TEN PAGES DAILY EAST.OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 28, 1922. PAGE JIVE 1 I PeopleHere and There f p - - :ry. ' ' x - - 1 : ! ' " ' " S. D. Sanderson, publisher of the i country who are greatly interested in Freewater Times, was a visitor in Pen dleton todav. "Do you know where fl fellow might get a canload ot fcarves". hands?" qtier.ed Henry Parrett of Athena, who was a. i',-iidpton visitor today. "Parm'-rs no nctiv Athena,' could, use nbout that many, I think. My outfit has been short ever since we started, and a number of my neighbors also need helpf The tourists don't stay very Ions. As soon as they make enough to buy gas to the next station they are usually ready to quit." Crops in the vicinity " of .. Xampe, Idaho, are looking good, and prospects ior oetier prices are strong this year,! is tne report brought to Pendleton bv Thomas Hill, who with Mrs. Hill is a guest here at the home of his broth ers. James Hill and Dr. David B. Hill. Hay is in much keenor demand that it was last' year, he. says. Mr. Hill in in the sheep business. He reports there are a lot of men in the Namp&! polo. He is one of the "bugs," and expects to start risking his neck in the game as soon as he can find suit able horses to make up a string. T. C. Newsome of Arlington is in Pendleton today. He and W. U Cum mins are the proprietors of a fine new garage in Arlington. The-, building is at the lower end of Main street near the Columbia and attracts much fav orable comment from tourists. Both the owners of the building formerly lived in Pendleton. . , News Notes of Pendleton Harvesting Finished - Henry Struve finished the harvest ing yesterday of his 640 acre ranch in the west end of the county. This is the first wh?at grower to report the completion of harvesting. The other day a pair of boys named Henry Taylor and J. W. Maloney slip ped quietly out of town. They were .garbed in their old clothes and refused to talk for publication about their destination. They are back now and still refuse to talk, but it has become, known thatvthey went after huckle berries. They didn't get many. "But we had a lot of fun camping," Mr. Taylor says. . , Brothers Are Held U C. MUler and Earl Miller are held by the sheriff's office as a result 1 of charges preferred against them for the alleged theft of some gasoline at Rieth. The arrest was made yoster, day. ' . : , ... . Saturday specials - 16 OUNCES TO THE POUND r Round Steak ....'.' ........ ....... 25c - Shoulder Steak ...r. '.... 20c Sirloin Steak : "... :. 25c F-Bone Steak 28c , Rib, Steak ; y..28c , Fancy Veal, Pork and Mutton, larjjre fat Roasting Hens; and Milk Fed Frys. ' , u Fresh ranch eggs, new potatoes and string beans from our ranch. . - " ; ,. , Melons ami canteloupes, ice cold. . Clover Leaf Dairy and Market Phone 55 ,t 521 Main St, Yours for better meat and dairy products. Says Show Is Kme ' , , I hat the Frontier Days show at Cheyenne is a huge success this year is the statement made by H. W. Col lins in a telegram which he has sent to Judge c.-H. Marsh. The steer roping and hulldogging is particularly good and the attendance is exceUent. ac cording to the message1.' He reports that the Pendleton men in attend ance at the show are having a fine time. HEALTH IN OLD AGE KTOOPE FACES (Continued from page 1.) When one grows old the diges tive organs lack vitality, the H: blood is thinned, appetite fails and the general health may suffer. Tanlac, the pow- , erful reconstructive tonic and system purifier, is the ideal medicine for old folks. " It creates an appetite by strength . ening digestion through its natural influence, then the whole system is toned up and old folks ' may enjoy prime health. Tanlac U sold by atl good druggists JW. My SPECIAL I Tea Pots : M , 85c ' I I t- i orders. The marks fluctuations meant ao'ast export" of German capital and for " that and other rea sons Germany Is beginning to be gripped by what promises to become an extreme credit stringency. The lack of credit with which to carry on domestic business will immediate ly cause unemployment, whicti means disorder under food conditi ons now existing in Germany, and disorders among the sixty millions of persons in the center of Knrope means contagious consequences. 0 (6 : INVEST 50 CENTS IN: e -... X-i , . .. J- . ... .w r Wetk's Red Oil Soap . - ' '1t' Utstiiig Quality Spells Economy." You will be surprjsed-r- -." , f :, ; '.' ' j Howi excellently Rod7 Oil Soap work'a in hardost water; "' How long Hl Oil Soap lasts; ' " : How thuch work HeI Oil Soap does; -, How pleasant Red Oil Soap is to use; ' " How Bed Oil Soap may be used for any purpose. WERK'S RED OIL SOAP . " .. will rise in your esteem as -you become better acquainted with its merits. , WEEK'S I5FJ Olt SOAP nuit oilier U'ERK PROIH'CTS I'ov will'. By ! - .Alexanders , Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Pendleton The Pure Food Grocery . -Athena ' - -Earl C. Brownell Umatilla ASK YOUR NAYBUR rrsriERMEV are nopEFwcrii ASTORIA, July 28. With the purse seine inenaca disposed of and n change in the tides now due, fisher men ot the lower Columbia are more hopeful of securing better catches. It is estimated that 60 per cent of the entire pack of last year was caught by purse seiners operating! off the Co lumbia river, and fishermen conclude that a larger catch by the glllnetters will be'the result of a ban placed upon the purse seiners. " The action of the' federal court in regard to the "black feet" .caused a change Jn the spirit of- the glllnetters. Many ot them were preparing to dis pose of their gear and quit the busi ness, but they have decided to remain during the rest of the jseason. The launch Phpenix will remain on duty to see that none of the .illegal craft operates inside- the three-mile limit, and will make regular trips out side to keep an eye on the fleet. - In the opinion of those connected with the fishing industry, the purse seiners cannot oprate profitably outside the three-mile limit. SALT LAKE CITY TOLD r JGEIAN MONARCHISTS OF THE ROUND-UPj PLOT DEATH OF PREMIER Plain Jblack earthenware most attractive shape. teapots in a This is undoubtedly one of the best spec ials that we have been able to offer you. -ueujeler Hendlflton , Th Largest TMamnml Dealers n Kantern Oregon 1 WHALES ARE XUSrPROl'S ABERDEEN, Wash., July 28. Seventy-three whales have been land ed this season at the Pacific American Whaling company's Bay City plant. The catch is larger than the average for this period of the season, but a little smaller than the cr.tch in 1920, the banner year, for the Bay City plant. This season was five weeks late in opening and much foggy weather has been encountered. Weather conditions, howover, are now Ideal, with whales .plentiful. It in ex pected the number taken will be larg er than in 1920. THE GREEN GROCERY BREAD BOX Full of Fancy Crackers 'For $1.60 " GRANDMA'S CAKES Fresh Friday ' f 25c Each ; Fresh Cream, " Milk iuuL Whipping Cream We Sell Lard, Ba- eon, Hams Lunch Meats DONT FORGET LEMONS FRUITS A1TD VEGETABLES Peaches Pears Apricots Plums - Eating Apples Canteloupes Watermelons Cherries Raspberries Loganberries Strawberries Blackberries Dewberries Cooking Apples Green Corn "Green Beans Ripe Tomatoes Head Lettuce Squash Cucumbers Carrots Beets Rhubarb New Potatoees Peppers ' Cabbage Celery Onions NEW SHIPMENT j Fancy and Plain Cookies, and cakes. ATLANTIC , AFTERDINNER - MINTS. Orange, ; Wintergreen and Pepperniint flavors Pound "50c ' Fresh Cream - Cheese -' 35c Pound IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST 8! S Scores of business men in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Salt Lake City, Utah, and hundreds of tourists in the. Colorado and l?tah territory have heard the story of. the Pendleton Round-Up and have received' an Invi tation to attend, during the past week, as a part of the 5000 mile publicity campaign which is brlnfr conducted this summer by Art Itndd. Since the beginning of the ' tour, .July 10, publicity matter has boon lefi. in a score or more auto camps. In two state capitols, in half a' hundred of the biggest tourist hotels of the west, including the Brown Palace In Den ver, the Broadmore In Colorado Springs, thS Utah and Newhouso In. Salt Lake id The Keed . in Ogden. Kiwanls, Rotary and rrogressivc clubs in several of the larger cities have been reached and . tho faimous Round-Up Invitation extended to the members. Work is being carried on this week in the Idaho country, the main towns to be reached beng I'ocatello, Weiser and Boise. ' - . A feature of the Utah campaign was the circulation of the Kound-Up liter ature among the vlsitors'at the great Mormon Tabernacle lri Salt Ijke and at Saltalr pleasure resort. i President Barnes of the Pikes Peak Rodeo af Colorado Springs, has visited both the Pendleton show and tho Cheyenne attempt and Is quoted in ! one of the Colorado Springs 'papers as sayjng that the Pendleton Round-Up is undoubtedly the best wild west epic he has ever seen, according to a report received at headquarters this morn ing. - PARIS, July 28. (U. P.) The French government has been reliably informed that German monarchists plot to assassinate Premier Poincare, according to the newspaper L'lntran sigaent today. It Is understood the French ambassador to Berlin received the plot report from the police, ; ' KIIKFP PRICES STRONG. ' PORTIAND,' July 2S. (A.- P.) Cntllo and hogs steady, sheep strong, eggs weak and lower, buying price, $20 to $23, selling 21 to-'$29, 'butter unsettled. BRICK CHEESE SWISS CHEESE - PIMENTO CHEESE CHILI CHEESE We slice cheese for sandwiches. LARGE RIPE BANANAS 50c Doz. Ki'PIXT PASSAGE BV AI .I5 WASHINGTON. July 28. Prospect3 for passage of the tariff bill about Au gust 15, were made bright today by announcement from the democratic members of the ' finance committee that they will offer no further or ganized opposition to the bill, which has been before the senate since April 20. , ' ' The democratic members decided in conference to. concentrate their' op position henceforth on attempts to amend the administration provisions of the bill and to' make little resist ance to the other schedules which re main to be considered. There wilt be some amendments ottered to tne wool and silk schedules nnd to the duties on filinrlripu" lifter which nt.tentlon will be alven to amendments to enlarge, the powers of the tariff commission to Kive it power to Investigate tariff conditions and ndjnst rates. Stare Aid For Housing To Be Urged By HENRY WOOD (United Press Staff Corresondent.) ROME, July 2S.. Not at all dlKcour aged by the failure to bring about Eu. ropean reconstruction by means of the Genoa conference. Italy will Im medlntely tackle another world-wide problem via the international congress route. . t ; This time It will be the housing crla's, which, as a result of the war, remains as acute In the western hn isphere as on the B:uropean continent. With an international congress for the economical and co-operative con struction of apartment houses, to be held ot Rome, September 2t to 28, Italy plans to show the rest of the world Just how she has solved the problem herself nnd put the fruits of her experience at tho disposition of others. Own Apartments. The congress will be able to see at Rome whole quarters and suburbs composed exclusively of hugo apart ment houses, covering acres and acres Conroy Gash Grocery Go. BEST HARD WHEAT FLOUR, sack 10 Corn Flakes 10 .Carnation Milk . ... ....... . 20 Crystal White Soap ....... 10 Old Dutch Cleanser 3 Large Pineapple, No. 2 1-2 . . . . . . . ... . . 7 Cans Best Corn . .T .................. . 2 1-2 lbs. Schiling's Best Coffee 4 large cans Medium Red Salmon ........ 16 Rolls Best Crepe Toilet Paper . . . . . . . 10 cans Van Camp's Tomato Soup . . ... . . . Large Dinner Plates, set special Cups and Saucers, special set '. 6 cans No. 2 Van Camps Pork and Beans. . $1.80 $1.00 '$1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.15 $1.25 $J.00 of ground, which have been built, forjnatcd in Italy with oo-operatlvo socie example, by certain co-operative cate gories, such as the state railway em ployes, employes of various ministries, government employes generally, etc. Simultaneously with these work men's suburbs, fhe congress delegates will bo able to see other high grano residential quarters composed of great apartment houseB of the most modern luxury, In which, In turn, every apart ment is owned outright by the tenant. In fact, so successful has this form of building become at Rome tnl oth er Italian cities, that there is practi cally no construction' whatsoever now for renting purposes. ' Houses nve built only for tho actual sale of the apartments to the tenants. While this form of building origl- tlos, it. has become the accepted basii for building for all big construcfio' companies who only linild apartuieFrt houses for the sale of the apart ments. Naturally, this form ot building bast, because of the vast scale on whli h s is prosecuted and the vast amount of capital nceesBnry, only been pof.sihlo In Italy by means of governmental co operation.. ESpecUil building laws, exemption from, taxation for long per rlods, free importation of bulhinj materials anil even financial help is part of the Italian government's coi); trlbution to this .solution of ths crisis. Italy will Insist before the congress on this necessity of government inteit ventlon lu order to provide the worl'l with enough houses wherolii to live. Descent . S-.-'V.t ft r". V. Mf Despain Cash Grocery ; Phone 880 y . . 209 E. Court St. PER POUND 32c Cream t ta PER POUND 32c .Corn Flakes, Krinkles brand... 10c Sardines, 2 cans 15c Peanut Butter, bulk, lb. 18c Salmon, No. 1 cans, flat 23c Eggs, per. dozen 2c Crackers, 5 pound box 70c Toilet Soap, 12 bars 50c Soap, Fels Naplha, 10 bars 85c Soap Chips, 3 pounds 25c Spuds, 8 pounds 25c Peas, 7 cans for $1.00 Corn,' 7 cans i.i.... $1.00 Tomatoes, 7 cans $1.00 Peaches, per can 23c Chocolate, 3 pound can 95c Crackers, regular 35c size . . . : 30c Butter per 2 pound roll 98c Bacon, extra fine, per lb 45c Jelly Glasses, per dozen 50c Palmolive Soap, per bar Sc Cream Oil Soap, per bar 7c Polar White Soap, 25 bars . . . $1.00 Descending from the V iak cf the Kreubrge, lofty mourtaln that towers al-o the upntr P.hine In Swttzrriand. Is mo dujfc ult tht rltmbers fasten roftt to roc 111 to FLOUR UmatHIa Brand Per Sack $1.73 SWIFTS LARD 5- Pound Pail.... $1.00 BOTTLE CAPS 36 Dozen Caps... $1.00 COFFEE M. J. B. Coffee, 3 pounds $1.15 Golden West 3 lbs $1.15 CRYSTAL W. SOAP 20 Bars for $1.00 PALMOLIVE SOAP 14 Bars for $1.00 TEA GARDEN SYRUP Per Gallon ..... $1.35 SWEET PICKLES 1 Gal. Glass Jar $1.78 HEAD RICE 10 Pounds ...... $1.00 MILK All Brands 10 Cans for 9Sc LIBERTY BELL SYRUP Per Gallon...... $1.75 SOUR PICKLES 1 Gal. Glass Jar. $1.3S Urn rj.o II Csmi Vasa 9