DAIT.Y EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 18, 1922. EIGHT PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Spark'tog Foaming Golden Including Pctn&le'cca Prices and Associated Press Keports PAGE EIGHT ' 1 iJiii!lti!liiiifiVLc I 11 i III ft I K e-PICI WS ! N HERE o Demand l'," J'oor Grade Cuttle (From 'the Unison Journal.) Week-end run at .North l'ortlnnd was heavlef'than for several weeks past, 133 -ears cumlng In. Of this number, 5 ears, or 87 cattle, 26 calves, HI hogs, were through stock. Only a few loads of real choice cat tle arrived at the alleys. Cattle mar ket aB a whole was slow, with stcer'j running around 25c lower. Choice calves ore about steady One load of extra fancy calves sent In by J. A, Wilson of Waterman, Or., brought a .premium.'- There Is no demand for i...Ari-i' grade cattle. As the. thin and lialf-fat stock made up the greater portion of the day's rcce:pts, prices on these grades raw?od lower, , . General cattle market range: Choice steers 7.50 W 8.2E Medium to good steers., 6.75ft) 7.60 Fair to medinifi steers., 6.75 ti 6.75 Common to fair steers . . 4.00(f)) 5.75 Choice cows and holfors 6.00 6.50 Medium to good cows and heifers C.;25 6.00 Fii I r to medium cows and heifers 4. CO 6.25 Common to fair cows and heifers 3.508 4.50 fanners '. 2.00 3.50 rsitlls ....... 3.50 4.F.0 Choice feeders 6.00 & 5.60 Fair to good feeders ... 4.00' 6.00 Choice dairy calves . I'lime Iii:!!'. calves . , , Medium liKht calves', Jleavy dully calves . . General tone of tlu1 about steady, tVith the feeder pilis, which are quoted 25c higher. Week-end arrivals totaled 1792 head. General hog market range: Prime light ..... i ... . Smooth heavy, 230-300 lbs Smooth, heavy, 300 lbs., up Rough heavy , ' ; B'at pigs Feeder pigs , Stags H.:,l)'i 9.110 i Liberties -Ire S.ooi 8.r,i) . HtroiiK Oil Market. 7.0DW X.oO NEW yOltK. July IS. (A. 1'.)-- o.untv 7.00 Liberties were again the center of lu- liog market Is Merest and strength in yesterday's execution of bond market. Still higher prices of the year were made by the second -I 1-4s at 100.74, the third 4 l-4s at 101.06. International issues were extremely Irregular, mainly as a result of the break In .Mexicans, the 4s losing 2 points and the 5s 1-2 point. Belgian Kh Improved moderately with Vreiich municipal and Copenhagen 5 l-'.'s. Jtuilroad bonds continued to ignore strike conditions, higher quotation tll.uOKt 12.00 . 1O..-j01"11.o.) 9.00 r,v 1 o.;W 8.00S0 10.00 11.S0ttll2.00 12.00r 12.: . ruling with Heading general 4s as fjio 5.00 Cu) 8.00 Little activity was displayed In the sheep and lamb market. Durfnjr the I early trading one load of ewes sold for loutstand'nB feature at a gain of 2 3 points. Ki le general lien Issues .''lis $5, which Was steady, but after that sale everything appeared to have . weak undertone. General sheep and lamb '.rade:' Choice spring lambs . . M(v 9.00 Medium spring lambs.. 7.00u 8. On Common spring lambs.. 6.00W 7.00 Cull spring lambs COO to C.oo Heavy yearlings 7.00 fi 8.00 TJght yeurlings 6.00 '(f 7.00 Henvy wethers 5.00 W 6.00 Light wethers 6.00W 7.00 Ewes 2.00 5.00 ITS, ' - I ' J '" ' n THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley , UISMMMN SuePT RIGHT KiS thhouw twb Coc, riant TotlAyfflf ?yW;j-is" j H WHERE ARE YOUR VALUABLES? A Safely lcMslt Kox In our stromc vntill, which is proof HKHliist the elements, liiirglnry ond fire, anil costing only $3,011 a yenr, will safeguard your alu-, antes in every possible way iigillnst loss. Wo Imvo larger Ihivcs fur Uwse who so dcslro at a very nominal cost. The American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon. 33 Yutrs Of Cotttnuous J3nhing. Mr 1. M. Right Let us cxi)lain the plan of "from factory direct to you plan" of selling Rugs, then you'll easily under stand why we give such unusual values for the money. 33 5&1 CRUIKSH1NK & HAMPTON 124-28 E. Webb Thone 54i Tor Old Farnttora Takes la Excbance aa Fart llrwal om Vrm - koatualT Aea aa ieadtwa fur MclHwcaU auicttr ukMl sourl Pacific 6s and Northern Pac ific Gs made substanllal Improvement. Moderate reactions were sustaln'd by Louisville & Xashville 4s, ('hssa- j peaiie at unio convernnio 4 i-4-i, L'nJ timore & Ohio 4s and Central Piic'flc I first 4s. N Toliil sales, par value, aggregated 15. 871,000. The day's few new underwriting in- 'eluded a $2,000,000 province of British l oiumniu 5 per cent offering at u i price lo. yield 5.35 per cent, .ranker are forming a syndicate to hid for MS, 000,000 of Philippine governmen! bonds to be issued as a 4 1-2 per cent i loan. Stock markef iric"' wi 'j-reirlnr-ly 'upward for the mi st ion on n -evy moderate but fairly Iiroi-1 H rn-"T, regardless of Ihe coal c d rn'!-.v'iy strikes and renewed signs of ,"i'-ui(i. tioir' in the oil industry. Western freight Imprnvemonls were variable, but reports from PittHburr: and Youngsloun Indicated that the steel tade was beginning to feel the 'iffecta of the .railway walkout. Addi tional cuts in pr'ces 6f crude products were ttnnouneed from Pennsylvania, mbl-eontincnt and southwestern oil districts. Flimlpments were' the most stable features of tho day, further gross gains of 1 to 2 1-2 points being scor ed by the locomotive group. American Oar, Pressed Steel Cur, Railway Steel Spring and General Klectr'c. Oils furnished the basis of a series of drives against the short interest. Mexican Petroleum replaced Its early heaviness with a brisk recovery nt mid-day and a neat gain of iVj point inn secondary domestic oils were sold In the final hour with Studebnk- er and l.'aldwin and American Loco motives. Foremost features among rails in cluded Canadian Pacific. I'nion Pa cific, Itnck Island and Atchison, where advances of large fractions lo almost 2 points were mude, though not retained, American Can and Indus trial Alcohol run counter to the mod entto reliction before the close, the latter gaining almost 3 polnls. Miscellaneous stocks, notably chain store and mn.'l order Issues, rubber.-', tobaccos, metals and utilities moved within contracted limits, with mixed gains and losses at the end. sjalej amounted to 485,000 shares. , iff sap wpmim h- you, Km? : U Coot, nbvvji 1 Sheep liccclpts, 22,000 head, sheep I about steady; fut enes mostly $6. 50ft) I i 7.50; fat lambs mostly, 25c lower J ' spots oft more; native lambs, $13.50 j ( to city butchers, $13.40 to packer , ,' j cull natives largely $7.50faS; good j ' Idaho feeding lambs, $13; best fat i i Western lambs unsold early. I , OFFICE CAT Seattle ' (ii'Hin .Market I k'kaTTMO. July IS. Wheat. -hard I white, J1.1S; soft while, white club, i hard red winter, northern -irin?, i 1 . 1 6 j soft red winter, $1.15; eastern red Wullu $1.11; big bend blue stem, $1.30. Timothy hay, $25; do V. C. $in; mixed hay, $25; alfalfa hay, $22; do. I). C, $20; barley, whole, ?:17; ground uml rolled, $;i!i; clipped, $,111; chick starter, $00; chop ul lgrain. $12; co coanut meal, $3S; corn, $38; corn, cracked and feed men!, $10; cotton seed meal. $57; linseed meal, $60; scratch food, $4(f; soy bean, $57. i ) BY JUNaT.r-5 Cl'lllM At .Suh-IYiiucInco SAN Fi:AX''IS('l"). July is. Wheal Milling, $1.00 ff 1.92 i ; feed, ? 1.S5 l.HO. llarley Feed, $1.1 7 1.JI; ship ping, $1.51 I.3.". Oats, red, feed. $l.40(f l.Bo. Corn, While Kgyjitlan, $2.12 Vi 2.17 V.-; red inllo, $ l.HOCTl.DB. Hay Wheat, $IRi'17: fair, $i:iW btraw, nominal. ni'cngo li:i'eKt(M'k Market CHICAUO, July 18. (l.'nited State;) lloreau of Agricultural Kcouomics.) Caltlfi, receipts 21,000 head; belter grades corn fed beef steers and butch er she stock steady to strong; bidding 15c lo 25c lower on other grades; few early sales 15c off; early top beef Hirers, $10.05; bulk $ri l0; bulls weak to 15c lower; moist bologna uround $5; veal calves slow, early sales weak to 25c lower; packers bidding mostly $J Tt 9,25; stockers slow, weak. Hnqs Keceljits, 47,000 head, open ed 5c to ue higher; later 1flc lo 15c higher, spuls 20c higher than Satur-1 day's average oil good light and light butchers; others and packing grades low; big puckers bidding lower; few early sales strong lo 15c higher: top,! $10,110; bulk. $S.70(n 10.MI; pigs 15c to t higher; mostly $!i.50ffi l.50; hi'iivvwctght, $10. in iii 10.50; medium. $10. lor,. 10. SO; light. $10. 10r,i 10.no; Unlit light, $ 1 ".25 iii 10.: SO; packing I " 'l l iiluivs sows smooth, $S..15t.l il.25: packing I .ui..mi iii,is. jmy is. neiti ows rough. $7.S5'( S.40; killing PIS'!, I "". ?i..is'a; repiemoer, f i.i i jc- $!.r.t ff 10.50. ceml er, $1.10 7-S. llooray-hooroo! We saw one yes terday. And it was a pretier sight than the first glimpse of a spring robin. Well, well, well! We had no idee we would ever see one agin. We d'dn't see this one very long but we saw It. Then the owner caught our : lartlcd gaze, blushed and scuttled off down Alta street. But we saw an ISA It. a real ear. A irirKs ear and we thought they bad dried up and dlsap j peiu'ed. Rut no, they've got 'em yet and they're commencing to show 'cm I right out in the open. 15; tuine oats. $11 Will; wild onts. $lu ' ',f,'" $13';' 15; stock, $05i 11; ;.a the Dear Girl Is Strictly Platonic. Tiki. (From the Oregon City Enterprise.) FOli KALE A friendly cow, cheaj.. , Otis liatke, Purk'uliiee.' Kmius City (iruin Market KAX.SAS CITY, Mo., July 18. No 2 hard, $1.10. 1.14; No. 2 red, $1.09 (i 1.10 :,. y Corn, Xn. 2 white, 57 !i C'l' 58c; No. 3, white, 57c. Hay unehangwl. Choice alfalfa, $17 11 19: No. 1 priiirie, $13i?f l4: No. 1 timothy, $141i 15; clover, mixed light. $ 1 I '( 1 1.5". M iimcapol's "What." demands the Old Timer," has become of the old-fashioned mar ried couple who used to take their va cations together'.'" Oh, O. T ask us something easy. Kvcry man's wife's relatives expect more of h:m than he expects of him self. wherever good drinks are sold Henry Weinhard Plant Portland, Oregon WluniMg Wheat I'utiires WIXXIPErt, Iuly $1.29 l-S; December, $1.13 July 18. Wheat October, $1.17 1-8 l-S. 00INGS OF THE DUFFS A LITTLE MISUNDERSTANDING. By Allman whatX the dig idea OF Wt.CKING THE v.' t ' i yyN i twt. ' " -i-.pi .mini T , ME. THAT WAV- r-jl lj 1 r I TOLD VOO VI t X -v I I ... V-- - P Llk-.t ! . WASHrNGTON", r. C. Julv IS. The Forest .service of the Unite 1 States Department of Agriculture un nounrcs the sale of 235.000,000 board feet along the upper Sauk River, Sno qualmle National Forest, Washington. Areas adjacent to this tract, which are reserved for future sale, contain ap proximately 1,200.000,000 feet of tim ber. Under the proposed plan of for est management, the average yearly cut will be limited to 40,000,000 board feet. Forty years will be? required to cut out the existing merchantable tim- j ber, by which time the present imma ture timber will be ready. for the ax. Hy the practice of scientific forestry, ( logging operations can thus be, carried I on without end. 1 The foresis of the salts urea consist chiefly of mature Douglas fir, hem- iock, ceaar and white Mr in mixture. The contract price paid for the Um ber, which Is subject to readjustment at three jear Intervals, was $2.75 per 1.000 board feet for cedar, $2 for Douglas fir, and 50 cents for whito fir and hemlock. Tho purchasing company will con struct 9 miles of railroad Ui. haul tho lumber to their sawmill, and will also establish pnrinanent logging com munities on the urea in pluce of tem porary camps. The plan for the management of the 4imber on thin watershed wus reviewed und approved by Secretary of Agriculture AVallace. LISTEN, WHAT TOVO WOO WAS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT- I WAS OVER To 10 BROWN'S BIRTHDAY FARTY AND j IT LASTED A LITTLE LONG - VoO CAM ASK HIM - WEIL. WIT PIDN-TYOOSAY 'oo CAM ASK HIM - r ' . M lL 1 r ft ! wfi.L.W)fy I O &- (fT-v IPIPN-T YOOSAY Jfa V v rl that m The. 0'i vA. f& 'A VELL.THAT'S OVER? WITH -MV WIFE REMINDS ME OF. 4, BASEBALL UMPIRE- SHE NEVER- , BELIEVES I'M SAFE WHEN. I'M OUT- j Imagine a man being ! i j content with an ordinary ! jj shave nowadays i lj when the "Brownie," a genuine I Gillette costs only $1 lj With three fine Gillette Blade. j j, GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. i Borton,US.A. j No blades like I; ' the qenuine ! i Gillette Blades 1 : NS. 6X