THE ONLY SMALL DAILY IN AMERICA CARRYING REGULAR WIRE REPORTS FROM THE ASSOCIATED PR ESS. UNITED PRESS AND THE L N. SL DAILY EDITION j 1 - " ' CELjuuLxjTa- IlZiS mr Vrrw MtsTtK. " ' Jtfnt(. """""m uriatsas.iia.wM, COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER ZX V ks ? ' DAILY EDITION Tba Eut Oraronlan U Eastern Ore- -on' freateat newspaper and a HlU, Ing force ftvea to the advertiser over twice tbe iiuaranteed average paid cir culation In Pendleton and Umatilla county of any other newapaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEB VOL. 84 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 15, 1922. NO. 10,185 SHOPMEN PREPARE GOVERNMENT MA FOR LONG STRUGGLE; YIAKE OVER COAL MINES IK KM FAILS TO FORCE UK JBEMT Emergency Bill May be Passed by Senate if Arbitration Plans Fail is Report. REHEARING OF PORTLAND BASEBALL CASE REFUSED ' BY COMMISSIONER LANDIS CHICAGO, July 15. Judge I-indls, baseball commissioner, denied a petition of the owners of the Portland baseball cHib for a rehearing in tbe ease of Bill Kenworthy, manager of the team. .. Landis previously ' suspended . Klepper, Vice President Brew- sltr, Manager Kenworthy for long terms due to irregularities in Kenworttay's -transfer from the Seattle club, with whom the three were previously connect- ed, to Portland. FREE STATE R S FIRE INTO MOB IN DUBLIN JAIL Ma i I ged 68, .d After 144 ours Hiccoughs FOREST FIRES j MINNEAPOLIS, July .15 ' tl. N. 8.) Hiccoughs lasting six days and nights, ended In the I death of Ccorso MeKeon, tS. j He hiccoughed steadily for 14 4 hours, . COINAGE OF SILVER COAL MINERS MAY BE DRAFTED FOR WORK United Mine Workers Policy Committee Certain to Re- fiAwoenmont Plon PHILADELPHIA, July 15 (A. P.) JCbl WiviiHiiviu orders-to speed up the. coinage ot silver dollars to replace part of the three hundred million sold during the WASHINGTON, July 15. tU.l'.Mwar as bullion-to England, Despite Harding's threat that tnc celved at the Philadelphia mint federal government would seize and operate the mines and railroads should the industrial situation be come sufficiently grave to warrant it, the administration's policy seemed doomed to failure today. The Tjnttefl Aline Workers . policy committee, meeting here, seemed certain to re ject the proposal to arbitrate the coal trike by a commission. An emer ency coal control bill, empowering the president to take over and , op-1 era te the mines until the country si winter needs have been provided foM may be presented to the senate with in a few days. Meanwhile the govern- - , , Othprn Hive Cred nm i. mnrktee.time onR-thret to .v.0" ana UHKSjrs -Jiave wea rm reaeral troops in the rail strike. Only In the most serious iemergon cy possible would the president spou Kor drafting the striking coal miners, , 't vas said at the White House. If ' '.he mines are seized the president in a proclamation probably jtvnuld is sue, "A call to work" to the strikers. virtually directing them to return to the mines. . ' y Troops MohlltaPtl..- ' , C'OLjjMBLIS. July 15. (IT. P.) State troops were mobilized in three Ohio cities today to be ready for In stant movement In case of violence In the railroad shopmen's 'or coal miners strike. .The situation in the railroad and mine strike, which has been growing' , in tensity during the past week, makes mobilization of troofls "'necessary, Governor Davis an nou need. Colls OnblmH Conference. WASHINGTON, July 15. Presi dent Harding called Secretaries Hoo ver, Pavis and Fall Into conference this afternoon. It was believed this Involves a modification of the admin istration "stand pat" policy on set tlement of the coal strike. There is renewed hope a settlement may be effected. Rebels Jailed During Battle j at Dublin, Refused to fO pflP yoey uraers ai mson. AGAIN RAGING SEVERAL WOUNDED BY THE GUARDS i IN NORTHWEST Town of Wyeth on Columbia Highway Threatened by Fire West of Hood River. EIGHT PLANES ORDERED TO EUGENE FOR PATROL PETITION PRIESTS BY CATHOLIC ASKS RIGHT - - ( Fierce Fighting Near Belfast; Killed at is Reported Returns From Block Captains! Timber not All in, But many lane Four Were i Pasteboards for Offerings. Limerick. FUND CITY IS $9 67 . AHEAD DF BUDGET Some Departments Have Defi- f cit and Others Have Cred its; Receipts Below Last Yr. Counting the credits that prevail in some departments against the ovcr dial'ts which have piled up in others and leaving the emergency fund out ! of the column altogetlur, the city of Pendleton is just $9.67 ahead or Its estimated expenditures for the first half of the year. This state of con ditions was found to exist, when the city council last night examined the report of the state of its finance,' submitted by Edwin Winter. There Is an emergency fund ol something more than $7ftn provided for in the budget, but Mayor Hart man last night called attention to the poHt-ibility of this emergency fund ever failing to materialize if re ceipts do not come up to what ie expected of them. For one thing, re- With part'ul returns in from the ticket selling campaign' for the paste boards that will admit Pemlletonians to the Kllison-VVhile Chuutuuuua, present indications are that local people are buying the seasett, ticln-ls liberally. Distribution of tbe tickets to tho block captains was made yesterday and to;hiy, anil an intensive campaign to get these tickets into the hands of in All Parts of Wash ington Menaced by Flames Caused by Dry Weather, j j nuniJN, July 1.1. (l'. P.) Sever al Jailed insurgents wore wounded when guards fired inlo them to quell an incipient rebellion in the. .Mount loy Prison. Ciiinrds first fired over the heads of the prisoners ass a warning. Then u-lieii the reliulliem continued the guards fired a second volley, sightly the public has een carrie-1 on. wnundlnir several men. The prisoners "00 of the tickets are fur sale and had been captured In the recent Duo- I after they are sold, no m.-ire will- be tin revolt. They had refused to obey j available. orders and staged a demonstration. i Wih M attractions on the proit.a.m Town Shelled, j which runs from July 20 to -2''; ill-- P.ELFART, July IB. (I. N. S.) - elusive, and a season's pricie pf .50 Fierce fighting is reported from :t "' tickets, demand for iliem lias counlv of alien. Free Slate troop are 'n keen. There are 100 guartihtnTS OFFERED TO SENATE WASHINGTON. July 15. (t. P.) "che senate agricultural committee tjjfay voted nine to seven to reject Henry Ford's offer for development of the Muscle Shoals nitrate project. Senator JIcNary of Oregon, voted against Ford. Lack of agreement by the majority of the agricultural committee pre vented a majority recommendatory helling C.'nlloony. The dianged-hamls severai times. lmr Killed, 1MTPT.TX, July 15. (f'. IP.) Four were killed and twenty wounaeci in a battle at Limerick between Free State troops.. and republican rebels. The fighting -cont.'nues. , 1HIRTJANH, July 15. (lT. P.) Forest fires spotted the northwest again today as the result of contin ued dry weather.' The fire threatens the town of Wyeth, Ore., and White Sainton, Wash. Timber In aP. parts of western- Washlnngton are menaced by .t hete w Logs ing compa- : ' threatened - in ' the - Grays Harbor county. Wash. A wind shift alone can save Whatcom Falls, near Hel-lingham.- ' The fire is threatening the .town .of Aladdin, north of Spo kane. Fires 'are raging on a three mile .frqn.t east of Kent, Washington, men acing large tracts of .timber. A crew i . - , -. ... .. ,i ,i . ' of. twenty tws. mm nr fiKWtiiiBr'iti : buys fol- Ills own use find rells t.i ills ... ,, " . . ,. i . . . i- i . ... . , . iui i-ue Jirrfl JrugrrHH inroiJKil lliw iriends Just suvn tickets the (, s undernrUHn. . nrm , JrfwlH Kcolmtv supply w II all be Kold . l.eudel,a..s lickets have been placed oil s;,l,,m Um comw,y ,. fl(rUtln(r HU ,,. houses: J. I:. Penney Co.; Thompson 1 Drug Co.; the Peoples Warehouse; i Alexandeia; Pond l i-os.; lOceuior.iy i Di-iig Co.; 'Pullman Drug Co.; the Crescent; Pendleton Drug Co., and THE HAMMER HURDER j Koeppen's Drug Store. I The choie-e of a place for stivtehtii the big tent, to bouse tbe. crowus , which are expected to be prey-nt j'er 'the numbers has not yet been mad'. hut several nva'ilnhto sites 'n -r:ntral jjocations are being e-onsidered. The ! committee expects to secure 'hleh will be easily available lo i ll I new ferocity, in Lincoln creek. A lumber company near Centrnlia re ports a devastating fire In its hold- lings. The Drooler river fire in Sno homish county In the Bloedel-Dono-vuii lumber company timber Is re ported broken out anew. esid'-nts eif the city. LOS AXGKL-KH, July 15. (f. P.) j Police are thoroughly investigating, tbe ei-enls leading up to the bloody ; hianmer murder, when Mrs. Clara Phllllns according to her husband s i vwessimi. killed -Mrs.. Albert Men- WASHINGTON. July 15. (A. P.) Plane's Sent. ( SAN' FJIANC1SCO, July . 15. (A. P.) Six aeroplane's of the ninety first aero souaelron starteel for l!u. p.ace t (,..,., nd:iv to nHrtlnlmile in fliA fnr- est air patrol of Oregon and Wash- TO MARRY IS REPORT ItOilE. July 15. -(I. N. S.) A petition has been addressed lo the Vatican asking for a dispell- sation to relieve the priests of their ecclesiastical oVllgntions of celibacy. It was learned. Indl- cations are, however, the peti- tion will have no results. The Italian newspaper Kpoca declareel the petition was signed by a number of priests, some cnrdinnla. but inquiry at the vat- lean elicited information that the petition was anonymous. with no names to indicate iuu- thorshJp. Officials at the Vatican denlel there is a general desire on the part of priests to marry. The petition stated: "Purity of life, which is the highest aim of tho church, is reached, through free working of man's nnture;' not by coercion or Imposition of lows aga'nst nature." Celibacy on the part- of the Roman Catholic church Is as old as the church Itself. 'FIGHTING FORCE' OF STRIKERS IS 20 Per Cent of Men Will do Picket Duty While Bal ance Will Find Work. MOTOR TRUCK USED TODAY FOR WAILS Tl CONVENTION PIE UP Meeting Will be Held at The Dalles July 27, 28:artd' 29; Auxiliary Will it Changes Act to Wages in Transportation Guarantee Fair to be Proposed. CHICAGO; July 15. (U.P.) Ben Hooper, chairman of the United States railroad labor hoard, contln. tied his . conference with the toadl executives and union heads to effect k strike settlement. Hopes are: slim.' The union' is preparing; for a long drawn out strike. Opinion la ithat either th roads or the unions must relinquish ' tbe uncompromising attitude -before there is any chance for a settlement.; Strike leaders, foreseeing the walk out- tnany ntoirths, (bejraii Hie se-iertlmi of a "fighting forcoj -composed of fifteen to twenty ne' cent of M . . "trlkers who will take charge or .WpeT,. Iplokiutng and other .'such activities. . nr-...rwji-;,.. , - - Thr. will b nssute y;tho Wivw omj .t. THE 1ALLFS, July l-B.-Kllr,''i"t.e,1 M "J"" ,-TR'Wimrtnr tioiis are beginning to pile " MP herele K"t per or"t will take jobs in other for tho fourth annual convention of I'""" ' railroad work. , t'nlon leaders .the Oregon department of tho Amerl- l,,llf've this plan will lessen the chance can Legion which will ho held July violence by having few unemployed . 27, 28 and 29, when 2loO ex,service neal" Hopa which the rallroaels at mim and women are cxpeeited to!mpt to wor) with strikebreakers, gather for the hospitality of Wasco 7"e "nltm will also build up a striker oeucni ,nm. rWrlkers- taking; other employment will be dxneoted t i.. tr'bute one dny'g ry each month to ltr.FF.CT IIAIIDINO celpts from fines are falling down(,iOW8i charging her husband with lin- j considerably over what they were last ! proper relations with the Meadows, year. Taxes are never paid on a lhA woman. Mis. Phillips, arrested in i per cent basis, either, It was stated meson,, will be brought here for ar- i last night, so the city considers Itsell I rai,rnment Monday. Just about as near the "ragged edge" j . as it cares to go. The fire depart ment, street elcpartment, parks- de partment ami cemetery departments each have -overdrafts checked against them. Itesolutions accepting 1he plans and specifications for paving on South Alain street and in the - Happy Canyon districts were passed by the council. The O.-W. U. R. & X. company has agreed to maintain the park op posite their passenger station, on con dition that the city furnish the water for it. In the past the city has main tained the park as well as furnishing water. Councilman -William Dunn of the Parks committee declared last night that Jack Miller, recently custodian at the city camp grounds. Is not o naturalized rltiien. This fact was not know n by the committee, .however, i during the time Miller was in the Tho gi-neral policy 'committee of tbe t'nited Mine Workers voted to day to follow recommendations eif i I 're ident Lewis for rejection of rre-sident Harding's arbitration plan. ington. They will bo Joined by two from Camp Lewis. Seven army aeroplanes sent north ward from Mather Field, Harramrnto, Cal., were to land at Kugcne this af ternoon and be given routes patroll ing the flri'slrleken secAoiiH of the eContlniied on page R. DOGGIE SEEMS TO BE PRETTY MUCH ON THE JOB. county. Himultaneously with the big meet ing, ihe f rst grand nronienadn ef 1m ociete des 40 Hemimes et II cheuvmiv .""Pfoi't the fighting force.- and the second- nnnual convention of j J- Wlk KxptttHI, 'fit the American I virion Aniriiinrv ih NEW YOKK, July 15.- VA. P.l-l.i- ivoman's branch, will he hold. . Tho I pJc!lc"on tl,nt Orable, president forty and eighters will meet . on July of tno brtherhood of maintenance of 26 at an ali-duy, and presumably all-1 way employs would order a strtkeiyof night session. The more sedate con-11 , follr hu'h''il thousand men rf his' ventlon of tho women wtjl open on the "nlon "at ony, hour" wa made' today , inorning of the 27th and adjourn WI11,I"W l'arker, leader of tho few -alurday, the 2dth. f erK e ontrni . mnlptenanc' of : way with The Dalles centrally located for veterans of eastern and western Oregon, a great host of visitors is ex pected here on the morning of the 27th, when the convention will be ipened by Oovernor Ben W. Olcott md other dignitaries. The B9th t. !. Infantrv hand from Vunn.iiivni being turned in favoring! ci ''" P'"!-. Dnl stated. Miller report either the Ford plan or the Norris government operation plan. Two mi nority reports each favoring one of these Muscle Phoals plans will lie of fered instead, putting the decision snarely up to the senate. THE WEATHER FORMER quit of his own volition. There is city ordinance which makes It 1m pemsible for the city to 'employ any except full fle-dised citizens. Miller had his first papers, but his nat'iral I'cter I!e Homo, setton at the ceme tery. Is a naturalized citixen, Mr. j Dunn declareel. R-portent by Major Iee Moorhouso, -eather observer. Maximum, t:. Minimum, &5. Ilarometer, ro.ST. TODAY'S FORECAST Tonight and &uniay fair. 0. i CONSUL JAILED BV MEXICANS NOOAUICS. Ariz.. July li. July 15.j tl. P.I Will am Jenkins, former. I; American consul at Puebla. Mexico. i 'a hose capture by the bandit Ianae-h i-Ilamirex three years ago led to a sharp i exe hange of O'Mtes between Wilson and ; Carranza. has been Jailed hy Mexican t i authorities again. Clashes beween! : Jf'nklni' employes and Aztec inhabi-j 1 tants caueed the arrest. The Mexican arrarian commMon awarded certain ef Je-nkin lands to aboriginal Inhabi-. ''lantM. bett Jenkins aent his employes into the lands, plowed up the Aztec c-oiw. The rult is the Ateca stfll , the lands and Jenkins is In Jail. I i en of Jenkins' employe was killed. and two injured in the cajh whli thA ; Aztecs. I I I 1 '",, - me doggi, . J I ( DoK'T You know iyj I . 6 f . J r-. f w, & a. ,ii .("'. .--I it i- i Li. J master Oenernl Work. Trucks are. to he used between Bedford and fi.-lf. f'lty, Ind.,. between which points -all Itoia will he entertained as no legion convention In Oregon has been enter- ta'niul before, men. 'Ho said the New York: Central men are np In' arms against Orahle'. action In holding off the atrike.- - ' WASHIN-flTOX, July IS. jA. Pl!)-; The Inauguration of the use of motor trucks to transport malls due to in ability of the railroads to move, the Aiall.on account of. the ehnnmen's larracks has accepted an Invitation "' wn" uononncen today by 1'ost to be present throughout the si'Hslon. Hnlles Fost No. lie Is the entertain ment organixntlnn tblK venp md I(m members have announced that the vis-mn" trains have been annulled. v nnniwitiTO.X, July is. (A. P.l Hearings will be held soon h ttia ' The aenral cnnimlt. 'nterstatc commerce committee to inlv tee Is headed by Francis V. Oalloway, ! tlntp a revision, of the transportation distrlit atomey of Wasco county and i" " lra' with the problem dovet lnt Foley Is commander of the post. ore'1 ' the present strike, Chslcnvin The chairman of the various conven-1 '""nuns stated today. The flrsfef. . tlo ncommlttee-s are Fred II. Mc.Voll, fo"' a" Cummins, probably: would publl.lty;; H. K. Itice, decoration; Hi-r'" ' amend the law so aa to guaran- mon Cohen, superintendent. It. M. ' Ia,r "ving wage to the rairload Weber, parade; nnd J. T. Henry, reg. worker. Later, but probably jipt durV , istratlon. . . present atrike, h said, an et- Men from the Willamette valley and I fort would be made' to provide pen- othor western Oregon point who do ""H for violation of the labor board's not eliive through are exnected to mo- (orders. , -. .- , t , . b:iize at Portland on the' 2th and I come through to The lHilli s on a spe. ?lal train. If this train arrives on the evening of the 2th as anticipated. there will be entertainment features! immediately following the arrival ofj ihe visitors. ' Hanfe.rd MacXIder, national com-H mander of the Ijgion has just ac cepted an Invitation to attend the Jnhn lf. Bentley. cefendshtln the Oregon convention. He is expected of Kv,)n Hentley agaltur John here Friday and Saturday, and speelal!M. l!pntley, maa this mornina; grant arrangements have Iwen made to en-a dlvore by Judge O. W 1'helpn In t. rtaln him. A number of members of .circuit court. Tlia (rranti'i ct the his staff will accompany him on the Uccree by Judge Phelps marks th aid trip. ena of a nrief mlofmy meMlon wh(rfc Iocal legionnaire are extending , from the milPrlaBa of special arrangementa have hn made roup,, ,,1Ht .prtng BENTLEY PAYS $1300 " DECREE AND SECURES c,-ru.m rim. a num.Hrn. mem-, Mr , hpp orisin, fntt ' " - ' '," asked :t,K0 .nr,mniir.P. , month ixni igionn.'iires are extending gross alimony. 1190 a I rnonin permanent alimony an I e rte- llhlrel itf lk I iumv A k. - ..... i . , , siw-clal Invitations to nearby poets lotwnd . . turn out en ma for the parade on t ' ... . ' . tbe .9th. wh. it i. iw-d tohsve ,h":i ,n?J. "r"""'0' ,h" "-' ex-service men and women In 1104. I'"? kI"'.!". h" ? ' r eh. .in - " ITiipciiy be the Indians from the Warm Springs rewrvation, mho are rxfeected to par tlcipale. The rade will start nt II o'clock In the i here. Ih la also to render hlra a MU e.f aale for a one-half interest in the jhoiiMekold goods and runteshlnga. 'tt tin return miial - ti em e t 1 morn ng. and . , , ,. i ' . ! , i mander Ijine O.-dell of the Mate de-i ""7 -;-" ""r-i "T , . .... . ... ... ... !her to the sum of l.8i. - iiiiM'iit hub iiiiuunt iiiai ne win; ,, , . . . . with a nans wit ani "cr iiminnliait-I mHOlii.? pla-. frMmnvi!l in mnkinr ft Mron W jhr mith ft .arc del-irat Ion. Ilr fnr 'the h.rff pfnrle croud frrm any en wfi cAmTftfMl him to rH un from hi bd riMTinjr n interval of ilin- wh m rortUnd ta munr fc-r. The dfer'. (fttf'il in hi farm. Mr. Htv ! jrv? 1 Vera old, and -l. nt'rr tras 4K t the time of thfir wwiiH "A ' V. A