DAILY EAST ORIGOSlAJf, PETOLZTON, 02EG0N. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 20, 1022. TWELVE PAGE1 TkZZ SIX tl Social and Club News Ik- need f..r th- c-liibs orphan f JiiJ CIU XTY CHINCH. OKGAMZKP. Kolloulii'- the. iwrfurmiiDrv. tea vuk', A Comity Parent Teacher Council, Mrvnl in the club room. Mrs. lloml fof whk-h the members will b from TLAY IS GREAT SCCCESS 'The H:tpy lay,-- a one-act comedy by Octavia Itoberts, I'M moat succrsa fully staged yexterdny afternoon at a luknrtt Mrrtritianc At the libmrv uijitorium bvmmtro'hr Current I'HKkfU of lovely apring flowers. In-j the direction ciiuiins a prouooun i imti,ttii-uiij and llr. li'jineu being liostcwea, a- f'endeton, Hormbrtoii, Kkho, Colton- slKted by ur memwrn ot tne ciuu. woou, l-ernilute ami Klventltie reder ated iiKRoriutionx, wax formed today at a luncheon at the Klks club. and tuUns, centered I he lea table, at j where thirty frncrts were entertained which Mrs. E. J. Hurke, of I'urtland, ius u part of the county conference and Mr. George Ilartmun presided. j program. Honor (roests were Mm. " '" . Milton HlKnin.i, of MaNwhuwett. na- Xnow. who played the pari of the am- ri vvKIl M GIVKX. Lm, .! i.u . J 7. ." . " . i .--- i.ifc i.t -.-. Isniro of Indiana. Mr. Kiitfeiip (nil. Honoring the RruiW.uiio:- Rla nfji-hw of Teiiiicasee, national viee the Kitinvla hiKh Kchool, a dinner and n-!iilefit. and .Mm. J. K. Hill, state dance were uiven at Kamela Thnrs- orealileiit. IJterature Club, under of Mrs. Fred Doncrt. The charai ter were excellently por trayed. In tha order of their appear ance on the stage they were Mrs. J. C. bitlous mother of a society alrl; Mrs. harles Hond, the attractive "Anne luring," friend of tho bride; Mr. . i i .:n u..i.:i tit liretty bride: Mm. Will H. Uennett. tdjy fven'!'K Hhort talk, and presented the diplo mas to the class, of which the mem- lira. F. 8. Ivanhoe. ' .o.i,n,.. Vi . .t tin t..-t ill nn.tnnl tntvo it 'Kittr Fern," the over-worked dress- i ' y ' maker who proves an easy victim to . .... ..it .. t.t i.,..i v..? .. ntMrnrltt. ng "TetV ror e piayed by Mn,!. .r. MeH Purt, Cecil Morgan, Charles II Marsh; jars. Key Italey. . Faus, .tulip V alnum and Dan- it t.. ti..L- rn.m h etitintrv. ! I-'1 iurran. ,j ' . r n,. fh. Decorations for the school Ion. brings her daughter 'Polly" to the "n ond ,rc''on ""- Marlow home. The daughter as In-i"" tU tho cluss colors, purplo and terpreted by Mrs. Uonert ,l a young orange, lady who says not a word but who j ,,7Z breaks silence and peanut shells sim- f LrA I.H Hill HOJII-. tiltaneously. The stage wttinn was j Frank SnmmeA illc, who lias Inen very 'effective and showed the Inter- i a guest at the home of his uncle and lor of a modem living-room. . I aunt, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sommcrvllle, Scores of people attended the play' (eft last nleht for his home in Edmon and the proceeds from the affair will ton, CuiiuUu. I 1 " T T noFF'g oi'STAins Biiur SATURDAY Continuing Our GREAT SALE of SILK DRESSES Taffetas and Canton Crepes $13.95, $15.95, $22.95 $29.75 . . Values1 you'll not be able to duplicate in many a season to come. With the organization of I'limlilki county council, the state now has six councils, there being one in Clack amas, Yamhill, .Marion, l'otk and Multnomah counties as well. The movement U finding much favor v.'ith 1. T. A. members throughout room 'the I'nited States. The luncheon was churming!y ap pointed, yellow wild flowers center ing the table. Kach honoree was presented with a lovely corsage bou quet of roses and -sweet peas. I're cellng the luncheon .Miss liarbura lMmonds. In Indian costume, sang charmingly "The Kobin Woman," with piano accompaniment by .Miss Agues Little. Last evening a reception was held at the Iibiury clubroom lit honor of. the visitors. The receiving line Included Mrs. lliggins, Mrs. lierbysliiie, Mrs. Hill, All's, f'rutchcr, Mrs. W. li. Wirk-k, slate vice-president, Mrs. (Mara l'or l"r Hmllli, district vice-president. Mm. Thomas Hampton, one of the j Oregon directors, .Mr. and .Mis. 'H. E. Inlow and JIr. and .Mrs. V. Circuit. The high school orchestra played several numbers under the direction of II. A. McDonald, und. MIbs Muriel Humpton sang a vocal solo. "The l''amlnc" from , Hiawatha was given by Miss Kstlierl Motanic, and Super intendent H. K. Inlow gave the ud-di-esB of welcome. Mrs. Hlggins and Mra. Hill made snort tnlKs. lOKKlCKUS ARK CHOSEN. . Mrs. Lottie Long was chosen lucs- ident of I ho Hawthorne l'arent Tea cher association ut a meeting In tho school building yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Hum Nelson was chosen vice- president; Mrs, J. L. Krankuni, treas urer; Miss Agnes Carter, iiccretary. and Mrs, It. A. Hottcher. rcm-esen. tullvo to the couneik This iiiecting marked the close of the year. Mrs. W. It. Wyrlck and Mrs. John 1'cebler gave interesting reports, of file natlonul convention tit Tacoma Inst week, where Pendleton hud the largest representation In the state, outside of Portland. The boys bund played a number of selections. und n committee consisting of Mrs. J. L. Krankuni and Mrs. John I'eeb ler served refreshments to tho boys at the close bf the meeting. Hostess es for the afternoon were Mrs. C. J. Wilson, Mrs. Oertrudo Nash, Mrs. Wegner, .Mrs. Oerlrudo Ktoner, .Mrs. Ciriiee Sinner, Mrs. Walters and' Mrs. Guilder Terjeson. CXtSIVB HIT NOT EXPENSIVE! Work's Washing Machine Soap t'KF.lTl J T.Y TI1F. M AkK.KS OF Wr.KK'S tlU OIL SJAH I "It din's the work quickly: makes the clothes' very white; ami huves machine cki'n." Mrs. T. C. Heesr. Milton, Oregon. "1 neer hud any thing that would do so much work and go so far a 'your Washing Mucltine Soap." Mrs. I'aine. Athtna. Oregon. . .' "llcing out of a certain chipped soap 1 took a chance with Wcrk's Ua-liliiK IIim-IiIiip Soup on three wool sweat ers and a child's wool coat. They came through the wash soft as the day they left the store shelf. I am delightfully surprised." Mrs. Jos. Talbot, Louden Station, Walla Walla. J Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Three Thoncs 28. Only One Quality, the Best New for Him PRE WAR PRICES Anyone Having Dandruff or Itching Scalp FOR THE HAIR AND SCALP Youth Craft A Positive Remedy for Dandruff and Itching Scalp We sell YOUTH CRAFT HAIR AND SCALP I 8 Zi Ttn-m-vtr inciAtitrrrj riiKtiAxtTun ft Jf not entirely satisfied return the empty bottle B and money will be refunded. 2 Tl YOUTH CRAFT SELLS AT $1.00 PER BOTTLE mm d i E a "Try the drug atore firit" f Phone 520 Pendleton, Oregon 5 4 ! HICCKI'TKiN j,s KXJOYKi.) A reception ut which liev. Krunklln Hilling, new imstor of the Haptist I'luifch, and Mrs. Hullng, were honor ed, 'was held last evening at the rhiirch, For the prngram, the high school orchestra gave numbers, Grace Muson gave a recitation and Will I'en land sang several solos. W. W. Hur rah welcomed thc'ucw pastor and llov. Hilling res)ioiiiled. TO VISIT HELIX The local chapter of the Women's Clirlstlun Temperance I'nion will be guests or the Helix union next Tues day. They will motor to Hie nelh borlng . town and will be entertained with a program of speelul merit. CLI'll TO MICKT Hie Splznerlnkliini Cluli will meet on iMonday at the home of Mrs. A, T. Perkins, Si; Italey street wit li Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Hales, Mrs. Kd wards. Mrs. ('rcwwcll and Mrs. Shepherd us hostesses, MKS MA ItSH HAS (H'lCST Mrs. Chillies H. Marsh has as lnr, house guest Mrs, Stephen Cm-hurt, of Mnplelnn, Iowa. Mrs. Carliait ' will I vw:t t uie Marsh home for the next month, . UEItK KItOM ATHKXA Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Iutp from Atlu'im today. I' "1 v K L . -ism ty utltnntas '111 M Simple, but Effective. 1 och v v 3ii Frocks . . They are made of good quality ' gingham and voiles. These dresse? are attractively trimmed with organdy or appli-i que work and are the newest styles. They are popular dresses for summer and are priced ' for an immediate sell ing, $7.95 to $15.00. MISS UKAV TO ASSIST Miss Louise Gray, formerly of Pen-jj dleton, now of Portland, is prominent .A nmong the Cht Omega members whOJi are assisting at the sorority's curdIC party today at the Portland Hotel. Riding in a baby carriage is noth ing in the young life of your baby but It ii for Russel Klneley. Nellie vllle. Wig., for hie mother eaye he'i thp flrst Winnebago papoose to ride in one. MRS. JOHNS HAS lil'KSTS. Mrs. James Johns, Jr., has as her guests her sister. Mis. M. F. Thomas, of Portland, und her children, Hen- uta, Orover and .luck. For the pleas ure of the youngsters'. Mrs. Johns Js entertaining this afternoon with a children's parly at her home. JHIS. M'KWlSN VISITS Mrs. Ralph McKwcn, of Atlfcna was a guest yesterday of Mrs. Edith G. Vun Benson. She allonded the play "The Happy Day," given by the ineniliers of the Current I ltcruturu Club, MRS. WK1.I.S AT HOMK. Jlrs. T. H. Wells, who lias been ill at St. Anthony's hospital, Is now at the home of her daughter, Mrs. I. I'. Temple, She Is convalescing. MRS, WILCOX HBUE Mrs. Jl. H. Wilcox, formerly of Pen dleton, Is n visitor In the city. She la Hie guesl of Mrs. Fled ItroH'n und will visit other friends also. 1 We're As Near As Your Phone You can rely on our service to be faultless, whether your order is phoned or you come here to choose for yourself. We consider phone orders for meats, etc., a matter of trust and acknowledge it by filling the order in a manner most satisfactory to you. If it is not convenient to come, prone your next meat order. THE TABLE SUPPLY CASH STORE 739 Main Street Phone 187 CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor. M WORKING GIRLS LOOK HERE Read What Mrs. Lucas Writes Con cerning Her Troubles, Which Hay be Just Like Yours St. Louis. Mo. "' hud trnnhlna that all women aro apt tc '..ive, with pains in tny back, weak, tired. nervous leeiings nnd a weak stomach. 1 had boon this way about a vcar nnd wns unulilo "to work or 'stand on my feet for any leneth of tiuic. My husband's aunt told mc how much good Lydia E. Pink ham's Ve (rotable Compound had done j iv, bo i am. aii my pains ana weak ncss arc Rone, my stomach is all right and I do my work at home and also work for Swift's Packing Company. I recom mend your Vegetable Compound to my friends and you may publish my letter as a testimonial." Mrs. Lulu Lucas, 719A Vandoventcr St., St. Louis, Mo. Again and again ono woman tells an other of the merit of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, You who work must keep yourself ftrong and well. You can't work if vou re suffering from such troubles. Mrs. Lucas couldn't She tried our Vegeta ble Compound and her letter tells you what it did for her. Give Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a fair tricl ( aril of Tli u n U We wish to thank our ninny friend a for tlicir kiiiiliMipsn during the tdeknes and :di iilli of o'li- lielnved rather. Also for the many beautiful floral offer ings. HKADY' HOWDYailELL AND FAMILY : XKTTIK TKMF'LK AM) FAMILY liULLH CAItdll.L AND FAMILY , XKI.L1K TBJ5XKY AXD FAMILY imiiiimmmiimnl 1.-1 f .s Another j j tha."r0t.Scott- fl"hter ot TIRES Husky, Well-Built Empire CULP-PLAN Tires High Quality-Low Cost (These Prices Include War Tax) Non-Skid s- Fabric 30x3 Clin. $8.25 30x31. Clin. .... 9.25 32x3 SS 14.85 31x4.. Clin 16.55 32x4 SS 19.35 33x4 .'.20.30 34x4 20.80 Non-Skid Cord 30x3 Clin 30x31;. SS 14.50 31x4 Clin 14.50 32x31, SS 19.75 -31x4 Clin 22.80 32x4 SS ...... . 25.10 33x4 25.90 34x4 ......... 26.55 32x4 Va .. 32.45 ,33x412 33.20 34x41. '34.00 35x4 35.05 36x4 6.75 33x5 40.40 35x5 42.45 37x5 44.65 Western Auto Co Inc. TOM SWEAIUAGEX, Mgr. t'oilonwood mill Wutor 8t. I'lione ";io IS 5 SEIBERLING "A Tire That Will be Known Everywhere.". SEIBERLINGr COEDS are as good as the best ma terials and human skill can make them. ' 30x3 1-2 CLINCHER CORD $12.50 Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 PENDLETON OREGON IT HAS BEEN POINTED , : out to more than one autoist, that the Firestone tire is sold strictly on its merits. For endurance it is unques tionably supreme. Not only that is it one of the trimest tires on the market, but price, though reasonable, is a . small item when one takes into consideration t its com-,' ,bined service, reputation and the pleasure you'll get; out of its use. , . ' , , For Your Vulcanizing You will find our plant about the most up-to-date and best equipped in the city. ' Do not throw away the old tires bring them to us. nil . , v.. .HERE'S RIAL it? ti i:ni-h louC of birud niiido In thlH liukot-y i inil I'iiihI. Jt Ik Mitlsr. Iiik and or Mib-Umtlul food auIiii- us well. tin- bmul (hut will always imike ou fwl us If tlie niciil lm Ih-i-ii n Impiiy oiif. Order It. Pendleton Baking Co. : :!H ,:Pl;ft LI I H'''iH '1 . - M . liwin Urn : tD fflllppj!' V; If f V If lU? BUH I jl I You do not buy a refrigerator ' but j ou do buy the service Ntliut a Rood rtfrigerutor n-ndcrs. ' - " , . Buy the Automatic Crawford Furniture Co. Your .Credit is Good. Your Old Furniture Taken in Exchange for New ItS E. Court Street Phone 4 PendletOB, Oregoa 1- -rae of th. ZL'Z ,.P0'!1W now. - - - w H All LIC3. . mrm.:m m mm.:m u