- . . TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1922. PAGE NINE For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference, Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found J WANT A)S CLASSIFIED . CLASSIKIKO AOVKltTISllVU KATKS. Bat ln-8-point Counting alz ordl- nary nords to the line. , Tint insertion, per line 1.10 4) Kauh addutonal consecutive in a insertion, par line 06 One month, every issue, each insertion, per line 05 Six months contract, every is- aue, each insertion, per line .04 Twelve months' contract, ev- ery Issue, each insertion, per line . OS Ads not run consecutively, each insertion, per line 10 No ads taken for lesa than 3 lines. Minimum charge .85 FOIt SALE Gas ram W. Alta St. ;e, cheap 315 LOST Small boys Wagner Coaster, Phone 659-R Reward. FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms, also garage. 412 Madison St. AVANTED Woman for general house' work small famlly.-I'hone 238-W FOR RENT Furnished Apartment with bath. Inquire 100 E. Bluff St. FOR RENT with bath. 420-J. 3 room furnished house 210 So. Main, phone III Ii ill I III I Hi 1.11111 n II ii .1 i,i,. n. i I , .., , j LAUNDRESS I vt Cooks. mios-JL W() Si clerks RppMQ Lill BOOK KEEPERS fet SPP! I TPAvaiNg . men gBpfe WWi GOOD FURNITURE for sale at 707 Cosbie. Inquire of Mrs. M. L. Winter. FOR SALE CHEAP or Trade Ford touring car in good running order, new tires, tools, chains, etc. Phone 2S9-M. IF YOU ARE looking for good ser vice, step in, we give it. Pendle ton Shoe Shop, 120 W. Court St., Pen dleton's finest shoe shop. . WANTED Boy for responsible posi tion, must be through school and wanting to learn business. Address "3" this office stating age. GOOD TRACTOR man wants work immediately, son 17 wants work, and woman wants to help with cook ing. Inquire, at St. George hotel for Goorge Huntington In evenings or forenoons. OLD BELMONT MANSION IS A SH0WPLACE Help ! Help ! Help ! If you're looking for em ployient osomebody to fill a position, either do mestic or comercial, come to me. I am in touch with every household and business organization, and am in a position to find the job tor the person and the person for the job. - over the want ads in this paper and you'll probably find what you want if not, let me put in an ad of your own.. That's bound to get results! FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Restaurant at Echo do ing a nice business. Denu C. Mc Elroy, Echo, Ore. FOR SALE One 20 ft. Harris har vester in good condition. J. W. De vine, Echo, Ore. FOR SALE at a BargaTn, several sett glass Jar farm lighting batteries. Itw.i.Ii-a WlllnrH Kemp, fltfttinn. FOR SALE Self propelled Holt com-jis bine, 16 foot cut, good condition. '. Inquire jiurton Hutchison, pilot Rock. HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OE PENDLETON AND VICINITY , : This Directory is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and addretw of responsible businessmen who rep- regent the following lines. All are reliable, responsible business con cerns who stand ready to give you prompt service. AUTO TIRES FOR SALE A six room house on North Side. Call Raley or Phone 1029-W. FOR SALE Stover ;is e.te'.ne, new. t one and one-half horse nower. maK- mooern net0 ignition cost $100.00,-will sell luui , fnP 7K nft wns novpi run but about 3 hours. Phone 411. FOR SALE 100 acre ranch, center of prune country, 67 acres clear, 20 acres ready to plow, rest good pasture, good buildings. 81S.000.01 will buy including crops, $6000.00 i ash, bal ance easy terms For further infor- lease(J hls ranch. minimi inquire, Tins nrrire. FOR SALE 480 acres, city limits of Pendleton, 310 acres! wheat land, 53 acres alfalfa. Two dwellings, barn, etc., on place; plenty of water. On account of owners health this must be sold In July. Any rea sonable offer will be accepted. Terms to suit purchaser at 6 per cent inter est. D. Keniler, 603 Ruley St., or Funk & McLean, 839 Main, Phone 747 or 83. FOR SALE One 20 tt. Callforonla Special Gas Harvester, only cut 400 acres, been well sheded, paint bright as new, has caterpillar tongue. A I bargain, $3600.00 get it party hasl l-'or more informa tion Phone or write H. C. Scott, Pome- 3 miles from ' roy' Wn' , L. S. BENTLEY & CO Goodyear and rjinmnnd Tires T Ire Service, oils anA accessories. Alta and Uarden fit PENDLETON RUBBER & SUPPLY CO. Goodrich Sltvettown Cord and Pennsylvania Vaouuta Cup tires. 805 R. Court Street. AUTO SPRINGS GUARANTEED SPR1ND3 madeand repaired. Eckles Spring Works. Phono 401, 110 Water St. AUTO TOPS AUCTIONEER MISCELLANEOUS FOR CARPENTERS Phone To"o FOR RENT FOR RENT- 307 Aura St. -Furnished Apt. at FOR RE XT 1 light room. Phone 554. housekeeping 'OR RENT Sleeping room, north side. Phone 619-J. OR RENT Furnished apurtment. Inquire 012 Thompson St. OR RENT Modern 5 room bunga low furniture for sale 714 Jane. HEMSTITCHING 8o yardMall 01 ders taken. Smart. Shop, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER II. R. Decker, Despain Bids. Phono 84. DONT FORGET Funk & McLean in sure anything, 839 Main St Phone 8$ FARMEKS Independent Elevator and Warehouse Co. East Webb St. Ori.in storage, general feed and flour line. COL. W. F. TOHNKA, Auctioneer, Call at Sturgla Storle's Isopllraew Co., for sale dates. ' ' " ATTORNEYS anrnna w. COUTTS. Attorney at Law, Room it. Bond Bldg. I. M. SCHANNEP, Attorney t Law Office In Court House. KEATOft & RANDALI Attorneys at Law. Room 24,, ftolLti-Crawford BulWInf. CARTER A SMTTHH, Attorneys at Law. 224 E. Court St. GOOD RICH MILK delivered each evening to any part of the city. Phone 6F15 or Box 81 City. W. T. Harrisonl PENDLETON Upholstering Co., 621 Cottonwood St. Only experienced upholster In Pendleton. Phone 76, J. H. Orr & Co. PHILADELPHIA, July 11. (IT. P.) Visitors to the international ex position here in 1926 or 1927 will find many points of interest in the old mansions -of Fairmont Park. Among those worth visiting is the old-. Belmont mansion which 'stands ; on one of the highest points in the park, commanding a beautiful view of the winding Schuykill. Tho history of this old mansion is Interesting. Once tho homo of Wil liam Peters, who built it in 1745, and a favorite resort of George Washing ton, it is now a restaurant. Wings have been added to the ori ginal structure, which was but a small building. One was added In Form No college athlete displays better form In putting the snot than Hilda Curtis, She took part in the Tecent women's athletic meet at . .Oakland, Cat, held by th A. A. U. 1S70 when Duke Alexis was guest of honor at a dinner at the mansion. un tno omest part or mo Dunning there still is a stone flag set in the wall on the north end of what was once tho library, bearing the letters J. W. I". and the date 1745. William Peters, tho original owner, was a man of fortune, prominent In Colonial affairs. During the Revo lution of which he disapproved, he returned to England and left his es tate to his famous son, Richard, who was born in the house, and died there in 1S28. Richard' was an ardent advocate of the Colonial cause and during the I war wa-s secretary of the board of war, a.ftorwards was a member of congress and" for nearly forty years judge of the United States district court. Judge Peters was famed for his hospitality, wit and charming and genial personality. He was a trust ed and devoted friend of Washing ton, who used to visit the mansion often.- Washington was not the only not ed visitor to the house. Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, John Penn, John Adams, Jefferson, Lafayette and the Chevalier la Luzerne were all guests of Judge Peters. WANTED Lady to do house clean ing. Inquire Columbia Rooms. EXPERIENCED man and wife wants employment on ranch. Address "2" this office. WANTED Woman or girl to help with house work and cooking on ranch. Phone 16F21. WANTED Harvesting, Pendleton vi cinity; have new Junior Oas Holt. Address Fred Hansen. R. F. D. NOTICES Look! lyook! Gas 28c per gallon I. 17. Johnson & Sons, corner Webb and Garden Sts. 'HI-? MMVT Afrtrfrtrn iiviPi!i-nilinri apartment. 617 Thompson. Phone! mc3i"-to acceptance. K62.. FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ment Phone 874-J or 77-W Matlock Apt. . i- . SELL TREES FOR US. Well grown , stock. Splendid territory for im- Contract and particulars upon requost. Now is the time to start the canvass. uapuai City Nursery Company, 426 Oregon I'.ldg., Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE FOR &AIE Box couch. Arinly this office. '20' FOR SALE Wicker Phone 280-J. baby carrlagc.- EMPIRE' DAIRY Wholesale and re tail. Phone 8F2. FOR SALE Bundle wheat hay shock. Phono 10F4. In Call for Bids The Board of Directors of School District No. 92, will roceive bids un til August 1 at 5 P. m. for building t room and basement, size 21x13 In eluding partition. R. J. RHODES, Clerk. MEN'S SUITS CLEANED, (1.50 at miDIVS, 905 Main St., Phone 685, FOR BALE All kinds of Insurance. J. H. Estes, 614 Main St.. Phone 604 USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Ford, $100.00, new tires. Just overhauled. Phone 218-J after 6 p. m. Call For Bids Sealed proposals will be received up to 6 o'clock P. M. July 12th. 1922 for furnishing Schdol District No. 14, Umatilla County, Oregon, With: 300 tons of Rock Springs lump coal, or some other kind equally as good, to be delivered to the different schools of the District as directed by the Chairman of the Board of . Directors. 12 cords of old growth body Fir and to be cut from green timber and sea soned, to be delivered to the different schools as directed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. H. E. BICKERS, Clerk of School District No. 16, Pen dleton, Oregon. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey Milch cow Address B. B. Eastridge or phone 1155. FOR HIRE, sale or trade One work team. C. R. Leckllder, 2109 West Webb St. FOR SALE 10 horsos and three or more sets of harness. Phone 32F2, Athena, Ore. FOR SALE 16-27 Case gas tractor and a 26 inch J. I. Case separator complete. Address "22" this office. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay de livered to any part of town, also car load latn. Phone $39, Penland Bros. Transfer. FOR SALIC Complete modern house hold furnishings Including mahog any upright piano In good condition will sell reasonably for cash If sold this week Mrs. Geo. Perringer, 514 Lewis St.. Phone 596-J. SUMMER. SCHEDULE Prnrilrton-W alia Wnlla MHIO LINK STAGE Walla Walla to Faro $(.73 Pendleton Fore $1.95 Stao Leaves Grand: and Dacres Hotels at Walla Walla Walla W. 7.30 10.15 1.15 5.80 8.00 10.45 1.45 6.00 8.05 10.50 1.50 6.05 8.30 11.15 2.16 6.30 8.40 11.25 2.25 6.40 8.50 11.35 2.35 6.50 Pendleton - 9.25 12.10 8.10 7.25 Pendleton to Walla Walla Stage Leaves Fendloton Hotel Cozy Billiards Pendleton 7.30 10.15 1.15 5.00 8.05 10.36 1.50 6.35 8.15 11.00 2.00 5.45 8.30 11.15 2.16 6.00 8.60-11.35 2.35 6.20 8.65 11.40 2.40 6.25 9.25 12.10 3.10 6.66 Wo Haul Parcels Phone 701 at Walla Walla Stage makes two trips on Sun- days. Leaves Walla Walla and Pendleton at 10:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. on Sundays. Free water Milton Weston Athena Adams Adams Athena Weston Mliton Frecwator Walla W. FEB" ft FEE, Attorneyi at Law. Of fees in Doe pain Building. a. A. LOWELL, Attorney a4 Coun selor at I -aw Office in Deopaln Bldg. . 8. A. NEWBERRT, Attorney at Sw Federal Bulg. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law Room 24, Smitb.Crawford Bldg. JAME3 B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Office over Taylor Hardware Company. RALEY, nALEY & STMWKR. Atfnr neys at Law. Office In America! National Bank Building. OADWA'8 AUTO TOPS, Plata Glass Backs, Bids Curtains Ml Court St. i BLACKSMITH Weeders for sale, expert black- smithing and horseshoeing. Your pat ronage solicited for guaranteed work, Penland Mros., across from City Fir Station. , ' CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS tTciMOlM Pressing and repairing 80f lfalH St., Phone 321, Pendleton, Or. DRAYMEN WHO MOVES YOU Is just as Import' ant as where you move( we also pack or store goods. 60o for trunks to any part of city on ground floor, we do country hauling. Call ,, 18$, Penland Bros. Transfer, 114 W. Alta, EMPLOYMENT PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Tha only bonded and licensed office In Eastern Oregon. Phone your wants to us at 676, 115 Earl Webb Street. FULLER SUPPLIES KOONOMIZE Use brushes, mops, dusters and Brooms that bear this PKTERSON. Bishop ft Clark, At- tr.rr.evi at Law. Rooms sad 4 Smith-Crawford BldR. AUTO TRANSFER Phone 52 hanavan transfer. Crescent cigar ssiore. . i-o C. K. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs Cigar Store. Phone l7o. F. R. HADLEY, transfer, baggage moving done while you wait stand at Wlckland's Plumbing Shop Phone 488, lies. 210-It. IF YOU WANT TO MOVE call the Service Transfer and storage a Phone 683, city or country trips. us W. Court Street TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton Auto Stag Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 11:45 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendluton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. HcPHERRIN, Prop. FOR SALE 2 ton Republic truck, good condition. Inquire Earl Tul lock, Pendleton, Ore, A BARGAIN on Cadillac "8" if taken at once, $900.00 cash price first class condition. Inquire Haynes Sales Service, 722 Cottonwood St. WANTED WANTED A cook Phone 0F3. WANTED Sewing and hand work. Phone 1028-J or 120 Lee St. : Below is the Sanitary Inspection Report made of the Quality Market by the Oregon Dairy and Food Commission: This is a clean, well equipped mar- ? kct, refrigerated meat cases and meat boxes. AH meats are kept covered and place O. K. (Signed) E. L. JIELTOX, Deputy. Surely this must mean something to you, when meat spoils so easily these hot days. Quality Market We Give Green Stamps Thonc 86 Where Better Meats Are Sold BRINGING UP FATHER Reg, U. 8. Patent Office By George McManus A r-f 1 ( DO vou likcD I I HOPE 1 Pf'Vi.,- , VM r THERE. I'M X&tf' ,TH,RT f ( HELLO -FRIEND-) RE: 1 FOR COOOne tKE- I HOW A60UTX-J POLICEMEN? J ft OO XOU -AVtf TOBE . TIME CART) Pilot Rook Btaga Bvan Cameron, Prop. Leaves Pilot Rock 8:00 A. M. Leaves Pendleton 10:80 A. If leaves Pilot Rock 1:00 P. M. Leaves Pendleton 6:00 P. X. Leave Hotel Pendleton and French Restaurant. Dnllv Freight Stage Leaves Pilot Rock 8:30 A. M. Leaves Pendleton 10:30 A. M. Pendleton-Umatilla Auto State Leave Pendleto 1:00 11:00 4:00 Echo t:15 1:15 I:" Stanflela t:8 1:I :3S Hermlstori t:il l:(t i:BS Ar. Umatilla 10:11 1:11 a:ll Leave Umatilla 1:00 18:00 4:00 HermistoB ' i:20 11:80 4:20 Btanfleld 8:48 18:41 4:41 Bcno 1:00 1:00 1:00 AT. Fend, 10:18 8:11 4:11 Sunday Leaves Pendleton 4:00 P. M, Leave! Umatilla 1:00 A. M. office Motor Inn GsraHJ 732 Cottonwood Bh Phone MS PELL DAWSON Parcel delivered to all war 4 points. . TIMUIfi JIAItK They can ' be bought from the FULLER man ONLY. Call 18-1 for I'Yeo Service HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING Mall orders Mr Ralph llassoll Robinson , AdU.-h Phono 903. , LAUNDRY, BVERT Article Laundered ParfoatbTi There's an anent in xonr town. Troy' Laundry, SOS Garden 84. DOMESTIC LAUNDRT 401 M. Ooatf St., Phone St. We maintain p cobm plete mending department -i LIGHTING PLANTg,,,,,,, DELCO Lighting System, Ackermasi and Zarflub, Golden Bnle . Bo! Bldg. . New and Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE, dealer In new fnd ea. ond hand goods. Cash paid - tor second hand goods. ' Cheapest plaes to buy household goods, tit) B. Ooan Phone S71-W. Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Ploturs JYam- ins. L. 1. McAtee. ths kiousm Paint Han. Lows Bros. Paints. PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING and repairing, J. W Kellogg with Warrens Muslo House. Phone 524. ' ' RADIATOR BEPAIRINQ ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All saaksa oi radiators repaired. Work guaraotasg O, Blasberg, Prop, . , RESTAURANT THS QUELLS A good plaes to sas. VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST C. W. Lassen, If. D, V. Phone 87. Office Phone M, Apricots for Canning POUND 10c THE DEAN TATOM COMPANY j Grocery Dept ggg . ai-vx.Lv Meat Dept. Oft Thone 00 ; i fgi w hn. rTuw wec Iwfc j f