PAGS EIGHT DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN; PENDLETOX."OEEGON," TKtKSfiAY "tttonG, TIAY 25. 1922: "EIGHT "PAGES DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE Freight reduction Cbnws Bonds Slightly. KEW YORK. My S3. Ilailway freight reductions nnncunceri hy the Interstate commerce" commission were without marked effect upon quoted valued In yesterday's bond mar ; Such Irregular tendencies as develop, t-d were mainly attributed to firmer nioney rates. ?.iberty I 1-S again rose abo- p-T. though closing . Mlghlly under that ' quotation, and majority rf the t.r..l 4 l-4s al.- wero Inclined to nn Ii ve. bon is showed a better we. Me1n 4a and 6s making up i.virh of their recent act backs, with f inn jies r. pelglai and J.aptincse Kovern mH lonna and several of the K.-on.'Ii n miv'pals. The front par' of the day's basin"! " ccn red In speculative rails, notnbly j-:n, Chicago A Alton 1 Ft. I' ml lefiindln : 4 l-2s, Chesapf a Ohio i onverttKe 4 J-2s, M:4i"til.. Ki'nt-a ft Teli first 4a and Holding HihtuI 4, the advance of th- i it'T "nenrring wii n tho strength il Hi jri feiied shar t Moderate amount. Including utility, ra l "y -.d I project. .t ie:i,:Ily a b-or .(!. Xegotiaiiot.. foi f'.rcT" loan, fcludine one in"iv 1-. Si.nth American countries, wet-j re l-cii-d f, . 1. 1 1 i rciwini;. ba-i.l , par value, fi-r : gated 517,flJl.'"-, Tho Mock m."tJ Initial r: i.-tum to tho lower fn-iaht rates ord3rJ interstate ;mnmprce comin'."si:i took :.m form rt Reneral hiJk. iniMlerate advance in Junior tranpn- 't. n while ti r.iescntatlve lssu that class were inclined to react. "ii -'if whle railroad and nlcr-s's "re Knicved at the -f-irrd nrncii ri tho com mission aid the general reduction averaging about 10 per cent, was within popular ex portation. The strength of some "of the sec ondary rails, notably Chicago & Al ton cemmon und preferred, Wshusli common and preferred A and Lake Krle ft Western, was due m titily to persistent reports that these systems are likely to figure In mergers or traf fic agbreements. Proof that the railroad aitjat'nn It THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley L'" ., " ,-7- 1 rrrr ::t"" , " -; -m-;. itrtD A TJJO Mil m ruA PETE PEMAN AND HIS PI Pocket, were caiisht 6y the fire bcraistmcnt. . I y Ad ' THeT DAMAGE BY WATER SOMEWHAT, L. I ? &t BXCEEDKO THE FIRE LOSS. , j P f , gj FARM LOANS ( We are now in a position to make farm loans in any amount, at very close rates, on improved and partly improved farms, stock ranches and irrigated lands. N Write us or call at the bank for full particulars as to terms and rates. n TheAmericanNatiohalBaiik Pendleton. Oregon. 33YfJ- Of Continuous Pnking. mmmmnmmswmmmmmmmmmmjwwmm A Big Rug Special Saturday Only By our buying a large quantity of these nigs we got them at a special price from the mill. We offer you this fine Velvet Rug, size 27 in. by 54 in. for Saturday Only at 2.39 each 8 These rugs will be displayed in one of our show I windows Friday evening. No phone orders no delivery cash only An assortment to pick from. Limit of two to a customer. 35L CIWIKSHMNK & HAMPTON 40Mrn.ETtk0USCrURNISHeRS -S3 124-28 E. Webb Phone 54b , Xonr Old Furniture "Taken tn Exchange a Part Payment ou Ne v Kxoiutnr Areot til Peuaictoa for McUoucall Kitchen Cabinet S mt1'"Si""ni'iraTt;n"Bi mm : mm - win i iinii.a, mmti iroiiiii briehteninir lu its broader aw wis furnished by the resumption of d.i dends on the common stock c( .he Cleveland. Cincinnati. Chicnvo I Louis railway, controlled by New Tork Central interests. , I Other divisions of the stock list fol lowed Uielr Irregular course of the preceding days of the week' on more moderate dealings, the regular move ments being largely governed by the maneuvers of professional Interests. Independent steels rose and fell to the accompaniment of conflict nit ru mors, .extreme Kalns of 1 to almost I I points being shaded In the latter Krt of the session. Equipments were fea tured hy Una Locomotive common and preferred and affiliated Lsues and coalers were at their best In the final hour, when Reading first and second preferred showed Rains of C ftsd S 3-4 points, respectively. Sales amounted to 98C.000 shares. riUcagn A Iiivrstnck Market CHICAC.O, May (t'nltrd Plates Fliireati of Markets.) Cattle He ceipts lO.flno head; market actle: heef steers Rtroni; to 10c higher: top, 19.25 on yearllnKs and matured stoers; bulk beef steers. $7.90W 8.70: she elock strong; bulls steady; veal calves strong to iic hUher: Wockcrs dull: bulk venlera to outsiders, S 1 0. rf fj 1 1 ; few early sales to mackers $3.50(8)10. lings Receipts 21,000 head; mar ket fairly active, mostly 10c .higher than yjesterday's nverage; heavy mixed and packing grades slow; top, $10.75; hulk, tl0.2r.if? 10.70; pigs about steady; mostly $9.501819.75; heavy weight, $10.46iff 10.80; medium weight, $10.55 H0.7R; light weight, $10.7010.75; light lights, $10.1010.70; packing sons, smooth, $9.35 fi 9.75; packing sows rough, $99.40; killing pigs, t9.25fT10.25. Sheep Receipts 13,000 head; mar ket strong to 25c higher; best shorn lambs, bid, $13.50; bulk. $12Q13; six loads very good California spring lambs. $15.75 with 197 out; good nn tlve springs, $15.25; fat ewes mostly $6iff"; few young native stock ewes $7.50. Grain At ' San Francisco SAX FRANCISCO. May 25. AVheat Milling, $2.252.30; feed, $3.15 2.23. Rarley Feed, $1.35 1.37; ship ping, $1.45(1.55. i - Oats Red feed, $1.55 (fi) 1.65. Corn White F.gyptlan, $2(fT2.10; red mllo. $l.77Vi Wl.88. Hay Vheat.$16(? 18; fair, $14M; t.'ime ont, 1GW18; wild oat, $llf 13! alfalfa. $15(ff 18; new first cutting, $13 15; stock, $)012; straw, nominal. v. sv s . -J j r S3 HCYil Yow wet That scrp op BnPef? 4no -rnee'c- T3- nr aV. STANDINGS OFFICE CAT Coiiuiiprclal Leagno Standings. I'eoples, warehouse. 4 1 Woolen Mills 3 3 East Oregoninn i i Troy Laundry 2 S ElliB-Schlller 2 3 Seattle Grain Market 81CATTLK, May 25. Wheat, hard white, hard red winter, $1.27; soft white, whlto club, soft red winter, northern spring, $1.25; eastern red Walla, $1.22. itlb Hond MtiCHtem, $1.55. , i llay and food unchanged. YPHterdnv's Itcsult j Woolen Mills 8. Ellis-Schiller 2. J Today s Game. . Teoples Warehouse vs. Est Oregonlan. Electricity to Run An Entire Nation Mlnnenpolis Wheat Future MIN'XKArOLIH, May 25. Wheat, May, $1.51; July $1,41. BcpUmbcr, 11.25 5-8. 1 1 i .500 J I ( I 111 1 I 400 t ! Lf .is m BY JUNIUS U.S. Feeding 6700 Russian Students LONDON. (By Mall to t'nltnd I'I'ohsI Rttirtent feeding has now been begun In Russia by the American .Ro ller 'Administration,' according to 'n caWe received at the London office. Klxty-seven hiitulred 1'nlverslty stu dents In Moscow, I'ctrngrnd ttnd Kaz an are efiting lu A. R, A. kitchens. .. So desperate were conditions iimting the students that many wore being compelled to abandon their studies from lack of food. Thoso struggling to keen on had adopted a Plan of liv ing In groups In rfne small room, and cooking their cntnjnon meal of soup on a common stove. . , .This method, however, was unsanitary and ' their health was suffering in consequence. LI'XE.MIll'ltO (fly .Mall to I'nlted Press.) Preliminary nesnllntlons nro In progress' for the biggest scheme of eloctrifiintlop that hns ever been at tempted. Scheduled to be started next year, tlio plan Is to Install suffi cient electric plant to furnish nil the motive power required for the light ing services, the railroads, tramways, factories, and private houses Indeed, for mnklng electricity tho one and only mechanical power In tho Grand Duchy. The schotae arises out of an under taking, given some time ago by tho government of the duchy, to supply tho town of Luxemburg (tho cnpital) : with electric current. The duchy con tains a thousand square miles of ter ritory, and hus a population of a quar. ter of a million. t'l.YIXt; I.KKXSKS XIXTESSARY TO PEK A, Kan., .May 25. Aviators should remember that when- flying In Kansas they must have a license. This was the ultimatum delivered by Adjutant-General C. I. Martin, chair man of the now State Aircraft Hoard. General Martin also states that all air craft manufacturer", and dealers tthrnughout the stato must bo licens ed. All aviators are required to take an examination before they receive a li cense. v Kcems That Way ' Ray, Junius, : Whassumatta with wlmmin? How come they alius Wanna yeat? Ain't they got no folks to homo what ' D. G. D. Some people Just' can't keep their ees-entlng a secret. , Why Girls Leave Home (From tho "Philadelphia Bulletin.) The father of the girl reported her disappearance to the police this morn ing. He said she left home about 11 o'clock last night, soon after the fam ily retired In her night clothes. If you. don't think times tiro better ! look nt the dimo novels that sell for two dollars each. '- The real game of put and take these days is tho average m nil's .bank ac-1 count. : ' ... Limn Something Now Each Day A 'little floor oil sprinkled on the baby's dress will keep tho floor shin ing. George Washington was admitted to the Hall of Fume in New York re cently. George has been famous out side of New )'ork for quite some time. Bigger Yields on Fordson Farms THE ti yields Fordson fanners enjoy are the envy of the commiiiity. The only reason other fois don't get a many bushels is because they don't work the land so welL Plow and disc and culti-pack without delay. That's what r lakes the perfect seed bed that brings big yields. Every farmer knows, that is the thing to do, but those who farm with horses can't seem to find the time. The difference is all due to one s!r.-V K.-; r:: Cit man who uses a Fordson Tractor and an Olivw.- io. 7 FIjw will plow seven or eight acres while his neighbor is plowing two acres with a team. The Fordson farmed land can be plowed at just the right time. - i Over 200,000 FonUoa Farmers Uta OUW TilUf ImpleiMmts . V- ,.t..v.;,;j ft JoJ-j '.-wV Simpson Auto Co. ronn and voiwsos rtwne 4IM AVTHOlUZEaH SALES AND 6EnVICB, - , V " . feadrHon, Ore. DOG CATCHERS HIRED floss, because of tho prevalence of LOS ANGELES, May 25.-(C. P.) Thc ci'tv counc,r' . recently , noro. The old fashioned dog-catcher, with his net and snare, has returned. printed $1080 to hire four dog catch ers and twit trucks, which will dally After a lapse of twelve years, he has travel given bents In the city In quest been recalled to rid the city of stray of abandoned hounds. The reason why : professional cooks are never without Kingsford's Corn Search PASTRY flour with Kingsford's makes lighter and flakier biscuits, pie crusts and muffins. Just use one fourth cup of Kingsford's with three-fourths cup or dinary wheat flour , . . You can have smoother, glossier -gravies, and sauces if-you use a dessert spoonful of i Kingsford's instead of a tablespoonful of wheat flour.' FREE: Aik your foc or writ Johmon-Lleber ' 1 . 1 - 11 . -. L 1 I 1. .... t... : ...1. 1 1 . ... V.UinMI.Y U..I...U, .J.vwi .w. ........ .. . . foUtr nt the Dew Kingifurd Cora SSurch recipes IXmmmlmB vim 00INGS OF THE DUFFS Tom Gives a Neighborhood Party. By Allman SOME Of THE H CTTHER BOY5 WAMTEDC TO GO TOO, f rpr. 7- W ! :"; v I II till I KIM I lK.IMMUl LA I - I RH. ! ALONG TOO? d ' 5? yxMS;.. . mm, JMpts see - Nvtfee COIN', v d C m if ;((VE RFTE y riuu ONE DAY ONLY Afternoon and Night PENDLETON 9 UK TUSKCW Plajjoest living . J BIG 4- RING WILD ANIMAL FOOT TAtCER. .J MHsnlsWt(MiltllWsMsMss1sK4iMlltesM04 , ADMISSION 50c AND 75c ; -: Kes. chair seat sale TaDiaaa Drug Store Show Day."-