. ' v2Tr:'s.T ?:l t AGE TWO .; DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 6, 1922, TEN PAGES You Will Need Many Little Necessities All of Which Go to Make up . . Comfort and Convenience : .. .... :i. . ; ; -.y ' .. , ... .,: ..- , Vacation time with its merry-making in the cool of the mountains, its care free cavortings along the sandy beach of the shore and for its dress-up occa sions brings many insistent needs. In brief, everything that responds to the call of play days, will be seen here in all their gracious glory, a' fairyland of happy suggestions that promise to help make all vacation dreams come true. THIS STORE IS TRULY THE VACATIONIST HEADQUARTERS. Glove Perfection When a store insists updrt every pair of gloves being absolu tely correct in style, fit and make, there is not much chance in a customer going ., wrong when buying ' gloves at such a store A line of silk and fabric gloves of every nature and description. Every conceivable color and combination. Short gloves in silk or fabric, gauntlet style in fabric "only,; -Just 'the giove to wear for driving, and all out-door wear, priced at special prices for your vacation at .... . .... . . . $1.85 to $3.50 A New Handbag fe;. You simply must have one for your trip! They are prettier .than any handbags we've had for-a long time. Then too, they cost less than similar bags have sold for. A splendid assortment of handbags in plain, spider, crepe and fancy lea thers, assorted colors, 3 pockets, nickel frame, 'closes with strap and snap fast ener. Priced from $3.75 to $7.50 Vanity cases in brown, grey, spider grain leather, also some in patent lea ther. Contain emery boards, powder box and nail polish container. Priced from . $6.00 to $16.00 Hosiery Honors If there were such a thing as hosiery hon ors, it would be diffi cult to decide upon the prize winner, if only one style was to be selected. "Sultana" full fashioned silk hose. Extra good quality for wear. They come in black, white, cordovan and grey, priced very moderately at $3.50 "Phoenix" hose in pure silk, full fashioned. Mock seam hose in black, white and cordovan. Wide elastic gar ter top. Mercerized heel and toe. Special at per pair $1.73 SMART SWEATERS vYou Should Have Several '' .' ':x ' It is the one garment of which you can not have too many. When you can get such pretty ones. for so little money, there is no good reason why you should not have several. Priced from $400 to $27.50 NEW WASH SKIRTS Add Much to a Vacation Because it is a time when one wants to give, but little thought to anything except to have a good time. We want clothes that we do not have to be so careful about, and there is certainly no garment like the wash skirt for good looks and service. Range from $2.50 to $7.50 THE OVER BLOUSE Is, The Ideal Garment Dressy, smart and comfortable, Tt is the garment suited best of all for all around use. Made from washable materials which are thin and cool, yet very serviceable. ' Priced from $3.50 to $12.50 , PRETTY BLOUSES Take Plenty With You A blouse a day is not too many to have. Fact of the matter is, you should have several extra ones to wear when you come back, for then it will be too late to get them at these prices. Priced from $5.00 to $15.00 GINGHAM DRESSES Take at Least Three They .are so good looking and are in such favor this year, that if one has plenty of pretty gingham dresses, one does not have to worry about carrying other dresses. Range, from $3.95 up to $22.50 A COMFORTABLE WRAP Should Also Be Included! It may be one of the new black capes, a sport coat or any one of the new wraps which are to be found at all fashionable va cation resorts; or at the modest places in the country. Choose any of these with an absolute assurance of correctness. Price $12.50 to $75.00 Little Things of Mammolhly -Big Importance These are the little things which are so often overlooked until we have reached our destination and the trunk has been unpacked. - But then it is too late". So don't forget the pins, safety pins, needles and thread, snap fasteners and hook and eyes, bias tape and a roll of cotton tape, darning cotton, elastic, and be sure to take plenty of Duro-Belle hair nets, because they are double mesh and 2 for 25c. plvlletonS greatest department store SliiGpeoples Warehouse VTT" ','," WHrRE IT PAYS TO . TRADF p "-' " '" v' ' "- ' A Pretty Scarf Is not only a neces sity so far as style is concerned, but essential when it' comes to real com fort and conveni-., ence. - You may have a separate scarf or a hat and scarf to match. Protect Your Face From sunburn, while you play and from dust while you motor, , by ; wearing a pretty veil which you may . select now from these new arrivals. A fine assortment of good quality, slip-on veils in assorted colors aftd meshes, plain and figured; exception ally good values, specially - priced . at 25c to 50c. " Ever-ready veil made of silk thread, extra heavy mesh, plain and embroid ered figures. Priced from $1.25 " to $2.50. The Newest Neckwear Offers such a splen did choice of be coming styles, that one may . choose a supply 'for the en tire vacation trip without sacrificing individuality as to similarity. Collar and cuff sets of fine quality white organdy, cambrics and linens, hemstitched, fine open work and eye let embroidery; some have narrow lace trimming, others have scaloped edges. Priced from $1.50 to $3.95