! ! TWELVE PAGES . ( fiAttt EAST OREOONIAK, PENDLETOF, OBEaOJf, (SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2,-, 1922, (PAGE SEVEN For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference, Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found J CLASSIFIED ihWAA A )S si - - . 1 i CXASMJOIKD ADVKICTlSIHa I RA'l tJ. ' 4 : Sot Id 8-polut Counting l oral- I- ' nary words to the line. I Flrt insertion, per line ....... 10 4 Each atiditiuual consecutive In- i insertion, per line .... e jj One month, every issue, each 4 f insertion, per line OS , ? Six months contract, every is- . sue, each insertion, per line ,04 .! Twelve months' contract, ev- 4 ery Issue, each Insertion, per line . - - .01 4 Ads not run consecutively, 4 each Insertion, per line .... ,10 4 No ads taken for less than 1 4 t line. Minimum charge .85 4 r.v NEW TODAY BLUNDERS I CORRECTED ?OR RENT Furnished room. Phone 732-M,..., sleeping tWANTED Girl or woman by month. Phone J 16 7. to work "OB RF.NT Room and bottrd in prl-1 ,Vato family. 405 Lewis St., Phone fclS-W. ' (VVA.NTED Experienced woman or girl for general ' house work. 'hone 3fC2-J. , i iSVA'NTED; Second hand school books for 2nd' and 7th grades, also have th grade books for exchange or sale. hone 377. COW IS THE TIME to have that suit 'dyed. , Our dying will please you. Cell's Pendleton Cleaning Works, Inc. sunder new management, Phone a 6 1 . GALLSTONES Fiee book tell of Im proved method of treating Inflam mation of gallbladder and bi'.e ducts. Wrtte today. Dr. Pa.dock, Boi 201A. Kansas City. M6. I 4 a . OR SALE Good tomatoes for tan ning 30c por box green peppers t 95P per box potatoes $1.00 Per sack, '. . 0. b. Kcnnewkk Roy Yamaoka, Chncwick, Wn., It. -f, Di No. 2. By ARTHUR C. LEUDER : ' " Postmaster, Chicago, Illinois " Postal regulations require that the enclosures of window envelopes must be folded so that they will not shift around, obscuring all or a part of the address. It is also required that the return address in the upper left corner must in clude the street address or post office box num ber of the sender. Much annoyance results when window envelopes do not conform to these requirements. - ' ' "Illiirirlftr" nt ilntrnm i( Ynnn 0 di di Duiiuii! ui rdyc o FOR RENT FOR RENT: 307 Aura St. FOR SALE -Wicker sulkey good , condition. Phone 504-W. ! room rurn:shed apt. F0R sALnriaver piano and pop-! com roasting machine. Inquire 61a FOR RENT Room Phone 74 5-J. and boar(j Main gt- WU1 take second hand car j In exchange. . . FOR RUNT 5 room house on north side. Phone 64 9. FOR RENT 2 room apt. no chil droii. 601 Clay St. FOR RENT Furnished Inquire 614 Cosbie St. apartment FOR RUNT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 502 Water St. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms- 301 So. Main St.. Phone 231-W. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay do-1 llvered to any part of town, also' carload lots. Phone 339. Penland Bros. Transfer. j CONCORD GRAPES For sale at 5c ' per pound at the H. 11 WHlard ranch, Hermlston, near an 1 south of gov't, reservoir Ilring couu-iuors. . HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY This Directory Is especially handy for the out of town reader who . may want the name and address of responsible businessmen who rep resent the following lines. All are reliable,, responsible business con- ' cerns who stand ready to give you prompt service. i 1 Fprt RENT Clean fur. apartments at the Alta Apt. House, Phone 746. For RENT Four room unfurnished bungalow Inquire 312 Tustin, at IS or 5 o'clock , FOR RENT Suite of office, rooms in steam heated building. Inquire Qeorgo Stangier. reaches Fine canning peaches for sale at 5 cents per lb bring your own boxes. Pouch Island, Milton, Oregon, 8 blocks east of Christian v'huPch G. G. nrnves. Owner; MISCELLANEOUS FOR CARPENTERS phone AUTO TIRES I AUTO TOPS r. nBENTLEY & CO. Goodyear and ii,,m,.nil Tirefi Tire Service, oils and accessories. AHa und Garden Sts, PENDLETON RUBBER & SUPPLY Co. Goodrich Sllvertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacuum Cv.p tires. SOS E. Court Street. . AUTO SPRINGS MODERN Industrial shower baths Raz's shop, Court fit. 7 0 o I GUARANTEED SPRINGS made ana I repaired. Eokles spring worm. at FOR SALE,' REAL EST ATE I MAN OR WOMAN .wurttcd. 840 wcek- I i ly full time, tl.OO'an hour spare i (ime, selling guaranteed hosiery to Wea'rer. Experienco unnecessary ln f ternatlonal Knitting Mills, Morris- t town, Pa. KOH SALE il rooyi bungalow . l'hone -' , 1 I WANTED Refined educated lady de sires position as housekeeper or companion and nurse to semi-invalid lady or gentlemen of means. Address I Box 1013 Kennewick, Wn. WANTED A woman who thoroughly undorutands the alteration of ready to weai and who is a saleslady as well. Make application as below stating sal ary wanted, experience, ate. Address X. T. Z.i care East Oregonian. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room In private family, north side. Phone 283-W. " , " NOTICES ' . Woodmen police Due to the Illness of Clerk J. V. Walker, all members arc requested to call at tho office, Judd Bldg. and pay the monthly dues. HEMSTITCHING 8o yard Mull or- ders taken; Smart Shop. PUBLIC STENOGRAPF.ER H. IS ' Decker, Despnln Bldg. Phor.e It. DON'T FORGET Funk & McLean in jure anything, 839 Main St. Fhtne S3 Phone 4l, 110 Water St. ATTORNEYS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Glasa Backs, side Curtains. iui Knai Court Street AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer, Call at Sturgls & Storle's Implement Co., for sale dates, GEORGE) W. COUTTS, Attorney ' ' Law, Hoom 17, Bond Bldg.. Notice to Woodmen FOR EXPERT neat house cleaning, Phone 301 carpets and wood work n specialty. DIAMONDS and 010 gotd . bought. Reliable estimate. G. Cramer, 713 Selling Bldg., Portland, Ore. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Ford COupo, good shape. O, K. Baths. FOR SALE OR RENT 7 room un furnished house, north side. Phone 97. FOR SALE If you want a snap in an 8 room house oil W. Alta, write Box 10D, Adams, Ore. HILE THEY LAST One bale of tj'l brand new O. D. four and ono halt pound army blankets, pure wool, 4.25 each. Thwe are no reclnlms. cellar, If you want a tent we have them 10 army get our prices. Uadwa'sl Itore, 201 E.SCourt St., Phono 773. i, FOR SALE 7 room cottage, bath. lawn, 5 1-2 lots, sub irrigated, fruit, berries, garden, spring, cement fine barn, -chicken and wood FOR SALK Chevrolet bag; Inquire . 211 W. Court St. FOR SALE 1920 Dodge touring car. Inquire 708 W. Webb St. . There will be a regular hioetlng j pENra,ETON Upholsttrmg Co., 6S Monday evenlnir September 4. Busi ness of importance, all members r quested to attend. ' J. P. WALKER, Clerk. Cottonwood St. Only ojperiencad upholster In Pendleton. Phone 76, J. H. Orr & Co. FOR SALE Some bargains In second hand cars. Dr. S. L. Kennard. 1921 DODGE touring for sale, fine shape. Phone 111J8-W between D and 6 p. m. Call For-Bids The-Board of Directors of School Pislrict No. 2 will receive bids up un til Sept. 7th at 0 p. m. for building a school house 3 miles north of Athena. For plans and specifications call at the County School Supt. office. LNW1S F. STEWART, Clerk houses furnished or unfurnished Weston, Oregon, Box 99. yAXTKI BY IITKHAUY DIGEST If Subscription canvassers, women or Jroen, to look after renewal and got lafcw orders for this nationally sdver- Usti wen known periodicnl with two mit.ion readers. Whole or part time. (Commission 25 per cent and sulary de pendent on amount of business pro duced. Beginners can earn $25 month ly spare time full time workers 15000 and upwards annually. Write for terms to Special Representatives. The LltcraYy Digest, 354 Fourth Ave., Box 801. Nw York. ' J ME.V WANTED. I The Northern Pacific Railway Com pany will employ men at rates pre scribed by the United States Labor board as follows: ' Machinists 70 cents per hour Blacksmiths 70 cents per hour Sheet inetiri workers 70 cents per hour Electricians 70 cents per hour Stationary Knglneers Various rates Stationary Firemen Various rotes Boiler makers ...... . . I 70 to 70 H cents ier hour Passenger Car Men ... 70 cents per hour Freight Car Men ..03 crnfs per hour Helpers, all classes ...,.::.47c per hour Machinists and helpers are allowed IJme and one-half for time worked In 4xcess of 8 hours per day. I Young tnen who desire to learn f these trades 'will be employed and fciven an opportunity to do so. j "A strike now exists on the Xorth rn Pacific Railway." Apply to any round house or shops r superintendent. ...... JfOKTHEKX PACIFIC ItAILWAY , at lascu, Waxli. FC'R SALE Pleasant rural home W Riverside, East of Pendleton, known as the Edward Morgan iflace. Two and one half acres of land, with good surroundings. Fort price call on Stephen A. Lowell, Despain Block, Pendleton, Oregon, ne of the Execu tors. August 28, 1922. . WANTED WANTED Girls at Troy Laundry. WANTED TO BUY A boys' saddle. Address 24 this, office. WANTED Sewirwf and hand work. Phone 1028-J or 120 Lee St. CAPABLE WOMAN desiring position call Eastern Oregon state Hospital. RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent - small furnished or unfurnished house. Phone ,739-W. FOR SALE--Modcl ,83-t Overland In i good mechanical condition. Inquire Round-Up Garage, CIS Willow St. . FOR SALE Ford roadster, 1921 mo del, starter, good roustabout car. Phone 932 during day or 967-M after five. ..., Notice Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive, bids until Sept. 9. 1922 to furnish 30 tons of coal to j be delivered at- the Rleth school by Nov, 15-22. Bins to be addressed to F. J. Hart, Ricth, Ore: The board at directors reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. MRS. A. RASMUSS'EN, Chairman. FOR SALE Ford 1 tpn truck tac Uory built body and cab quarter tires, paint, excellent condition. Bar gain. Wallace Bros., Phone 74. They Bought Franklins For sale two big Six Studebaker touring cars. Good paint, gooa tires, excellent mechanical shape. PENDLETON AUTO CO. STUDKBAKEft BIG SIX, 19 modTel ln good -condition, new cord tires, just overhauled. This car has only been in use 18 months. See this for a bar gain for a quick sale. ' For demon stration, call Mr. Drew, Phone 301.. Notice of Meeting of County Board of Equalization Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization of Umatilla County, State of Oregon, will meet at the court house in Pendleton; on Mon day at the 11th day of Sept. 1922 and publlcally examine, the Assessment Rolls enrrppt all errors in valllataion. I description of lands, lots, or ' other property assessed by me. It shall be the duty of persons, interested to ap pear at the time and place appointed. R. O. HAWKS, Assessor, Unitilla County, NOW IS THE TIME to have that suit dyed. Our dying will please you.-i- Fell's Fendleton Cleaning Works, Inc. Under now management. Phone 169. I, M. SCHANNEP, Attorney at LaW ' Office- In Court House. KEATOR & RANDALL Attorneys at Law. ltoom 2 1, SinUb-Crawford Building. . BLACKSMITH WEEDERS FOR SALE, expert black. smithing and horseshoeing. Your patronage solicited for . guaranteed work. Penland Bros., --across; from City Fire Station. .. s CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing 608 Mala St.. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore, f i-ARTRn SMYTH E, Attorneys at : Law. 224 E. Court St. . . ... . FEB & FEE, Attorneys at Law. Of fices In Ucapaln Building, ' 9 A. LOWELL, Attorney and Coun selor at Law. Office In Uespaln Building. J WILL, TAKE, CHILDREN to send to school. Home located across street from Lincoln School. For further n formation phono 638-J Girls . pre ferred. , WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and stenographer wants position. Address 25 thisy office. . . WANTED Lady to assist in cooking for private family during week of Round-Up. Phone 893-W. WANTED Young couple with no children wants 4 or 6 room unfur nished house. Phone 74 5-J. WANTED School girl to help with house work far board and room. Address Box is, Pendlcton. Ore. WANTED Errand boy between the ages of 15 and 18 years who is not going to school. Apply Crescent Dry Goods Co. WANTED High school bov wants work morning, evening and Sat urday. Reference furnished. Inquire of CHy Supt. .. .What's Up? ' 11 V Secrrtarr at tTar Wks and Aaasrtaat Secretary of tbe Narr T.sr lt caught by the camera luM la earnest coavcrsath a Just after Uie taA cafcat awwuaf. FOR SALE Ford coupe, white wire, wheels, shock absorbers, excellent condition. Studebaker 7 passenger In good running order, 1300.00. Reo motor in good condition, good rubber, J600.00. Clemens & Trombley, Phono 86". ' , Exceptional Good Buys 111 Used Curs 1 Cadillac roadster. 1 Tiutck touring. . 1 Ace touring. 1 1 Reo light six. 6 passenger. ' OREGON MOTOR GARAGE 119 West Court St. Phone G68. FOR SALE TIME CARD Weston-Pcnilleton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at , 7:S0 a. m. and 12:45 p. .m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton .t ; 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. ' Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:2i) tt. m. and 1:20 p, m. Ltavet Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Sice) for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 D. m. O. llJ. McPHERRW. Prop. - '. . . . .. T a r S. A. NEWBKRm, Attorney .. ' Federal Building. , j FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bldg. -JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, . Office over Taylor liarowarn vaiih DRAYMEN- WHO MOVES YOU Is just as Imoprt ant as where you move, we also pack and store goods. BOe, for trunks to any part of city on ground floor, we do country hauling. Call. M. Penland Bros. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. EMPLOYMENT PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. The only bonded and licensed office In, Eastern Oregon. ' Phone your wants to us at 876, 115 East Webb Street. INSURANCE RALEY. RALEY fWETWER. Attor- -1 t , nfrlma In Amnrlfill AM neys ai. " Nntlonal Bank Butlding, PETFJRSON, BISHOP & CLABK. At torneys at Law. Rooriis 8 and Snillh-Crawford Bldg, AUTO TRANSFER Phone 52 hanavan transfer Crescent Cigar Store. Roe. i-k. EMPIRE DAIRY Wholesale and re tall. Phone 8F2. FOR SALE All kinds or Mhurance, J. H. Estes. 814 Main St., Phone 804 FOR SALE at a bargain, several seta glass jnr farm lighting batteries. Inquire Willard Service Station. ' FOR SALE Household furnitttire for 10 room apt. house; alse 10 room house for rent. Phone 239-W. , LARGE SIZE BRUNSWICK victrola. Sarcaslon Walnut case, cost $450.00, will sell for 8225.00 has 100 reeords, terms to responsible parties. I'he'jo 201. ' SUMMER SCHEDtfLB ' Pendleton-W alia Walla ' BLUE LINE STAGS Walla Walla to Fare f 1.75 Pendleton Fare f 1.75 Stage Leaves Grand and Daci Hotels at Wulla Walla Walla W. 7.80 10.lt 1.15 (.80 4 Freewater 8.00 10.45 1.45 (.09 Milton 8.05 10.60 1.50 1.08 Weston ' 8.30 11.15 1.15 (.80 Athena ' (.40 11.85 MS 6.40 Adams 8 60 11.35 1.3S 1.50 Pendleton 9.25 12 10 8.10 7.11 Pendleton to Walla Walla Stage Leaves Pendleton Hotel-r- 4 Coay Billiards . ; Pendleton 7.80 10.16 1.15 6.00 Adams 1.05 10.35 1.60 6.36 Athena 8.16 11.00 2.00 6.45 Weston 8.80 11.15 1.15 6 0S t Hilton ' 1.10 11.86 8.86 1.10 Freewater 8.65 11.40 8 40 6.26 Wal W. 6.25 12.16 3.10 6.66 . We Haul Parcels Phone 701 at Walla Walla " Stage makes two trips ou Sun- 4 4 days. Leaves Walla Walla and 4 Pendleton at 10:00 a. m. and 4 4 4:00 p. m. on Sundays. 4 C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs Cigar Store. Phono 1075. .-. BRINGING UP FATHER Ref . V. 8. Patent Office By George McManus WA,tT UTiTlL. HE E.T HOT HE COiriC TO "". AKE A LONC, RlOE Irs am r 7 rvl) 'r TA,,-0, AliDoUlTC)- F. R. HADLEY, transfer, baggage moving done while you wait stand af wickland's Plumbing Shop Phone 8H, Res. 240-R. K I NT'S of insurance. Jos. Ell. T I H i.nrden 8t. Opp. Elks' Temple. Phone 105. Res. Phone 79-'W. LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly There's an agent In, your town.--Troy Laundry, a(l8 Garden SWeet. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 601 B. Court St., Phone 60, We, maintain a com plete mending department. r Lighting plants IF TOU WANT TO MOVE call the Service Transfer and Storage Co., Phone B8S, city or country trips. 118 W. Court Street. ' ). 4 4 4 4 Pendleton-Umatilla Auto Leave 8:00 :15 (:30 9:65 Pendleton Echo Stan Meld Hermlston Ar. Umatilla 10:16 Leave Umatilla Hermlston Stan f laid Echo Ar. Fend. 12:00 1.16 1:35 1:56 8:15 5:00 12:00 8:20 12:20 8:45 12:45 :00 1:00 10:15 ,2:16 Leaves Tcndleton 4:00 P. Leaves Umutllla 8:00 A. Ofrice Hotel IMuion I'hoiio lloj ' PF.I.L DAW SON Parcels delivered te all points. ... 4 4 Stage 4:00 5:15 6:35 6:56 6:16 4.00 4:20 4.45 6:00 6:15 M. M. way 4 4 4 1 TIMB CARD 4 Pilot Itock Stage ' 4 Evan Cameron, Prop. 4 4 Leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 a. m. 4 Leaves Pendleton 10:80 a. m. 4 4 Leaves Pilot Rock 1:00 p. m. 4 Leaves Pendleton 5:00 p. m. 4 Leaves Hotel Pendleton and 4 4 French Restaurant 4 ' Daily Freight Slag 4 4 Leaves Pilot Rock 8:80 a. m. 4 4 Leaves Pendleton 10:80 a. m. 4 444444444 DELCO Lighting System, Ackermnn and Eurfluh, Golden Bule Hotel Bldg. . . . . New and Second Hand Dealers V STROBLE, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. CaBh paid for sec ond hand goods. Cheapest place to buy household goods, II E. Coort Phone 271-W. Painting , and Patter Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, picture Fram ing. Ii. i. MoAtee, the Practical Paint Man Lowe Bros. Paints. ; RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes oty radiators repaired. Work guaranteed C. Illaslwrg, Prop. RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to eat. SHOE REPAIRING THIS PENDLETON SHOE SHOP l the best equipped shoe repair shop this sldo of Portland. 120 W. Court. VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST C. W. Lassen, at. ttt V. Pbone 27. Offh-e Phone 4. f 9-i - i - 'J Candy Special Chrystalized Cocoanut Dainties SPECIAL TODAY AND SUNDAY POUND 30c We are sure that you will like our fountain service. We try to carry most everything the public likes. Nifty Nook An Exclusive Candy Shop Rivoli Theater T4444tt64444444444444444446444444. tot ks Hd it. M be - T n id ,1 1 j - r.