THE ONLY SMALL DAILY , UNITED PRESS AND TILE I. N. S. ; DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Tha East OregronUn la Santera Ore gon's greatest newspaper and a vail ing force gives to the advertiser ovaff twice the guaranteed average paid ctr-. culatioo In Pendleton and Umatilla county of any other newspaper. The net press run or yesterday' Dally ' 3,145 ,.: This paper Is a rnemoer or ana audited by the Audit Bureau of qirculaiions. is COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPZ3 VOL 34 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1922. NO. 10,229 ,. IN AMERICA CARRYING REGULAR WIRE REPORTS FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS " . y '''" ' ' ", . . ' - ' " . ' . ' -M2 0 ' 1 - "--tr 1 s : v COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER .... :-. -ZS , : . , . : ... BILL INTRODUCED IN H TO EM OFFICIALS WHO DpE Oil MM - i V jt 1 I RESCUERS HEAR i witnesses: inie duel' slaying AMERICA NO MALFEASANCE STATUTES TO PT TO DEPRIVE PERSONS OF 1 INCLUDE si mis- FROM EMI Blasts Heard at Regular Times by Rescue Workers Who are Tunneling Into Mine. EXPECT TO REACH MEN TOMORROW NIGHT Committee of Mine Officials Admitted; That Possibly the Men Were Signalling. JACKSON, Cul., Sept. 5.. (IT. P.) Rescue workupi today estimated that they will reach the shaft of the Argonaut mine where tha minora are imprisoned tumo'-row night. Air shafts laid from the Argonaut to the Kennedy mines increases the air pressure. The diggers estimate thero are seventeen feet of rock be fore the soft cfirt la readied. The last round of shots by the night shift tilltd the tunnel with sort dirt show ing that the 860 foot drift is near. It the drift is not badly caved pro gress when it is reached will be rapid. Humors of signals from the Im prisoned miners again spread rapid ly toduy among tlx mi,l.'.r. Iieseti "er Working on'the 8800 level do , clared they heard blasts on the JIK'iO level at regular times. Half an hou later they heard two more shots. : Superintendent V. Garbarini of the Argonaut mine today broke the sil ence ot the rescue committee regard ing the reported recurrence of blast signals from tho prisoners. He ad mitted the possibility the men were alive and signaling. The whole town is now tense awaiting the shock of finding the men dead or alive. aaafcv -" 'IS vON DAVIS CUP PLAY AT FORCST HiLLS Diminutive Californian Won From Australian in Straight Sets This Afternoon. Stockingless Craze Becomes Familiar on Deauville Beach TILDEN-ANDERSON PLAYED EXHIBITION Little Bill Johnson Took the ; i 1 Winning Match From Pat- j terson Before Big Crowd IiKAt VTM.K, Sept. &.(!. N. R) Tho stocklngtcss crnc which has become fahilllur on the beach or Deariville has now penetrated the Casino. Groups of newly-arrived Americans 'can be seen in the bac carat room of the tXnuvtlle Casino every evening debating whether tho oiuig lafly playing at a near-by table or promenading from a group of spectators at one talie to allot her is really Wearing marvelously niatch- ,ed flesh-colored silk hose or whether linr limbs are garbed In nature's tan. The fact that in the majority of ;'a:es lack of stockings Is not even i noticed ls-ample evidence, that the loners of this how style of evening d:ess ure genenilly using tho great - ; est care that their entire Costumes ure ln; '.harmony' with the genuine I ilesh tint. PUBLIC WARNED AGAINST USING BOOZE POWDER WASHINGTON, -Sept. 5. (A. I'.) Home brewers and antl-Volstcad-eans, beware the "Booze Howder," is the warning sent broadcast by the post office department, in a recent circular. For stemming a tide of ""dehydrated" alcoholic beverages of reminiscent names is a steady Job of the fraud section of the depart ment. Using the reputation ot German chemists certain German concerns have distributed hundreds of thous ands of circulars in the United hiates, offering for "one dollar only, lihine wine, moselle, sherry, port, bordeaux, burgundy, tokay. munlch beer, pilscner, porter, ale, etc," in a dried form, says the Post office. From the powder a gallon or two of the beverage indicated on the package can be made, the spurious circulars claim. Despite the issuance of fraud warnings and fraud orders, man people are still sending money to these Oerman concerns only to have the' money returned to thein by the post office department. If these powders contained alcohol thetiWm portation would be prohibited and since they do not have . the latent possibilities advertised they , violate . the mail fraud statutes. A significant requirement, adds the trave department warning?, is that every advertising circular insists on pay ment being made In American currency. Alice Thornton 19 who las told pol'ce of Kdgewater. X. J., that she was in the home of George flintf, movie director, the night that John l.wgin, film daredevil, was shot to death. ' TODAY'S ROUND-UP TICKET SALE SET FIRST DAY RECORD History repeated itself this morning when .1. J. Humley. long the first buyer of tickets at the Hound-Up, was the first to get tickets when the window opened ut the bo office on Alia street. Next In line was his son, John Hamley, with the Smythe-Lon- ergan Co. third. Hcorge liner, business man- ager, and Ernest Boylen, who Is In charge of the office, state that today's sales exceed the first day totals of l2t. , Up to noon, $4000 had been takfn in. Many people are buying 'the limit of twelve seals. There are still some good second row boxes and. some small end boxes left. Both Mr, Haer and Mr. Boy- Ion commented upon the spirit k, w-n !v the ticket purchasers. The controverscy for tickets was .m;d and there ' were absolutely no complaints regarding the sale. APPEALS MADE TflilO? LEASE Of LAND TO JAPS ,OS ANGKI.K8, Sept.' 5. (U. I'.) -The ' proposed leat-o of ten aerei I mar San Pedro harbor to Japauesr for a pleasure park is to - be. halted by an injunction if possible. 1'lstrict Attorney Woolwlne announced today. Appeals to prevent the lease were made to the. war and state de.part- i incuts by Senator Shortrlilge. FOKF.ST HILLS, Sept. 5. (U P.) Australia's chance of revaluing the Davis cup was removed today when' Johnston defeated Patterson 6-2. 6-2, 6-1; Tilden played Anderson later la mi exhibition match. Fourteen thou sand spectators saw the little Cali fornian win the tournament for Am- rica. , ; Johnston's victory made three- otit of four for tile American team. Both plaved spectacularly, but Johnston I t ,1t, n,1))no . ;TMk is u Mllm The vogue of the flush-colorod silk hosiery has made ft: an easy step to the entire omission of any stock ings ut all. Contrasts are being avoided, and the hare limbs are In variably In harmony with silver or light colored silk slippers, -as well as a soft cream or tan evening gown. "Why not?" demanded an Arer lcai) girl slopping ut the llotel Nor nianily, when scandalijsed mother ob jected to the adoption of the mode introduced by some of the' Parlslon- was (most brilliant. Patterson's game cramped, finally, completely broken by tho aggressive attack of John ton, causing the Australian to make t'reiiuent errors. J OVER THE IEK END BERLIN. Sept. 5. (I. X. S.) The former German kaiser is engulf- erf to lie married to Princess tter- I Wheat prices show a sljgm no- vance today over Saturdays market. T the closings being $0.99 1-2 for Sep- '.lumber, tU'l for December and ' 11.07 1-4 for .May. The closing; I Saturday were i'.M. 1.01 am! i $l.(i6 1-2. Following ore the -'notations re ceived l y Oorttwck A Cooke, local brokers: ' Wheat' High. Low. lose I0.991!! fn.SS't $0.99 1.02 1.00H' '01 "i 1.(17',!. 1 .06 VI 1.'' '4 l-Ai-liaiig... . St'-rling. 446 5-K: ' 'iliuks. 7 1-2: France. 779 1-4; Jtalv. 4S5 1-2. CHICAGO. Sept. 5. Wheat Tbr 1 Open 'Sept. $0.99 V Dec. . 1 Ol'i May 1.07 ' Hv-. (UN -1-.-UX4A ,I-'4CI'I"."',' xl, ,- SAN ANTONIO, Popi. 5. (A. '.''.( Lieutenant James H. Docdlttle landed here at seven-ten today on his , one ston flight from coast, to coast and de parted at elKht-twenly-three for San Diego. Odullttle' left Jacksonville, Florida, at ten-three, last night. met- resort, i.Mi't It? .And silk hose coston an average of three times as much In France us 'they do at i home!" ' , , (J ll . cchtt'i rc riTDv ill I . OtH I 1 Lu g ulti mi ll I .,::..::a ' Ca. .....; S'l'illCS'ii'Siv&:i HARDING PLANS II EXTENSION OF H MKCTOI III ill Action Against Samuel Gomp v ers Planned by - Daugherty Under Chicago Injunction.. JEWELL ISSUES MESSAGE FROM HIS HIDING PLACE LA FOLLETTE RECEIVES .-Evelyn Atkinson will represent Se attle In the Atlantic Cily pageant, hav ing won the Seattle -beauty contest. . MILWACK.KR.'.WIs-... 'lt. ' t.(V. j P.)- Mentor La Follette today receives Judgment at the. hands of republlcHn voters o hlij wur record.' William j. jCanfield opposing candidate, con Iductod his campaign chiefly on this Is sue. Ther Is fair weather aSid a large vote 1b expected. ' 852 REGISTERED IN THE PENDLETON GRADE SCHOOLS; NEW RECORD Round-Up Park Crowded Mon day Afternoon for Labor's Athletic Games and Stunts. FIFTY THOUSAND ARE NEW YOIIK. Sept. 5. Fifty thou- One of the l.igiwst rowds that ever o...m ,,o ne.-u .... , t. . . ' urui itini iiii'ir nui i 'iiHm'iiH inf adiutlon other than the Itound-Up , 1U """"""tee for the prevention Iteelf was present yesterduy after- of bllndm- l an appeal lo normal noon .to see and participate In the "-'lools, teachers colleges and untver- sports program given under the aus- ' J ' "'' V""', infivatloti In their health anil cdiHu- tlon courHt'H. '.The if arc 17 tuples, all nltinv to THE WEATHER ...i.,. nr r.,.,,.. it w:i learni-d rroio laction or me maiKei lona: .n tim- an authoritative source. The wed- a surprise to a majority of theTi a le, ding, urcordlng to present plans, will ' that It did not reflect the accumu- occur in October. rue princess -1 laumui 01 i-iih ut ,.. cently vMted Doom, where the for-; over the holiday. Spot premiums In mer emiwror is living in exile, lint ( most markets were slightly - lower led Incognito and the journey but In Winnipeg wnere receipt weie made o quietly that only a few I heaviest demand was good oni pn knew of It. News of the engag ces higher. Kxpoil news was con ment is still a secret in Germanv. I flii-ting but indications were not It's publication is exacted to raii'e ' lacking of -a good business beinc a fenation. dividing the aristocracy , done in a jniet way. Niw York re lnto two camps. The prince-it tiwn- i ported at least one million bushel" !. large estate at Siiarhor. Prussian soin over ine nouoay 10 uit conn ilSilesia. She formerly was the wife nent. which a like umoiint was said jiof Prince Schoenarh Carolath. wholto huv- bcn sold out or Chicago, j died of lng trouble during the war , StatlMh s Tnr the visible supply do not 'white flc'illmr with the dragoon show an. overwhelmingly I Hsh sit- ) (guards. pices of the labor organizations p Walla Walla. Ijx Grande and Pendle- I ton. I Tlie program of events was staged j under the direction of Emory Worth ington. Juries . S. Johns noted ns -tarter and tho judging was done 'by Charles Pond and Hex Kills. Glenn Bitsheo did the announcing. The Hound-Op association tried out five horses for' the entertainment of the crowd. Other events and the winners 'thereof ore as follows:. 1 flush, fift yards, bovs under 12- rhould be Included In uuy course on general health education, tho com mittee points out. This course, with study periods and practice ' c'asses. sholild have a recognized place In the curriculum of Mchools, and students who qualify should be accorded ade quate credits, it Is held. In the proposed course of 17 top Pendleton's school attendance Is on the Increase, uccordlng to the enrollment in the four grade schools toduy which shows the total to be KS2 compared with the SUri enrolled on( the first dsy last year und the 802 entered at Um opening of the term in 192(1 . The enrollment for the vari ous schools Is as follows: Field, ; Hawthorne, 239; Lincoln. 274,-and Washington 273. Fig ures from the Pendleton high school are not yet available. A complete corps of teachers Is, on duty, says H. B. Inlow, city school superintendent. Machinists' Head Throws Dowri, Gage of Battle to Harding and the Federal Courts. WASHINGTON, Sertt. .5. (U. P,) Representative HudUleston, democrat, of Albany, today introduced a bill ulmed at tho "ixiugherty Injunction," which would extond tho nuilfensanoo Htututes to Include any government r flolul, "who by means of his autlnirlt.:. . deprives or attempts to deprive an. person from- his lawful freedom of speech, press or assemblage." . HUd dlestou contends the Chicago .iniuneJ tlon Is illegal. The bill , prowtlfH u, penalty for violation of hi .bin-.-, the maximum sentence toolng lu years lind $10,000 fine. Action Agal)lf.t iinx'rs. : , WASHINGTON. Sejit. 5. U.' . The white house said today thiii tixu 'govthnment wolUil- aat. -attompt to ; abridge the liberties of strikers by, too rigid enforcement of the Injunction. The strikers' meetings will not be In terfered with, the purpose of the. in junction merely bcine to uuarantett continued interstate commerce.. De spite this statement, legal experts ijt iho department of justice today scru-, tinned Labor Day speeches, and mes sages of labor leaders to dcUsrminu whether they were In violation' of tho Injunction. Harding and Daughterly were displeased ' by utterance"! of tlompers und other labor, leaders.' It Is understood that Daughurty Is ready, to take action against Goniptrs. ' v LA GRANDE PRAISED FOR ITS HOSPITALITY FYtond Injunction., , WASHINGTON, Sept. B.TitJ l'.)' lresldent Harding and his cabinet to duy discussed tho extension . o: the Daughorty injunction to Include all persons rendering aid in any form :o "I the striking shopmen. On,) vabinet meinoer uvtiui cu um ,...--.- .. - necessary to silence leaders of non striking unions. Other members tfis. favor the extension. All OBi'eed, In cluding the president, that caution was necessary to avoid interferinff with free speech and press rights. High praise of Iji (Irsnde's Isllty Is given by Pendleton lHikles i Jewell Issue StaU'lllclK. j CHICAGO, Sept. 6. -(U. P.) Pres jldent Jewell of the strtkiny shopmen, isent a messuge to his folhwerj fronu his hiding place. The nieMHge. wan printed In the shopmen's Weekly Bul- IIOSPI- , ,,n,n IhA mtll tH Sfaild iciiii i " - n - - - - - firm, amuttnic tliem th flybt i3 von. To thu executive Jewell ayn: Ttu are licked and you and your mwovlatcv know It." r.-tr-i.H'a fitrilnur nhcA.. K'hHllCr llO WHrt Kuthei-.! together. . ,lnni.dWi-lv after the tnJuncilon, The reKlHter Hhowed de.leato4 from I .... tA fAr uthoriUt,. who attended tlie Tnltle comn'ion t'l (he iieiKhhorlnn; city Haturday i.nd IsniHlay, when Knlifhta of Khorawin fren nearly ever rlty In thfc North-1 HuntliiKf on. jvtrln under 12: kr-cond Ijiimt 4 teoi'Ke Ktrst, Hoy Artiburn; second, JnmeM !hmi. li-h, -'i0 yardn, Plraf, - Violet BeHt; Muniford. Z Hark ruee fre for all; I'armt, Ch:irle 4 l;ihhr.ft vardc. boyn under Ifl: First, rta IS wain; ni'rond, IIii1m;i1 Al len, . hi Dafh. r. yards firln und'T 16: FirM. Ilosmarv- Whiteman; weond Kuthlw-n M-nintoek. 6- "r.'iekcr i-atinjjr ciil-t: FrM Haiold Vortman; wtond, If'-nry John (topics ar Included: The trnetur uf t Marnhf'eld I'endh'ttin, Fur land. fi. (J -undo. The I:illii, Reported by Major Lee 2loorhou!e weather obntner. Muximum, 72. Minimum, 4ft. Barometer. r" i i I I TODAY'S ! iH FORECAST Ton'iiht and I ' ' Wed. nhofft. J ON TARIFF COMMITTEE WASHINGTON. i pt. ; J-f . V. A dUPt!on of repuhllcaii wnalora. in, In-iinr MrNary of r C". tail led on Priidfnt Har'ime tofUy to ur. the appointment of a "dirt fainter' tt ftH th nt v.icanoy n ih t-ir'-ff i:utien such u Is tc nerally hel vi-d toveNlst, tin- vissililo Int w-ok d--ma-Kil r'i4.0eM' htifdipN t-ompar.-d with an iiure;i" t 4 (t?l.noi ud f n Ift -ar. Total now ;?.3-t.0'.M-v-. SS.T4 t.'tim. I l'a ranees from ae loard ci'iitinuf larci. thoncl the l:k of ifenlaUve liird it the inoint nt. and tipih-h n a h'Jtlt h hull inttrl t. IT In iniiuily found tttit the d)iiwnd revive v.ith any dis play of tjidi n?. and it wtjnjd no be urpriinjr to se IntreM lroaitr and prijj vlp an a,dv ntins tn-I.'n- in t he very near fnt nr. the eye und ltn methodM of funetlou- t H-nd. Huttc, Hunnyside, Halt Lake, He hi)?; common dtaeawa of Hie eye of : ehildren and detection of ohvloiu isftfiiK of commutdcuble diJ a; extim- itiationa by teacliera to determine j childien'a vUiuiI acuity; teaching ol the nreHsity for refnu ilon by com- lH-ftiM Injunction. WASHINGTON, SepL 5. (t X- attle, Foentello. Hord River. 1'aKera- f-"- " " " , field, HoUc. Newport. Hpokane. Knter- Harding adm nlNirnllon. f1 prl, rnion. Klln. Jum-vK lmWer.;it- by Wi llam H. lUkor Hunrpter i?vr. Wallowa ud tl.lenl of th Internationiil AcelV of maehlninta. 8B.0U0 of whoJH. ni-n petent eyealffht apeehtliatH in CMMea of ; defective vision, and the necevaity foi i Klto-HeK that "fit"; cooperation of 'teaehera with a-h04d dot-torn and , iuiiim'h; adeifuate schod roin Itchi- iing and wnUng arransreiuenta and In- 1 ' Merior d corationa to otn iate r hase- i ran ami atniinn and coitmderation ot i , .itVpe Kfzea and atylea for textbook First, Toota i'arity and H. O Honne!. '-e . j I'VvpIp raee lw r under 16 ; ; ' First, IloN-rt nobbin. Alba Hain. j .... . .... ..... nan driving content: FliTt'OU IVIH-LIIM HUDLCO Mm H. H HuphCK. Mm. V. K. INt. J !' 3-Ik race; Ft rat. Moricnn-i Gilbert: aeeond, Ta-inaldann-I'rctokA. i ll.l,,- rinJ ll.,.rl.-. J1..H.MW. S. tmerlranr l,M!a are invoivea in ine ranroau lo. ,- i Majiding on the rostrum of forbidden . ouder, the -terms of the . fedora! Injunotiou Mob Fletcher. who i played In the land. was -I:ish, lift yards, free NEEDED FOR ONE MEAL Coniinu-d nn P"8 5 TT1.K MARIifTT VIIIT. FftltTI-AND. Kept, e tA. P Cattle quiet, inactive. H - ftv rnt Invt-r nHm Ufht ' ft ' lto ti.?5. heep steady. (inm it.ixtk ii:.i. F.KKI-JN. -e;.t. r. H". I'. A wid-pn-Hif r pol I'lirnnl fn nation al!1i' I t ! ttal the f(rnT crtjW'i prin -e i !ead in Hollnnd. The rn rnr w;d ly dlffe--nt r-aeti- oph. The riO!i.i'--hijt ettre4H eor rrnr. .'htr- th;t Hie d-it'i a ill f in p.if;. fui'jri polilio. ' contemplating; viafla to Ituaia ahruld : bi-titK with them auitcawa f amide proMrtlona In which tv carry their ' nn n y. for irdtnnr poeketmjokn huve 'ion.; aiiic c-afetl to be adequate for iarryiny the huge o,ointit!e of puier i correne that one p required to have ext. The follominit mem yvtn oe f Mo!H a leadins: rmtau- i raftli inrticatea that one can rut h - M , jer well for 2 an.i or 1 3.o. ' rtihlea: HIA';", I. IV Th"j P-ftakf S.a. rubP-: etmp. Hi: lit Keverend Kamu4 Falioxa. hd '; cnulifinwer. S.ft 0'. of tV'f r frnied Kpfacopal church and ; (rtrawtc rrle, 4,l'(0.0: pdatoa, !. a nationally known firure in r-brioia ' r.t(.t'ia: ham Mwn alit-eai 4. oti.fcaa; flan a. dn-d hr 10ji), ased 7. chopa. T0tMa; coffee. 1.25" RELIGOUS MAN DIES's Island City. Amouit the nn-mlMTH of the n..f rvl Aum k'tiulnfl TVmiile. o. who attended WW Johnson.- P.rg'. .strikers' meeting, .... . . ...j i. i,... the terms of the mimi ii ma, riuiinuiii . tL . ... . - ,,,1..1 visitor, gronu-a in vnicaso. jwhiimuh ' j the writ a "big noise.'? and. declared that he proposed to stand on tiui "10- jallcnable constitutional rights. "They're Hot going to scare anybody ;by such damned fool tactics," declar ed Johnston. I CHICAGO, Sept. I. (V. !.) Th first test case In tho Daupherty Jumiion failed here today. Soera Klodorki. arretted while lotterloc ta the ilclnity of the railroad shop, here, was released from cutsody. Federal authorities abandoned the case, be- Episcopal convention TO OPEN TOMORROW: POItTJ.ANO. V. IM-. Presiding Plnop it. n. iiittie 01 in. ,. . i,,,,,.!. Kept. 5 Kpim-upal rtiiirvli. arrived here last night. The house of blhep are to day prepurlng for the formal open ing or the "th triennial convention J tomorrow. Totay was occupied In regiMtratlon of blsln.p and deputies' for the executive session of Iviolated the Injunction. A 'case Is needed for the test. stronger cmnHI of blwhos. i.n i.ii(ii:ii l Avouiir. ItK'MiKUNK. !".. pt Hatch play in the amateur roif chm pionhip 1ar1-d today. The skies mere h.-svy and the cotiree fogy. Prevent Champion 'itilliiford Is a fa- rorate sfter his snHatlonaI round r KII.1.IJ 1 AttlDI-'JIT, HAN KItANClSCO. tkpt. . U- t"e ' P.) Theodore A. Hell, wee demo cratic candidate tn California for 'governor was killed last night In aa 'automobile accident near (aa U- lOIITIAM WltfcAT riUCtJ. POHTLANI. Spt. &. f.V. P. Bloe ltm and . Peart $!.:; e.'..-r terday throufh mud and water la ". grades. l.Hrl "