East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 08, 1922, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Tho net press run of yesterday's Dally
The East Oregontaa Is Eastern Ore-
rron's greatest newspaper and aa a sell
ng force (Ives to the advertiser otu
twice the guarantied average paid cir
culation In Pendleton and Umatilla
county of any other newspaper.
This paper Is a memoer or ana audited
by the Audit Bureau of Circulations.
VOL. 34
NO. 10,232
Ills. IllL.Ls.1 111
20 MILES OF IVEN "much- puBucin
Reports Say That American
Marines Were Landed With
Allied TrooDs: Denied.
Destroyer Parrott Reported
at Smyrna But, no Marines
on Board Says Department.
P.) American marines were Included
In a detachment of allied troops land
ed at Smyrna to protect the consul
ates and American citizens. Greek
authorities notified the allies, that
they were unable to protect foreign
ers when the defeated Greek army
, arrives at Smyrna, The victorious
Turks are within twenty miles of
New Oreek Cabinet
ATHENS, Sept. 8. (IT. P.) The
military defeat of the Greeks caused
the downfall of the , cabinet today.
King Constantino called Caloghropou-i
' los to form a new cabinet. Reports
persist that Constantlnes throne is en
Report Denied
WASHINGTON. Sept. . (!'. P.)
The destroyer Parrott reported its sir
rival ht Smyrna to the navy depart
ment today. The department denies
reports that marines were landed.
Only destroyers with no marines
aboard were, sent to Smyrna.
ATHEXS. Sent. 8. (U. P.) It Is
now reported that Constantlne has
commanded Skouloudis to form a new
ministry. - -
OAKLAND, ( Sept. S (U
P.) Mrs. Rodney Kondrick was
granted a K5 monthly tem
porary alimony from her artist
husbnnd In the suit which re
sulted in the Kendrick-W'ake-field
triantle, when Mrs. Ken
drick charged that Mrs. Edith
Spreckles Wakefield had offered
to "buy'- her husband on the
"installment plan" for $100
monthly for lite.
Charges of Coates
Denied by Slusher
In Answer to Case
i ...
iPassenger Train 41 Ran Head
II on Into Work Train at
parkwater Last wignx
IDefendant in $40,000 Damage
Suit Says Coates Family
Not Happy; Asks for Costs.
BROOKIJNE, Mass., Sept. 8. (U.
) Chick Evans defeated Kudy
Knepper and Jesse Sweetser beat Bo
by Jones in the semi finals of the
amateur golf championship today. The
winners piny off tomorrow.
One Fireman Killed and Othe
in Serious Condition; Elec
trician, Shopman Killed.
SPOKANE, Sept. 8. (A. P.) Five
were killed nnd six Injured as the re
sult of a head on collision between
Northern Pacific passenger train 41
and a work train lust night at Park
water, four miles east of here. Thu
dead are: Joe Southern, engineer of
passenger engine, Edward N. Hodous,
work 'train engineer; Fireman Clifford
Prultt, Electr'cinn Bert Howe and
Shopman Kv I-. Adams. Fireman Joe
Carlson is in a serious conditio!,.
SALEM, Ore., Sept. 8. (LI P.)
The trap prung under George How
ard at the state penitentiary at 8:31
this morning before 40 witnesses. Ten
minutes later he was declared dead.
Howard passed a restful night, ate a
fairly pood breakfast and displayed
no weakness, walking to the scaffold
unassisted.' There , was no disturb
ance among the prisoners, He' was
hanged for the killing of George
Sweencv, a tailor of Vale, September
14, 192;). Howard killed Sweeney in
an altercntion over an automobile deal.
He buried the body In a trunk. How
ard confessed at his trial.
SEATTLE, Sept. 8. (U. P.) The
police have discovered a telegram
sent by Clara Sknrln to her sweetheart
indicating that the murder of Ferdi
nand Hochbrunn was actually com
mitted by a man named Markham. It
Is believed her confession was made
to 'protect him.
Dr. W. D. M'Nary Chosen
Member , Executive . Board
of Umatilla County Chapter.
Dr. V. D. McNni'y was chosen a
member of the executive board of the
Umatilla County Red Cross and suc
cessor to Mrs. John Dans at a meeting
of the board yesterday afternoon.
Choice of a chairman for the com
ing Red Cross' Roll Call, to be held 'the ex-Khedive of Kypt, was reeftlv;
November It to Thanksgiving Day, ed into the Moslem faith.
WO KINO,. England.' Sept. 8. The
Woking mosque presented a gay np
pearance recently when over 200 Mos
lems from all parts of the worlyd as
sembled to celebrate the festival of
Eid-ur-Azha In commemoration of
the sacrifice of Abraham, the day of
the great festival at Mecca.
.After prayers, says the Star, Prin
ctss Ilassunn (Miss Otle, of New
ork) whose husband is a nephew of
A sweeping denial to the charges
made by V F. Coates in his damage
suit tor JtO.nou, recently instituted
in circuit court against Alvah Slusher,
is contained in the answer to the com
plaint which was filed in court yes
terday by Slasher's attorneys.
The defendant, in his 'answer, sets
forth a denial that Coates and his wife
lived happily together until the dntes
ment'oned In the eompleint when
Slusher is Siild to have entered Into
the affa Irs of the family.
He alr.o denies thr. he induced or
persuaded Mrs. Coates to associate
with him against the wishes of the
plaintiff either at the Slusher farm,
nt the defendant's home, or In the
Coates home. He also denies that he
persuaded the wife of the plaintiff to
drink intoxicating liquors with him.
. in the conclusion of the answer 11
Is naked hv the defendant that Coates
be granted no judgment against Slush
er and that he he comnnitp.1 o pay
the defendant's costs In the case.
Peterson, lllnhop and Clar... nnd
Hnlev, Haley and Steiwer are the at
torneys representing Slusher.
Three of Seven Victims Were
Fatally Injured by . Blow
on Head With Revolver.
Family Teased and Tortured
for Four Hours , During
Night, Then Escaped
Milton - Freewater Citizens
OLYMPIA, Sept. 8. ,(I. N. S.)
A posso is searching for the fiend or
maniac who last night assaulted and
brutally boat Mrri. Hurry O'Hara, wid
ow; her four daughters; one son and
Joe Dobson, young neighbor, proba
bly fatally injuring three of his seven
victims. The man held up Teresa
O'Hara, 20, nnd Dobson, 21, ns they
returned to the O'Hara home, eight
miles west of the city, from Olympia.
At the point of a gun he compelled
the girl to t.'e Dobson, then marched
them Into the O'Hara home and to
the hedroomswhere Agnes, 22, Fran
cos, IB, Eva, 12, and Joe, 14, were in
bod; Ho forced Teresa to tie her
mother and sisters nnd then he tied
Teresa with . strips torn from the
sheets. ,,
was left to I,. C. Seharpf and James
Sturgis, members of the board. It
was tentatively decided to ask a mem
ber of the American Legion to act in
' Plans for the Pacific conference of
the Red Cross, to be held here Sep
tember IS and 19, were. made. The
guests will be feted nt a banquet
Monday evening at the Elks club.
There will be speaking, as well as
music by McElroy's Orchestra and
by,' Miss Lillian Cullcy. x
A financial report, read by M'ss
Esther Kelly; secretary of the Red
Cross, showed that with the balance
of $1,6S3.64 on hand August 1, the to
tal August receipts were , $1.830..ri.
The total cash paid out was $216.85.
leaving a balance of $1,613.71 on Sep
tember 1. This is made up of the
Junior Red Cross money, $366.49; the
six months time certificates of deposit,
G T r, ; liberty bonds. .',no and chapter
bank balances. 172.22.
The home service report shows 95
ex-service eases and 25 civilian cases
handled during the month. Services
were rendered 41 able bodied and 4S
disabled ex-service men, ns well a-
service given relatives of five deceas j
ed ex-service men. Tne rcsiaent ex
service men were 61 and the transient
five, while the resident civilian men
were 16 and the transient 3. Amone
the aid given was the provision of
hoard and room, hospital care, dental
care, medical care, employment, groc
eries, transportation, loan follow-up.
Among those present were Prince
Amir-ur-Santamat, the Persian minis
ter, the Afghan minister and suite, and
Lord lledley represented the . English
Moslem-Society In lmdoiV-: . -M
NOOALKS,' Sept. R. (LT. P.) It -Is
persistently reported that 13 aoul In
(1 ans were Implicated In the uprising
plot executed on the anul Delta last
night. Federal authorities today are
seizing all arms and ammunition at
Nogalrs and Sonora, following the dis
covery of the alleged plot.
Two Places at Early Date.
Captain William A. Ilevan, formerly
h member of the O. A. C. faculty, whj
left the college during the war, Is now
stationed at Honolulu as chief fn
alneer of air park No. 10, I. like field.
Damsndimr money he received a
Start WOVe tO UOnSOlldaie 'small amount. He then attempted to
assault Teresa, but she, fought desper
ately and he turned his attention to
12 year old Tvn, whom he violated by
The towns of Milton and Freewater Sheer strength. From then 11
had a happy uecWont last night, ns a o'clock, until 3 this mornhiff, the fiend
lesnlt of a joint meeting k detinue , tensed and tortured his victims, unn
movement was , enthusiastically iHt before leaving the house struck
launched to unite, the two municipal j p11Ph ovf,r jnc llPlul with Jhorbut, of his
MiIui,tiui,iiplBi..Tu.,4a'jy f ri wtrtwf, ..retme.mn.iy 'men- wnoonsnioiiN
The )iunliet and meeting, held in M,. o'Hara and Kvn received frac
the Milton city library, was called for turpd Hml Fl.nho(,a ls barely
nlive from her wounds.
It an Invitation . extended to thv
Progressive Ilnslncas Club of Pen
dleton is accepted thut rlub will at'-
filiate with the Exchange Clubs ami
thereafter be known as the Exchange
Club. A merger has been arranged
whereby the Progressive Huslnes.
clubs, located In the west are to en
ter the Kxchnnge club national or
ganization. Sixteen of the Progres
ive Clubs have bo far taken this
action and the matter of acting on
the subject will be up to the mem
bership of the local organization at
ext meeting, Tuesday noon.
t evening H. X. Harter, national
cretary of the Exchange Clubs ex
plained the history of that organiza
tion and Its methods of work. Th"
Exchange Clubs are luncheon clulis
and exist principally in the middle
the ostensible purpose of discussing
vays and menns of securing the
whole-hearted co-operation of nil of
the residents of the east end of the
county in making the' East End Apple
Show a success.
Two committees consisting of three
men from each city were appointed.
Vhese committees nre to hold a con
erence MonilHV night when the busl
ies of solidifying the towns will be
further discussed. The personnel (
the committees is ns follows: For
Milton, S. t. Peterson, Clive Cheshire
nd S. A. Miller: for Kreewater, Hi S. '
I Muirav it. H. Van Slyke nnd R. E.
Penn. ,
The move to unite the two city gov
......... nna hfiiri wuk spon
taneous, boosters of both towns de--Inred
today. The east end takes a I
n est pride In the (junllty of its op- j
pies, and the banquet and meeting (
was. called to make plans for this
fall s snow. J ne propewu m .
TereHa, the first to' recover con
sciousness, struggled out of the houso,
went to the home of a neighbor and
gave an alarm. The posse which went
from Olympia, found nil the victims
except Teresa lying In beds, or on
the floor In pools of their'ows blood
Pobson's head was beaten to a pulp.
Nq hope Is held for his recovery,
So for the poHae has found o trace
of the fiend, who had two hours' start.
CLEVELAND. Sept. 8. I P.)
Two shotswre fired at a Pennsyl
vania passenger train entering ie-
veland today,
the windows,
Serious complications have developed
in the condition of Mrs. Hardlns:, .Mtnl(M, ttlld tne eat. There Is a total i prf,,rtVP than many people desire. It ducllon, 227.000,000
causing iiiut,, - ' niemiwrsinp ot approximately i".- B thougt
Sawyer, of Marion, O., who previously I ft(( Rn(J n)Iiny inr)iiontlul men of the I tree elty
assoc.utea uj ms imn, . nation hold membersnip, mciuoing Pr,.,i
Jane Burns Albert, soprano,
I Tom Ordoman, baritone, and
I the "One-Two-Three-Four" quar-
' tet, "barber shop melody," are
the three big attractions In the
way of vocal music which Hup-
py Canyon fans will get to hear i
this year. Arrangements for
bringing the two soloists and w
the. dunrtet here were concluded
by Bert JeVard In Portland dur-
ing a visit from which he . re-
turned this morning. ,
Miss Burns Is an opera star
and is in great demand all over
the west as a soloist, according
to Jerard. She Is a western girl,
tt good horsewoman, and has a
.pleasing personality. '
"Portland Is coming to the
show In greater numbers than
ever before, it seems to me."
was Jerard's comment todriv.
"The Rotary club nave the show
a boost Tuesday, and yesterday
at the meeting of the 100 per
cent club, we got moro mention.
. There will he two big speolal
trains from Portland, the ,1925
SpeclnJ and the Oregon Journal
.'.: '
Hundreds of Unions on" Record
as Favoring General Move
ment Against Injunction.
Railroad Executives Continue
to Deny Rumors That Peace
Agreements Are Being Made'
Higher Cost at Mines Cause of
Resuming' Old Charge, Deal
ers Say; Supply Not Normal
drain prices today gave the follow
ing closings: September $1.00 7-8:
December, 1.02 1-4 nhd May J1.07
15-S. The closings yesterdny were 1.U
1-4, 1.02 1-4 and $1.07.1-2.
Following nre the qiiolatiom- recelv
ed by Overbeck & Cooke, local brok
ers: Wheat.
Open. ; High. Dow. Close
1.03 4
only one town where for many years
there have been two was put forward,
nid for quite a while this subject was i
he topic of chief consideration,
Sentiment against the present status
of affairs has been gradually form
!n for several years, east end resi
dents declare, and the proposal made
Inst night foil on fertile soil. The
i,.;..!-i.t In the nnide show.
the mutual pride the community feels. Wept. $1.00 $1.02 $1.00
, ..... ... .,in hbrh sehool which is I Dec. 1.02 1.03i 1.02 H
center of the community, anu i .May i.s i.n' i."-t
in the
other factors caused the proposal to
meet with Instant approval.
The consolidation of the two towns
Is also considered a good piece of htisi
n... from nn economical point of
Sterling, 44.1 7-8.
Murks, 7 S-8.
France, "75 1-4.
Hal-. 434 3-4.
Government crop report as of Sep-
view. At present the fire protection Member 1st:'
i fronted residents Is said to be less, Hpring wheat condition
K0.I; pro.
Mr. and Mrs. Consumer in Pendle
ton will now step up to the counter
and start paying for the coal strike.
The battle which has been raging
ill summer has cost money, and nat
urally, a nice wad of this cost is to bo
ot ked onto the bill of the lns man
to buy. The result Is that coal has
stone up II.Rn the ton In Pendleton
t his 'ci:k, Which, places it back at 15,
t.he figure which was paid lust year
efore the reduction In coal freight
rates. .
We're paying the highest price
right miw for cnul that we have ever
naid," one local denier said this morn-
ng. "There is no absolute assurance
hat the market will hold where it is
mv. It may go higher. We're hop
ing it won't, but tho added cost lias
'wen placed on the comodlty at the
nines. That's why we must increase
our charges.''
Iteeelpts are fairly good, now, deal
ers declare, nut tne sine km oi cm, .- iSPt(,,mPnt
not fnt. One firm is about I. mm tons
behind on orders, and all of the deal-
rs Interviewed declared that they are
iihlnd with no definite prospecis oi
when supply will catch up with de-
Some of the reasons given for tne
e.essitv of the operators Increasing
the mine price are shortage of freight
ears, tho mines are not running full
lime, or those Ihut are do not have a
full quota of miners. The protection
that must be given men who are tak
ng the places of strikers is an item
of expense. The present .wage s-nle
s ulso high, the dealers declare. This
combination Is largely responsible for
the higher costs, according to the
itHletnents of Pendleton ngents for
" is thought, also, thnt by consolidating.
p! free city delivery of mail may be se-j
General Sawyer, attending Mrs. Hara- (,res)dpnt Harding and bis esrtwhlle
ing during a previous Illness of a slm I opponent for the presidency, Oover
ilar nature, has arrived for consults- nor of f,iio. The Kxchange
tion. 'A' similar condition developed rilltK, (lo not ,IHe organlr.ers and
during the president's term as senator, foUow the mofto "fnity of Service."
The bullets shattered ' but responded quickly to treatment. .Th(, f(rwt r,lb
was organised many
but passengers were ISawyer stated that complications were ( yr.trn B(to in ivtrolt. Michigan.
"slightly abated today ana me psuen, . -ylr nnr(,r Wns the chief speaker
was resting more easly." :,t s special dinner held by He Pro-
lTMidv u In th Kites club. The.
H UnMCM AWrl 5PnilT5 uneetlng wa the flrt held by the
. - a, itr AnAQ ; 1 nis'TWUP , I'll, iiw- m',j,,,,i ii-
PLANI UANt UnUriment for vacation two months ago.
fl. M. 1:1k. resid nt of the rlub
HOXOLIXI. Sept. s. (A. P.) i pre!ld and a large membership
From a crop n:anted during the lfr2;;m-;m In afendance. It w.u decided
II s . n w ill
! -
Winter, production. S42 000.000.
j Corn condition 78. S; production z.
I s7u.na0.000.
A mcterial reduction in the cost of; Total crop wheat, (11,000.000. !
rfunic!pnl government Is also anllri- Oats condition, 74.9: production 1,
ited bv res'denU of the. two towns. I 25r,, 000.000.
Much of the present duplication that, wheat Started higher on IJver
exists could be eliminated. It t pool cables, and held strong until the
thought nt a real saving to the tax- hour, when selling by holders
payers. ' pending publication of the government
The nam's of five per cent of thejrpnJirt j,rVcd too much for ' the de
oters of each town will have to be se- imnn,i ,) carried prices back to last
cured on a petition to submit the ques. ! niKht's flguri'S. Humors were current
tion to the electorate on the ballot lnjof ft Boort (.X1,nrt business being done
November's election, and it Is prob-1 n q,,Pt way, and although the sea
able that e'-'-h petitions may be ! r-( b(V1 r(J pontcnrld the demand for cash
culated within the near future. It Is : w)u.at wa CI)ns dered Insienlflcant
stated. ' ' sales of r0,'i(i bushel. wi re m.-idn out
The exact date for nolil ng tne hp- of Chicago alone. Mlnenapf Ms
JACKSON, Cul.. Sept. ..(!'. P )
-The outlook of rescuing the en
tombed miners was darker today
dense masses of poisonous was were
coming from the Argonaut shaft
Peter Akers. shaft boss, declare
the "signal blalir rosuiien imm
oloHinns set off by the fire In pow
der ir-ft In the mine. It will be four
days before the. rescuers reach tn
Argonaut shaft.
ATLANTIC CITY. Sept. 8. -(IT. r.)
Samuel Qompers is planning today
to put the question of a general strike
in protest to the Daugherty Injunc
tion before the executive council of
the American Federation of Labor
meeting hore. , .
unmpors sain tnn demand for a
eympathetlo strike was becoming
more insistent. Several unions adopt
ed resolutions demanding a general,
strike and hundreds of others are on
record as favoring .the movement.
Oompers declared: "I. will place the
matter before the council and we will
act In accordance with our eon
science not with fear of the attorney
general. The council Is unempowered
to call a strike but Its recommenda
tions are almost mnndatnry.
Peace Rumors i1 . : .
leaders of the new rail peace move
ment are expected to confer today.
President Daniel Wlllard of the Hul
tlmore nn Ohio," arrived secretly-and
went Into conference t with i western '
Executives. Pert M. Jewel) is expected
to emerge' from retirement to confer
with Wlllard. ;
Wlllard 'has been' th. lender of.ihe
ihdlvlriuel ain'ei'nt- rtwivenient lne
enrjy In the strike. He conferred to.
day with the president of the Chicago .
and Northwestern, Purlington, Rock
Island, Milwaukee"," and: Northern Pa-.',
clfic. Despite the persistent rpmors,
rail exncnllves continue to denyenter.
Ing nn agreement. Presidents ' A. M.
Smith, N. Y. Central, Donnelly mf the .
Northern Paclflo,. Carl flray pf tho
I.'nlon Pacific, I;Inle Holdci), Purling. ,
ton and vice President A, 0. jWellff, ,
of the Snnia Fo, nil deny that they art
represented nt nny conference and hil ;
no knowledge of the alleged tetnis ot '
.Ii-wcll Served Nml ' ,
ClHf'AflO, dc',K 8, (IT; P,J As '
tlert M. Jewell, William It, Jorinston '
snd Martin Ityan, offcl is .directing
the strike, stepped fron the'traJn to '
day a Pnlted States d'fu'y marshal
served notices of the wrltof Injune
tion. The union heads refused tp dis
cuss the settlement. -, .
WAl.l.A WAIXA, Sept. . (U. P.)
ilrs. II. A. Yenney, rancher's wife
living near here was killed by 'the
accidental discharge of a shotgun
her husband was carrying behind ber
according to a report . by Coroner
Chamberlain.' , ,
WuVSHINOTON, Sept. 8. IV. P.)
Kf forts to strike out references $o n
tlonalixatlon la the Porah coal bill
proved futile today. s ';,
The senate voted down 10 ' to ),
the amendment eliminating the clause
directing the commission ta "make
recommendations relative to the advis
ability and wisdom of nationalizing ot
the coal Industry." . .
r. , .a !.. i Mnnrhnuse i strike bv Hawaiian women and Poy'.Uist . evhnli-.r to Invite tlie Itotarj
1 " ' .. . I I i n n . - .11 . I. i .1 I . ' 1. . . . . U .. ...nimhllfin li f lint h . .... . . ,
rconi - ............ ,,, m iiiiiii.-i i ,,im nt-, .,ni -- mg ini'-rrsu hi iirm prices.
pie show was not set nit list niaht's i p, i,.m4 (,.om the mill-
weather observer.
Maximum, 72.
Minimum, 17.
Parameter, 2.J
I this island has list-vested the largest time In Octolx r.
I amount of cane snd sugar ever taken!
(from the field In any country. c- PRflTFT HUNTING
communities to see that it Is
nw was pledged. An ixpl
nih'isiastic endorsemenT f
tmde continues very good. The rov-
! ... Mwiii-f-d from fvr-rv
RRflliNri FXTFNSIONS mr,n in etendauco. nccordine to ft
cording tb an announcement by the
management. The field of 1 ti.S acr-
! yield- 15.31 tons of sugar to the acre, i -
i u romr-orinl with the former world's' vikko Jaoan. Kot. . The
recorl of 15.02 tons, also established pi, nf th: tlr of shrln and Imperial- Th" nve on the part of t!- twin
' K.- . ni.niotlnn in 1(1. , . ...i., r!tf In the fl st end to W lh.-ir
the pr.p-Ml extension of the (mr-ehal ' n f ward ea h .h. r snd forget t
RARY JI FFP flN hunting grounds not far distant from diff:ciltli of :hrr dar reciv. d en-j
Have Mxee Judges. "
, ... i WASHINGTON. Sepu .(U. T.)
SYDNKY. N. . W Kept A nie conference refiort on the bill ere
P. ) A new proposal for ,tIur fl additional federal Judges
llshment of n slrshl- service h'-jpHMrt the senato today,
tween fJreat llrltaln and Australia ,
has been placed Iwfore ITemieri ff - t
. u, i. u a..,l,t, wlui !.ttfi If M trC H S S H
v,.r..sion ofi I Mngnes t - - j rr oi I w vv O l WWU
,r "' y,ns'derslle Increare In the spring ; ,., h n. . ,r,,m l-neland to Aus.
wheat yields, with the cash situation ,,!(
showtnr streerth, we don't think the, ' ,i(.r that a privste
on cnnionnv was prepsrd to furnish
prove o-nitoi pmvMed that a reason
prlfitable at preiwnt. Il,e Interest ;is guarsntd by the
v rtirfpent parts of the Kntptre. He
NO SHELL GAME FOR 'nM he understood that the Australl-
K. Itan .c inty commiesioner. 9hart vt ,hf msrke based
pro- i wss prf-e ri. t pr,pect ve tnree elipplles wii
Beads as Pills;
Getting Better
niTTMAN, Ohio.- Sept. After
einc given wooden beads bj miatak
r.l.J.clion is bsd on the thu.a-tio c.mm. ndatlon from Pen
t the extension of the melon resinem.. ...coins ..
mene ixitpwi on eTr nan,
Toniiht and
Saturday ftr
ar.d marmer.
- h'lnflrg trourd would ns s eTioi-s
TFPP.TTOWN. N. Y S-p. S A to atTiculitire which already suf-
wx-months old hahy In an automo- f rs fctn the br-nters ov-rruning thi
tif slept on after the car had co'- f:,-lds. A mx-s mMIn? aip,intl sf
tided with another and thrown out r.-mm t,, pro-cd to TMo to pro-!
John Prsn. of Yonkers. Itysn w t.-et to the mtr'sl ttrnholU. This pti:TI.A.Mi. Sept. A
rushed to the GrasUnd hepitsl dy- In bitir U5(pi n 'cM l,s,e ben con- l.ive-ock rt,-a,t. er--s firm,
Inj of a fractured skull. s:dered bus majeste. teitdenr). tuner firm.
litis, nr etffr-n eenA sn quota woum oe jamniu tor mt.ncine unlets py ner oroioer.
nlH, flC LUOtO iOVjJ annually, while the previous propo-) Adam I'arnixnnh. Mrs. Frank Davis
I ' jsttlon had Involved
POPI.AIS Pl.I FI". Mo.. S-pt. I.,rr-r expenditure.
jKdwrd Klnn-y. pearl hunter tellsi t-ir Keith said Ibst the project In
ttbis on. Hauling in s large num- r-olved the emplonient of airships
very much u recovering rapidly.
I A phvsiclan told Fsmsworth to give
hie eister one pill every three hours
during the night. Next morning
I.IVK.-TrX'K Mllkl-rr STf'AhY,
tH-r of mes-l shf-lls he offered the now bite In Knrlsod snd the lntitu. 1 Frn orl h discovered aa op3 pApk-
-lat .t" not lii-p,i,J to a ielander tlno of s-r le through Krpt sn-ltaee which the doctor bad ft.
for a dime. The
an1 hn Kfnnr-r ofwnH t Mi! m,. hf wmitd Iny 1h tnatlr before! fnt-i ifnr-i in 4ponTm lislnf ih
he found a poitl valiifd at foa. tnrli.mnt. i-mxIip pji'etji.