1 ! 1 -.-'' 4.C-V FADE SIS DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 8, 1922. TEN PAGES i) " : ' ""lllf ' Social and Chi b News j MRS. FBniNGEH RETURNS. ,. . Mrs. George Perlnger returned,thls j morning from Portland and Seaside, j in Portland she visited her daughter, Mrs. John M. Dolph. Mrs. Periiiger Is at her residence on Lewis street but will within the next few weeks make her home at 909 Thompson. RETURN FROM MOUNTAIN'S Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Long, daughter Kadinc, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dick, of Pilot Rock, have returned after a ten days' outing in the Green Moun tains. ' They brought with them twenty-five gallons of huckleberries. LEAVING FOR SEASIDH Judge and Mrs. Gilbert "V. Phelps and daughters, Miss Margaret Phelps and Miss Genevieve Phelps, and Judge and Mrs. Charles H. Marsh will leavo tomorrow by motor for seasido, for a visit to the Phelps' cottage. LEAVE FOR OUTING Mrs. Harold Warner, Mrs. R. E. Chloupek, Mrs. Nona LaFontaine and Miss Edna Thompson left today for Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Parker's summer cotlaee at Cabbage Hill, for a three days' outing. RETURN FROM BINGHAM. Mrs. Will M. Peterson and chldlren have returned from Bingham Springs where they have enjoyed a five weeks' outing. IS AT ECHO Mrs. Frederick Earl lift today by motor for Echo where she will spend a day at the homoof her mother. LEAVING FOR PORTLAND Mr. and Mrs. James Hartnett and children will leave tonight for a sever al months' visit In Portland. . MRS. HILL RETURNS Mrs. David H. Hill returned today from Seaside, where she has enjoyed an extended sojourn. AEROSURFING HAWAII'S MOST EXCITING SPORT AMERICAN BUSINESS IN GERMANY HEALTHY HONOLULU, T. H Aug. P.) Aerosurflng, Hawaii's and most exciting sport, was inaugu rated here In the ocean off the army air station at the Pearl Harbor navy yard by leading exponents of surfing and aviators in army flying boats. The new sport Is a combination of surf-boarding and aviation. The boards were tnwed by the airplanes, the riders standing on the boards and clinging to a single otrand of rops while the planes charged through the water at a speed of 45 miles an hour. Many upsets marked the experi ment, most of the spills occurring after the flying boat had attained Its fullest speed and when clouds of spray raised by the boats blinded the riders on tho bfiard. Lieutenant R. C. Klrkpatrick, ail- service. U. S. A., and a pilot on the New York to .Alaska flight, piloted the flying boats. Sam and David Ka hanamoku, brothers of Duke Kahuna moku, thiv noted Hawaiian swimmer and considered the, most export ma nipulators of surf-boards In the is lands, were among the riders. BERLIN, Aug. ,. (A- 1'.) A membership mark qf 2,000 is rapidly being approached b the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany, us compared with a maximum en rollment of 850 before the war. The chamber was established In 1903 for the purpose of promoting trade re lations between the United States land Germany, and especially the S- (A. j promotion of American foreign trade, newesti 1.'nr th nast four or five month it is officially stated, more than 100 applications' for membership ' have been laid before the board of direc- tors at each of its monthly meet ings. The constitution of the cham ber provides for two classes of mem bership, active and associate. The former includes the right to vote and hold office and is limited to Amer ican citizens; the latter Is open to all non-American nationalities. The status of membership on June 12 showed 509 active and 1,041 as sociato members, the latter compris ing exclusive life and honorary members. IN OUR NEW LOCATION AUGUST CLEARANCE - : '.' of ' . Slimmer Apparel NOW ON! Prices Greatly Reduced. HOPF'S Formerly the Thomas Shop CANAL ZONE GIRLS ON WAY TO PARIS GAMES f KEITH'S FINE BOX STATIONERY 8 COLORS ARE SPECIAL SALE OF PINK BUFF WHITE BLUE ORCHID AT THE SPECIAL PRICE ' - 2 BOXES FOR 75c . THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE "Try the drug tore firt" Phone 520 Pendleton, Oregon We give S. & II. Green Stamps. CHRISTOIIAL. Canal v.rw. Air,', fi (A. P.)--A croup of g it at'ile.c from the Ca,nal Zone Is noirea 1' . w:i, to Paris for the internatioi) Women' Games which open on that .city Au gust 20. The young women are giv ing exhibition games at:,Hnyana vand Bermuda, and in Spain oiifthc way over.' After the games they will' tour rfJormiiny, . England and Sootlind and then come" W New . York .about the middle df Septi.'mber. It Is planned to have them zvpear In New York, Boston and Philadelphia. The Canal Zone team consists of fona Hathbone, Esther Greene, Mrs. Q. IL Bath. Mrs. J. L."Greene accom panies the team as chaperone, and Homer Baker, physical director In the Canal Zone, will, manage and coach the team. , MIhs Rnlhbono has a record of 15 4-5 seconds for the 100-yard hur dles, and also does exceptionally well with tho Javelin and In the standing broad Jump. Miss Greene has a rec ord of 12 2-5 seconds for tho IttO-yard dash; 45 seconds for the 300-meter run and 4 ft. 1 in. in the running high Jump. Mrs. Bath's best perform ance for the shot put, 8 pounds with rlsht and left hand, is 55 feet, 3 Inch es. She is incidentally the bowling champion and the champion sharp shooter of the Isthmus. Quality Drinks Creme de Menthe, bottle . .11. ...... .'....$1.00 Port, bottle $1-00 Grenedane Syrup, bottle $1.75 Yerba-Vin, bottle $3.00 Cliquot Club, bottle ............:.:....A.....f ..25c Budweiser, bottle !fr:.r. 25c Lime Juice, bottle 90c Sparkling Catawaba, bottle 70c Loganberry Juice, bottle ... ....50c Grape Juice, bottle 15c to 75c Apple Cider, bottle 50c Virginia Dare, bottle $1.00 Pinebrosia, bottle .' h.: 50c 3am-o Grape, bottle .V 30c "Largest and most complete stock, of High Grade Groceries in Eastern Oregon. Let us supply you. MAILORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION Gray Bros. Grocery Go.' Three Phones 28. Only One Quality, the Best WHOLE HARD GRAIN TO NOSED WEEVIL flOM IDEAS E DEMONSTRATION FOR .HOUSEWIVES CUPID WINS FINE- PAROLE FOR SPEEDER WICHITA, Kan., Aug. 8. (I. N.'S.l The cards wore stacked for Glenn Davis of Columbia, Mo. It. Just couldn't be possible that his wedding iay would bp marred by a $10 fine tor speeding. Davis npeared In police court be fore the Judge. He admitted his car bad been clipping it off at a swift pace. "Judge, I urn going to be married In thirty minutes," the swain pleaded. "Can't you grant me a parole from the f 10 fine?" Davis was dismissed with Ing. "But 'or there.-' he said to the Judge. Aj would like to have you at tend Die ceremonies." Miss Mathilde Campbell, of this city. Is now Mrs. Glenn Davis. ' a warn- KKAITY TRA.SI'i:iS Lionel K. lliirthrong to James I, Phillips $1. Lot 8, .block 6, Licr- mores add. Pendleton. Louisa J. Pierce to Geo. J. Maes trettl. $1. SB. 1-4 BV. 3-4 Sec. 36. Tp. tl, N. It. 85. . Danna J. Waffle to D. U. Wafflo. t. Lot 10 In block ' 5, I.ivurmoie's addition to Pendleton. Trajan Tucker to W. S. Ferguson $3000. Lots 7and 8, Sec. 24, Tp 3. N. R. 35. Nels C. Nelson to A. A. Cole 1400. NR. 1-4 HIS. 1-4'and R 1-3 SE. 1-4 Sec. 11, Tp. 4. H. R. 30. E. W If. ' Standard control measures advo cated for other Insect pests of stored grain, such as tho cleansing of bins, granaries, ship-holds, or grain-bag, the application of heat or fumigation, should be used as remedies against the broad-nosed grain weevil, which is now wide-spread over Florida and has been reported from Georgia and South Carolina. . The damage caused by the broad nosed grain weevil Is more than has generally been supposed, acoording to Department Bulletin 1085. Broad-nos ed Grain Weevil, by Richard T. Cot ton,, scientific assistant. Bureau of Entomology, recently issued by the Unltod States department of agricul-. ture. . This bulletin describes the origin an deconomlc history of the broad nosed grain weevil. This weevil breeds in corn, chick-peas,' millets acorns, and avocado seeds, and oc casionally in tho roots of the dasheen and in sweet potatoes. The adult weevil feeds readily on wheat, barley, wheat flour, ginger, macaroni, and chayotes. Whole grain or seed of medium hardness is immune from its attacks unless its associate, the com mon rice, weevil, has made entrance to the softer parts of the grain easy for it. Cracked, damaged, or soft seed is quickly infested by tho broad-nosed grain weevil. . The bulletin includes a'technical de scriptlon of the life history and habits of the weevil in all its stages. It is available upon application td the Unit ed States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Soft Gingerbread. 2 eggs. cup brown sugar. 1-2 cip Karo or sugar. 1-3 'Cup Mazola. or fat. 3-1 -cup sour milk.- 1 teaspoon baking soda. 1 teaspoon 'baking powder. '1-2 teaspoon salt. 2 cups ftour. 1 teaspoon ginger. 2 tablespoons cocoa. 1 cup raisins, , Sift dry inghedients. Add ralsina nd stir. Mix sugar and fat and sour milk. (. Drop un- ' 'beaten eggs into dry Ingredients, add liquids and stir well. Bake in slow oven about 45 minutes. 4 ; The satisfaction in a ton of Castle Gate Goal can be measured by the ever in creasing demand. A real Coal that meets your re B.L. Burroughs, Inc. Fone Five For Fuel ; . ". " -''i.-'-t. ' '' ' ui'iimm'tttT '''4i By HEDDA HOTT (Written for the United PreM) FAKE MASTERPiECES ONE KILLED IN FOHT .MAI', W. Va.. Aug. s. (I. N. S. ) ,-Ono was killed und two seriously injured in an election brawl at Webb, W. Va., eighteen miles south of here. Waller Copley, republican nominee for prosecuting attorney was shot to deuth and Lee Curry and Rube Wal lace,, election officers, wounded. SIX MILLION S. P. FOLDERS BOOST WEST BARGAINS 1 Lbs. String: Beans 2,"c 5 Lbs. Fresh Tomatoes 2."c 10 Lbs. Dry Onions 2."c Quart Strained Honey 55c Comb Honey 22c 2 Cans Tomatoes ". 35c Golden Marshmallow Syrup, pal $1.33 Golden Marshmallow Syrup, i jrL "Oc Golden Marshmallow Syrup, pal 35c Tea Garden Syrup, 1 pal $1.35 Tea Garden Syrup, i pal 70c THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE 739 Mail Street Pbon 187 CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor. Creamery Butter Pound 50c VAUGHT'S GROCERY Phone 141 The Southern Pacific company in 1921 distributed throughout tho Uni ted States and L'ur'opo 6.200,000 fold ers, maps, pamphlets and other pieces of literature advertising the scenic, hiidustrial and agricultural resources of the. states which Its lines traverse according to Clias. S. Fee, passenger traffic manager. This is but one phase, of advertis ing uctlvity carried on by tc rail road aud followed up by personal - 1-st; met I 1 1 soliciatiun through Southern Pacific whereabouts of the suspected representatives everywhere. tory" remains a mystery. PARIS, Aug. 8. A ' mysterious hidden studio which, is, In reality a veritable factory for turnin? out counterfeit masterpieces, is the ob ject of search by prefecture detec tives. This factory is somcwhefe In the Latin quarter. There poor students and starving artists. It is believed are paid too tempting wages for copying the works of great painters, tne originals of which would com mand huge prices. These copies are men sold at auctions either deliber ately in place of the origlna'., which u in u private collection, or as a 'newly discovered" work of the master. Discovery of such "art treasures' on the market has led to the be lief in the existence of this "master piece factory," and to the combine or me iatin quarter by the police in search of it. . in particular, spurious works of modern ' painters of note have been detected, a variation of the old game or counterfeiting the older masterpieces. All of the counter- felts uncovered so far have been "5" wini me painters name, cieveriy lorged. i nomas ivnock, an American art connoisseur, wsstho first to put the ponce on tne track of the swindlers. rvnocK recently paid 300.000 francs for a collection of 107 nietures Out of this. -group of pictures an expert picked- forty-three ' counter feits. Among them were works by cozanne, Pissaro, llatisse, Renols. eisiejv bautln?and Signac. repre senting for the most part a popular modern school of painting, the works or which bring high prices, A celebrated art critic whose name was not permitted tp be published was another victim of the "factory." Police plan, they say. to investi gate every art dealer, and many of the studios, on the left side of the Seine. Already, they say. thev have discovered a group of bad imitations of works- of Curr:ere. But the 'fac- Hot Weather Underwear NEED t'vHHl broad iteourac-s riiKvMion ami brinss a lot i'f tmint satisfaction in to tin home. Keep the name of our l-rvad on the f your Vmtfuo. Pendleton Baking Co. 1 , NEW YORK, Aug. 8. (U. - P.5 The woman who permits herself to be guided in her dress by others is stlf f ling her imagination. Recently we have been getting away from the herd idea. When a style promises to be come a "season's" srake," we shrink from it as we would the mumps. This spirit has forced the manufac turers to use their imagination. They are no longer able to sell dozens of gowns of the same character. The small town merchant often re fllRPH tO nurchase more than one gown of a kind and in consequence the women of the small towns are as well groomed as their Fifth, avenue sisters. - " . '' The country girl with the funny clothes, pulled back hair and clumsy shoes can only be found in the cheap vaudeville acts.- The gingham bolt idea, where the whole family utilized the same bolt, no longer appeals to her. In a word, she has used her Im agination and has made herself as ap pearing and as attractive as possible. If a Fashion writer says that polka dots are the vogue, study the effect, of the polka dots upon yourself oefnro accepting the verdict as applying to you. An "extremely large woman in a gown that is covered with polka dots will look somewhat like an elephant with the hives. A slender girlish fig ure may appear entirely winsome in that same gown. This winter promises that the wide, flat hats are to be with us again. Un less you are of medium height' don't be guided by this announcement. Wear tho things that are best suited to your physical self and that strike a spark in your lmagiration. At a recent benefit staged on Long Island by the theatrical people of New York, a gathering where many of our best families sought to outshine each other, there was one young girl who attracted more attention than any one else of her age. There were flappers galore, in sleveless beaded gowns, bobbd heads and silver footgear. Beauties among them. But the girl to whom all eyes turn ed was a wholesome young thing with a wealth of blond hair coiled low at the nape of her neck, who was gown ed in a simple, childish-looking white organdy, with' little purfed sleeves. And horror upon horror, she had cho sen a pink sash aud wore a wreath of forgetmenots in her hair. She was the living recollection of that sweet girlhood that seams forever gone. She was an "individual, it wis plain to see that it was not affecta tion with her. She had chosen a gown I FLY.TOX The foremost Scientific Institute of the world perfected this product to kill Flies, Mosquitoes, Bed Bugi, Cock roaches, etc. No dust and harmless to people. Sold by all dealers. De mand FLiY-TOX, refuse substitutes." Yakima Rex Spray Company Y'akinui.j Washington, distributors. , that appealed to. her simple Imagina tion and had made herself a thing of beauty. There is one friend with whom a woman is always on good speaking terms. A friend who never fibs to her her mirror. V Pimples Young Keep They Mako Women, Too, a Puzzle! How S. S. S. Stops Skin Eruption Positively. . Pimples and skin eruptions have a price, you pay for every pustule, black-head and pimple on your face. Plmnles produce prejudice and prevent prosperity. Your heart may be gd. S. S. 8. Will-Kid Tou of the Crashing Sim ple-Calamity. )$ OV .Mil Mm-'- who wants to Kiss erilntlnnn? Pimply men don't look like the -owners of anything. Pimply women, too, are puzzles, with no prospects and . no power. Young men and Women, here's the positive Way out. Physics and purgatlveB will fall. What you need is a scientific! blood-cleanser. B. S. 8, Is one of the most powerful destroyers of blood Impurities. You can prove this in a short time, , 5 S. S. has been tiassed on by a Jury of millions of peo. Vie just like yourself. It is considered one of the most powerful vegetable blood-purifiers and .flesh-builders In existence. That's why you hear-of so many underweight people putting on loot flesh in a hurry, why you hear of so " many rheumatics being freed from this scourge, with 8. 8. S. Start today with R. S. 8. and see your face clear and your skin get ruddier, your flesh firmer. It will give you a boost In your career.' 8. S. 8. is sold at all drug e'ores, in two slses. The larger size is the more economical. . ' CHIROPODIST , ' ' AND -,V FOOT SPECIALIST ; - Dr. O. O. Fletcher, Jr. Instant relief to Corns, Callouses, Bunions, In grown Nails, etc., in a few minutes of painless, treatment Fees moderate. Call 781-R for appointment in vour home at anv hriur. 5 Tb costume slip la tb latest ecMlitoa dot w.-atbu knrrte. It ern with pair of step-ins snd either with or LLv4 a tauiisr. Psacee and fhitt silks arc the autertals trrC 12 I? 4 Actually it costs less to own a Hugro than not to t OWn One. "For this pffinionr rlnnnor envoo tt,Q U money you now spend in having your carpets 5 cleaned. It eliminates the need or lowers the cost t of much household help. As it scatters no dust to . 5 soil curtains or walls, it makes less frequent those bills for laundering and redecorating. Even of B more importance is the sparing of vour rugs from ' S avoidable wear. By its exclusive ability to gently f beat out all nap-wearing, embedded grit as it elec- 5 tncally sweeps and cleans by suction. The Hugro j will pay for itself over and over in the prolonged f. me and beauty of your floor coverings. ' j Crawford Furniture Co. Your Credit is Good. t Toar Old Furniture Tikrn m r.rk.. t tj. v. i.v