.TWELVE PAGES PAGE TWELVE OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL try worker THAT'S TH6 4-TXC5f?. ONSi . CuVTM THGM You Must 144 v3 Got twcm ewse.-TT. Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports DAILY EAST OSEGONIAK, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1922. I i i ASfr!tS 1 r- 7 r-m Prices Nominal In of Xo Itecelpts (From The Oregon Journal.) Nothing was received in any of the North Portland alleys overnight. This was welcome, news to hog dcukis ub the market is In very, bad shape. Ho prices fell off another quarter before the close of business Thursday, mak ing the new top $10.75. But even that price Ih shudd, majority nf the busi ness having been done around $10,50. General hog market range: Prime light $10.26 8 10.75 6mooth heavy, 230-300 pounds 9.00(5)10.00 Smooth heavy, 300 lbs., lip . ... 8.00 tfi) J. 00 Hough heavy 6.00 8.00 Fat pigs . . ". 10.00 10.75 Feeder pigs 10.00W10.75 Stags 5.00 7.00 With no receipts and no early sales of consequence in the cattle market, tone was reported as nqmlnal. General cattle market range: Choice steers ... 7.75 8.25 Medium to good steen,. . 7.26 S 7.75 Fair to medium steers.. 6.25W 7.25 Common to fair steers.. 6.50g 6.0o Common cows 3.25ffi 3.75 Choice cows ond heifer 6.00 6.60 Medium to good cows ana heifers 4.00(8) 4.60 Fair to medium cows and ' heifers 3.76 4.25 Common to fair cows and heifers 3.00 3.60 Canners 1.C0 2.50 Bulls , . 3.00(3) 4.60 Choice feeders 5.00 6.60 Fair to good feeders 4.00(g) 4.00 THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley THIS IS N51 TIME- FOR , ANY FUNNY BUSINESS: illL-iJPiiP'n ill ' I llsK WHEN MARSHAL. OTEY WALKER OFFERED TO ESCORT THE NEW DRESS MAKER HOME HE FOUND; iSOME JOKER HAD SWITCHED UMBRELLAS J ON HI" . FARM LOANS 11w American -National rtnnk In In on unusually food position to aid lliose who desire long-time loans on Improved and partly improved wheat and stock ranches, alfalfa land and small farms, all the way from thrco years up to UUrty-fotir and one-liiiU years. Write, phono or call for full particulars. The American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon. 33 Ymrs Of Continuous Sinking. mm The Hoover ttfl$ the rf from th floor, ltk thu flutter it mpom m fNiaiM (, fnfiV ' ' Ma MO44e4iiit,mtplolon& Ufa The perennial btauty of I valuable rug is the reward of frequent and thorough cleaning. Such cleaning II easy to perform with The Hoover, because it beau ... at it twerps, as it suction cleans. All injurious embedded grit is fluttered out by gentle beating. All stubborn litter it detached by swift sweeping. All loose dirt is withdrawn ly strong suction. Only The Hoover combines these three essential operations. And it is the laret-selling electric cleaner in the world. You may hae a Hoover placed permanently in your rhome for a nominal sum, and its purchase arranged on convenient terms. You may l hae it demonstrated for )ou any time, cither in your home or in our store, Cruikshank & Hampton 124-28 E. Welib. Thone JV1S Choice to dairy calves.. 9.60 10.00 Prime light calves 9.00 9.60 Medium light calves ... 8.00 9.00 Heavy dairy eilves .... 4.00" 6.50 Xo changes were reported from the sheep alleys. There were no overnight receipts or early morning sales. Prime east mountain lambs 1 10. 00 11.00 Choice valley lambs ... 8.SO10.50 Medium valley lambs .. . 8.00 9.00 Common valley lambs .. 6.00 Cull spring lambs 6 00 Heavy yearlings 6.00 Light yearlings 7.00 Heavy wethers 5.00 t.ight wethers 6.00 Ewes 2.00 8.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 I'orclsn Situntlon Helps Ilond Market. . XKW YORK, Sept. 2. (A. P.) French acceptance of the Tielgian compromise offer on German repara tions imparted a decidedly strong tone to French: securities In yesterday's bond market, but free offerings of speculative railroad mortgages caused marked Irregularity In the domestic i list. French government 7 l-2s crossed 98 and the 8s passed 101 at gains of 1 1 to 1 3-4 points, but they receded! slightly In later dealings. Seine 7 l-2s also registered a net gain of 1 1-2 1 points, with substantial improvement being shown in the 6 per cent issue oft Bordeaux, Lyons, .Marseilles and Sois-j sons. Republic of Flollrla Kb nlfio ad-1 vanced a point, while British 5 I were In greater demand than tin yj have been for some time. Krle prior lien 4s and convertible I issues were reactionary In sympathy with the break in that road's stock and there was a decided weakness in Xorfolk & Southern 6s, Kansas City Southern 4s and St. Paul convertible 5s.v Conspicuous strength was shown however, by Chicago & Alton 3s and Mlnenapolis & St. Louis refunding 4s, each of which advanced two points. Moderate advances also took place In Great Nortehrn 4 l-2s, Chicago & Great Western 4s, and Hudson & Man hattan refunding 5s. Changes tn the industrial and pub lic utility groups were largely frac tional In character, but the demand for Pacific Gas & Electric . 5s sent them up 1 1-2 points. There was comparatively little trad ing In liberty Issues, which showed Ir regular changes. Total bond sales, par value, were $10,531,000. Covering of short contracts furnish ed Impetus to the upward trend of prices In today'scstock market. Total sales, which reached 1,046,700 shares, indicated Investment buying by trad ers, who expect a continuation of the bull movement next week iij anticipa tion of better business Conditions. Gains of 1 to 3 points were numerous in both the railroad and industrial lists. One of the outstanding develop ments of the day was the raid on Erie Issues, apparently an Indirect result of the Chicago & Alton receivership. Erie common broke more than 3 points, but recovered somewhat, inter closing at a net loss of 1 6-. The first and second preferred suffered slightly similar losses. Oil shnres were In good demand, presumably In response to reports of increased consumption, due In pnrt to the adoption of oil-burning devices by several large corporations because of the coal strike. Standard Oil of New Jersey rose 2 1-2 points. Houston 1 6-8, Phillips Tortecluh ....AOlmb 5-8. Phillips Petroleum 3 1-4 and Gen. oral Asphalt 1 3-4. Mexican Petrol eum reacted sharply after an early show of strength and the Pan-Ajnerl-can issues receded In sympathy. Sugar shnres mounted to new high levels on Increased prices of the raw Cnhnn product and better trade con ditions, which were reflected In the Cuban Cane company announcement that it had paid its remaining $3,1000, 000 debt. Cubu Cnne showed n -net profit for the day of one point, with even larger gains In the preferred. Motor shares responded well to the report of the national automobile chamber of commerce . that Autt HAW HAW-H4VaJ- HAUJ- HAW ill! THAT'S OWfS Ob) YOU l HW-H4 tex's see hY3s th(sy'-- -icnt u I THEr ON A 13 COCK OP U)OOT IV. Real Banking Service Our constantly increasing list of satisfied patrons justifies us in ex tending an invitation to those who are seeking a banking connection, or contemplating a change, to - MAKE YOUR HOME WITH US SSSSSMEMBERH FEDERAL RESEHVEj BaafcSYSTETnaW "1 iii! production would exceed that of July by 20,000 cars. Studebaker was ex ceptionally strong, closing at a net gain of 3 5-8 points. Chanler moved up 1-2 and GeAeral Motors Improved fractionally.- Chlcafro LtvosUK'k Market. CHICAGO, Sept. 2. (United States Department of Agriculture.) Cattle Cattle RReceipts 4000 head; slow, steady to weak, practically all classes; veal calves fully steady; top beef steers early $11; yearlings supply pro portionately and conditioned to sell at J8.2510.25; best mixed yearlings, $10.25; bulk beef cows and heifers, $4.50 7; bulk bologna bulls, $3.90 4.15; bulk desirable vealers around $12.50. " Hogfi Receipts 14,000 head; mar ket slow, lights and butchers 10 15c higher; others strong early; big pack ers doing little; 170 to 220-pound weight, $9.75(0 9.90; 230 to 260-pound butchers, 9.409.65; 270 to 300- pound butchers, $8.909.3S; packing sows mostly $6.757.40; pigs around 25c hifgher; 115 to 120-pound aver ages mostly $8.258.5fl; heavy, 9.46. medium, $8.909.85; light, $8.909.75; packing smooth, $6.60 7.50; packing rough. $6.25 6.75; killing pigs, 8.73. Sheep Receipts, 16,000 head; ern lambs opened steady; first $12.75 1 2.90 to packers; natives slow, weak; spots 1015c lower than Thursday's aveVage; packers buying good natives largely $12.50, some con fidently held higher; cull natives mostly $9; fat sheep slow, steady; bulk fat ewes, $4 7; breeding ewes dull, generally lower; feeders quiet. OFFICE CAT $7.90 light, hows sows , $7.60 west-sales Grain at San l Vnnclsoo. SAX FRANCISCO, Sept. 2. Wheat Milling, $1.801.85; feed, $1.80 1.85. Parley Feed, $1.15 1.20. shipping. $1.25 1.35. i Corn White Egyptian, normal. Hay Wheat, $15 17; fair. $13 It 15; tnme onts, $141; wild oats, $10 12; alfalfa, $1315; stock, $!W11; straw, nominal. !l BY JUNIUS L CHICAGO, Sept. 2. Primary re ceipts Wheat 1,064,000. bushels against 2,462,000 bushels; corn 1,053, 000 bushels .against, 1,265.000 bushels; oats, 635,000 "bushelV against 690,000 bushels. Shipments-Wheat, 1,420,000 bush els against 1,195,000 bushels; corn 754,000 bushels against 1,766,000 bURhels; oats, 485,000 bushels against 595,000 bushels. Clearances Wheat, 2,123.000 bush els, flour, 78,000 ibarrels;' corn. 368, 000 bushels; oats, 261,000 bushels; rye, 463,000 bushels; barley, 96,000 bush Xo. 1 northern, $1.02; Xo. 2, $1.01; Xo. 3, 98c; Xo.'4, 88c; Xo. 5, 80 l-2c; Xo. 6, 70c; feed. 60c; track, 98l-2c. Futures Ootoher. 96 l-2c; Decem ber, 1'G 1-ic; May, $1.00 3-S. Discontent. All progress comes from discontent. The man who can find no fault with himself, who feels that he has never done anything he need regret, cannot advance himself greatly. "I know a man who stayed at home with his wife for 30 years." "Ah that was true love!'' "Xo it was paralysis.' ' There is nothing so funny as the old ak whining for light wines and beer. Modern Motor Mottoes. Still motors run sweet. Home is where the car is. While there's gas there's hope. Petter to be slow than sorry. Py the time the ffneek inherit the earth, the inheritance tax will have been repealed. J Kansas City Grain Futures. KAXSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 2. Wheat September 94c; December, 94 3-4c; May, 99 3-4c. Com September. 51 7-8c; Decem ber; 60 3-4c; May, $54 6-8c. Winnipeg Wheat Market. WINNIPEG.lScpt. 2. Cash wheat- Seattle firaln Market. SEATTLE, Sept. 2. Whent Hard white, soft white, western white, hard red winter, $1.08; . soft red winter, $1.05; northern spring, $L06; west ern red, $1.02; big Bend bluestem, $1.20. - Fed and hay unchanged. CATARRH Catarrh Is a Local dlaease greatly In fluenced by Constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which gives Quick Relief by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces and assists in ridding your System of Catarrh. Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. 10 Per Cent Off AH Work ,' During Aug., -St-pt., Oct. POST CARDS, KODAK FIXISIIIXG t Enlargement Free With Dozen Photographs. 1 enlargement free with every 5 dozen lot of kodak finishing. 1 enlargement free with every 2 dozen. IIOWMAX STUDIO Open Evenings T. C. TOOTH PASTE Hold CAPE MAY, X. J., Sept. 2. Xorth Wlldwood, X. J., lust its town hall, its council chamber, its city Jail and its one prisoner in one disastrous blaze. The city's one guest, left to his own devices, went to sleep holding a light ed cigarette and WiMwond's one pub lic building burned to tile ground with a loss of $3,000. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS TOM IS QUITE A HELP. .TOM. TARE'S 'A MILLER ICATCH HIM QUICK . WEIL HAVE MOTHS f By Allman 3 Heat I THE CURLING IRON FOR BOBBED HAIR Saves Hair Dressers' bills. Two years of Guaranteed Service for $3.50 . L. VAUGHAN Electrical Supplies FjrCOME, YOO: i;nT.sM DANCE To all who enjoy, a good sociable evening of dancing may find same at the regular Saturday night Club Dance. At Union Hall PAY ANTS ORCHESTRA Admission 75c Lady Free bWtTRlCKEV G'JN 'EH? f f Voo'RE A vll V .TlilMK VOO'J-U FOOL fJK WONDER -VOO OUGHT T Xf . ''J OHEOOPV- Jit rV r TO GET A JOB CHASING j N l! X GETVOONTTORKV' ) .. ( FLIES IM THE CHINA )' " S y NAME ISWrpoFF y I DEPARTMEMT OF 50ME yTUtRE HE IS V fH 4 i A ; ! A Bargains IN. WINONA WAGON $142.00 5 4 IN. WINONA WAGON $157J0 4 3 .1 3 i IN. WINONA WAGON $170.00 t 18 OR 20 HOE SUPERIOR GRAIN 5 DRILLS $130.00 4 c : c t- : :ti . rA jo iiu oucicss raiiiiiuj; iiiuis viiiii Floor Elevator $93. The Above Prices Subject to Stock on Hand. Sturgis & Storie QfoHOOVER A It BEATS. . . a It Sweep aa it Cleaat Y. ., , , , ii i i ir tdi iii mil' w liimiiiiii'lkuw m ii.mj