PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OBEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 13, 1922. Rivoli Uir' CANNING FRUIT THIS "Social and Club News j Theatre week: i SOCIETT HAS MEETING MW BROXA'UOH ARRIVES, f f "The American Negro" was the j Miss Annamay Bronaugh of Post theme for a meeting of the Mission- i land, arrived in Pendleton-today and ary society of the Baptist church yes- Is a guest at the home of Mrs. J. N. terdnv in the reception rooms of the Burses. She will accompany .Mrs, church. Mrs. J. Franklin Hilling chose for her topic "Brothers I'nder the I Yoke." Mrs. Kyle I.o:jg gave a paper "The. Booker T.' Washington Monu ment". Mrs. Charles rerrell'8 subject was 'Home Missionary Schools for Negroes." . Flowers were used hi decorating. Assisting the hostesses was a group of young girls, Katherine Klllott, Audlne, Hodgson, Caroline Thomp son, Pearl Cameron and Opal Hen derson, 18 TAKINO TRIP Mlts Carol Wu rtonberger, a teach er in the Pendleton high school, who left recently for her home In Port land, is enjoying a motor trip to British Columbia. Burgess, Miss Madeline Burgess, Ralph Burgess and Bob Hawkins of Keattle on a motor trip tomorrow to Yellowstone Park. The party will Join Miss Burgess at Butte, Montana,' She Is now attending the national convention of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Glacier Park. T.l'NCHKON TO BE GIVEN A no-hostess luncheon is being planned by a group of Pendleton women for tomorrow. The affair will be at the home of Mrs. Mark Moor house and bridge will be in piay during the later hours of the after noon. . LEAVING FOR" CHICAGO Mr. -'and Mrs. nan P. Smythe Will leave this evening for Chicago. IN OUR NEW LOCATION GREAT SALE OF SPORT SKIRTS ' See . Windows t - V Every, skirt in the "shop being offered at wonderful reductions. NEW LOCATION - ; Formerly the Thomas Shop 'VN: 0 TAKE A KODAK ALONG 4 . Brownies priced from $2.00 upwards THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE t Phone 520 5 He give S. & II. Green Stamps. S 8 Ll'.VCH RON IS GIVEN! 1 . Mrs. F.' H. Hughes entertained yes terday with a bridge luncheon at . her home at Douglas Court in honor of Mrs. Glenn Ackerman (Claudlne-Mc- Monlesj of Salem, who Is spending the summer here. Two tables of bridge were in play, Mrs. Rudolph Tannler winning the high score tro phy. Shasta daisies Were used In dec orating. Mrs. Hughes will ' again be hostess on Saturday and has invited guests sufficient to. make up two ta bles. 1 MAY FORM CLUB ' , ' A group of Pendleton business women are considering forming a club which would have for its aim j business and social benefit to the members. The club would meet one evening each week and supper would hi; served, followed by an informal evening, ' " ' IS IN WALLA WALLA Miss Helen Gregg of Portland, who i arrived here recently for a visit with her aunt, Mrs, C. B. Roosevelt, is now in Walla Walla as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. . It. Keylor. After a few days visit there she will return for a week's stay at the Roosevelt home. , MISS ABBEY HERE . Miss Marfan-Abbey of Portland, Is a Pendleton visitor today. Miss Ab bey is en route, to Chicago for a visit with friends and relatives. She is a talented musician and during the re mainder of; the summer will study music in the Illinois city. ON MOTOR TRIP Mr. and Mrs. W. Jj. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Judd, formerly of, this city, are now on a motor trip to Crater Lake. They left Portland a few days ago and stopped at Med fftt'd en route to tho lake. Loganberries Raspberries Bing Cherries Lambert Cherries Apricots Summer Squash Field Cucumbers , Green Peppers Green Corn Radishes ' - - Green Onions Watermelons Canteloupe' Demonstration all this week on WOODCOCK MACARONI PRODUCTS Werk lied oil Soup Has stood the test for. 90 years Gray Bros. Grocery Uo. Three Phones 28. Only One Quality, the Best " TODAY , ' A John S.Robertson Producton "Try the drug a tore first" '. Pendleton, Oregon j 5 MRS. CONIIOY IS VISITOR Mrs. Josephine Conroy of Condon, is a guest at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Raymond, 811 Water Mreet. Mrs. Conroy accompanied the Ray monds on their recent motor trip to Wallowa lake. OGUESTS IN PENDLETON. Mrs. J. H. Garrison, son Clark and daughter Juanlta, of Yakima, Wash ington, formerly of this city, are Pen dleton visitors. They are guests of Mrs, Garrison's daughter,' Mrs. J. W. Evans. , . - . GUESTS AT PHELPS COTTAGE Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hnmley are en joying a few days onting as guests of Mr. and Mrs. 15. D. Phelps at their summer cottage oh the upper Uma tilla river, near Bingham, Springs MISS STANFIELD HONORED. Miss Louise Hoyt entertained at an attractive tea yesterday, honoring Miss Barbara Stanfleld and Miss Flora Jane Mfjutfee. Morning Oregonlan. RETURNS TO PILOT ROCK Mrs. Shirley Albright has returned to her home in Pilot Rock after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Saw yer, 810 Mill street. IS VISITING IN' PORTLAND Little Miss Nlta fioiham Is visit ing Portland friends. She is the daughter of Mrs. William Kraft of this city. HERE, FROM MYRICK Mrs. Earl Dudley and little Rill uu-tley of Myrlck were In Pendleton yesterday. MRS. HARTHR ON J RETURNS. Mrs. Anna Hurthrong has returned from Raker where she 'visited her mother. MRS. WHETSTONE ILL. Mrs. Frank Whetstone Is III at lier residence, 613 Lllllth .street. MRS. FAILING 'ILL. Mrs. Jesse Falling, who has been 111 at the heme of Mrs. Elmer Clea ver Is unimproved today and- her condition Is serious. , WHEAT fl 0 M E DEMONSTRATION IDEAS r FOR HOUSEWIVES Wheat prices are higher today, July grain closing at .tl.lli 1-4, .Sep tember at $1.16 1-4 and December at $1.17 1-4. Yesterday's closing pri ces were f 1.14 3-4, $1.13 1-8 and $1.15 1-2, respectively. . , Following are the i quotations re ceived by Overbcdk & Cooke, local dealers; . ' ' Wheat -Open High Low. Close July $1.15 $1,111 $1.16 $51.16 "4 Sept. 1.13 1.15 1.13 1.154 Dec. 1.16 1-11 1.15 1.1714 Wheat There was general strength shown from the start and although the market at one time lost nearly all of its advance the. close was at the best prices for the .day, the set back like yesterday was based on the Idea that an early settlement will -be made in' the railroad strike, In fact the new indications are much to the contraryv other developments of the day were of a sort conducive to an advancing market. Liverpool was higher, cash prices in practically all markets gained on the futures, re sponding to an urgent demand from domestic mills. Crop reports in the northwest were less encouraging than they have been of late and perhaps more important than all else, there Selection of Household Materials j.iiit-u milium. ut pure, lur then only does it have the properties for which we buy it, that is, luster, resistance to soil, and being easily kept white and clean. For instance, when cotton is used for towels it very quickly gets gray. Cot ton sheets and pillow cases are most generally used and many housekeepers are finding mer- clotlis satisfac- ccrWd table tnry. " ' Good table linen is soft and Melding In the hand, yet elas tic nnd tough like leather. It is not stiff and craclily. If one h.'is some knowledge of linens, it is well to buy at that time cf year when the price is re duced. Linen should' always be bought nt a reliable house and ol a salesman who knmvs'Oual Ity. Extremely fine thread in "ninask is not desirable; strong round thread Is 'best. V. D. ' il Would you like to soma; yenturing through ' the 'sun' drenched hills of Spain with a pair of Spanish lovers? See lovely senorltas dancing tho wild fandango, thrill as th.' luggers of hot-blooded rivals flash? . Right here In Spain, the Land 3f Love, Fandangoes and Laugh er wag filmed ' "THE SPANISH JADE" David Powell CC Cparamounl Qicture Pathe News Admission- In Addition Snooky's Fresh Heir Adults 35c Children 10c HI VOL! TODAY SC1SKEX JH MOR.ISTS ' CiOOl) TIJIB SPAIN Roy Byford and Frank Stanmore, members of the cast of "The Spanish Jade," a hew Paramount picture which comes to the Rivoli theater to day, are great humorists. The cour tesy of tho native Spaniard is wo- verniai, filmed. They realized that it was up to them to make some pretty speech by way of antostropht to the steady chant of benedictory thanksgiving that invariably followed the merry clink of their pesetas whenever they made a purchase In a village store, When the storekeeper swept the coin into his cash register and in toned his solemn chant of thanks giving Mr. Byford raised his hat and murmured "Steak and Kidney Pie," whilo Mr. Stanmore responded with Fried fish and hie and saueak," "Tripe and Onions," "Sausages and mash," hut the effect always 'Was the same. The storekeep er fecit that hte , distinguished senors had returned his compliments with polite interest in somewhat obscure Spanish, and Messrs. Byford and Stanmore went on their way think ing up some new slogan for use on the morrow. The city of Madras has awarded a constract for the laying of one mile of chips." Sometimes J eight-Inch steel pipe to replace the they varied the formula with "Bub- wooden pipe In its water system.' RETURNS FROM PORTLAND. Mrs. iBlla .Merriam has returned after a visit In Portland. urn? hn t. ut... ,;; rz: r ; i Kee,,ly. fp,t . the limitation, imposed the close that sales of about 500, 000 bushels had been made out of Chicago alone and it was generally believed that the total business in all positions will be of a larger pro portion if this buying by foreigners today should prov the beginning of the lonk awaited buying, prices would undoubtedly develop a defi nite upward movement. Tl ; SAY REPORT IS UNTRUE GRANTm PASS, Ore., July 13. Denial was made here today bv R. A. Booth and W. 11. Harratt that thev aro about to resign from the state highway commission. The commis sioners arrived here this morning from the Oregon caves and immedi ately they were notified by long dis tance telephone of the published ru mor of their impending resignation. 1 he commissioners could not under stand how such a, report gained cir culation, nor upon what it was based. This is the first time in five days that they have been in com munication with the world, as they have been touring remote sertinn v" in""iniiif in till" Spanish language in - returning the compliments that were lavished upon d ... ... -. . i. in i c iiiu iinauie viii.i ,M ARCADE THEATRE ASPIRIN Say "Bayer" and Insist! liness you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not get tine; the genuine Bayer product pre scribed bv physicians over twenty-twu years ami proved sare by millions for Colds Headache Toothtiche Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain ,' Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy: of the Oregon coast where there are boxes of twelve tablets cost few cent: Mr. Farmer It is to your interest to buy your harvest supplies in larpe quantities. Cut the price of your harvest supplies down to the very lowest margin by paying cash, buying in case lots. We are filling large orders daily for the thrifty farmers who know how to save on his GRO CERY and MEAT account. THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor. he bride knows that "HE" really is human after all, and does enjoy good cooking. For years she has seen her mother take down a can of Crescent Baking Powder and has known that some thing good was in the mak ing. So her first grocery order starts with "Crescent Bak ing Powder, please." Back ed by years of satisfaction in homes of the West No Bitter Tastt With I urKi"g Mr. Powder Crescent Manulactuting Company &MM1, Wuk. no telegraph wires and mails require uays to be delivered. It has been common talk for a year that -Mr. Booth planned re signing and he prepared his resig nation shortly before the holidays, when ne was operated on In Port land. Messrs. Yeon and Barratt dis suaded him from quitting. Mr.. l!ar ratt. appointed to fill the unexpired term of the lute K. K. Kiddle, is now holding appointment for the full term. On accepting this full term he . informed the governor that he , might move to Portland In a year or two, which would necessitate his resignation from th commission as the eastern Oreon memtxr. There is not the slightest Inten tion of any of the, three members to surrender their positions on the commission until at least they have brought the roast programme to such an advance,! stage that the main work will ha leen performed and the policy- firmly established, it was asavrtrd. There is the greatest harmony am ong the three commissioners and with the . governor office. Pres sure of private business has l.e.n Booth to resign, but at solicitation of his rollea- ! has reniniml at his r.vM. I something unforeseen occurs there ts little likelihood of any of I tlie commissioner resigning I fore' tne 121 programme is mapped out. l"Mh lisrs. Booth and Barratt said emphatically today that, resignation la the thing rartherest from their thoughts. Druggists also sell bottles of 24 and I 1". Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Miioacetic acidester of Sallcylicacid. Kithts of nay are being obtained f-r the widening of the Mi'K. nK highway nt O'Brien's Point, at rVer- Nrn. and at other places where it h wit i i"wJ s THURSDAY, 13TH, FRIDAY 14TH j America's Greatest Potean Actor " 4. I m s Children 5c & Edmund Breese The Jekyll-Hyde of Silent Drama in . ' ; ". . The Master (Jrook A Picture of a Thousand Thrills. COMEDY V "HIRED AND FIRED" NuffSed. . . Admission Adults 25c The nourishing qual ity of our bread rec ommends it to your household. Its pleas ing flavor and whole some purity mark it as the loaf that you should name when or dering bread. Pendleton Baking Co. Give the Children cooiea water i C j i t -r JTi. ' t'l'V i I i C - I ' v , It lit hm?- mm? r-u-".iii--v l I ii -. i a9g i J-'' R-VPIDLY-MELTING ICE IS THE FAULT OF THE REFRIGERATOR The better your Refrigerator the smaller your food and ice bill. ; . : - ' Your old ice box taken In exchange for an Auto matic the best refrigerator made. Crawford Furniture Co. Your Credit is Good. Your Old Furniture Taken in Exchange for New It K. Odbti atmt 19 be imrrovtd.