DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETOIT, OSEaOW,: THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 13, 1922. . PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIED I For Rent, Etc Classified for Easy Reference, Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found (WANT ADS .'I . ' 1..Y. ,! ' "- a- . ' ; " ' -. : ;" : I I . ..' - CLAS81FIKII AOVlEnTlSIWO ' '. ., , . n'r:s. - ... . . ... : Bet In 8-poini-rtCounuii six ordl- nary h orlp lo lh line... , - Flrt Insertlttli; P-r Iine.:..-......,I10 Bach addition.! "ms:MlIv. in- Insertion, per line .... .06 One ironth. every 9ee. ch Insertion, per line 05 . Blx month contract, every Is- aue, each insertion, per line .04 Twelve mootba' contract, ev cry issue, each inertion. " 'per Jlne 01 Ada not run ,-consecutively, each, lneertion, per line .10 ) No ada taken for leas than 2 .line.. Minimum charge .25 ' NEW PAY FOR sA-LE Small wicker baby. bug By. Vl4 Jane. " r FUR KENT 4 room unfurnished . house. , 2 18 Stonewall Jackson St. . , FOR. RENT One .'and ,two . apartments; "Modern... Phone, room 627-J. 3 WANTED TO RENT Modern 5 room unfurnished house. Phone 238-J. ; 1 : , ; WANTED Middle age widow , der t sires ppsltion i as1 cook through Harvest. No .crank., ; 704 Thompson ' street. . ..' ' LOST On way to Comb's canyon a H sack of sttgilH Finder please notify I. " B. Johnson , and son. Phone i 671-R. Suitable reward, j GENTLEMAN' '-WISHES TO COR- j J respohd'iwltb lady, object' matrl-l 't .uuiiy. v.ai. Hitman gvuu itvttiv, t dress- "6", East Oregonian, FOR ALE-17: acres . close. In, 10 acres a,Ltali'a, 6 acres apples, .7 room hojjse, lavge: dairy-Barn, p'her build ings. Hermiston, Ore., Box 555. ( East Oregonian Spp.'iial BTANFIELD, July i3. A meetT ing was called Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. c. A. Hazen for the purpose of organizing an auxiliary to- the Amedican Legion, the meet lug; was called to order by Mrs. C. W;. Connor. They' then proceeded to thp election of the following officers: President,; Mrs. C. W. Connor; vice- president, Mrs. Sidney Archer; sec retary, Mrs. Chester Dupuls; treasui er " Mrs. Victor Martttff MiKptntn-,' Mrs. J. W. Sturdlvant; historian, Miss Helen Frederlckson. . the next meet ing will be Aug. 11, at the home of Mrs. C. W. Connor. All those that are eUgible are requested to be present. Wliose eligible ,are the mothers, wives and sisters of, ex-service men. k Work on the legion building is be ing rapidly pushed. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hurd of Cor vallls were in town for several days. The Hurds are old time residents of Stanfleld and their many friends were glad to see them. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zurcher re turned home Sunday , from a -weeks visit at Colfax and Lewiston. Mrs. C. W. Connor was shopping in Pendleton Wednesday. , Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith and sons, Mansfield ajid Billy, and daughter Mary left Wednesday for a .motor trip to Kooskia, Idaho, tp visit Mr. Smith's parents. Mrs. J. H. Knight is visiting rela tives in Spokane. Mrs. C. A.. Hazen was a Pendleton visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Ms. R, A. Hollo and family-left Wednesday for Vale, where they will reside in the future.. Mrs. E. S. Severance and daughter Miss Ruth and Florence left Wednes day for a motor trip to Spokane to visit" Mrs. Severance's father, E. P. Ripley. Judge and Mrs. George llocsman of t-'.Viland are spending the week at tha heW of Mr., and Mrs. F. E. Ererett's! Mrs. Rossman is a niece of Mrs. Alexander Ried and a cousin of Mrs. Everett's. -The Standard Oil company of Cal ifornia has brought home the trophy fof the second time In two months. Air. Balslcy, district sales manacer of th Portland flelll. offers a Zerolene, and also a Red Crown silver cup to . - M,1.,n;,.n mdlrlnff tha crrntrHt i ..... ihpir miles S. mnmh in nn these n.. Th,. n,n ha-e the name I of the substation winning them each month enirraved. on them, and If no substation- wins the cup twice during the year it then goes to tHe substa-Jand Count !Em1 Boyt Pratt, te whom fee frckl championship of XajfcTj., Tenlu, Is conceded, .now J4, cla'joing the litis of the' whoie South. 1 eeuria't have more freckles Una I ti Bijre face," he says, t ... . v a w 4 J iv eo. cr y H -'; 7 It Is" ii i 1 imK -l.W.'i M WANTED -LAUNDRESS, COO K5. MAIDS, CLEPKS t BOCK KEEPfPS OFFICE HELP 1 ' ' il' Help! Help! Help! If you're! looking for em ployment o-somebody to fill a position, either do mestic or CQmercial, come to me.' I am in touch with every household and business organization, and ani in a position to find the job for the person and the person for the job. . . ' Look over the want ads in this paper and you'll probably find what" you ,ant if not, let me put in an ad of your own. That's bound to get results! tqjpwr tlon making the greatest percentage of gain for the whole year over their ! sales in 1921. Considering the facv I that there are 68 substations in the Portland field the Stanfield organ-1 ization feel auite proud to have won I the Zerolene cup in May and till Red Crown In June. FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Home, , cheap owner. Close in. Phone SI60, from FOR SALE A six room modern house on North Side. Call 1001 Raley or Phone 1029-W. FOR SALE 480 acres, 3 mile! Irom city limits of Pendleton, 310 acres wheat land, 53 acres alfalfa. Two iwellings, barn, etc., on place; plenty f water. On account of owners health this must be sold in July. Any rea- iomible offer will be accepted. 'I rnns to suit purchaser at 6 est. D. Kemler, 6113 per cent inter-. Raley St., or Funk & McLean, 830 Main, 747 or 83. Phone $500.00 DOWN S acre tract on Hazel St. Fine 7 room house, barn, water system, Some alfalfa. $5500.00 $1000 . 4 room house and 4 Ms Hat End chicken house and some garden. A snap. Sec this. $2000 ' 3 room home Washington St. 2 lots on the corner. $12,500 Fine home on River side drive. Strictly modern, close in. This is a real home 1. W. Dayton Reservation lease, cash rent, 640 acres. 200 acres crop, 300 acres sum berfallow. Mules and equipment Possession now. Reservation lease. 760 acres plow land, half summerfallow. All stock equipment. Possession after har- 750 acre lease near Helix, com pletely equipped, possession after harvest. Summerfallow will be seed ed. 40 acre for sale near Mission. All bottom land and will make nice home. i 20 acres all in fruit at Freewater j on highway. This is a moneymaker. 29 acres fruit, alfalfa, melons. dairy herd, all equipment. Good ' house, fine shade, plenty spring I water. This Is a beautiful place to live and ought to net $5000.00 every i year. I recommend this. . J. C. Snow V17 Main St. Phone S8J FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished j 307 Aura St. Apt. at I FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms, also j garage. 412 Madison St. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Inguire 612 Thompson St. j FOR RENT Furnished apartment i -with hath. Inquire Hi E. Bluff St. ( FOR RENT Modern 5 room bunga j low furniture for sale "14 Jane, iFl iR R EXT Willi iKllll. 4J'-J. 3 room furnished hous CI 10. Muin, phone l"S SX 'AM FOR RENT. Furnished 3 room Jjungalow with bath. Phone 304 R. RENT - Unfurnished apart- metit Phone 874-J or 077-W Matlock Apts. FOR RENT Modern furnished or unfurnished apartment. 617 Thompson. Phone 862. . - , NOTICES Look! Look; Gas 28c per gallon I. B. Johnson & Sons, corner Webb and Garden Sts. TO MRS. CECIL C. CHRYST or any one. knowing Of her whereabouts please "advise F. C. ' Baiter, c-o J. Klemming, N. P. R. R., Missoula, Mont. ' Call for Bids The Board of Directors of School District No. 92, will roceive bids un til August 1 at 5 p. m. for building 2 room and basement, size 27x13 to cluduig partition. R. J. RHODES, Clerk. XOTICK TO CONTRACTORS . Sealed proposals will be received ot the office of W. W. Green, County S'-'hno) superintendent. Court House, Pendleton, Oregon, up until five o' clock P. M., Wednesdy, July 19, 1922, for the erection and comple tion of a one room frame school house to, be built at about thirteen miles south of Nolln, for School Dis-11-1-4 No. 119. ' Plans may be secured at tho above mimed office. Thu School I lioiird reserves the all rlttht to accept any or to reject bids. - .1. K. McCUTCHEON. Chairman School Hoard BRINGING UP FATHER THE. DOCTOR 5NO I M-OIA.O -JHlVtl TO THt RA.CC - - WA.LK tIX MILE EVERY " ENJCjMEHT l THE -rL O.V FPa. ME tEALTH irw - ' - A 6E1T RCAD T rji HUH! RE', ;OT iV J r t f J i HEALTH' . '- V. anothbr thimk rV ' rj r-LJ . j; ," ' ,.'- I THAT HORe. it. ''Vr 'f VrtuL'WW mrr I he. fton'b uX)T! .) ' i-ve cc? To sbSsJI s VSrV ' m -' ' ' I'-'.TRaMr - cwv out- Pi m rji tMBr Lib USED CAR? EXCHANGE FOR SALE Ford, J10U.00, new tires, Just overhauled. Phono 218-J after 6 p. m. f'OK SALE 2 ton Republic truck good condition. Inquire Sail Tul-I lock. Pendleton, Ore. FOR SALE CHEAP or Traao Ford touring car -in good -running order, new tires, tools, chains, etc. Phone 28B-M. WANTED WANTED Sewing and hand work. Phone 1028-J or 120 Lee St. VA NTEDr Woman for general house worli smalt family. Phone 2 38 -W WANTED Experienced cook wants place. 711 Lillclh St.. Mrs. Flora Love. . ". . EXPERIENCED man and wife want employment on ranch. Address "2" this office. WANTED Woman or ' girl to help , with house work and " cooking on ranch. Phone 16F21. WANTED Harvesting, Pendleton vi cinity; have now Junior Gas Helt. Address. Fred tlansen.R. F. D. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper. Apply ' by letter stating experience and wages. Address 4, this office. WANTED Boy for responsible posi tion, must be through - school and wanting to learn business. Address "J"- this office stating age. " ' FOR SALE FOR SALE Box couch. -Apply t'.ils office. I-201 FOR SALE Gas range, chcap--315 W. Alta St. EMPIRE; DAIR Wholesale and re tail. Phone 8F2. FOR SALE Bundle (Wheat hay in ,. shock. Phone 10F4. MEN'S SUITS CLEANED. $1.50 at ItCDD'S. 905 Main St, Phone 685. FOR BALE AH kinds or inaurai.ee . J. H. Xstes, 614 Main St.. Phone $04 FOR SALE Freah Jersey Mich cow Address B. B. Eastridge .ur phone 1155. ' GOOD FURNITURE for sale nt 707 Cosble. Inquire, of Mrs. M. L. Winter. '- -. . " . FOR SALE 10 horses and . three or more sets of harness. Phone 32F2, Athena, Ore. '. . r - .- FOR SALE One 20 ft.IIrri har vester in gooj condition. J; W. De vlnc, Echo, Ore, FOR SALE: 14 ft. Baby Holt Com bine in "good condition. $600.00. In quire 6, this. off Ice. . . r j FOR SALE ,15-27 Case gas tractor and a 26 inch J. I. 'Case separator complete; Address "22" this office. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay de livered to any part of town, auo ear load lotn. Phone 839, Penland Bros. Tranafer. ' , I FOR KALE Complete modern house hold furnishings Including mahog any upright piano In good condition will sell reasonably for cash .It sold this week Mrs. Geo. Pcrringer, 514 Lewis St.. Phone 696-J. ' Z Reg;. TJ. 8. Patent Offlo ' FOR KALE at a pargaTn, several aeU glass jar farm lighting batterlea. oiiuir VVlllard bervica" Station... ..! FOR RALE Self propelled Unit com bine, 16 foot cut, good condition.' Inquire Burton Hutchison, Pilot Rock.-,1 FOR .SALE .One. 20 rc. callforonla Special Gas Harvester, only cut 400 ' acres, been well sheded, paint bright: as new. has -cnwDtuur tongue. a bargain, ,$3(00.00 got It Party has leased his ranch. For more.- Informa tion Phone or write II. C. -n I'ome roy, Wn. . ... nIISCELLANEUUS j - - ' " ""J " Z TTTJ I r" -A"1 pM. , . , vnrd .Mall of I ,n,an Smart Rhnn " 1 - j PUBLIC : STENOGRAI'HER 1L R. I Decker, Dosimin Bids. Phone 84. DONT FORGET. Fun McLean In- : auytMng, 3 Main St Phone 83 FARMERS Independent Elevator and" Warehouse . Co. jG;ist Webb St. On, In storage, cencral feed and flour llr.e. . GOOD RICH MILK delivered each evening to any part of the city. Phone 6F15 or , Box 81 City. W. T. Harrison. PENDLETON Upholstering Co., 621 Cottqnwood St. Only experienced upholster in Pendleton. Plione 76, J. H. Orr & Co. - - ' Farmers Independent Elevator and Whse Co. Grain bought and stored E. Webb St., Pendleton, Ore. Phone 582. ' Formerly the Farmers Union Elevator. ' ', "," . ' SELL TREES FOR U.' Well grown stock. Splendid- territory for im mediate aeceptainoe. Contract ," and particulars upen -request. Now Is the time .to start the. canvass. Capital City Nursery Company, 426 Oregon Bide;.. Salem, Oregon.-,.. . , .1 TTMBS CARD ' Pilot Rock Btage . ' Evan Cameron, Prop Leave Pilot Rock 8:00 A. M. ' Leaves Pendletori 10:30 A- M., leave Pilot Rock 1.00 V. M. . " Leavee Ptndleton 6:00 P. U.- Leaves Hotel Pendleton and French Restaurant. Dally Freight Btage 1 Leaves Pilot Rock 8:30 A.1 M. Leaves Pendleton 10:30 A. If. -- i PCodletoii-Umatilla Auto Stage t - - ;.. Leave . - , ' Pendletoa 8:00 11:00 4:00 Echo -I- :1 1:11 IHI Stanfleld ' t:80 1:11 l:8S- Hermiston 9:6$ 1:6$ 1:5$- A. Umatilla 10:1$ 1:1$ ' 8:1$ Leave . v. Umatilla 8:00 12:00 4:00 Hermiston :8t 18:20 4:10 Stanfleld 8:45 11:45 4:46 -w Echo :00 1:00 i:00 Ar. Pend. 10:1$ 1:1$ 8:11 Bands? Leavee Pendleton 4:00 P. at. Leaves Umatilla $:00 A. it. " Office Motor Inn Garage ' 711 Cottonwood Bt. ...- .. pQone BBS " ' ' FELL DAWSON ' Parcels delivered to all way points. t '. "". 4 TIME CARD , , v Wreton-Pendleton Auto Btage e Leaves Weston for Pendleton t . 7:80 a. m.-and 1:46 p. m. . Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 4 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adsme for Pendleton at $:20 a. m. and 1:0 p. m . - Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knlnht Co. Store) for Weaton at 10:00 Sj.ni. and 4 p. m. . O. H. hcPHERRIN, Prop. By George McManus HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY : This Directory is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and addrenr. ot responsible businessmen who rep resent, the following lines. Ail are reliable, reepooalble buaineaa coil. cerua who etand ready to five you i AUTO TIRES U a BENTLET St uo. Goodyear ml Diamond Tirea Tire Service, oll ar.6 acceasorleii. Alf wMl Garden Bta PENDLETON RUBBER BOPPIZ CO. Goodrich Sllveitown Cont and Dnn.vtvAni Vacuum Cup tlrea.- 305 E. Court Street. - ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COtfTTB, Attorney w Law, Room 17, Honiiuin. I. M. SCHANNEP, Attorney tX I Office in Court House. . KEATOR & RANDALL, Attorney! at Law. ... Kwui X4. EnilHi-Crewford BulWinB. CARTER St BMYTHE, Attorney! at Lnw. 224 E. Court St. FEF A FEE, Attorney! at Law. fees in Deepatn Building. Of- 8 A. LOWELL. Attorney al Coun selor at Lew Of Ooe In Deapain Bids. ''':; ' - 3. A. NEWBERRY. Attorney at lw , Federal Bu. :' FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law ,Room 24. Smltb .Crawford Bldg. MMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany.'. - -. RALEY, HALEt BTHIWKB. AttOP--,- beya at Law. Office In American National Bank Building PETERSON, lahop Clark,. : torr.eys at Law. Rooms 1 a Smith-Crawford Bldt,'. At Hl 4 ' AUTO SPRINGS. GUARANTEED SPhlNOS made and repaired. Eckles Spring Works. Phone 41)1,' 110 Water St. . AUTO TRANSFER Phon 52 hanavan transfer. Crescent Cigar Store.. Res. f.78-8 R. C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Grigg!' Clgur Btore. Phone 1075. P.1 R. BTADLEY, transfer, baggage 'moving done while you wait atand at, Wtckland's Plumbing Shop Phone 188, lies; 21-U. ' IF TOU WANT TO MOVE eall the ; Beryice Tranrfer and Storage Co., Phone 688. city or country trip 118 W. Court Street. BLACKSMITH Weeders for sale, expert black smithing and horseshoeing: Tour pat ronage solicited for guaranteed work Penland Mroa., across from City Fir Station, ... - . 1. HUMMER SCHEDULE-i 4 Prntllcton-W alia Walla 4- : BLUK LINK STAGE Walla WalU to Fare $1.75 Pendleton Fare $1.75 Stage Leaves Gram! and Dacres 4k Hotels at Wiilla Walla -' Walla. W. 7.30 10.1$ 1.18 6.J0 Freewater 8.00 10.46 J.46 6.00 4 Milton 8.0$ 10.60 1.60 .05 Weston 8.30 11.15 2.1$ $ 30 Athena 8.40 11.26 $.25 6.40 Adams 8.60 11.36 2.35 8.50 Pendleton 9.J5 12.10 8.10 7.28 Pendleton to Walla Walla Stage Leaves Pendleton Hotel - Cory Billiard Pendleton 7.80 10.16 1.15 6.00 Adams 8.06 10.36 1.50 $.85 Athena 8.16 11.00 2.00 $.46 1 Weston $ 30 11.15 2.18 8.00 Milton 8.66 11.36 1.86 8.20 Freewater 8.66 11.40 2.40 M Walla W. 26 12.10 $.10 8.6$ ' We Haul, Parcels , Phone $04 at Walls Walla , Stage make two trip on Bud 4)' days. Leave Walla Walla and .'endleton at 10:00 a, m. and 4:00 p. m. on Sundays. . BING CHERRIES, a new shipment, per lb., box lots .'V. ........... 18c APRICOTS, for canning, lb..... 10c new apples. . . . ; y i r;. , t THE DEAN TATOM COMPANY Meat Dept eg d IV a I v prorapt aervice. AUTO TOPS QApWA'S.AUTO TOPS, Plate Glaa( nacKa, cuoe ' unname mwx Court St. AUCTIONEER OOL. W. V. TOHNKA, AUOttoaeer. . Call at Sturgla Storle's Impllmsnt Co.,. for. sale dates. CLEANING AND PRESSING -n i,i-iiin-r-i i.i-ii i.-iili Lir-iur-lLirmi i "t- "i"s MODEL TAILORS CLBANORS-rr, Pressing and repairing BOg Mala St., Phone S21, Pendleton, Ore. .. . DRAYMEN WBO MOVES YOU Is just as import ant as where you move, we also Pack or store goods. 6O0 for trunks to any part of city on ground floor, we do country; hauling. Call J$. Penland Bros. Transfer, 114 W. Alta. EMPLOYMENT PIQaiEER EMPLOYMENT CO.The only bonded and licensed office In Eastern Oregon. Phone your want! to us at 878, 115 Eart Webb Street. .... FULLER SUPPLIES ECONOMIZE Use brushes, mops, dusters Brooms that bear' this1 and TRADE MARK They can be bougb. from thf FULLER man ONLY, -v , , , . , Call 181 for Free Service , ' HEMSTITCHING . ; i HEMSTITCHING Mall ordorp-r-Mra, , Ralph Hassell Robinson Apt.-f Phono 095. - - LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered PerteeUf There' an agent In your Uwv Troy Ijiundry, 60S Garden Bt. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 44)1 IB. Qsm St Phone SO. .. We malntala a, aem plete mending department. . LIGHTING PLANTS DELCO Lighting Bystsm, Aekesaas) and Znrflub, Goldsn Bale Bolsi Bldg. ' New and Second Hand Dealsrti v btroble. dealer In new und 1 ond hand goods. Cash paid t1 second hand goods. Cheapest plae, to buy household goods. H Oemif, Phone 271-W. , - t - Painting and Paper Hanging ? PAINTS,. Wall Paper, Plotura pam- Ing. L. . McAtee, the PracUeal Paint Man, Lowe Bros, PalnU. ', PIANO TUNING PIANO TONING and repairing. J. WV, Kellogg with Warrens Muslo Bou Pbnne 524. RADIATOR REPAIRING 4LTA AUTO RADIATOR WORK-. 701 East Alta street All make of radiators repaired. Work guarantee C. Blasberg, Prop. ' ' RESTAURANT THB QUELLE A good plaee to A, . SHOE REPAIRING IF YOU ARB looking for good ser . vice, step in, we give IL PendJer ton Shoo Shop, 120 W. Court St., Pen dleton's finest shoe shop. .. c, VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST C. W. Lassen, M. D. -V. Phone 17. Office Phone ; It. Grocery Djt 688 Phone I