' page two . - DAILY EAST OREGOHTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1922. TWELVE PAGES rr :riLr! Trotzky's Wife - . 1 :60c 20 c i30c -'1 : I i r jAFTER SUPPER SALE mi fc! :. Tf- n . .. tr . ' I I I - .v. ,.;:t.l 1 -V. ' D t J w El I ' . . HI It's For You! THE GRAB SALE , Tonight : ' U THE GRAB SALE j I VVj X -X J L '''v iPTHS jsllw fiu.fi r lnPTPPTPQ At 20 40 1er cent Reductions. - This MJVjlIilVlJuO is certainly good news to heads of families '; Not' only the items quoted, but our entire Grocery stock, is on sale at tnese prices, AK1 " . I" liut vin'iv M'lHug our 40o 'Dlariiond V. ' J'aricnke Flour lit. -; . ' -J. - - . .1 .. A suvlntr t SO per wnt mi II a package of Creniotles. Or 4 packages of Diamond U . .Miiriironl fur 25c. Can you Ileal it? , For vci'y best Curtis 25c cans ITriicnto.w. ' A Wiving or 'lite on n it III. can r (Aiilttitrd's ltest Cliicolutc. Tills in it $1 aliic. , or t Kol' 23c ix wlinl we're well ing .Mis. I 'oiler's good Salad Dicssllll . ' For IDC VVoi'irstcr Hiiiictf. ' ' 10c IOc 17c ME N! $0.50 Honing Coats, I'liln piUMif, wi'll iniuli uoiutcrl'iil ' wear ers tit . $4.98 $5.00 Wool Khlrls, eoloi'M blue. tct-tHlll. urey ami ' brown, now . . .', fine $1.50 f'nliiii nil Nixes, $1.98 Suits. nil si.eH, iM'tler Mock It only ..." Ill 89c 15c White llaiidKeiiirrs uliies at j'cKiilai' pilee now . 9c Men's 220 $1.75 Value at Overalls $1.19 BOYS' DEPT. Here I all opimrtunity to buy. Iloy.s School ClotliliMt. You're Kolnic to rimrct It If you don't uet In and buy now. One lot boys' fine all wool .school and ilress Milts lil a ranue of $3.95 ntjles and cloths, SM.MI suits "The Man in Charge Marks the Prices Here.' Coke Users Ye arc going to sell our famous smokeless, sootless ami odorless coke made from the liest coke produeing coal in the United States Sunnvsido Utah Coal at the old established price of $7.00 PER TON AT THE PLANT (LOOSE ) IT TO AM) INCLUDING SEPTEMBER 15TII ONLY. Owing to the fact that coke prices are governed absolutely by the prevail ing price of coal, we can not guarantee prices of our product after the alxive date. So if you wish to take advantage of the old price just phone your order to 40 and it w ill be taken care of promptly. Pacific Power & Light Co. Always at : ' '. ' Tonieht i 43c 11c 30c 30c 13c 79c Clin for our V very best Jirand French Mushrooms. 75c For best brand 20c Chili ('on Carne this week. Hmvh 1-2 imiiiiiiI 50c Tcllcy's Fine Tea. package Stock up on the 'IOc lllanioml Vl'.; CoITeu. you'll like lt.; Package, 12c Hiving on a paek ngo of linker's Sweetened Co. coiumt, 25c sl.e. In wliat we're selling $1.25 jar.4 of Curtis Kino Olives. HERE'S THE CHANCE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. COME N, GET THESE THIS WEEK. Itluo Cliaiubray Spurt 89c Shirts, VI.25 at $5.00 Itoniid-t p. Sbirts, all colors. ;his wM'k $3.19 (iaiuitlet Canvas 23c (loves, buy all l you want now at only.... 11c 19c 13c' 17c t!5c SiiHpendei'H, 1 biB lot, Ret these". Notice the price, only. ..... 25c Ilress Sox, ' fini weavo in black, double s lies, all hIxcm at Aritiw . . Collars, of our your Mock $2.25 Soft Collar Dress ? 89c Shirts, patterns you like, all sites at $2.50 to $3.50 Work Clove-, diort and gauntlets. (Q iral bargains at 1OC pendletonS greatest department store T i g jreoDies Xmil WHERE IT PAYS Your Senicc. LOOK THESE OVER! 19c liiiyw Ladies' Illack and' ISrown 35c CottOiii tlose. $1.95 $1.38 $2.25 $1.98 Yd. for 811 anil 40 in. Sport Skirting', al $5 values. yd. formally of our $2.00 yd. Oleorgettu Crepes. Ituys any of . our $1.50 Faiii'y I.ace flosc, black brown and white. yd. Huys Silk Jersey Tub iiiB, $:S.O0 values, all .wbiuliw 59c yd. Your Choline of our $1.25 Curtain .Scrims and Uiapcrles. I'alr of 45c Pillow Slips $1.00 I2v:! In., belli, f;ood ininllty. 17c yd. for JS In. l.illen Finisli Star Text Toweling. ISlcachcd 'rash. r This shoe sale has been years, whole families have saying never before have so cheap. Mule Skin Top i:ik Sole (12.50 Shoes at . ....... $1.19 IRIS And Children's Flexible oak sole $3 I strap wht, pumps .... $1.19 LADIES $7.50 1 anil 2 strap kid strap kid Mines of very host iiunllty $3.68 pumps, oxfords flouble tip and wine toe $4.50 anil $5.00 work $2.45 liocs, about 200. pr., all sizes at. ' TiT 1 vvarenous TO THAItI iZ'ffig?a;l Again selling you our 25c lcr . calcs at 17c yard. Now buys Children's 40c Jlaif Sox, fancy tops. Ituys 30 inch 40c Fancy Tick ins, all floral designs. yd. Tor any of our Itcaiitil'ul Serpentine 40c Crepes-. Buys 27c tiiii'ihani-, inches wide, a wide riuiRc of patterns Ladles' $1.00 Fibre Silk Hose in brown and black. Huys any of our ;il) inch llim. Kaloiv Cretonnes, 30c. value. 6c Is what we're selling our 10c Al addin live Soap, i At Prices You Can't Afford to the most talked of sale in been outfitted. , Teople are they seen good shoes sold Heavy calf skin 81.0(1 dress shoes. . LADIES SH and $10 high top kid calf skin military kiii iiiiiuary $3.95 heel shoes at ... lUll HP ,", "t Ki'' 1 ",!'1 pumps MiLUd s$s $i.98 VII I lift lit " v Sixes 2 to 5. kid 1 strap, $2 and $2.50 Pumps. Huy them now nt 98c Giving Eastern Oregon Its Greatest Sale 17c 27c 26c 29c 22c 68c 18 c Funeral of Arthur Griffith s 9 rt. rj-'t,i. ne t?--4 ei t.e Irish Free S:a-e. mwi fro t. ir.cer.t't bcr!tl to D-jV.ia Crr H1L- P:o. slinos liirvniwa t:. try. Ju-t n -h seen u eoiiUJ a few days Uur ttt Um fuxjenU c Mxi Colin. I Cm nrr ' jccsJr of CaE-U. At first glance one might think this a photo of a modern flapper, but she's the wife of Leon Trotzky, Russian leader. It was taken at the palace in Petrogfad. ' ' SEPTEMBER WHEAT PRICE September wheat closed n $0.!)9 to day, with the December closing at Jl.Ot and the May at 100 1-2. yes terday's closings were September '.' ? Following: are the qiiotatioi.s receiv ed by Overbeck & Cooke, local brok ers ' Wheat. ( Open Hih Low f'los S .9 1.01 1.06!- Sept. Dee. May $1.00 $t.oo $ . ; n 1.112 14 3.02 101 1.07 1.07 T 1.06 Kxchangcs. , Sterlini,', 446 3-4. Marks, 7 3-4. France, 781 3-4. Italy, 441. Wheat A holiday market with holders showing more uneasiness than shorts in anticipation of liberal, re eeipts next Tuesday. The cash de maud presumably for the same reason was less aggressive, and premiums ruled easier, especially for spring wheat, which was three to four cents lower. Northwest markets should have a good run over the holidays. Export trade was reported slow as is usually the ease on Saturdays, but in dieatiolis are not lacking for revived Interest, with the granting of six months anoratoi-ium to Germany, do ing much to clear up the foreign sit uation at least temporarily. It is hard to stimulate interests on the buying side, with so many glowing crop re ports being circulated, and the un fortunate , legislative measures dis couraging the speculative, interests, which should now serve as a balance wheel against the seasonable market ing of crops, but when foreigners come into the market in a big way as they are certain to do sooner or later, 1 is likely that interests will revive and turn prires toward a higher level. JACKSON, Cal., Sept. 2. (U. I'.) Itescue crews, though tired und worn report progress toward the Ar gonaut sbal't. A rescue team from the western Nevada mines are ex pected to arrive today to relieve the workers. in Dublin 1 f I I : I I I Vine BY HEN It y L. FARP.EM (United I'ress Sports Kditur.) NEV YORK, Sept. 2. (U. I'.). Jack Dempsey and Bill' Brennan were refused permission to meet in the ring at Michigan City, Indiana, on Labor Day, because the bout was officially declared to be a prize fight." Benny Leonard was allowed ' to' fight; Rocky Kansas and Ever Ham mer in the same ring because ' they were boxing matches. - 1 The legal distinction between a prize, fight and a boxing match must be drawn very fine. Piacticaliy speaking, in the profes sional ring there is -nd difference be tween a prize fight, and a boxing match. They are both prize fights. Both boys are paid to go in the ring and fight. If they don't fig-lit, the ' boxers are working under false pre tences because the customers pay their money in the hope of seeing some one knocked out. ' ' : ' The name boxing contest end boxing match originated to rid reformers of the bad sounding term prize fightu. , Dempsey is big enough und well for tified financially to take1 care1 of his Own troubles, but It does seem that the champion does get an unfair deal once In a while. ' . ; 1 Certainly his scheduled fight with Bill Brennan looked like a setup ami out it. being a setup? . ', Who is there for htm to fight with out itbeing a setup? ! . . ; Harry Wills, of course. s : ' It is not fair, however, to expect Dempsey to fight Wills without going through some training fights. Wills is getting ready for Dempsey by fiffhting worse dubs than Dempsey carries an his sparring partners. Wills get away with it and gets the credit for fight ing, Dempsey tries to and gets the law dovn on him for it. The New York boxing commission says that Dempsey can't fight Brennan or Willn rd in New York. If ho tried to get Fulton, Miske, Martin, Burke or any other heavyweight he would be panned to death. He has to fight Wills and it looks like hi- is expected to do it without getting the training' that any boxer is entitled to demand. ' ? Ttight in the midst of a radical cam paign to make the champion fight, the New York commission , soys that Johnny Dundee, the holder of a cou ple of trick titles, is fighting too much and something will have to bo done about it. . : Dundee is the junior lightweight champion, the world's featherweight champion of New York and he is ready, to challenge Benny Leonard now. for the lightweight title.' "" The New York commission will have to look to legislation against monop oly. IINIf GET INCREASE. REPORT CHICAGO, Sept. 2. (V. P.) .Authoritative sources confirm the report that the railroad labor board ill advance the wages of 300, Offfc maintenance men three cents r:i hour. , ' ECffl AT ELKS TEMPLE SUNDAY POltTLANP. Sept. 2. (l P.) Five thousand Klks of the raclflc northwest lodges assemble' here to morrow to assist In the- ceremony of laying the corner stone of the mil lion dollar temple. ' - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOU SALE Bed. pprlngs. mattress, rug. dining chairs and fruit jars. 21 S N. Madison St. HILL A Select Non-Scetarlan Boardlnf School Hovs between nnl ntt ' Social Advantages, Homelike Atmos phere Small Classes and Men feachcri Detailed H. S. Army Officer lens Srie. IS 122 PORTLAND, OKEGON ' ' " CHICHESTER S PILLS -- Till' ImuHii. Ra.(. - fir Iff "t1 A w ! 1111. ,. K. I and I.M I.N i rt"it"r- B.. i v :IV1... HklMI 1 1. f-, . sou bv tsRLC&isis tinnna IQWJt. rott CINIRATIO.41" 4 T.irr. i, COMTXHD CDMIMICUHW ATVOUln.IKr.lCT Gax4 V r lieaiU - T t PfctWi.i,,,t 1 - . f .1 ff, ' ' -'- t W LAtH. !