i - f.i..l. .'' ikiltii EIGHT PAGES FACE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREQDNIAIT, PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1922. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE 0 Special News of Umatilla Co. ; 5 VCS fcST T. I'D iir. TO Borrow yv gor. fot$ ; i "U 7, .Ml, H (East Oreeon'an Frpcial.) RIETH, May . Mr. Earl Zoh rtinie motored to Pendl'-lon Thursday afternoon. R. F. Frailer of Fendlelon was In Rlrth. wie day this wwlc on business connected with tho Metropolitan ln surare Co, for which ho is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck of rent'.le ton. spent Thursday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrx W. W. Bnider. Miss Fay Clark and CUrenco Snid er were the only Rlcrth high school students to attend the school boys' hand concert Thursday night. They ' enjoyed tho program very much. Mrs. Hatfield returned to her homo from the hospital Thrusday evening with her Infant daughter, who was , born April 26th. ' J. C. Lanuley went to Walla Walla Thursday -to the hospital where ho Killed tourist trade, unless will undergo a minor operation which have smokelpx summers, t will confine him to the hovpit&l for a couple vt weeks. Mrs. Fred l'eters spent Wednesday afternoon in rcmlieion i-ioip'.ii-. Hen Herr has 71 very tore hand as a result of an Injury he sustained at school one day this ireex. . Mr. Cash Powell of Pendleton, for an employs rf the 0. W. K. A X. Co. here, has taken , position with the Metropolitan Insurance Co. end i in Rieth Thnrsday.' A. Parks Is on the sick list this week and is unable to be at his work. Harrison Half Itld . received one hundred day old white Leghorn chicks from Seattle Friday morning. Mrs. frank Hart and bmhles were in Pendleton lost Sfiturdny for a visit with her mother, Mrs. C. O. Morgan. Mrs. Joe Swart returned to her home In Tekoa, Wash., a week or so ago. . Fred Wlndrey has purchased lum ber to build a three roomed hounr and he will start construction of It Immediately. It will be built in Mar guerite grove. CUSS HOLDS PICNIC : N TS RtPAjf SHOP THE OLD HOMETOWN By Stanley ; . .. '.. - ' ytr ..I J jMHT MARTHA , p) F A NUMBER OF OUR CITIZENS VISITED . r3tV THE FAMOUS PROR TAHAZ7 A, tOCATEO MTS V'4y IN THB PUP-BtX)CK ON MAIN ST r turn uregonian epeciai.) i ATHENA. Matt Mr onrf N ; Charles Dudley and W. C. Emmel re-' turiied Wednesday from a business! trip to Portland. , Charles May of 'Weston mountain w-as a business visitor In Athena Tues day. Miss Areta Barrett and Mrs. Elmer Merrltt were visitors in Walla Wulla Monday. The senior class of Athena high school, Mr. Had ley and a few of the other students went on a picnic up the Walla Walla river Tuesday. A few members of the party were successful In fishing and every one had a most enjoyable time. Miss Mildred Winship of Salrtn Is visiting friends and relatives In Athena. Miss Mottle Coppock, who has been 111 nt her home in Athena, is . now nt College Plnce. Mrs. Hugh Worthington of Pendle ton was In the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mclntyre visit ed at Weston Sunday. I f find Uh t n i . 1- - . . ' Ain. n. x. t,Uipui'K VIHliea at College Place Sunday. TOM With slight variation the magnet ways points to the North, that is why the compass Is one of the most valued instru ments for seamen, timber-cruisers, sur veyors, builders, flyers, explorers; it en ables them to find the ' correct direction, day or night. The Savings Account is much like the compass, for it unfailingly points in one direction, that of financial independence. You can have a Savings Account of your own in this dependable bank. One Dollar or more starts one. TheAmericanNatiohalBank Pendleton. Oregon. J3 Ytars Of Continuous fitnklnjf. (Rant Oregonian Special.) I1EUX. May 8. Rohenrsals have begun on the high school play, "Dea con Dubbs" Second Wife," which will be glvon In the near futiiro. Helix friends of Randolph Conk are pleaded to note thnt he Is making good In athletics at the University of Oregon, being recently chosen catcher on the freshmnn baseball team. Mrs. 8. K. Doolln of Walla Walla had ns her guests lust week, her parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. Orlswold. Miss Mia Ault, teacher In tho local j nmn scnooi nas returned from a visit at Enterprise. Hell friends have received an nouncement of the nrrlval of a son to Mr. and Mrs. T. Trondson of Nan cotla. Wash. Mrs. Trondson will be remembered here ns Miss Elizabeth Morehead a formor Helix high school teacher. X Tho Helix bnxohall Wm defeated Weston on the locnl field Sunday. Dr. Frank Moytlen of Pendloton was a professional visitor hero tho first of tho week. Mrs. Minnie Walker has returned to her homo near Helix. She has been a patient for thepast few weeks at St. Mnrys Hospital,' Walla Wulla. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oswold and children wero Pendleton visitors Wed nesday. Jonies Thomas has arrived from Portland and is attain salesman Jn tho J. H. Thomas store. County School Supt. W. W. Cliocn was a visitor in Helix Inst week. Mr. anil Mrs. T'dnpy Richardson are receiving contiriitiilittioiis on tho arri val of a son. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Smith have re- turned from sovernl days spent in He nttlc. . Claud Morrison left Thursday for Portland -where he will visit with his parents. His father M. I Morrison, promlmmt .resident of Helix Is a pa tient In St. Vincent's Hospital. Recent visitors, at the W. E. Potts homo were Mr. and Mrs. Will Me. Ijcnn, Sirs. Alloc Harrows and Mrs. H. Met.ean of Wnlla Walla. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Penland were visitors In Walla. Walla Saturday and attended the baseball game between 1'iilvernity of Oregon and Whitman College. Mr. and Mrs. Lalchor N'orvell are visitors In Spokane. Howard Vlnlng who has been local .V. P. agent here for some time has been transferred to Toppenlsh, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mclntyre and daughter Adelyn wero week end visit ors In Portland. They traveled by auto . and report the highway In splendid condition. . The Merry Go Round Club was de lightfully entertained Wednesday afternoon nt the home of Mrs. J. R. I Thomas. A dainty luncheon was serv- j ed by tho hostess aa-.isted by Mrs. Chas. Alspueh. I Fred llleakney,, Forrest Rothrock ! and Francis Ueuallen were Adams ! visitors here Tuesday. ' j Dr. and Mrs. W. H. McKinney of I Weston were visiting Helix friends Wednesday., j Mel'vtn ' Rickel of The Dalles is a ! visitor nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. ! W. Es Potts' near Hel:x. Mr.' nnd 'Mrs. J. S. Anderson and Kdgtit Xnrll were visitors in Uma pine Sunday. Those, attending the concert given by the United Bchoolhoys- Rank of Pendleton at tho Rivoll Theatre Thursday (evening -were Mrs. Bessie Reese and-children, Illaln Alspach, Kathoryn Melntyro and Wanda Al spueh. Mrs. Thomas nhnrmley nnd small son ure visiting Jn Portland. OFFICE CAT (r ' BY JUNIUS Satisfies the sweet tooth, and aids appetite and digestion. - Cleanses mouth and teeth,' A great boon to sniokers, relieviug hot, dry month. Combines pleasure, and benefit. - Dont miss the joy of the new WSiGLEY'S P-K-the sugar coated peppermint tid bit! Savo . tho j wrappers I Good for valuable " i Our Idea of the absolute lero in suiciding ig dying because Peggy Joyce had refused one's hand In marriage, .now If l eggy unr. ,m:l "yes to the young French attache Ah Mon Dlcu tr roper ze Seine, ze pistol, ze car bolic acid, ze bushel of dynamite we would recommend them all. IS (Bast 'Oregonlnn Special.) " UMATII-UA. Muy 8. The school board last Friday finished signing the contracts, with the teachers for the next year. There will be seven teach ers in the school next year, Harold R. Heiljaniliie, supt.; Mis Edith I,. I'irK high school principal; Miss. Maple Dell Moore, high school assistant; grade teachers nro Miss Hilda Larson, sev enth and eighth grades; Miss Jessie Jenks, fifth and sixth grades; Mrs. Daisy 8tophenson of Monmouth, third and fourth grades, and Miss Abble I,. Hnnsiill of llwuco. Wash., primary teacher. i ncio snm has tried government control of nenrU- nil nnhllri ntlllHoo eXCCOtinff. r,r course. Ihe hAnt ni.lpnl With the opening of the baseball season we are tigaln confronted with the 1,00,00 tokes about the office boy's dead grandmother. ' Fires destroy, forests produce. Save tho forests. ' A novel guy ; 'f Is Jerry Black, 7' He borrowed five And paid It Wk. The only time when Its good to be at the bottom of the ladder is-hen Is breaks. Trouble Afoot Said the'shoe to the stocking: : "I'll rub a hole In yon." Said the--stocking to the shoe "I'll be darned If you do." ion are cnrerui with fire in the woods. Help teach others. 1 Mr. I. M. Right They came to look and bought This is usually the case at this store for one who really wants val ues will find them here at the store where quality counts most.- DOINGS OF THE DUFFS HAD IT BEEN ANYBODY BUT THE BOSS. EL v 1 M BOSS. HOW WOULD vou LIKE TO CALL IT A DAV? I'VE GOT TWO BOX SEATS FO THE BAIL SAME! r. By Allmar. G(?EAT 5C0TT. I HAVEN'T got the Tickets I CHANGED MV SUIT THIS MORNING AND FORGOT- TO TAKE THEM OUT COME OK HAVE MV ' car cot ik front; and we cam stop ; for Them 1 ; IV ' SPLENDID IDEA' M-TI r VlwoH., M r 5IT Tl&Wr- WE'LL MAKE T ALLPIGHT Tom! f CHJJIKSWINK & HAMPTON 124-28 E. Webb" "Ci Q Phone 64 Toor OI4 Furniture Taken In Exchange u Pirt Paymcut nn New Rmhisrr Agents In IVmlktoii for MoDounll Kitchen Ci bluets " HELEN, WHERE IS THAT SUIT I HAD ON YE5TER0AV? I WANT TO 6ET SOMETHINS OUT OF IT- a I SENT IT TO THE CLEANERS THIS MORNING! ARE SOU GOING Y . 4v f - TO STOP AT - ' w V1 I , , . pf ' MVHOOSE.BOS3 -I J '- - " ORARE WE GOING . ' ' Itey-jftl STRAIGHT TO THE VVuTN ( " J K'X i J -':-i' 1 FITHIAN WILL DEFEAT WILLIAMS VOTERS WANT LIVE COMMITTEEMAN i 1 . ...... 1 'V VOTK FOU OJ. lt-pul)lk-nn Cnndidqto For ', i-t.. v. I0NAL ON MAY 10 O. H. KITH IAN PORTLAND, TOO, IS FOR FITHIAN KF.ITBLICAXS ALL OVF.R THE STATK ARE GETTING REI)T TO VOTi:'ON MAY 1 TO KLF.CT O. II. FITHIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN. INSTEAD OF RALPH K. WILLIAMS, WHQ HAS HAD THE JOB TOO LONG. V 'v 1 PORTLAND DAILY NEWS SAYS: - ' ' 1 "It is a refreshing and healthy sign when a busy and successful man takes off his coat and runs for an office that is salary-less and of dubious honor.- . ' ' "Such a man is 0. H. FITHIAN, wholesale shoe mer chant, candidate for the office of Republican National: committeeman. He is opposing Ralph E. Williams, who has served since 1908. Originally Williams was a Demo, crat. . . ' y i -A i "Fithian is the head of the Fithian Barker Shofc Co.; Portland. It is literally true this time that; 'he office Portland. It is literally true this time that (the office MORNING OREGONIAN SAYS:. "That FITHIAN-has organized a strong campaig and is conducting a vigorous battle, is evident to the public and it has undoubtedly caused uneasiness in the Wil liams camp." . , PORTLANiTtELEGRAM SAYS : J ' V 'j-"S "Fithian, although a lifelong worker in the Republican party, has never sought political office. " . ' "Williams is a professional politician who, after serv-, ing 14 years as national committeeman, wants, still an- other term. 1 - ' - .; . . " ... :'t ' j "In the 1912 national convention Williams was, an tagonistic to Theodore Roosevelt, despite the fact that the Oregon delegation was- pledged to the great. Ameri can. ' x'",:! '? v; "Fithian promises to work in harmony with Oregon'B delegation in Congress. . ; i , " "Williams has never worked in harmony with the delegation." ' '; "'' ."v f FITHIAN CLUB (Told Adv.) By Chas. T. Early;, President ' , Robt. G. McNary, Secretary,' " Chas. W. Eberlein, Treasurer , y , i ;- 1