mans Dayton bicycle reward, retutrn to Pendleton Drug Co. I ENGLAND TESTS ALL- LOST Centerpiece, embroldored in roses finder return to the Smart Shop Good reward, . ESTRAYED Came to my place in 1 Stage Gulch, about one week ago, two bay horses, one branded M. Two sorrel horses one branded M. Two mule colts on brand visible. Owner may "have same by' paying' damages and , paying . for this- aeV-JW. De vine, Echo,, Oregon;. .- 8$$ '1;-A-N-i $$ ' 160 acres, 9 miles north of town, all tractor land, average ' 30 bushels, good stuff. 320 acres North Cold Springs, 5 miles west of Helix, fine soli, all In summer Tallow, pospoHSion 'now. this land must be sold to settle an estate, gi't In touch with us now for more de tail. 160 acres 1 1-2 miles from city limits some alfalfa land, fine barn, Plenty water. Water right for 30 acres. We are offering this at $100 ter acre including about $2000 worth of outfit. DAYTON AND DAYTON Miotic 1072 DON'T FORGET Funk & McLean In sure anything, 839 Main St. Phone (3 DIAMONDS and 610 ' gotd bought. ' Reliable estimate. G. "Earner, 718 Selling Bldg., Portland, Ore, ; FEE & FEE, Attorneys at LaW. -Of. flcvs lu lHMpaln BiilUling. S A.' LOWELL, Attorney and Coun selor at Law. Office In Despaln Building. . . S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law- Federal Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT,, Attorney at Law Itoom 24, SmHIi-vrawiora win. NOW IS THE TIME to have that suit dyed. Our 'dying will plnxe you. Fell's Pendleton Cleaning Works, Inc. Under new management, Phone 169. WILL TAKE CHILDREN to send' to school Homo located across street from Lincoln School. For further In formation .phono 638-J. JAMES B. PERRY,-Attorney at mw, Office over Taylor Hardware uu pany. " RALET. RALEY & fWBIWER, Attor neys at Law. Offices In Anierfcwn National Bank Building. WANTED WANTED Girl for general , work: Phono 389-W. house LONDON, Sept. 13. The Air Minis try is now experimenting with' all- metal troop-carrying aeroplanes. Theso form the most Important feature of the Important all-metal trials now going on. They are designed for tho transport of twenty-five fully equip ped soldiers, with a machine gun and an adequate supply of ammunition. Two of these machines are now be ing blult at Weybridge. They have not yet been submitted to a complete aeries of experiments, and until this Is done no large orders for their man ufacture will be placed. Theso machines are destined, pri marily, for operation in tropical parts of the British Empire, where large acreaa have to bo policed and where the chief danger lies in the sudden uprising of some isolated tribe. The first pf tho craft will be tried in Mes opotamia, where the Royal Air Force is to' be given complete command and whero Is will have, for the first time, its own infantry and cavalry. Troop-carriers, if successful, will do away with the necessity of forced marches , to . some . outpost, often through- Very hot and" aid country, where trouble is being caused or threatened by natives. It will thu bo possible to deal with an outbreak in Its early stages, as a force sufficient to quell an ordinary rising could be hurried to the spot, even if several WANTED School - gill will . small salary, Phone 296-J. pay WANTED hewing and hand wjrt Phona 1028-J or 120 Lee St. ; EXPERIENCED woman wants work ' Box 110, Washtuena, W4ash. WANTED Woman or girl for general house work during Rouni'.-L'p. Phone 296-J. WANTED Experienced girl to help a cook in private home during Round Up. Phone 1148. WANTEf) Young lady wishes posi tion, office work preferred. Ad dress 32 this office. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper wants position, references furnished Address "31" this office. WANTED Good all around office man, must be experienced rcfrcu ces required. Wallace Bros. WANTED Man to milk cows and wash milk bottles, permanent posi tion. Perfection Dairy, Phone 8F31. WANTED TO TRADE 7 room ho'ise and 3 lots on North side for prop erty pn flat. Call at Empire Rooms or Phone 97. WANTED Reliable salesman to han dle Thor Electrio Washing machines in this territory. Good opening for ri-h'. party. Inqirire. Pacific Power ft Light Co., Cottonwood and Court, Pendleton, Oregon, MEtf WANTED. 1 .... . : The Northern Pacific Railway Com pany will employ mow at- ratea pre scribed by the United Stales labor board as follows: Machinists , 70 rents per liour Blnvksjnltlis ...v.-......7(l cents per hour Sheet metal workers 70 cents per hour Electricians'..... ....70 cento per hour Stationary ftlnglneers., Various- rates Stationary Firemen Various rates Boiler makers ....... ..' .....- 70 to 79 cents per hour Passenger Car Men....70 cents per hour Freight Car Men ...-.63 cents per hour Helpers, all classes ........470 per hour Machinists and helpers are allowed time and one.half for time worked In excess of 8 hours per day. Young men who desire to learn these trades will be employed and given an opportunity to do so. "A strike now exists on the North ern Paclfio Bail way." Apply to MB. JAS. SHANNON, Superintendent NOfiTHEIlN PACIFIC KAIL WAX at Pasco, Wash. For Sale or Kxchnngo for Residence lroperty in Pendleton One farm-of 320 ucres, 2 1-2 miles south of Washtuena, Wash., fair im provements, fine water, 135 ucres ready to seed, 60 ' acres hog-tight fence. 185 acres good bunch grass, price $8,000.00. One farm of 320 acres in Crook county, Oregon, cheap improvements, 100 acres in cultivation, balance pas turo 12G acres of which is tllable, fine spring piped to nouso, guod fence. fine soil best of potato land. Pride cheap at $8,000.00. 80 acres, 10 miles south of Dayton Washington, extra fine soil, fruit and berries, new house and Well fenced, about 35 acres In cultivation, all til able. 1'rice $2500.00. J. F. SAMUEL ' Box 147 ' Dnytofli Wash. TIME CAB - " Weston-Pendleton Auto 8ta(re Leaves Weston for Pendleton at :30 a. m. and 12:45 p.-.m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton .t 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. ' Leaves Adams for Pondlcton at 8:20 a: m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaver Pendleton (Allen-Knig'it Co, Siovc) for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. to. O. if. McPHERRIN, Frop. PETERSON, BISHOP & CLABK, At Ilooma S and Smith-Crawford Bldg. AUCTIONEER i COL. W. F. TOHNKA, Auctioneer, Call at sturgta Storla'a Implement Co., for sale dates. BLACKSMITH ;v. WKBDERS FOR SALE, expert iacs smithing and horseshoeing ,Tour patronage spllclted ' for . guarantee work. Penland Bros.. ros-i': pom City Fire Station. . . CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repalrlng--60t .Mala St., Phone S21, Pendleton, Or. ,. , EMPLOYMENT AUTO TRANSFER Phone 52 hanavan transfer Crescent Cigar Store. Ros. S78-R. C. E, WH.LIAMSON Stand at Griggs Cigar Store. Phono 1075. v FOR SALE EMPIRE DAIRY Wholesale r.r.d re , tail. Phone BF2, TOR SALE 18x20 tent, good condl , tion, rain proof, $30. 631 Pine St. FOR HALE All kinds or Tnburance, J. H. Estcs, 614 Main St., Phone (04 FOR SALE Lease and outfit, 800 acres, rent $6.00. Phone 67$, meal hours or address P. O. Box 378. FOR SALE 10 head No. 1 milch , cows, 3 blocks north Freewater school. Phono 742, Freewater, Ore. ' RUMMER SCHEDULE Pendleton-Walls Walla : BLUM LING) STAOB - Walla Watla to 1 ' Vim 11.75 Pendleton Fan ll.tH Stage Leaves Grand and Daoies Hotels at Wulla Walla Walla W. 7.10 10.11 1.1s t.10 t.00 19.46 1.41 .0 t.06 lO.tO l.tO .0I 8.80 11.11 2.11 .$0 1.40 11.36 $.31 4.40 l.tO 11.36 2.8 1.60 (.26 12.10 1.10 7.21 Pendleton to Walla Walla Stage Leaves Pendleton Hotel Cozy Billiards - Pendleton 7.20 10.16 1.16 t.00 1.06 10.36 1.60 6.86 1.16 11.00 t.00 6.46 1.10 11.16 1.16 4.00 1.10 11.36 2.26 4.20 1.16 11.40 2.40 ,26 0.26 12.10 $.10 .6( Wa Baal Parcels Phone 704 at Walla Walla Stage makes two trips on Sun days. Leaves Walla Walla aad Pendleton at 10:0a a. an. aad 4:00 p. m. on Sundays. F. R. HADLEY, transfer, baggage moving done while you wait stand at Wickland s Plumbing Shop Phone 488, lies. S49-R. Freewater Milton Weston " Athena Adams Pendleton Adam Athena Weston Milton Freewater Walla W. BRINGING UP FATHER Reg. V. 8. Patent Offloa By George McManus Japs Observe ; Peace 'Parti ' v'-- ;;r- ''- V mm V'r"-.vv;p?-','Sf' P'r ' ' ""f"-'" ;-4 rTS it iLrA-??p mill li I i weltLt"on rurt 1 f WEN r CXXSN'T " I 6HC WON'T fct lJ PRETTY ' . 1 1 .CONlPUAir, ACotlT J ANY " j j J tJ av l"ti. rtToi MavKt le - CT1Wi ALOtH6 WrTH- NY Ct 6OT IT'S TOO CvO XOOLU HAVE TO IVE Er OF WHILE WE ARE TravELIH Japanese oBcer reads the text ef the Wasb!r.rt3 agreejreat rn lr tioa a armament to bis trocp. about M bt (Ubacded ia acconUac wlu BtvrjLazt U Un aU .... XT f A X I f I I aw-av rbd f r OH.' I'm An ' , VOL) RFN4ir-ir-i mc- --J 'HAT I Ul TAKE. MY 1tTEH WITH U lill y-3 J IF YOU WANT TO MOVB call the ftfcrvlee Transfer and Storage Co., Phone 583, city or country trips. J.i ,W. Court Street, PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO.-Tha only bonded and licensed offloa m Eastern Oregon. Phone your wants to us at 7, 116 East Webb Street. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING Mall orders Mrs. Ralph Hassoll Robinson Apts. niony 905. -r: INSURANCE ALL KINriS of Insurance. Jos, bu, 718 Garden St. I Opp. Blka Tempi. Phone. 10S. Res. Phone 700-W.,. , Phone 339 PEN'IAVB nitOS. THANHFKll 114 ' W. Alto tit. 4 Pendleton-UniatlUa Autc SUgo 1.1 Leave Pendleton 8:00 12:00 :u w Echo :15 1-16 :1 Stanfield :30 1:36 6:35 Hertniston 9:S5 1:66 6:66 AT. 'Umatilla 10:15, 2:16 :16 a Lev Umatilla 2:00 12:00 4.00 Hermlston 8:20 12:20 4:20 Stanfltld 446 12:46 4:45 Echo :00 1:00 6:00 4 t Ar. Pend. 16:16 . 2:16 8:16 . Kundajr 4 Leaves Pendleton 4:00 P. M. - Leave Umatilla 8:00 A. M. 4 - Office Hote4 IXirlon Phone 1105 PELL DAWSON 4 Parcels delivered to all way points. 4 TIMK CARD Pilot Itock Stage Evan Cameron, Prop. Leaves Pilot Rock 2:00 a. m. Leaves Pendleton 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock 1:00 p. m. Leaves Pendleton 6:00 p. m. Leaves Hotel Pendleton and French Restaurant -.,. Dally Freight Stage Leaves Pilot Rock 8:30 a. m. Leaves Pendleton 10:80 a. ra. ' laundry: EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an agent In tout wmur- Troy Laundry, 608 Garden Street. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 401 pj. CoOri 8t, Phono 0. We malnUIn a aom pleta mending department. , ' . New and Second Hand Dealers V. BTROBLB, dealer in new ana sec ond hand goods. Cash paid (or sec ond hand goods. Cheapest pUos to buy household goods. 91 K. Phona 871-W. Painting - and' Paper Hanging paints. Wall Paner. Picture Fram ing, jj, 1. MCAteey tna .rraoueni Paint Man Low Bros. Faints. . ! " 1,.- " RADIATOR REPAIRING , - ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes or radiators repaired. Work guaranteed O. Bias berg, Prop. RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to eat. SHOE REPAIRING THE PENDLETON SHOE SHOP la the beat equipped shoe repair shop this side of Portland. 120 W. Court. . VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST -C. W. Lassen, at. D, V. Ffaone SI. Office Fbon . How Many ECONOMY JAR LIDS MASON JAR UDS (Old Style) KERR'S SELF SEALING UDS (Both Size) RUBBERS AND CLAMPS . ECONOMY JARS (ALL Size.) OLD STYLE MASONS (AH Size.) THE DEAII TATOM COMPANY Grocery Dept. COQ Thone 000 ' Meat Dept. QC rhonc 00 :