.1 v ' 'i J rAas'yoult DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 13, 922. EIGHT PAGES Published D!1t and Semi-Weekly, tt Pendleton, Oregon, by t" AST OHEOONIAN PUB. CO. Bntered at the poat nfrice at Pendle ton. Oregon, aa second claaa mail mat- ON SALS) IN OTHER CITIES. . Imperial Hotel New Stand, Portland. ON FILE AT Cntcaffo Bureau, 809 Security Building, Washington, D. C, Bureau 501 Four teenth Street, New York. Member or tbe Auoelated Pre. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ,for publication of all news dispatches' credited to it or aot otherwise credited in this paper and also tna local sews published herein . ff ' n.llv. on year, by mall ... Daily, six months, by mall Dally, three months, by mail...... Daily, one month by mail ..... Daily, one year by carrier Daily, six months by carrier Dally, three months by carrier.... Dally, one p.onth, by cariijr Remit. Weeklv. 1 veer by mail .... 8eml-Week:v, six mnnths by mall 1.00 Semi-Weekly, three months by mall .60 TelepbaM I St. s FKKCKLKS .Vl TAf. Yecliles and tan, freckles and tan, rinpHt o( gurbH for'a glad Utile man! (live ie the nose '.;. ' Turned upwards and spotted, Pudgy as roses. ,. And sunburned and dotted; Give 'mo the faces As brown as the berries, Wearing the graeeH God gives to the cherries; Give me the grin and the glorious spun ' . ''' Of the mouth that Is bordered with freckles' lind tan. Freckles nnd tan, freckles and tan, Badge of a boy since the. world first began. Hair that is tbusled'" ', And matted nnd wiry, Frequently frowsled ' And stubborn and fiery; ' Eyes that are never Dull-colored or teary, . Mouth Ihut forever ! mill hl'ul und cheery; Some may reHlHt him, but I never can, The boy that God blcHHPH with freckles 1 and tan. Freckles und tan, freckles and tan, Pliilrt of a youthful and glorlijtis "Ian! Give me the grinning k And mischievous faces, Waists that need pinning In several places, GJvo me the snickers Of boyhood and chuckle. Illy-flttlng knickers And scarred knees and knuckles, There's where the future may look for Its ntun, For never a weakling wears freckles and tan. (Copyright, 1922, by Edgar A. Guest. ) Itecogn'zing (he truth is nine-tenths of. the buttle in over--coming difficulties. . . ,. . Ufc nnd hash are both all riKht so Ion what goes into them. No matter bow much a woman hates .' with vanity If he proposes to her. . Hez Heck Says: swells tin The best sympathy is the kind that lakes simpo of cash." , l BRASSIERES AND BANDEAUX BRASSIERES Once you wear a Warner's Brassiere or Bandeau, you will ilways wear Warner's. 58 ' WSMsM t W WARNER'S '" AN INDEPENDENT NEW8PAPBB rSaI U (PJ tgliff j (inadvanc, &M ffti?t; rnrtriitm- WW YAv ' M.OOi MaTl'l.,? ' l--f.it--k..V..a,).i..j..iw. y ill 'v Af' Vl 60 I Hft Love Is water; money is oil; they won't mix. I J' "ii J i'.M K ffiA o ' I 1k Ato&isy J s.76 'ihiS&r&. -r4i-fr;i 1.96 ISf" " '" "ri P''r""1 "f yur buslne.-s, don't con- j I T i( If ' cat It; advertise. . ' ;i ' 'n'j 1 I Capita! 1h greedy, but isn't that true also of labor? I , j ij H j; ji i... a mm . mi Wt i . .111 hi I i as you don't sec ' ! " ' a man, she swells . 1,111 " Let us show you some of the (liferent styles. . Designed to fit the figure with perfect smoothness; to; stay down over the corset without slipping; and. to keep :heir lines, after repeated washings no wonder Warner's 59c to $1.98 Tom ims utaxt When a bathing glii wants lesh colored stockings she sets tan. Speaking of operations, it must bi a gland und glorious fet.linB. Maine woman shot he.- husband and went free; but it's a badTIabit. This new buttonless underwear isn't new. Ask the Inundrymun. Sometimes we think a pessimist is a man who pays taxes. Senator Johnson wants to' protect California nut. It Is about time t" leave Hollywood alone. Detroit boy serving a sentence In his lather's jail feels at home. Very few women can cuss. They won't listen to their husbands long enough .to learn. Home people will hang an auto li cense on anything that runs. i HtrungN things happen, has been caught speeding A senator The hardest thing on earth to lore Is a bad reputation. "Single Hundlt Hobs Train" head line A married bandit wouldn't have that much nerve. Only one. young folks mes. thing wrong with our Is they have the gim- CUT OUT THE CHICANERY IF THE Oregonian wants to reform the registration feature of our primary Jaw, why has it not said so? If the legislature wishes to correct the registartion a'ouse, why has it not done rot It would be a simple matter to change that feature of the law and few people would object as the registration clause is no vital part of-the direct primary law. The answer ia that the old guard forces are not worrying j about any' registr'ation abuse. Jhey are concerned with the fact the primary law gives the people direct power in the mak ing of nominations. They wish to take that power away from toe voter and lodge it in the hands of certain political factotums as of yore. They should not be allowed to get away with any ,uch move. ;'Jy would be a step backward, for the state and for the nation. If the Oregonian is sincere in its editorial expression this morning it will boldly suggest that the registration provision be changed but that direct nominations be continued as at present. That would be square dealing and the people would approve. Friends of the direct primary are interested in direct nomina tions, not in any registration abuse. The Oregonian knows that and knows that the registration trouble could have been elimi nated long ago if any intelligent work to that end had been suggested. ' ... ... .,...'.- : It we are to have good government and progress in Oregon we must deal with facts in straightforward fashion. We need no chicanery, no mendacity, in journalism or in politics. The peo ple are sincere and will nearly always do their part when shown but they are justly suspicious of the Oregonian and the old guard when it comes to doctoring the direct primary law. They want to play undertaker, not doctor, and the record shows it. ----- STAGING A SMA5HUP IT IS being charged by opponents of the Fordney-McCumber tariff that it will cause the women of the United States to pay a. billion dollars more for clothing than they have been Dallas, Tex., July is. u. re paying. In support of this claim Senator Pomerene of Ohio re- in likl' hootieg booze? Head on: cently presented figures showing how the tariff is to be in- "Unspeakable unsanitary" con.ii creased on many items in the dry goods list. Here is a portion fa, of the information given by Senator Pomerene: loicement officer shows. I'OTTOX I'AllltH S 'Mont of the hootch Is made from Under the democratic I'niUrwooil-Siinnuins law Hie average duly Is 2i. per rotten grain, black-strap molasses, rent; under the pending republican,!! II, 40 per cent. This Includes all fabrics shorts, chops, etc." the report states, such as ginghams, calicos, oiguudles and similar inatcr.uls. used exclusively I "Vermin of all kinds have been found for women and children. in , around stills. HlTTOX IKISIIIItY I "Old lee cream cans, jnilv.mixcd n'l Under the rnderwood-Sinimons law ;li per cent; under the pending ropuh- cans, milk cans, tea kettles, coffee I llcau blil, (!S pi r rent. If the litter becomes elfieiive li will be no lunger pes- 'pots, wash boilers und oil barrels as! hlble to buy children's cotlon hose for 11.1 cents. cookers and the Inside of them nrej COTTOX COHSICTS I'nder the rnderwood-Sinimons law 30 per cent; under lb llcan bill, M per cent. SILKS. Vnder the 1'iidei'H ooil-Slinmons law tin per cent; under th lican bill, 90 per cent, on silk pongees tbe propose,! rates av 13ft per cent, nil Japanese lialiuti silks It'liloii silk or wash silkl the nro- . hug rather over the stinking stuff posed rates ure practically double Ihe rates of the l udcrwund-s mmuns law. 'and finally drown In tbe 'spirits. I. At l'.S Under Ihe rnilerwood-Simiueus law u per cent; umli r the pending repul Ilea ii hill, per cent. i.i:Tiu:it iuivi:s I'luler the riidcrwood-M minions law 14 per cent; under the pending repnli lican bill, 37 ij per cent. I'nder Ihe proposed late It will be impossible to Im port ladles' kid gluvet. On a sixteen button kid glote the proposed rate amounts to K:t cents per pntr. ' I'nder the l'ndcrwood-Sttnmoup law 41 cents. txrrro.x ci.iivi s Under tbe t'liderwiHul Simmons law S5 per cent; und. r the pending repub lican bill over leu per cent, i -u a sixteen. inch button glove costing $1 per iloneii tbe duty under tbe riulerwooil-Siniiiions laws would be $t.4n per doi n: under the pending republican bill $3 per doten for glics up to eleven inches long and in cents extra for every Inch over eleven inche.;. HI. I VHItll s I'nder the rndervvood-Sunmon law .l.'i per cent: under the pending repub lican bill. .i per ci lit. The proposed rale is designed lo exclude tbe Importa tion of a good class of wool, u cloth. Ill TTOXS I'nder the Under wood -Simmons law 3."i per cent: under the pen. ling repub lican bill. X per cent, lienicniber tbe increase. I pcrvntnge is the miuliniKii Incrnse you will nave lo pay. from Walla Wnlla. ith such tariff increases soon to be m effect it is not surpris- Horace' Rtillman. Winn Johnson was i at Crane creek. On last Sunday! Messrs. Tallman, Cleaver, McCuddy I and IMead passed through Granite on ! a. camping expedition. , j L. CI. Frazier, special deputy grand chancellor, installed the following of. j ficers of t lie newly formed Lamon No. ! 4. a consolidation of Harmony ! nnd ! Damon, the two K. of R lodges for- merly in. existence here. The officers j of 'he new lodge are A. C. Draper, C I C. .4. D. Rtillman, V. C:; 11. A. Ferg.i- , son. P.; OenrKe P. oltsennurv, K. Tt. S.; j George Lash. II. B.; D. (J. Frazirr. M. I F.; It. S. Onrfield, M. W.; Frank lie- i fuddy, M. A.; Chailes 'Eppingcr, t. '..! Max Moorhead, O. n. ! Frank Duprat. Felix noiuuagoux, O. j B. 'Turd Iff, Amy Delongvert, Otis Lendermaiin, H. (. .Monssn, and I Frank Itomagoux start today for the i (Ireenhorno mining district. 1 John Hailcy, ex-deputy sheriff, fe- j turned today from Salem. v ! lister Carlson is at home again aft- : er visiting two weeks with the sons of J. H. ltnbblns of La Crnnde. I S. A. Newberry now has his offices ! In the Association block. 1 ire popular a IT COSTS VERY LITTLE MORE and it makes such a difference to have your corset a Perfect Corset and Perfectly fitted. REDFERN CORSETS Back-Lace Front-Lace T-f itted in this perfectly appointed shop where you receive personal at tention and expert advice, will give you such satisfaction as you have ,never dreamed of, if you have been buj ing your corsets without a fit ting $4.98 to $6.50 YOU CAN'T DUPLICATE A JANTZEN! AJantzen cannot be duplicated: It's the only swimming suit that does not sag. It has the patented non-rip . crotch and bow trunks giving a per fect fit without binding. Holds its shape permanently. Jantzen-stitch insures permanent elasticity and utmost freedom of ac tion. Comfortable as the touch of a cool breeze. Pure wool. We are headquarters for this fam ous swimming suit. See them now in the fashionable Jantzen colors. For Women and Misses'. See (he JANTZEN now at $5.00 to $6.50 We Buy for Cash nOXO Sell lor Cash. PjgsX Phone 127 for Better Merchan dise, Lower Prices. OHIO DOG IS FIEND FOR . j JUICY ICE CREAM CONES ! family he always buys three Ice cream cones. , I One cone is for Mrs. Pall, nnottier for hliuse'f and no, guess again. MAIJTINS FKURV Ohio Jole i1;Thoie is no little Pall. The third W hen n. W. Ball, World War army eone goes to Mick, Pall's Poslon bull captain, wants to "set 'i in up" to h.s ;'dog. I Mick eats ice cream as though it was the finest thing in the world. He also often gets the next best thing along that line Ice balls through the generosity of youthful owne.-s of ico ball stands who like to see the dog eat them. . QUEBEC, Quebec. No'twlthstand ing subscriptions to universities, ---in-.' creased grants to expeditions and'tpe' redeeming of $1,000,000 of the provin cial debt, surplus revenue for the fis cal year 1 921-32 in the province, .will amount to over $5,500,000. Yon can't tell by the noise. A nick el makes more noise in the collection plate than a dime. How and Where Booze is Made ,e .. The new O'ooitvrar Crojs-Rib Treed Cord j unspeakably filthy, as there is no way pending repiib- ;to clean them. "The premises are usually unclean. j ( in one occasion more files than coi Mi pending l epuh- be put in a gallon bucket were found Venice as high as . on a barrel of mnsn. ah Kinus or f 11 28 YEARS AOO 1 From thi n.iiiv .Inly 13 Kat IS 4 . Mrs, A. M. l!aU'y "H inir to Aihe n:i to init with her nut her unit sister. ApMrt IJiv tins kuiih to hiK homo in Heiipnor. From thi-ri he rN'M on a ramping t. rmsion to eolation lako with hi iuthvr. Ooovr Parvenu will start ntuyit the fifteenth for San FranciacO. ( V. Hunt rame over last ntpht JameM H. ltaley and W. Iithrop i'n rr tof lifinrr iic(o o n jr- i v i I- .....J L...iL .u j ' ...n issrn n u.uu iuiii. runner .,, returned from a three daw' trip advances may be looked for when the new tariff gts into op-! through ihe county inspecting t it eration. We cannot set up a virtual embargo on foreign goods ' h,,at crop, and not expect to pay extortionate prices for American manu-1 . ,,,,.,, ,,, lA factureu gOOtlS. .through a iraiiwuan now running on The strongest argument the railroad workers have against ,h' l!- -v- ,hat " n,en in "'a' their wage cut is that this reduction in pav is insisted upon ati,l,v hl "' v'ry ,r"""'n ' a time when c.ngress is busy with a measure to increase living;r't "nrZ .rlmo m-T costs. age cuts and higher living costs do not go together any are looking better. Tickets are being more than a man can reverse a car and move forward at !M',1",n fm! ui in it n be vit efore the K:itro ro.' rem la r busine for itl me eieciiotis una ji. , formation re. eive.1 here. Kega.-olmr Ifi-eiRbt businesK the Kast in op-n . It is hard to reconcile Germany's nlea about reparations with!"la,n ,ra",s ,,,""-v 'ngae,i 1. MnM clnriAa hat I-pftnanv t j lYtn I . . i . i r.. . f . . .. cl'rin i IIIC Ilioil.l .' ...v .-i oov. riii.-'vi--,ht,.h h., ,,(,n t us country in Europe. ! i.i. ka.ie. more tinii moil ivitim: a vi uiu iiiuie toi wara aii'1'1 1,1 r"n; nw Ihe pame time. The old guard politicians have tried to ignore ', ', ,v ,r the law of gravity and it is no wonder they have faced trouble xUriu,!l"i mui congisted Tliioent by tie ' Looks like the report thaat Messrs. Booth and Barratt will re sign was "greatly exaggerated." I T. I. W.lls returned Wedneml.iy j rvrnim trom .1 r to Crsnite. While I tere he siw Tinker Frencb n. A Remarkable New Gord Tire at a Popular Price Here is a big, sturdy, long-wearing new tire built to satisfy the v buyer on every point of mile age, quality and price. It is designed especially for the man who wants the essenti-I advantages of cord tire perform ance at the lowest possible price. It is designed to offer the buyer a quality product at a price even lower than he has formerly paid for a "long discount" tire. It has a different tread from the famous Goodyear AU Weather Tread Cord a new tread with a deep, clean-cut, cog-like pattern and itt selling price ranges from 20 to 25 less. This new tire is the Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord. Like the All -Weather Tread Cord it is liber ally oversize in all straight-side sires, the 414-inch tire, for example, actually measur ing riearly 5 inches. II W 3, vi Like the All-VVeather Tread Cord, its foundation is genuine Ingh-grade long-staple cotton. Like the AH-Weather Trarl Cord, it embodies the efficient group-ply construction, a Good year patent. Like the All-Weather Tread Corrl it is the product of an experienced company which has a world-wide reputation to safeguard. Look at the prices of the newr.nnoi Cross-Rib Tread Cord, listed below. Compare these prices with net prices you are asked to pay for "long discount" tires of unknown reputation and value. Why take a chance on such tires? you know it doesn't pay. You can get the new Goodyear Cross-Rib Tre.d Cord, as well as the famous All WeatherTread Cord.from any of th-Good-year Service Station Dealers listed here. M.i if Compare these prices with NET prices you are asked to pay for "long discount " tires 30 1 3.' (Clincher.. $13.50 30 x 3 i Straight S Jc $ 1 5.8 5 32 3; i Strai-ht Si Jc $ 1 9.75 31x4 Straight SiJ: $23.50 .'44 Slight Side $2".35v -:4 SmightS;Ue$25.45 3:4StrliglitSide$31.-45 3.U4 Srraiht Slot $26.80 .V4,'striht Side $32.15 i meJr prices hku naHuJimrrr J cxiue ix Gooajear Cro R,i Tread Cord Tires are aUo made in 6, 7 and 8 inch fir trucks :4 x 4.'f Straht Suit $32.95 3.35 Straight Side $39.10 35x5 Straight Side $41.05