East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 09, 1922, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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pwiMiawwwHwiwiwiM.wijiiiiBiMipiiiMMPij WW win m. un awiiiqu.w im.vm bjivwuiesmwjw mm'l' m m m tam.mwi wumt umi-ju w iiin
" - - i -. - j..'.- ....J fcinMiiti amWwisrfaiiiiiiii i in mi i i minium urn .mi. , i nui i nmi -i mi unii iilniw
nnmn. li jij mi ii iwiitliW.ijiiiniiiwMiwiaiwi; inj'MHiWi"fwyiHj mn iwm"ii ,.;wuiiiwi;i'j'.yi,'i!WiiJiJP'"l''w'iWPii.Ji;i..i!,ifii
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i la
r j
3 pair regular 50c fine ribbed, double
loot hemmed top, extra good quality
cotton hose for .' ...... .
2 G5c-value fine Gauze Union Suits, reg
ular shoulder strap, tight or shell
kneeh at our Dollar Sale for
A large lot of Niagara Maids and Van Kaalte
$2.50 short or long silk Gloves, ' black or
grey at .........
7 yds. 20c 36-inch Comforter Challies in
lights or darks at
3 yds. 22c Muslin, 36 inch, bleached, spe
cial quality at
4 yds. 35c Romper Cloth, 32-in., a dandy
fabric for rompers or house dresses at
2 yds. 85c Tissue Ginghams in a large va
riety of colors and patterns at
6 Yards 22c Long Cloth. A Splen
did value at
6 Pair Ladies 29c Fine Ribbed Hose
for . . . . : ,
4 Pair Children's- 49c Heavy Rib-. . 1
bed Hose at . v
4 Yards Windsor Crepe, Fancy
and Plain Patterns
:' f :
f rt
1 f . .
5 .Tils. 80 iiK'h Percale, light fi
mil dark patterns, 2llo viil.
today at. 5 yards I'or. .
7 yds. 27-ln. Zephyr Ging-
linin in chocks, pllnlils mill
stripes in
ISnys Children 2 to (t year
white tailored S2.&0 dresses.
Is what you can buy line Qual
ity $1.50 anil $1.75 .Middles at.
for 2 $1 Children's Outing
Sleeping Garments.
Buys 2 of our Muslin $1.00
for $2.00 size n to I I Prlm-css
Slips for sills.
Huys these $2.00 Muslin IVItl-
onts at only $1.00
for any or our $1.50 to
Gingham Petticoats.
Buys 2 Infants' Presses that
arc $1.75 to $2.25 value.
For radios $1.75 ami $2 Enve
lopes. Ilvtra special.
for 3 pair
."! Hcst Muslin
5 Pounds of Our Good Coffee
10 fans of 20c
Carne at only
Chile Con
2 Pounds of 75c pound Gun
powder Tea at
10 packages of Piniuonil W.
Jelly Powder at
1 1 Pounds California
ltciins at only
0 Pounds of 25c Pound Dried
2?j Pounds of 75c Pound .la
pan . .en l'cr
20 Cans of Small Carnation
Milk at
8 Cans of Standard Corn, buy
it for :
3 Cans of 75c Fmich Mush
rooms for
Is what .ion pay lor !n 1 .."
and $2.00 Wool Drawer
uiid Shirts.
You Can Imy 3 50c I'ino
l.lni n llaiitlkeruliicl's.
Is nil you pay i'or !l 50c
Silk Ties, all colors,
Huys Men's Caps up to $2.
Tlu-sc arc real Dollar
Day Specials.
liookl a special lot oi
$1.75 and $2.00 Overalls,
Heller Stock up.
A for 2 $1.25 Flei-cnl Shirt-i wj Pi
; d1 ,,,m1 ,,'1,w''r Icss-thiin I I
Pair Hoys' 25e Heavy and
fine Kllltied Him?
SfWPeoples Ware
12 I'onnils of Very Hcst Cane
Suji'iir for
10 Cans of Snlder's Tomato
Soup at only
12 Pounds of Pancy Head Itice
liny it now for
0 Cans of Curtis Hcst 25c cans
Pimentos at
10 Large Cans of Carnation
.Milk at only
W. II. Hli-dscll, Phone ms,
(1 rounds of 25c pound Itijl k ftt 4
CiH'oanut, now P
(i Packages of :tli! paokae
Wheal Hearts at only
7 Cans of Standard Sonuitoes.
liny them at .
2 $1.00 Cans of Ground Choco
lale at
2'i Pounds or Kile pound Hlack
'1'iui . . r .
Yards 40c Crush Stevens
All linen Toweling at..
18x30 Inch Hemstitched
45c HIcncliiHl Towels at
Cot. Halt Com
forters size
72BO, spec, at
ttts.Af H-" I LI ! J I
1'lrM Melhoill Fplscoi Jl Church
Stitufay sehoul, 1 n : i a. in.
Kpworih Ixaijile, li:.Tll p. III.
Tin n will h mi prcachliu; sei viee
mtirnin.n or fxriiiiin.
Sunday schmil ai 10 o'clock under the
direction of Kapt. A. ('. Kunk. Tliu
pasior will preach iininediately fnlliiw
Ing at II o'clock. His subject helm!
"Celling Ao.lllainleii." Siecial llins'c
by the choir at both services in moru
las; and evening, young folks hour
at ti . 4 Ti p. in., ionic: 'Ood's Cominanils
and Our Obedience." At 7:3" the
paster's sermon theme will bo "Dan
Iter Signals". .V cordial welcome is
extended to all.
Church of the .a.aicnc.
Corner Court and Matlock streets.
Sunday school at la o'clock. Morn
ing preaching service at 11 o'clock.
Evening service at S o'clock. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening S;
liible study Thursday evening at S
o'clock at the parsonase.
Strangers gladly welcomed at all of
the.o ser ics. . Harolti I., and Kva M.
t'hurcliill. pastors. Phone ati-W. Ites
Idence, 417 l'ine street.
The Huptist ( IiiiitIi
Cio-ner Alia and Johnson streets.
Kvei-ything is humming along now
Fatal Fire in Shopmen's Dormitcry
Prcsliytcrlan iitirch
Coiner i'oIIi l-i' and Kast Alia Sis..
I!ev. u. I t'hiiK. pastor.
The dav's activities begin with the
BrovMisvil'f Woolen Mills to YOU
Mtf pUUt to
i'l rk vim:iN
Wool clots
f . l Virgin Wool mM
I I' NKW wool 4irt
f tr..m th pWtpahark.
... I L: J W' it m
iW Mais. Tut
or SWi. Win.
it Krlul M
i4 Hi link
1,1 rwmllT
mini 4ifwl
Mill a ttam monn C
Hmlen MU1
l-. ' y
mur4 .' -s jf
r i . rf-' A I
l .i-i Christian Church
Sunday morning at ! : 4 5 is the open
ing of the Itlble school session. A
place for everyone. A lame class
I made up of Hie adult department an i
taught by the pastor especially in
vites everv man and woman to its fel
lowship. Sermon at 11. subject: "Tile
M ister's (ireatest Thoughts . th-Trui-
Young People's meeting In the rvi n
Ing at i! no. Sermon nt 7 :li on Four
!ig Wolds of Christ. ' A hearty
til I ion to you. W. A. t'.n ssninll,
invl- j
niin- j
t.elnian l.iilhcn'il
T!u will be ib-vman l.nthern s-r-l
men at the First Christian Church at!
L' p. in. end Simdav school at 1 p. Hi- j
liev " Waist will preach Iho s. i - '
mon. '
I hrit nil SiSemsv
I Cist Chinch I'hrist Scientist.'
holjs sr i' is al M.ti; .Main street'
fu st vtll w.l liolth of the Inland
"lllOll,. Hankl. s'lm.f.ty sel l Ires ;trr
al 1 I a. in. and p. nt. The sllMrrt
of Hie b ssoti-s.-t nion for Sun, lav. See-;
(. nil r l'llb. Is "Snt'stanre " Sund.n !
s boot l.ri;iTis at 9 a. ni.
i'i:r v t-.ln- s.i.iv rrinn mriin;
w be b ir. lu-b'S testimonials of he.ilin,
is held ,t o rl.s k The n'aduic
room, whirh is maintain-, I at lb
same address, is op. n daily from s a
ni.. mherr the llihle mid a ul hoi ttr-i
I'bHmiaii Sri.'ti,. literatim- ma ls
rent, tntrrom'tt or piirchaw d
The loil'lic IS enidtaliv init- -l l. ll-l
lt ml th1 rViin h ffrrviccii and to v. mi:
the readier room, - i
s . - . ... . : ' . , . A' . - . I
nd we are all getting keyed up for
he great itally lay on October 1st.
'unday. Sept. 10th, the Pible School
ateets at !l:t". R M. Riley. Supt. The
lesson is "The Message of Malachi,"
oiiml in Malachi 3:1-4:3. 'Hetiirn
into Me, and I will return unto you,
saith the Lord of Hosts." All who
lo not attend Sunday School else-
vhere are given a cordial invitation to
omo to ours, t ne pastor, t . o. Htil
'ng preaches at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p,
m. His morning subject is "The Hoy
al Commission." The R Y. P. IT.
meets at 6:30. In the evening there
will he special music by the male
MUartet and the pastor will speak
about "Warming at the World's Fire."
Kvery christian should hear this mes
-age. Pn not forget the mid-week
service on Wednesday niirht and "The
I ill 1'otlle" play which the World
Wide i;uild itirls will put on Thurs
day.nii;ht at s. Xo admission charge
i hut a silvrr offering will be taken for
pt IlSrS.
a .. ,l,i.r.j.. of the Milton-Tree.
water news and circulation bur-
eau of Hie East Oregonian.
Alva Shiimway, mother and son, Ar
thur, Mr. and Mrs. George McCon
nell and family and Mrs. Olive J.
Harton nf Couse Creek started Wed
nesday afternoon for Wallowa, lake for
a vacation,, expecting to fish for
yanks. ,
Roy Howard and ' family, Victor
Cockburn and family have gone on
a. pleasure and fishing trip to Wallowa
Jesse and Oscar Winn with their
fitinilies have gone to Wallowa lake
on a. vacation I'ntl fishing excursion.
The Winns live on Couse Creek.
Sam 'ingle and family returned
Tuesday from a visit with relatives in
Kate Hnnx, member of the state
normal faculty of Monmouth is pay
ing her parents a visit, expecting to
leave for Monmouth about September
20 so as to be ready to take up her
work at the normal when it opens, a
few days later. Her parents live' in
Mrs.. O. M. Ileal's house, in North
Mrs. Gilbert Thomas, chief operator
at the Mllton-Frrewater telephone ex
change began her annual two week's
vacation Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stadl'eld of the
.Midway grocery and little daughter in
company with Raymond Bllups of
Walla Walla drove over to I.if Grande
Saturday to visit with Mrs. Stadfeld's
mother, returning Monday evening.
Mrs. E. F. Faust of Portland came
up to visit her husband who is em
ployed in the Milton box factory and
boards at Mr. and Mrs. I). F. Wil
liams. She returned to her home
Mr. and Mrs. R F. Williams In com
pany with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gruridy
.spent Iy.ibor Day in Pendleton, taking'
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wil
liams. They enjoyed the celebration
of the holiday by the county seat
town, which us is usual in such things
dirt herself credit.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Williams
in company with the Fansts picnicked
up the river, reporting a very enjoy
able time.
Warren E. Rrabtree, head of the
agricultural department o MacLaugh
lin high school expects to give fine
work in live stock management, soils
and crops, farm shop and farm me
chanics, the coming year.
The Walla Walla valley traction
company aj'e tarring their track
through Main 'street of Milton.
.Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Case and family
have just returned from an extended
vacation trip to the Yellowstone
park, reporting a most enjoyable time.
Mr. Case says the crops through Mon
(jina are good, though it is the first
good crop they have hail for a num
ber of years.
D. Hitchcock in company with
Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith and Hargadane
Williams drove to l.ewiston, Ida.
Thursday. Mr. Hitchcock will return,
leaving the others.
Miss Dulsy Maiden who is home on
a vacation from her work in China
as a missionary will give a lecture in
the Christian chHrch, Milton, Sundav
evening, September 17. She will ap
pear in Chinese costume. Miss Maid
en can speak tho language and has
many objects which she brdught from
that country which she will have on
display, among them a chip off of the
great, wall she got with her own
hands. '
Tho play, a three act comedy, "A
Family Mix," which was presented
hy the young people of the Christian
Endeavor of the Christian church
Thursday evening was a hngh suc
cess, as had been predicted, and was
well attended by tho public. The re
ceipts were in the neighborhood of
eighty seven dollars, which after de
ducting expenses will be used in pur
chasing a library for the Endeavor
Newest for
- f
. " i '',-':.. tyJ
r.Kkl.lW Sopt. !t. It 'hi come to
t ho Knowla!i;e 'f t bt Haoibrtfir po
lio t hat cirJs. mostly thirt en to
f I t t.-t-n ye:i is oil an- iH'inc smmr
p Vl n lo:trtl ship! I'V t"or-icn s;ul
y t h imst :i II mirur proni
p nn1 pprua1. to 1jv tboir n
ti rotintry to to to South Amerlr.
w -nro xr.vy in 11 an r;is pit t
snMh An rii .in att-nt. and arp prar
t it ally so 11 for immoral ptiit'os'1!. it
T"' pli. in rnnnv r,isr nNo a
-Ttain that t i' p.trei'is of th' r.
H'.is. .ln. n to .i.-pa:r hv t! r Ton)
im i. panit .- n. t v kiu t of such
Tfir ;'t- on t . ir own rhihirrn to
n:ik jNm eo linr t tho s.iilor-
l-.ir-- in th tiiT,!t nf th, Tarlor.
A twiMcti strvl h, .1 all that remains of t Pcnns va: Eaiiroc
fhonmtn's dom.'tory at rituajurph. in a r.iwlnu :.t flr vLct dciLrexJ
lb fctuldirwc. avrca ana er luiW and a acjr injur 4
T Pania-sc- i pf.irm curoaii mill
hoi .in All-tl'tv h.irf-t fiival in that
town KruUy, s.picmh-r lj. rprnmu
nity roviucta w.H l exiiibixtd. 1
I f ill till VlfCH I I
1 irH
11K )
m 2 'a i y i i
Prof W. D. Willoughfcy, wife and
son, dean of the college, ol libera arts
of hpokane univeis.iy arrived in Mil
ton Tuesday even1 p lind returned
to their home .Friday. While here
they were the guest.1 uf Mr. and Mrs.
James . B. Scott. '
ITestiient H. S. Shnnirle of" Colum
bia college made a flying trip by
train to .Spokane, ret H iiia' 'j n'ursday
ltev. .1. M. Johnson, ores ding elder
of the La Grande district of the M. E.
Church, Poufh, has moved h i family H
to Milton to give the young people the
advantage of Columbia college.' They
have rented the. James IDortd home in
North Milton. They lire froih Rich
land, Ore.
William J. Groscclo?e and family
from Iyewiston, Ida. have moved to
Milton and they will occupy' the K. It.
Henry house. They also come to give
the young members of the family the
advantage of the college.
Thursday evening SeplemHer 14 at
8:0a o'clock the teacher's antial re
cital in the schools of music and ex
pression will be given In the collog;)
auditorium. v
Mrs. W, G. Norwood and (laugh tern
will move to Milton this Week from
Corvallis, and the young ladies will
enter the colege.
Mrs. Owen Howells, head of1 the
violin school will arrive in Milton
Thursday evening, and the other
teachers will como Saturday and Sunday.
Columbia college will -epbn its twen- L
ty third year's work Monday Septem
ber It. President Rhangle states that
the enrollment will be unusually large
this year, and the students will he of
more mature age than of recent years.
The Baptist young people had a
social and business meeting at the
homeof J. C. Pritchett, Froewater,
Friday evening. ' , '
The Milton-Freewater public school
will open Monday, September 11 but
the Mactiaughlln union high school
will not be able to begin work till a
week- later as the building is not Quite
in readiness.
The faculty and board of education
have gotten out a circular of informa
tion and every patron or any one in
terested in the high school should se
cure or.c.
Morris Hickenbottom went to take
charge of his school in a country dis
trict about eight miles from Pendle
ton. He went so as to begin Inst Tues
day, Monday being a holiday. The
term will be a nine months one.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kinzer from Juli
e ta, Idaho, were guests at the Hick
enbottom home Wednesday night.
Mrs. Doris Ogden has gone to Port
land to spent the winter with her sis
ter, Mrs. W. G. White.
It. Maxwell has sold his leaso on the
vernon place near Umapine to Frank
, Rev. M. G, Bentley, after spending
his vacation with his family at Crock
eti station has gone to the Willamette
valley and resumed his evangelistic
The Lamb Fruit companyhas fin
ished up their work of . shipping
prunes in the Milton-Freewater dis-l
trict and at Weston and have gone
now to Boise to commence operations!
I ltd e. ; '
Frar.k Lamb went over to Moscow
Idaho Thursday, returning Friday
The Denlson fruit company is prac-
tically through shipping prunes, re
porting the handling of twenty-seven,"
cars for the season. j
It is estimated by fruit men that
it e whole prune district wjll shipj
aDout three hundred and ten cars,
this season, against eight hundred!
Ij'-t season.
A. S. Kelsie and family are visitin
at the home of J. J. Williams.
Miss Thema Christensen, has . gone
to Kan Francisco. Cal. for an extend
eti visit with her aunt Miss Editlj
Perry who is teaching In that city.
The joint meeting of the two com
merclal organizations of Milton ami
r reewater in the social narlor of the!
library in Milton Thursday iveninJ
was well attended, the ladles of th
Improvement club were served thH
hr.nquet report the laying of eighty
piates. 'ihin was the first meetina
liter the summer vacation.
W. if. Burma, Freewater Jeweler i
being visited by two daughters, Thel
ma and Esther from Moberlv. Mo.
who will however stay ouf a few davsl
Miss Thelma Is with a bank and Mtsi
Esther is with a wholesale grocer
company In the Missouri city." '
Mrs. Bessie Milhorn of Idaho if
visiting her brother W. P. Honson ami
At a meeting of the Twin Cities basil
ran cum Wednesday, Harry Harring
ion ana u. t. Harstad were electe
ninnageds and Hi R. Vanslyke, Robert
'"" ann it. u. Monahan werd
elected directors. ' .
CI.VCIXXATr, O.. Sept. 9. JudgH
I.onertS Le Bond ha MlirnM rirrj
nis vacation in California with h
prize fish story of the venr r
ports that while deep sea fishing off
-ania .uomra with live minnows h
and his aartv hooked fiv nm.n..
which dived for the bait snd swallow
eu me nooks. One of tho .hinia
says, was landed and tied In a gu'nnv
sack, but threw itself the
er of the boat's motor with the result!
mat tne moving machinery reversed
null- emu. mucn to tne astonish
ment of the fishermen, and rinnii nn
en the sack, liberating the cormorant
That's why, the judge declares he
couldn't bring back a picture of the
nirrt to substantiate his story.
nuncd by Constitutional condition
.. ... xui 'IKJ Elves UUICK
(Ktiier by o.al application, and the
, Internal Mrdirine. a Tonic, which acl
I thronrh tht Blood cn the Murom Sur-
I faOM nri itta in wit; . .
of C.irrh "r"""
Sold bjr druccif ts for over 40 Tears.
F. J. Chenev : C.. Toledo. O. .
Kefwt material for One linferla
Is crepenck satin. Pussy willow
silk, sheer chiffon roils and crepe
de chine ara other faTorMea.
Deeper oolors are expected to ba
favore coral, deep orchid. goM
n maise follow Beah color la popu
larity. Tailored styles with UtUv
COHPOuno COMtiBaarftuim