PADS SIS EAILY EAST OCOStA, PSNSLETOK, OSE50N, TUESDAY E7E2STSO, HAY 23, 1322. EIGHT PAGS3 Sodtf and Club News Golden Gate Cole (L CLUB HAS MEETING. For the final meeting of the year, jnembrrs of the Research Club mo tored yesterday to the hmr.e of Jim. Bessie Reese near Helix, where they were entertained by lira. Keese. Mr. Roy Penland of Hel x and '.'Us. George Stangier. The afternoon's urogram was tn.ast enjoyable. Mrs. Raymond Hatch and Mrs. T. H. Remholdt San a vocal du et, "A May MornhiK," and Mrs. "Hatch also san "Beneath Thy Win dow." "Pale Moon" and "Near the Well were the vocal numliers sun as solos by Mrs. Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre or Helix save two readinx. Head or Tall."; and "Bairnles Cuddle Down," In Scotch dialect. 'Election of officers took place dur ing the afternoon. Mrs. T. H. Hem bolt win chosen president, with Mrs. Fred Lleuallen. vice president. Mrs. J. M. P. Snyder, secretary; Mrs. E. E. Baer, correspond nit secretary and Mrs. Bessie Iteene, treasgrer. " Tulips and snowballs were used In decorating. Guests other than club members were: Mrs. F. M. Ebrel. Mrs. William Ingram, of Portland, Mrs. William Ttale Mrs. J. F. Math ews. Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre and Mrs. Ella Landers of La Grande. v-" ' "' WILL ENTERTAI.V TOMORROW. Miss Helen Clark will be honored at a noon luncheon at which Mrs. George Hartznan, Mrs. John Mont gomery, Mm Una Sturgls nnd Mrs. F. fi." ftoj'dfsn Will enfertain at the home of Mrs. Montgomery tomorrow. I.KAVK FOR AXCHOIIAE. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Turner and son, Kussell Turner, today left for Anchor age. Alaska, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Turner I formerly resided here and are pioneer residents of this county. Recently .they nive made their home In I'ma jtilla. Mr. Turner, who years ag. was district attorney for this district, will jenKage In the practice of law ill An- M1K8 it w AGO ART DEPARTS. Miss Lois Swaggart has df parted for Seaside to spend the summer there and at Cannon Beach with Mrs. Roy Becker. Miss Swaggart, who Is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Wheeler, has been visiting at the Wheeler home. In the fall she will resume her studies at the Cornish school In Se attle. CHAPTER TO MEET. Hegeman chapter. Westminister Guild, will hold Its annual meeting on Saturday at the home of Mrs. Bessie Reese, of Helix. Guests will motor to her home In the morning and will spend the day. Assisting Mrs. Reese In receiving the guests will be Mrs. Roy Penland, Mrs. Victor Mutton and Miss' Mabel Johnson. 8ALK TO BBJ HELD. The ladles or the Christian church will hold a cooked food sale on Sat urday at Crawford's furniture store. It will begin at It o'clock in the morning. HOPF'S UPSTAIRS 8UOF FRIDAY! ; and, . SATURDAY! ALL SUITS SACRIFICED Jersey Suits " $18,88 ' '. v V '" ' Navy TriclijriG Suits; Less Than Wholesale Cost. Ixfy'T OVERLOOK" TIIlS OPPORTUNITY. EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE IUIit Is (ItriMetM-d The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson has been named Rarhel May. The christening was held yesterday at the Church of the Redeemer, with I lev. Alfred Lovkwood officiating. MRS. JOHNSON HKRE Mrs. J. H. Johnson, whose home Is in the Willamette Valley, is a guest at j the home of Mrs. Thomas Brewster, i lhe arrived here yesterday and will return to her home tomorrow. ARE IX VICTORIA Dr. and Mrs. Hugh S. McKensie, who left here a week ago on a motor trip, are now In Victoria, British Co lumbia. Recording to word received by Pendleton friends. LITTLE SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Claud Smith are the parents of a baby boy, born at St. Paul, Oregon. Mrs. Smith was for merly Miss Madge Nelson of this city. CLUB TO MEET. The Delphian Club will meet to morrow afternoon in the library cluh room with Mrs. L M. Spaulding and Mrs. Minnie Stillnutn as hostesses. SOCIAL TO BE HELD The Standard Bearers of the Meth odist church will hold an "old-fash-toned social' tomorrow evening in the church. ..i MRS. Ht'NTLEY RETURNS Mrs. Ti. M. Huntley has returned from Portland. She is convalescing after a recent operation.. 1 I1H.ND tHKK WITH MVK I"OOilS. THIS WKKK OXLV. AT THK KPKCIAL PRICE OK i BRINGS THK TRICK OF THIS HIGH GRADF. tFFKK DOWX TO 5 HIXTS pHt POiXD. LAY IX YOl'H 81 P1LV NOW. MXK FltKSU tXHNTKY 1UTTKH, S POVXDS .70c PHIDrTS R-lSPIiKKRY AXD PLI M F1U-.SKKVKS. 1HKKS TIN'S $1.80 11XK QVAUTY IMtOOMK, EACH ,..75o PARKJcn hocse noixs, fkisu, imj&kx jsc bfj hock chkkse, poixd i.v SANTA CLARA FKOiKS. KM ALU 3 POINDS ...50e 8AXTA CUItA PKCXE8. KVKGK, POIND ....... . U 30c KAXTA CLARA PRINKS, EXTRA 1AIM.K, POl'XD... SC SI'S SWlT PKfXESJ, a POVXD PACKAGE ..-Wo W era's Bra Oil geas) - Has stood the test for SM years Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Three Phones 28. Only One Quality, the Best MRS. VAN BUltEN HERE Mrs. Sadie . Van Buren, of Grande, is a Pendleton visitor. La MOTOR TO WALLA WALIA Mr. and Mrs. I B. Travera motored to Walla Wnlla yesterday. El IB IS rl 0 M E DEMONSTRATION IDEAS FOR a HOUSEWIVES ,' WASHINGTON. May 2f. l'. P" DiiiiKhirly . started the wiir fraud linwciititin by ordering 'the impanel. Mug of a .special (iiuiid .dry to ln ai the evidence. District Attorney 5or- dun cxuitilwd twenty thico prosper the jlnoin today, ' If he can pick twelve without another drawing (if niuiiea, (lordim believed lliu jni'j coiild start work nei't Monday. Some of the people Avho always want the very best In telephone ser vice and employes ot the Pacific Tele phono and Telegraph Co., who are In terested In seeing that this kind of service Is given Joined In studying nomo of the problems of communi cation which nre daily confronting the telephone company when "Dad's Night" iwus observed last night. Fathers of the employes of the company and business men of the city were guests of the company. The workings of the system were describ ed lit delu-'l by members of the force, and K(ue of the reuKims why service may ho temporarily Interrupted were explained. 'Members of the city and the mayor attended the little, party before council inoctim,'. Refreshments of Ice cream ami c;il-e wen Served tho fciicsts. TltW Is the second of a scries of such tncetiiiKs lic'fii;? held by lite company. , I gWe sell YOUTH CRAFT HAIR AND SCALP : h i PRE WAR PRICES : Anyone Jlftviny Dandruff or Itching Scalp V FOR THE hAr ANb SdAL)p Youth Craft A Positive Remedy for Dandruff and Itching Scalp a1 fA 4 If not entirely satisfied return the empty bottle i YOUTH CRAFT SELLS AT $1.00 PER BOTTLE j and money will be refunded. I Phone 520 Mil fS DRUG STORE "Tr th drug store first' ' Pendleton, Oregon WllUIVlUUf VI 6UU s Our Ice Machine Will soon be Installed. In a very short time we Will be in & position to take care of your ice orders. Phone and advise us just how much ice you will want each day or week. You will like our ice nnd the service we give. ' ' ' l ; . . . ' 1 TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor. "STOPS lAXATIVtS , HEALTH REGAINED BY INTERNAL BATHS" ' Mr. A. Cmrnwlil, fi5T Mnnt6m-rjr St., Ssn Frsm-Muo, Cal., writes Tyr rell's Hj jienic last, of New York at follows: "I must admit thjt the use of the J. B. I Cawade' lit cured chronic conitlpatlon from which I Buffered. Since May 12th, 11)13, I have never even tasted any kind of pstent medi cine or purgative. My health is etcel lent In every respect." . Over half a million bright, keen, in telligent Americans have found that Internal Bathing ia more ensential to their health than external baths k Have found that lined occasionally tt night they tcel like different people the next morning. No more of that bilious, tired, nervous feeling, but hav ing by nature's yown cleanser autl aeptic warm water removed all the noiHonoua waste from the lower in tentlne, they awake thoroughly r frcahed by normal aleep. with all their functions acting properly, clear headed, happy, confident, eager and capable lor the duties of the day. TAMiMAX & CO. will gladly explain to yon the simple operation of the "J. B. L. Cascade." why it ia so certain in its results, and will give you free of coat, an interest ing little book containing the results of the experiences of Dr. Chaa. A. Tyrrell of New York, who was a spe cialist on Intestinal Complaints for 25 yean in that city. Why not cut this out as a reminder to get this bonk aa aoon as possible. Remember, please, it ia free. SEVERAL THOUSAND SIGNS TO BE POSTED RAX FUANCISCO, Muy 25. (A. P.) Several thousand additional signs will be posted In national for ests thlH, yeur by tho United States Forest Service, according to L. A. Mari'ctt, assistant district forester. These will relate to fire prevention, give location of camp sites And set forth mileage :and. names of trails and roads. ' linp.l ot Ilia Annual ot til ABTNA INSl'IIAXCE COMPANT itiX'JUi. Z , "'":',,f. ''""""etl-H, nil th. !,!. p."m""",""'f ' tl "t Ore," , ,,! iuhi in iiw I'APtTAt, Amount of raiiltal tlori nalil up . I S,fl00,000.H ,. tNi'iiMf: M prrmtiim) r.c.urf durlni . Jfiar 2t OIA li. a Jntrm.1. ,l,.in.,,H. and rent, f,.",',".-- i-vjtfh niirntf in. Jraar. . . IHrtiro. from otliiT ourt'M reiten dnrini tli. ;r . . Tela! in"mf . l,TT n.' i I- ., IMsnrRHRMRXTH .t (we. paid dorint t.h. year InrhHjiiis aduMimenl eiwrnM l,nsn.2S Pii'd.'o.U paid on racilal atnek dnrim the year,.., l.SOO.Onn.OB ( I'niMiwsion. ami ..alariM paid t'te.. Il.en... and tee. paid (il.V- 11 "'I the .vfar t.:.l, 7a Am inn of all I'tli.r expt'iKtttur. ir.':io,iisti,si .tti.udllur9 MMSI.7K.SI ASSKTs Vain, of .stale owu.d Imar- ,. V aluel 4tn.0clfi ml lo. .,, .,j h..di o'lll.-d nMrk i Liioci an Tmi '-ns m ' :i I m l.aiit .rid ,oi It.od. . , . L'.Utl.3i;l in I'i ii'Miin. ill onitrs,. . f ttli.rtt.n '""' ".i X''i. so. lim. J.;:i in tiii J'""' -'! ."!.!. '.'711. t j li.i--,t .od tt.i duo and ac. i'i iii'i I .TAC(IA, May 25. (f. P.) A new million dollar hotel for Tacoma wus assured today as the result of a week's Intensive cunipaign to raise funds by popular subscription to fi nance tho project. The Commercial Club bunquet closed the campaign. The requested million dollars was over-subscribed several thousands. A stockholders meeting is to be called In the next few days to elect perma nent officers nnd directors nnd ' se lect a silo. Construction Is expected to start this summer. ILLINOIS MINERS REFUSED SEPARATE AGREEMENT TODAY III., May 25. (L. P.) The Illinois miners today re fnscM to enter separate negotiations with tho mine operators to end tho coal strike. Union officials said they would not enter Intb a separate agree ment until tho International executive hoard permitted them. ADMITTED V y,4 'A Ulcacii for Willie Cotton or Iiinrn Jlatcrial. (Iteprlnted by request.) 'Mix half-pound Chlorinated Lime with one quart of water, stirring thoroughly with an old spoon for 10 or 12 minutes. Add 4 water to make up to a gallon. Dissolve one pound sal soda In hike warm water and add 4 enough wuter to make a gallon. Mix the two solutions and allow them to settlo ever night, then pour off tHe clear liquid Into bottles and keep corked in a' cool and dark place. ' Use one-third te.icupful of this solution to a boiler of water, stirring solution Into water be. foir putting in I'lothcs. Wfien chillies reach Imilliu; tompern- hire, remove and put through scalding hot iltie water. Clothing should never bo boiled, siimilv brought Up' to a boiling temperature. This method will give iiiKiwy white clothes even if they are never sun dried, and the clothes will not he (iMftungcd if these dirot'toiiM lire 'followed. It, will also blench ugly figures rnuh prfited cloth nnd make'' faded tilings white. V. I). . . together with the value of the 10 to 1 K ner cent unrecovered. represents j a loss of approximately S9OU.O00. legislation requiring recording oi the title of each car sold, as In Ihe case of real estate, and requiring MANY GARDENS PLANTED BY YOUTHFUL FARMERS WASHINGTON, May 23. Farm and homo practices of 1,200,000 fann ers, 400,000 farm women and 145,700 farm boys and girls wore greatly Im proved last year as the result of ex tension work on the part of the de partment of agriculture In co-opera tion with the states, according to a re port to the department. During the year, the report stated, 550,000 gardens were established and thousands of tons of fruit and vege tables canned, brined and dried up as a result of this work. , Club boys and girls numbering 05 000, who reported tho results of their wofk, produced $5,800,000 worth of products, including pigs, calves, poultry, vegetables and fruits, lit ad dition, there were 240,000 boys and girls enrolled who did not report. AUTOS VALUED AT HUGE SUMS STOLEN IN GEORGIA . ATLANTA. May ,25. Two thous and automobiles, whose aggregate value reached $2,000,000 were stolen in Georgia during 13921, according to reports compiled by the Automobile I'ndcrwriters' Detective lliireau. Hetween 65 and 70 per cent of the ears were recovered, It. C. Patter son, secretary of the bureau, states, but repairs bn'-fach of the recov ered machines avcragod $150. This, To RELIEVE BACKACHE take the trustworthy sulphur remedy 60 rspsuler Sne; fall trontnteiit. a boxes, $2.(0. Money back If not satisfied, whan purcBBded from list .Tallmatt & Co. I'eridleton - - Oregon r SPORT SKIRTS Are Unusually Popular It is their style and service ability that Is creating, the brisk demand for these skirts. They are suitable for a . thousand uses and, there is no skirt we think of that can gracefully take their place. e.ich driver to carry a registration curd for the car he Is driving, wlthT his photograph, and the numbers of the car and motor thereon, would materially Tefluce autennobtje' thefts, lie believes." ' , 'Id save g; on hills Many an automobile fails to deliver the power and speed of which it is capable, fails in acceleration and on the hills, be cause of poor lubrication. r ; The purpose of lubrication is to reduce friction. In this connection it must be re- v mcmbered that oils have internal or mo- . bcular frictioa The heavier the oil the . more this, internal friction, which has to be overcome by and uses up power. The ideal oil for the automobile is the thinnest oil which will keep the bearing surfaces separated, and at the same time offer in itself the least frictional resistance to the engine power going to the rear or driving wheels. Such an oil if it has "dUnese," atability and pur ity, will give perfect lubrication, and partnit th ' development of th maximum power, speed and , gasoline mileage of the car. Zerolene meets these conditions perfectly. ' Oilmen-StabilityPurity Zerolene has great "oillnesa," which causes It to cling to bearing surfaces while offering In itself a ' minimum of frictional resistance to th engine power. V i It has great stability, which causes it to resist engine heatandtoformaminlmum of carbon of a soft, flaky nature which goea out with the exhaust. And it ia pure. .' , If you follow th Zerolene chart of Correct Lubrl cation.youwilldevelopthemaximura power, speed ana gasoune mileage oi your car.' . - ami- mote less faction and wear thru (brtut Lubrication STAN DAkD OIL oftMrVUfY Caiorhml r -A mmn 8 'r -l.e ailmit.til a.ii-n SI 11.3.1? I . .3S,!;i ml Umt,tTiKl t.'mt-. rlumv for lev.c. lu.iiinl. 1.Sl.r,474 An. '-mi u! Kn.-ini.-.l eimua.iH ii t n'e-iiii.iiir-j ri as -rt.i'iM; m;.i i-j !" i.m iMimtit . ii ii rtti.l lir-ife -t- J .'"''. . sn.oiin nn an tti.-r liib;it'.'4 sjh.ihmi.ihi 'l"la' tiab ll'iaa, rarlc. lt- nf raiiiiat iiu- ;i.i;':.tiis.a Ri'SIXKS.s IX Olil'C.IX mn THK T.XH Ial l triiiin.ut mftiisl lUritja' . far t 1.VJ IS'. eail (tunni Die jwar.... SU.II16 I Ltaui Ini-urratl Uurtlif tli )rar. 8Uiu.$ KTXA IN'at'RANCK rOMTANT WtU.Uil H. OLAIIK. Prfal.lrtl. lil:T K. BKARHS1.KV. arnura, liainlutj eiHlnu atturiMT lur arraW: j F. IkEKIU Uttl, I'onluil, Oa, ll.VltT.MA5r ABSTIUCT CO. Agtnts 4Vpdleton( Oregon, . .HERE'S KEAL l-v. 1,M f ' P A p"- ' ,i' ' Ik Miss Gertrude Baer, Berlin, . will mak a two-months tour of America to speak for the. Women's Interna tional League for I'eace. She was de tained by tills Island officials for a day. They were under the mls-appre-hiiiin thai Bhu was If eoininuuisl. - .' ' . ' s I'Jirh Ii:af ut bitad made in tU.'s lmkcry is real fiHKl. Jt is satisfy ing ami of Mibstautial fiHKl 1 al no as well. It it the bmul that will always make jou feel as If the moal lias beit a happy one. Order it. , Pendleton' Baking Go. . I . nl n'!i. v.,,,,,,, Ml. .I . H'liHil,,i J . u '' lit-,, "a i . . J' i . 'Hi 1 I'i a jmmm. . r - L ii II ry - arl o I i !...(,!! ' r i. VSai-'"' saves Hi Jl . . I Health ll ikvl At r-T . I.. '" I - ia i-.l -.1 :iU:seisi!:less::,iK!fe.:i . -r-'iiL ' ' " ;li'' .. ! -i ',-' You begin saving money, because of LESS ice you will use, the. minute an Automatic is , ' placed in your kitchen. Crawford Furniture Co. Your Credit is Good. : Your Old Furniture Taken in Exchange for New ' Phone 491 v Pcndletoii, Orecoa H I a IT rWiH Biaa . mwmrwrm-mm-w mtmrwrm-mrm rT ray-yr y