r, TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 20. 1922. PAGE THREE News Notes of Pendleton l ciial. The honor roll u a new there will in addition be discussed ALEX DA II OP EVENTS Jftuiure last year, this being the sec- n organization of growers, whose to June $ Commencement at .uid year it was In effect. (aim will be the marketing of " Pendleton High School . j potato surplus. No attempt at pool- May IS, IS, 14 Northwest !iuuml Over to Jury. ling will be made but grading meth- Trap Snoot. Leo Fix and Mrs. Eva I. late, jotts and the use or stanctara con- May II Eastern Oregon Track icharced with maintaining a nuisance j miners, boxes and sacks will be dis- Meet June IS, 11 and IT Annual state convention of Spanish Am erican War Veterans, Women- ' nished bail bf Serpent. May iZ District Convention United Artisans. September 21, H, tl, Hound- Cp. and with the possession, of liquor, .cussed, ihave been bound over to the grand j concern Jury bv the federal court. They fur- '.Hon "of Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones, 526 Other Depts. 78-79 PENDLETON'S LEADING STORK Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones, 52G Other Depts. 78-79 i; A larjre fruit and vegetable has already signified inten-j handling the Hermiston 1500. Harry Adams. -tubers. harirprt witH the sale of liquor, was i dismissed by the court. - i Parents of Daughter. .ir; ami .Mrs. n. .ucintosn are wit- Potato Dugs Prevalent. parents of a baby girl born last Potato bugs are doing some am-nlBnt They reside at 505 Spruce age to the crop in the west end of .street. Hvlrpatricfc Fined. the county, saya Fred Bennion. coun- 1 ty agent, and Indications are that jco to Shrine Meeting. less steps- are taken. the second The bug Herman.' Suhl. Charles Tlelts. Finis Kirkpatrlck was fined $5 this brood will be very larsre. The buKW,..,-. rCtrnrter and John Hale morning in police court atter plead- ,w the toioraao oug wmun """" lett thi, afternoon for Walla Walla ing guuty to a cnarge 01 speeoing. damage in v-uiuiu, i j Montana and which has recently PnnHrvMMiir Tnnlirlil. : mnrir its wav to the Northwest. It A poultry meeting is to be held was found in the west end ot .tne -tonight at olln. Fred Bennion. ; county last year also. On Tuesday troiintv nirenL will address nnultrv in meeting will be held in Hermis- . ton's library at 1:15 for discussion growers. to attend a Shrine ceremonial, the work being put on by the Spokane temple. of control measures. For large acreages a spray Is used and for Election Night Ouict. . ' ". Election was marked by Its sere- ismall, a dusting process. Lead ame nity last night. N'ot an arrest was nate. Mr. Hennion states. Is the made and there were no cases In police court this morning. cheapest by the pound when used for the process but contains only IS to IT percent of arsenus oxide. Zinc- orming Honor Roll. ' arsenite and calcium arsenate con- J An honor roil, containing the 'tain 42 percent while Paris green inames of the ten members of this contains SO. Three or four pounds year's graduating class of the Pert-'of lead arsenate, Mr. Bennion states, dletoiv high school ,who make the should be used to 100 gallons of wa kighest grades. Is being comniled In ter while one pound of Paris green the office of Austin Landreth. prin- is used. At the Hermiston meeting 1 .SIS-il JL. k " Shunmay Is Elected.. At a meeting of the Oregon Co-operative Grain Growers held- yesterday 'afternoon at the county library A. R. Shumway was elected as district dele gate to the board ot slate directors to serve for1 one year. Ho was opposed in the election by A. G. Buholts of Pilot Rock. A 101- I -loi-ioii 01101-; oi loi-ioi-ioi- You Get ADDED FLAVOR and NOURISHMENT When you buy theBetter Goods The two things that make for added value. . "THERE IS BUT ONE "0NE-O-0NE" 1 QUALITY AND SERVICE." Pendleton Cash (Met INCORPORATED. 301 E. Court Stfl r GROCERIES AND MEATS Phones 101. Private exchange connects you with , :' both departments. ' '-I0I XOl-TOtr-TOI XOI-IOI-TlOI-lOI T0I Alt Open Sunday. The Alta thqater will be open Sun day and the Arcade will be 'closed for the one diiy, according to a state ment made by Guy Matlock today. McElroy's orchestra will furnish the music. Beginning Monday and for the rest of the week the Arcade will be open again as usual. - Ross Is Delegate. M. A. Ross is one of the Pendleton delegates to the grand lodge conven tion of Odd Fellows which will be held next week at Eugene. His name was not included In the list publish ed by the East Oregonian yesterday. The delegates will leave here in care Sunday morning at S o'clock. Buy 80 Acres. Eighty acres of rich reservation wheat land have been bought by Thomas Thompson and his son, Jim Thompson, through E. T. Wade, lo cal real estate dealer. The land, formerly owned by Albert Mlnthorn, djolns other land owned by Mr. Thompson and his son. The land Is In crop. To Attend Convention. I Adjutant and Mrs. C. A. "-Peterson, in charge of the Salvation Army work In Pendleton, will leave this evening for Portland where they will attend the state convention for young peo ple to be held there. They will be gone for several days and will attend to business matters pertaining . to their work while In Portland. True Economy Says Buy the best even though you have to pay a slight mar gin over inferior products OREGON E AND CAMP RE BRAND Hams Bacon and Lard Are all that a meat food pro duct could . be. Our smoked meats are placed on the mar ket when properly cured. We do not carry any old stock. Pendleton Ming Provision Co. S In Our Man's Store We give PREFERENCE TO QUALITY when a slight addition to cost insures a substantial increase in service. You'll like the styles, you'll like the values, you'll like the prices. 4 FINER SPRING SUITS Tailored at Fashion Park t - $40.00 We're selling "value first not "price." For price alone means nothing. Ifa value that counts good' quality; good tailoring:- good style. And all these essentials are strongly emphasised In these fine suits. More than that, every style, weave and color you could possibly want Is here to choose from. , Athletic Union Suits in All Materials and Sizes C. E. Jefferson to Compete. C. . Jefferson, instructor at the Pendleton Golf Club, will leave next Saturday for Seattle,, to compete in golf tournament to be new June under the auspices oV the Pacific Northwest Professional Golfers' As sociation. , Ho received the announce ment that trophies will bo offered for low gross 72 hols; low net 72 holes; low gross 36 holes and low net 36 holes. Team to Play. The IT. S. A. baseball team, made up of players who reside In Despaln Gulch, and formerly the Central Players, will play Weston at Weston on Sunday,' says their manager, Hen ry Molstrom, who m here today. Last Sunday they defeated the Pendloton Woodmen at Athena by a score of 16 to 7, They challenge any team In the county to play; Ernest liar gett is captain of the nine. 1 Pythian Sister Iieadcr Here. - To determine the advisability of instituting a temple of the Pythian Sisters in' Pendleton is the purpose of a visit of Mrs. Ella G. Wortman of Medford, Oregon, grand chief of the Pythian Sisters of Oregon. She arrived yesterday evening from Spo kane where she attended the grand temple sessions of the neighboring state. While here Mrs. Wortman Is making an inspection of the order in other parts of the county. Scholarship Cup Bought. The freshman class of the Pendle ton high school has bought a scholar ship cup which will follow the class during the next three years of high school. Each semester, the nnmo of the boy and girl who makes tre best grades and who are approved by the faculty as the best type of student will be engraved on the cup. The idea Is a new one but It is hoped that other freshmen classes will fol low the example of the class of 1926, Peggy's Latest ft fir) j j ' Tola photo of Peggy Joyce, light hearted and enjoying a clgaret, w akea la front of the CU ridge, Paris,, Just week befora William Erra-l curls committed sulckle hacaui of ' bit JUm!fted to? (or Jbcr. NEWEST SUMMER SHIRTS Both Good Looking and Good Wearing in a Special Offering.1 $2.50 - With the coming of warmer weath er (when your coat comes off a good part of the time)! you'll need plenty of good-looking, good wearing shirts and here's your chance to stock up. For these shirts are unusual values finely tailored; full cut; of good quality Madras and Russian Cords, in a variety of attractive pat terns and colorings. .- 1 V its! Florsheim Shoes An assortment of the new styles for the season arc now rcody. A better selection of fine shoemak ing wjill be hard to find anywhere. The1 present low price makes Tlorsheim values higher than (ever before. Ten Dollars $11.00 and $12.00 ( QUALITY STRAW HATS "Straws" that Show Which ' Way the Wind of Fashion Blows ..-!, , $3.50 6.00 . If you prefer the popular "Yacht",, style, you'll find a big collection here to choose from Sonnits. fancy rough' Straws and split braids;. In' natural color or bleached; cither flexible! or , stiff brims In Just the proper dimen sions to suit you. And If your taste runs to Soft Btraws, there are Leghorns.' Bang kok, Panamas and Balibuntnls in all the different new shapes and sizes. -Xot ordinary "Straws" by nny means, but Hats of superior qutllty ind style-merit. I FOR THE MAN E5 1? 1 -II Sf"" ,1 ..' - . i - -. . . , j , , , ' ,-,...,...,.. .. 'A WHO CARES H. L SIMPSON CHOSEN" AS CLUB DIRECTOR H. L. Simpson of the Simpson Auto Co. was last night chosen as director of the Pendleton Commercial club succeeding Will H, Bennett who re signed because of leaving the city. During the evening members of the association met at dinner In the Elks club and devoting several hours to a program and to listening, to election returns. Music was furnished by a vocal tro and as a comedy stunt the "Governor's Tablo" was Improvised. Fred Btetwer, Harold Warner, James H. Estes, Tom Murphy, IX. K. Chlou pek, Fred Bennion and Bert Jerard were the gubernatorial characters lu burlesque. , Under the subject of local affairs James Johns discussed the plans for Happy Canyon, Dr. M. B. Kern, the coming summer normal and Mayor Hartman the auto camp park. The election returns received and flashed on Main street by the East Oregonian were carried to the hall by messenger and read to the crowd. An attempt was made to secure news bv radio but it did not work successfully, COMING TO PENDLETON Dr. Ittti ' ' SPECIALIST In Internal Medicine for past eleven leant. tho Slow down and keep to the right as you come to the crest of a hill. ' - Don t dispute the crossing with a railroad train. What's tho hurry? Don't dash by street cars as they are about to stop. TOO LATE JO CLASSIFY A FOR KNT Furnished . Aptflr. Aura St., phone S89-W. 301 FOR RENT S room furnished mod - ern bungalow Call "05 Wilson near Cirfleld St. ' ' NOTICE A. meeting Monday next. M. degree. Two otltslde lodges will be M. Special Work in M. & K next. mrtside represented nnd a good attftidanco is desired. By order of W,' M. DOES NOT OPEIUTE ' Will be at ST. GEORGE HOTEL, , THURSDAY, JUNE 1ST. Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. ill. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge fur Consultation Tourist Fares ; East . FOR SALE Small house, north sld, cheap. S room bungalow,, north side. Several Jots considered a snap. Large house to 4-xc.hnnge for smaller one. Small tract close In, cheap. He ifiire Insure. Funk & McLean, Pen dleton hotel building. Dr. Mcllenthln Is a regular gradu ate In medicine andsstirgery and is licensed by the stuts of Oregon. ' He visits professionally the more Im portant towns and cities and offers to all who cull on this trip free consul tation, except the expense of treat, incut when desired. .'.'..,. " According to -his method of treat ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones,' . ulcers , of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re. suits In diseases of the stomach, liver. bowels; blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. If you have been ailing; for any length of time- and do not get any better, do not full to call, as Impro per measures rather than disease are very often the cause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that consul tation on this trip will l freo and that his treatment Is different. Married women must be accom panied y thr Ir" hisbands. Address. 33 Boston Block, Minne apolis, Minn. . ' ; Lower Than Ever , THIS SUMMER Round-trip tickets routed over the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM returning same or by any direct line Salt Lake City $46.78 St. Louis ... Denver ....1... 64.00 i Cincinnati .. Kansas City . . . . 7.0 ! Philadelphia Omuha ,-. T.00 New York Chicago 81.00 IlotiWm....... To other cities In proportion. .. 73.00 ., 101.30 ,. 139.05 .. 142.40 ., 154.50 Ticket Sales begin May 2 Sand continue DAILY till v August ' 31st. j Return limit October 31st. ' ' ' THROUGH SERVICE : Oregon-Washington Limited j Continental Limited IMPORTANT "PACTS The I'nlon Paclfio operats the only TH BOTCH SOLID TRAIN betwt-ue Portland and Chicago. Every foot of the track Is. protected by AUTOMATIC SAFETY SIGNALS. Equipment Is the best in the transportation world. Dining car service the very maximum of huinnn skill and art The service . as a'whole represents the supreme effort of the management to please and'satlsfy putrons. , -. . ; Call our City Passenger Agent when you are ready to go and he will do the rest. Your reservations will be made and your ticket delivered promptly without a moment's trouble or delay. , i-. ; F. D. HALL, Agent ' Wuj, McMiirray, Oenernl Passenger Agent T3 I